《Conflicts of Eriador stories》Tharbad Fortress (Ruined)


Once upon a time this fortress stood tall, keeping a careful watch over the Royal Road that connected the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor. Once upon a time loyal retainers made their home here and stood guard on the walls. Patrols reached out far and wide and the city grew in splendour, safeguarded by its mighty walls.

Now much of that splendour is gone, along with its inhabitants. When the Great Plague struck in 1636, TA, its slow fall began and it was complete by 2919, TA, when the great floods that followed the Fell Winter devastated Enedwaith. Still, the abandoned fortress stands tall. Or perhaps not entirely abandoned yet. Shadows still move in the ruins, making good use of the shelter to be found there. Ancient armouries can sometimes be cracked open. Old storehouses are sometimes found underneath the rubble.

The fortress is ruined, but even a ruined fortress is still mighty and whoever holds it can reap the benefits from what once was. Perhaps... It can even be rebuilt.

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