《The Interconnectedness of Knowledge》Building a Foundation to Understanding [Part 1]


As he continues to refine and optimized the physical aspect of his body, this second version creates another emil to concentrate on the mental aspect. This emil subtely communicates his mind to be able to handle the influx of information that slowly his mind will adapt like a quantum computer, to enable to processes and compress the information he will receive like a internet search engine, but instead of having multiple result it's result are knowledge that can intergrate and apply to his current situation. Not too high to overpower him and overwhelm his personality to be taken over that build a skewed version himself but true version of himself to be able to use it. As encounters a knowledge pertains that he current needs. It's about efficiently makes his mind to form as a some version of library that he could stock his integrated knowledge to effectively make into intuitive knowledge instead of a concious one when he fully understands the applications that could make it as his own. As the knowledge kept streaming in his mind, he slowly makes his mind effectively take in information but it doesn't only knowing the information but comprehend it fully to integrate to his actions. Every singe information feels like a fresh invigorating sensation that keeps his mind in high intensity without sacrificing his mental clarity to intake such an refreshing feeling that he ever remember when learning didn't feel like a chore or torture to his intelligence but a massage on his head when you're in a hair spa or head spa. Through these new information that is being integrated and effectively utilized to his needs, slowly he begins to understand the immensity of such power when one is exposed to such unfiltered information when the one at the receiving end nothing but human that tries to help himself and in turn others in his understanding of his existence in this universe and beyond. Though such information could have just made him go insane, his body can't house such humongous enormity of information to his human body, or even having a fragmented version of himself when it finishes integrating to his mindplane, but it doesn't; just like the flash when he is a but a medium or a conduit to the speedforce, emil is nothing more than vessel to communicate and intergrate his whole entire being to the information.


But it doesn't make him insane or crazy with such knowledge but becomes humbled by it. Because all in his entire life, his nothing but following the flows of things happening in reality whilst not actually proactively creating his own way of life; but he is only subjucated to following the teaching of his parents, siblings, relatives, friends, media, fiction, film, games and any other forms of information. Right now he feels like something just clikced inside of him that felt right, that felt like the first time in his life he feels whole, satisfied and complete. Because through this he now knows how he can help himself to become the person he wants and needs to be and help those who need his guidance. As he goes through a metamorphasis of intellect, emotions, physical and spiritual he slowly integrates himself to be more connected to himself in all levels that is known and unkown to others. In the mindplane, his mind slowly but surely changes its functions to iincorporate the massive amounts of informations that goes through by creating a flitering system that automatically sorts to what sector that system needs to go. As it goes to its sector, it is then reviewed and compiled wtih old or incoming knowledge that will added later on, if the information has any flaws it will be sent to a refining knowledge sector that corrects or renew its knowledge to a more better and efficient one. In other sectors, one is responsible for making the knowledge practical for the user so that, the other secotr that is responsible for trial and error for reality testing to be refined and usable for the user in the long run. In one sector that is responsible for the body with reprogram the body functions according to the efficient way of handling the body properly in a subliminal manner so that the user will focus on other tasks that a more important to him. Like for example the circulatory system will be able to pump more blood in a deep and concise manner, the oxygen will be more potent, the heart muscle will more robust and twice as effective than of a timelord. Or the digestive system will be able to effectively metabolized the intake of what food emil is eating without worrying about being fat or any sort of body defect will come later when there's too much junk food or overeating because its digestion is much more efficient in drawing the nutrients regardless of what kind of food it is, like a saiyan but more effective in handling the massive amounts food emil take without comprimising of paying too much food in his lifetime it is by his choice whether he wants to indulge to be glutton or not. Or how his nervous system is capable of handling faster than light speed information going through his body, the nerves are so tempered to a point that it is hard as tempered diamonds through refinement that's how tough his nervous system is without compromising the integrity and it's efficiency. Or how his skeletal structure is more dense and durable than the toughest materials in the known omniverse, that it's still has it's durability without sacrificing it's flexibility. And in all of these processes is being collected, refined and comprehend by mindplane at point mastery for the user to use without the awkward feeling adjustment just need to train how to utilize it in everyday situations and absurd ones as well.


In his heart world, where all of his emotions are all collected and understood for the betterment of his being, to make him emphatize with the people he is close to and understand their struggles and triumphs through their life. Where he can review and learn new emotions that he tried to ignore before now, to learn to accept it as his own and not be afraid of what it will do to him. Makes him more intuitive to peole who are honest with what they say or do without even thinking about it. Just let's him know their character properly without any prejudice or any malice just knowing their true core being. It also makes him live a life that he is so missing out from the years his been toiling away in his home.

In his spiritual plane, where all of his being exists, where his very core that define who he is, regardless or place, time , reality or any other situation he will be in, it doesn't matter because he will always finds who he is in it's truest form. That's gonna make him stick who he is in his connection to omniscience and not become who he is not.

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