《The Interconnectedness of Knowledge》The Healing [Part 2]


As they finally found out the emotional and mental breaking point, they acknowledges the pain and scars that he wasn't able to heal in the discipline that enact on him. To ensure that he will heal, they suspended his education to fully focused on healing him to healthy and sound mind, his brother knowing him well than any other family member of what he wants and needs consulted him in what he wants than he needs at that time. Emil still in the process of healing himself from the pain, thinks for a moment and decides to go his mother in the americas, because he felt going there was much more understanding than being indifferent to emotional and psychological problems than what he culturaly experience right now. As his father finally realizes the pain and how he hurt his own son based on how he lived in his prime age, while ignoring the emotional needs that his son needs to let him grow to be an independant person.

While Prime Emil healing from the pain that he needs to accept and understand the emotional and mental experience so that he won't be lost from the infinitium of knowledge that he's gonna receive. Emil creates another version of himself to enable him to multitask in what he's gonna do next, learning how to intergrate and apply the knowledge that it applies to his current world without raising suspicion on the actions that he will enact on the world and future.

Let's start by letting him experience the core vibrational frequency that connects to the information realm. Because vibration is omnipresent in all time, space and realities that they emitting. Regardless if the vibration is strong or weak, it doesn't matter if it's in the past, present, future; because everything is connected in someway or another. As he felt the minuscle vibe that he try to connect to his present reality and time, because he has to start small and work his way up to omniscience that he will deserve to be connected to, not own or have, just be thankful have the privilege to have the connection to knowledge. He firstly vibe his own body, on how it truly works, how to heal it properly, how to evolve past it's genetic limitations, but not through force but understanding how to strengthen his gene to evolve past it's genetic deficiencies, how to communicate and understand his body to let it be optimized in healing his scioliosis, allergies, organ efficiencies, genetic abnormalities and efficient way to guide them to goes the limitations that still in the genetic evolution.

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