《Happy Christmas!!!》Chapter 4


As I said, I really went overboard.

“Christmas tree! Yhey!” Lena was energetically running around my room. I had arranged my things so we can have more space since we’re gonna ‘celebrate Christmas like no other could’. Dang it.

“Calm down, little monkey. Get the balls and the ribbons.” I told her as I arranged the Christmas tree upright. It just almost reached my head but heck, I’ve already needed to watch my budget.

“Here.” Leon held a couple of Christmas balls. They’re all shiny and glittering.

I saw him staring up so intently at the mini pine tree and then I thought of something. “Hang those balls from the bottom.” I definitely saw his eyes brightened up. I knew I could make a good father. I just know what a kid would like.

“Me, too! Me, too!” Lena copied her brother.

When we’re done decorating the Christmas tree, we started wrapping our gifts. I had each of our gifts on separate paper bags so we can wrap them with privacy. It was so that we won’t know what gift was prepared by each of us. But hey, I bought all of them. I think I was just scammed.

“Done! My Monito or Monita would be very surprise with my gift.” I announced smugly.

The ‘monito-monita’ is actually a Filipino exchange gift. Every Christmas those people there would draw lots and if they picked a male exchange partner then that’s called monito, if it’s a girl then it’s a monita. Though, I think those words have different meanings in other countries.

People may be having difficulties with me using various customs from different countries, but who cares? This is my own story.

The kids looked at me and the big gift box that’s on my hand. They looked expectantly at it, but I didn’t give any more clues who’s name did I pick. We then arranged our gifts under the tree and was about to continue with the rest of the Christmas decors but suddenly Leon pulled my shirt.


“Let Lena put it.”

He told me that and motioned the paper bag from where all the Christmas tree decors were previously placed. I peeked in the box and saw the best part of its content.

“Come here, little monkey.” I called Lena, who’s digging another paper bag.

“I’m not a monkey!” she protested and didn’t budge away from her bag.

“Then you don’t want this? I’ll just put it up there.” I lifted the ‘thing’ for her to see.

“L-let me! Let me!” she cried that almost made me scared. Calm down, I’m not gonna eat this thing. I gave it to her, held her up so she can put it up in the top of the tree.

“Perfect.” I praised the finally completed Christmas tree and turned to the twins, “Very good, both of you.” I praised them as I patted their heads.

“Alright, let’s finish these up so we can eat our snacks. Sigh. We even skipped our siesta. Busy day.” I did a monologue there but noticed that they didn’t move from their spots. I just saw them looking at each other and—holding the top of their heads?

“Done!” after a while, we finally completed our holiday project. We sat on the couch, very tired to lift a finger. I don’t want to move anymore, but I still need to do something.


“Uncle Ken, I’m hungry.”

They chorused. “I know. Wait here.” I’m so not gonna get a wife and children!

I heated the Creamy Chicken Taquitos, sliced them for the twins and arranged some juice. I laid them in front of them and said, “Eat then rest.”

I even skipped playing today for this grand blunder of mine. I went to my computer but instead of playing my usual games, I went to baidu—oh no, I don’t know Chinese; right, I went to google and searched for Christmas party for kids. All the while, I tried devising how I should go with this Christmas ‘celebration’.


I don’t really celebrate Christmas as I have said before. I have no one to celebrate it with in the first place. I’m used to it; I don’t need sympathies. It’s actually great for me. You see, on Christmas day, everyone has their gimmicks, likewise with the games I played. Exactly like that, I celebrate Christmas hogging all the events and its rewards!

Lol. Let me just use this here once.

I had no idea how long I’ve been searching but it seemed to be too silent in the room. I stretched a bit and peeped on the kids and found them snuggling together.

“Crap, you’ll catch cold sleeping like that.”

I turned away from the screen and took my comforter blanket. I arranged the two brats for a better position then cover them with it. This should be fine, right?


I thought I heard Lena sleep-talk but was surprised to see that it’s actually Leon!

I couldn’t help it; I laid down next to the twins and caressed their heads. “Don’t worry guys. You have Big Brother Ken here. I will surely make this your happy Christmas.”

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