《Conflicts of Eriador stories》Duke of Girithlin


Duke Theriion of Girithlin

As Cardolan has been reclaimed and restored, the Lords of the land have returned, to the great joy of its inhabitants. In the once great city of Girithlin, now much reduced in size and glory, Lord Theriion has taken up residence, moving into his ancestral home once more after centuries of forced absence.

The lands of Girithlin have, in ancient times, served as the breadbasket for much of Arnor and Lord Theriion, more than any other, knows the value of this, for no army can fight if their stomach is not filled. To this extent the elderly Lord has, for the duration of his life, further enhanced his knowledge of the land. Whether this lays in agriculture or strategical acumen matters little to him, for they are two sides of the same coin. In both regards he is a master of his trade, a man who would rather nurture than destroy and who would love nothing more than see Girithlin grow in power and wealth. He spends his nights dreaming of endless fields full of grain, surrounding the city and during the day he works to make this true.

The nobles of Girithlin have a long tradition of being wealth focused, foregoing the aggressive combat that seems to be more suited for the rest of the Dunedain in exchange for a broader, economical skillset. They are less likely to find enemies, as only a smattering of clans surround them, who are no match for the tall walls of the city. Yet one should take care not to underestimate the Duke and his armies, for while they are not keen on going to war, neither will they shy away from it when the time comes and from all fiefdoms in Cardolan, Girthilin is the most populous and they can draw on formidable manpower should the need arise.


Lord Theriion is no incapable commander either, for he and the other nobles of Cardolan have spent years guarding the southern border of what once was noble Arnor. They patrolled the Greyflood river and made sure no dangerous excursions of raiders of Wildmen made it across, combining their skills into a potent, lethal force, making up for their smaller numbers with skill. With Cardolan reformed and his city and lands restored to him, he is less eager to move far away from the regions entrusted into his care, but those he will defend all the more fierce, for they contain his home, his retainers and his subjects, all of which he holds dear. When the horn is sounded and the Duke of Girthilin marches to war, he does so in the best gear his wealth can afford him and with his most capable retainers by his side. Clad in thick armour, wielding towering shields and heavy swords, Lord Theriion and his men will cut a path through anything foolish enough to threaten the peace of Girithlin.

While not a master of the offensive skills of war, he more than compensates in his abilities to defend. When he leads his men from behind the city walls, his troops cheer and rest assured, for the armies of Girithlin have never tasted defeat when Lord Theriion leads them in the defence.

A strong, capable man, who prefers peace and therefore prepares for war. A Duke of Girithlin, last in a long line of nobles closely intertwined with the city. A wise man, who is rumoured to be able to make even the deserts of Harad bloom with life.

He is Duke Theriion of Girithlin and with Cardolan restored, he shall fight nobly at your side.

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