《The Interconnectedness of Knowledge》The Healing [Part 1]


Now as emil reviews, reflects, and even learns to make sure that this pain, this trauma that should who he is right to be a reminder of why he so fascinated to be connected to information in it's entirety through dimension, realities, universes, time, space and any possible or impossible information that could be or will be known in such manner. Let's start on his beginning days of his earliest memory that he alone could remember. Emil was born in philippines, he was a very sickly kid after he was born, prone to issues that normal children in their infancy to be nuisance to them, can be very deadly to him long run if not treated properly. But bless his parents, though not financial stable in their household, they provided him with enough healthcare that his immunities caught up to fight off the small diseases and viruses that could be very lethal in his adulthood. But it doesn't mean he's out of the woods yet, his younger days as a child, his bodily function is something considered abnormal, like late on set responses of his urinary system, that expels his urine, that should be expeled on 1 to 2 hours of interval to toxins that accumalated in his body. But being young as he is more distracted to things that children usually prevents them from listening their bodily functions in early stage. But his is much more abnormal give or take, because his excretory system usually expels his excrement like 2 or 3 days intervals before he needs to go to the bathroom. It could be quite a hassle to take care of this kind of child of being distracted easily through game and television. At an early age emil's perception of reality as a child has always been indifferent to the events of life, like an aversion of social exposure, lack of proper conduct or even social reportoire that could help him awkward situations that could diffuse such events in his life. That's why at a young age he's more of a physical communicator than a verbal one. Probably in his own subconcious he realized that physical communication is much easier to convey his intents and purpose throughout his lfie until in his adulthood. It was never really addressed early on, because due to cultural differences his family only thought that his actions will die out as he matures in his early teens. And boyoh they were wrong, it actually solidifies his personality today. Lazy, irresponsible, lack of forethought to his actions, subconciously repressing or sealing his memories of early life of emil, because he only looks what's in front of him, not what he could be or what he was. Because the only escape of the mundainty of his lfie, the abuse, the accountability of his actions, the lessons that come along the mistakes of his actions that could make him a better person early on.


Now as he watches those steoreotypical people that has emotional and psychological problems, it desentizes the impact of such problems that he realizes too late to fix and rectify. But it doesn't mean he is ignorant of his own emotions and psychological ineptness that could spiral down to his insanity that he unaware of. No, he is well aware of the damages and crooked growth of his emotions and mental wellness, internally speaking he is willing to change for better, not for his family, friends or anyone else but himself. Because the person that heal emil is himself. I mean he could but was wanting passively for someone to guide him on how living a seemingly normal life. Though not a theapist himself but the brother of emil act a rough guide to be a decent person throughout his teens, though methods to correct the thoughlessness of his actions to others and to himself. Though the result of such training wasn't within expectations of his brother and to himself but at least he grows up to be a decent person not a good one but a decent one. But that wasn't a long term solution to the inconsistencies of his moral, emotional, spiritual and psychological foundation that could help him grow and protect himself from the dangers of the world and from self. Though he doesn't blame his brother for treating him like in that manner, at least it enable him to emphatize to the sitiuations that happen all around him and the future. As said before, it merely delayed the emotional and psychological indifference before it burst to an emotional and psychological breakdown.

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