《Happy Christmas!!!》Chapter 5


“Clear up the table, Lena, Leon.” I called for the nth time.

The two have been excitedly blowing their Christmas horns. I know they’re actually New Year’s horns, I just joked them that there’s also Christmas horn that’s blown at Noche Buena, or the Christmas Eve; then, they won’t stop now.

Correct. Today is the day. I’m kind of nervous and at the same time, excited. I hope these two monkeys would love it.

As for me, this is actually my first Christmas celebration after the last one in the orphanage. I remember back then, we’d also help in the kitchen, played until midnight, and when the clock ticked exactly at 12 we’d all shout Merry Christmas! We would circle under the make-shift Christmas tree, looking for our gifts. We’d excitedly snatched it, tore its wrapper into oblivion and cheered for whatever gift we’d received.

The gifts actually came from donations. The orphanage kind-heartedly wrapped it for the excitement of the children. I would actually like to send my own gifts to them for this special day but they’ve been long closed down due to financial problems.

Well, that’s that. As for now I needed to focus here since this was actually my first time cooking these things. Good thing, not every one of them needed to be home cooked; there were others that can be bought, instead. Thank goodness commercial businesses.

First off, spaghetti. Yes. Mr. Google kindly told me that Christmas comes with this red thingy, spaghetti. Of course, I’ve eaten enough of this from the famous fast food chains so I know exactly what I’m cooking. I boiled first the pasta then drained the water after it’s cooked. Then for the sauce, aside from all the ingredients I added sugar to make it sweet-style. Kids would surely love sweet things.

Next on the list, barbecue. Aside from the tenderloins I also bought hotdogs. I had the kids helped me in grilling. I actually wanted to try using the charcoals but heck I can’t make it lit up. I think those were fake charcoals. So I had to buy my own electric griller. Good thing, there’s a Christmas sale!

I haven’t finished the barbecue. I have a bit of a surprised for that later on.


Then for the meatiest part, I bought a whole Roasted Chicken that I’m now heating up in my small oven and then next, the Christmas Ham. I’m actually looking forward to this ham since it’s the most famous brand in the country. According to the preparation recipe that came with it, I only need to bake it for 10 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit!

Lastly, I made sure to prepare chocolate drinks for the three of us.

It was past 11 o’clock when I finished all necessary things for this ‘celebration’. All we needed to wait was for that sloth of a clock to tick at midnight and I can finally sleep. My god, what a tiring week it has been for me.

I even abandoned my yearly tradition of monopolizing all Christmas events and rewards in all of my 28 active games! This is such a miserable year. Boohoo!

All the lights were lit, not just inside but also outside our three-story house. Actually, it’s just the three of us here. A bit lonely but we can’t make the tenants stay here instead of going back to their provinces. Anyway, looking outside it’s also already full of activities. Lots of houses have their guests already arrived that’s why lots of cars are parked here and there, as well. I guess even the traffic and illegal parking officers were on break.

I know you want me to finish this up already. Okay, let me just fast forward.





—to be continued.

I’m just kidding.



The two kids blew their horns at the end of the countdown, while I on the other hand lit the fountain-kind of fireworks in the veranda. Please don’t copy this at home. I’m just quite of a bummer. Good thing it didn’t start a fire.

“Merry Christmas!” I greeted Lena and Leon, who were glued, looking at the beautiful fountain fireworks.

“Merry Christmas, Big Bro Ken.” I was quite surprised as Leon greeted me first and even reminded Lena, “Lena, you too.”

“Teehee! Merry Christmas Unc—oops, Big Brother Ken!” She hugged me as she greeted me happily.

“Time for the gifts!” I shouted and took my exchange gift under the Christmas tree, “Here is for Little Lena!”


“I’m the one who drew out Lena’s name.” Leon looked at me disapprovingly.

“Alright, I’m just kidding. This is for you Leon.” I can’t help scratching my head there.

“Oh?” Lena seemed a bit down. “Here is my gift to Big Brother Ken.” She passed me her gift.

“Here is my gift to you Lena. Don’t worry, we’ll share the gift from stupid uncle.”

I wanted to protest. Why did he revert to calling me uncle and with such an adjective, too! “Hey, no need. Do you really think I wouldn’t have a gift for our Lena here? Hold on.” I stood and took something from the top of my cabinet. It’s similarly wrapped like with Leon’s.

“Wow!” Lena jumped in surprise and joy from the gift I especially arranged for her.

“Thank you Big Brother Ken!” she hugged me and finally—finally kissed me! Only on the cheeks, though. No don’t look at me like that! I wasn’t expecting that too!

“Alright, what are we waiting for? Open the gifts!” I shouted again. I think I’ll have a sore throat tomorrow.

I got a very cute dog hat, which I think was a husky. Actually, I was already fore-warned. I bought this with my own money!

Leon got a nice remote controlled aircraft. I actually wanted to get him a drone but the papers were a bit too much for a simple toy. Then Lena got a cute and huggable pink bear backpack from Leon and a big and much more huggable bear toy from me. Honestly, mine is better.

“Thank you Big Brother Ken, Leon-kun.” Hah! You heard that Leon? I was thanked first. I kind of felt smug and proud.

“Stupid and creepy uncle,” I honestly heard him murmur that! But then he said loudly to me, “Thank you Big Bro.” Whoa, why do I feel we broke some walls here?

“Thanks to you, too. You know this is my happiest Christmas.” Of course, this is my first Christmas celebration.

They both neared me and hugged me so tightly. I almost choked up, were they this strong? Oh, I’m still feeling choked up even after they released me. I think I’m having a heart attack. Why does my chest feel so full?

““I’m hungry!””

And they both ran to the table. I gave them both their servings of spaghetti, chicken and ham. But when I showed them my very own creation, they both shouted in delight. I gave them each a stick of barbecue and also a stick of hotdog with marshmallows and cheese. Lastly, I poured them their choco drinks.

*Knock *Knock

I was about to take my first spoonful when I heard knockings from my door. A bit surprised I looked at the two kids. They both simply looked at me questioningly. So I went to the door and opened it.

“Merry Christmas!”

Oh, what a surprise. It’s my Lady Chen! *cough. I welcomed her and led her to the dining table. I arranged her position, complete with plates and utensils.

“Help yourself. Thanks for coming. I thought you have work tonight?”

“Well, sometimes my boss can be generous. She let us off for Christmas Eve. Though I couldn’t return home, at least I have two cuties here to make my Christmas complete. Merry Christmas Lena, Merry Christmas Leon.”

“”Merry Christmas, too, Big Sister Chen.”” They chorused. Nice. I wonder when is she greeting me.


I heard a message alert tone and abruptly looked at my phone. Very nice, indeed. This was really my gift to these brats.

“Alright guys, quiet down. We actually have two more guests tonight.” I announced. Sister Chen, Lena and Leon all looked up at me. It’s actually a picturesque view.

I turned on the screen of my computer, hit up the camera and put the microphone on our dining table. It’s starting.

“Lena? Leon? Can you hear me?”

“Merry Christmas, honeys.”

“Dad? Mom?” Lena called. When I turned to them I actually saw Leon stuck up with jaws hanging open while Lena was on the verge of crying.

““Mom! Dad!”“ they finally both called.

Silently, we, I and Sister Chen, let the parents and children have a chitchat.

Do you really want me to tell here their whole conversation? This chapter is already very long and you still want more? Tss.

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