《The Interconnectedness of Knowledge》Building a Foundation to Understanding[Part 2]


As slowly integrate this states to become one with himself, he will slowly become more human than any other human that will live or ever live. Because will he'll be willing to guide humanity to his truest potential and what it can do without his interferance after teaching them regardless whether or not they adhere to his teachings to better themselves or just live their lives like they want to just as free will be intended.

But he won't be forcing them to listen or do his bidding, no, he will only search people who has the potential to have a ripple effect to the world for the better and the people who tempers it to make people strive to be better not just in general but in morality to. Because he knows that too much of one thing can develop things that has severe affects that could last centuries or even millieniums to rectify or even undo. So as to keep a balance of improving not perfecting but improving whilst being tempered by hardship that everybody will agree to work with in each sucessive generations to come. To be honest there is a lot of moral, spiritual, physical, emotional implications that could hurt individuals like dumbledore would like to harry, but I let them know the actions they're going to take so that they could grow and be tempered by the events that will come and experience for them. So let's start with the emotional developement to be understanding of his own emotions to find his truest sense of self to make himself strong and understand his own emotions to events that will be torn be ordinary people who have normal emotional strength but his own emotional strength is greater than batman's will, because he understands his own emotion without masking his facade so that people and himself will see that he's not being broken by the events that will break him from before such experience. To make things easier for him to handle and experience his powers, he converts them into a numerical data in a form of a status screen.


NAME; Emil Leandro B. Guarina AGE; 24

PWR; 6 VIT; 4.5 DEX; 4 INT; 6.5 WIS; 4.9 SP; 4.8

Skills; Trancendant Connection[Sealed/Not Met Conditions], HyperTuition[Sealed/Not Met Conditions], Intuitive Aptitude[Sealed/Not Met Conditions], Instilled Knowledge[Sealed/Not Met Conditions], Neuro-Psychic Knowledge[Sealed/Not Met Conditions], Encylopedic Knowledge[Sealed/Not Met Condiotions], Akashic Plane Connection[Seal/Not Met Conditons], Knowledge Embodiement[Sealed/Not Met Conditions], Indomitable Emotions[Sealed/Not Met Conditions], Omnilegence[Sealed/Not Met Conditions], Literary Manipulations[Sealed/Not Met Conditions], Memorization 1, Intuition 1, Emotion Regulation 0.1, Self Awareness 1, Introspective 1, Tae-kwon do 1.4, Karate-do 1.2, Cognitive Adaption 0.9,

Passives; Emotionally Sensitive 2, Reality Perception 1.2, Indifferently Induced[Self] 2 etc.

Desc; a person who has seen reality for what it is, sees the obvious things that people ignore the reality they are living, willing to be humble, to be connected to the knowledge plane of existence[Akashic Records], to help himself to grow, not to become a better person so that he will experience the hardships and trials he will go through to make his awareness of such reality to make him invulnerable to any he will accepts to himself, that hurts him emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally. To teach him to how to guide others to make a better future for his world. But not enforce things to people, only lets them see the reality that they ignore for the start.

[Stats of People ; 0-4 Slow and mentally deficient, 5-7 Average level and competent, 8-10 above average and super geniuses

Stats of Skills; 1 normal, 2 proficient, 3 expert, 4 master, 5 limitless]

Conditions To Be Met; must be able to accept the problems that one's have, must accept to live a full life, must be willing to be vulnerable to be stronger in the long run, willing to bear the pain that will come to connect to such knowledge, never be hungry for knowledge but be appreciative of it and thankful to be privilege to such a chance.


Notes; Please be aware that knowledge won't be the thing you need right now but it will test you to be better to receive it's flow of information. Never stop yourself and doubt yourself when you encounter a very hard problem, it doesn't matter how many times you fail as long you have learned and adapt to new knowledge and solve it. Don't let yourself compare others, always compare yourself to your previous self in the past and so on.

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