《The Tale of the 13th Battalion》Chapter 2-The Cold Silence


Foosteps, the silence of the border fortress was eerie, The amount of grim silence has

painted the halls with a grim atmosphere. Among those footsteps were sounds accompanied by

machinery's being set up as part of the defense.

The 13th Battalion was entrusted with the role of the vanguards as the other guard troops would provide covering fire.

But as the troops prepare for the clash, the 13th Battalion was making their way to the location the would be in.

Lester was calm, no speaking clearly him being calm was the result of the VernonSuit working like a charm. The lack of nervousness can truly help through this troubled time.

(Hmph, in anycase it seems i am calm enough, i need to double check my equipment's just in case there is something left uncheck)

As Lester operated his VernonSuit and made gestures, a mechanical voice resounded through his head and put his mind into a picture like view of the suit.[Weapon check, suit check, and body condition is at perfect condtion.]

(Well it seems that everything is fine.)

Lester has done his checking and look at the wasteland in front of him and quietly stared.

The VernonSuit may forcibly calm the user but it cannot shut off extreme emotions that the user expresses.

(The silence is frightening, but i can hardly blame anyone, the Chief may have seen and fought with barbarians before but the rest of the people here like me have zero experiences towards them.)

Lester glances at his team and made a deep sigh, When he tried interacting with them, he was throughly ignored and the Chief was staring daggers at him and decided to back off. He can understand that they need to focus and be alerted.He was acting the same but for some reason there was no signs of any Barbarians.


(Weird, they were saying that the estimated time of arrival was 30 minutes, i am glad that they aren't here yet but something is bugging me.....why are they taking this long to make an appearance).

The barbarians acting like this was no surprise , by now everyone knew that what they hatefully calls barbarians are not mere creatures that has no intelligence , it may the fact that their defeat in the plains of Merycarel has made more of them smarter and wiser. There 15,000 strong rushed was well known to the nations that fear them. After all creatures that made a mockery of a 50,000 strong army is no laughing matter, the army of The Allied Nation of Merylofed might have claim victory but the loss was too great to make a celebration out it..

{In any case the situation is very dire, those fuckers who can move like transport machines is not something to be underestimated. Chief probably knows that there is something fishy going on, but if its the chief then maybe we can be pulled of out of this incoming hell.)

Yes ,in the whole Battalion if there is someone Lester would have blind trust on, it would be the Chief, after all a veteran who have walk the battlefields for 50 years isn't surely a pushover, he wouldn't be leading a battalion if he was unreliable.

(But, man this sure is really feeling eerie.....)

As hour passes by, only the cold silence can heard on the battlefield......


Borderlands-Second line of defense

Listen up my tribesmen ! The enemies are probably waiting for us , they expect us to rush up there and be there targets! I BAR KHAN shall not allow this! We will shall stay here till night and regain our strength before the battle! We will not make the same mistakes our forerunners have done in the past! We shall ambush them thinking that we have stayed on this place! This night we shall quietly sneak up on them and stab them in the back and once we have given the signal! You my kinsmen shall raise up and charge with your might to slaughter them as we divert their attentions and pluck their roots! WE THE GLORIOUS CLAN OF YAO SHALL WILL SAVE OUR PEOPLE AT ANY COST!(


Then roars of desperation envelops the skies of the the borderlands


In a unknown location




In a hall full of glistering gold and ornaments stands a man. A man with long hair and beard wearing frock coat paired with a leather boots and gloves, He was a man who have been left standing in cold silence as he watched the furious elders speak profane words and hurdle's of insults at his face.

''ORDER IN THE COURT" shouted a the man whited jade robes

''Meister....it pains my heart that such profound and wise person like you would have done such horrendous act. For the years, you have been the model person that have been look upon to and yet for you to do such vile thing....UNSPEAKABLE! Do you have any words to speak in your defense!''

As the man hear the words of the jaded robed elder, he calmly look up to him and speak..

''I have none, for what i did was something i believe to the right thing to do, something that you people who doesn't even dare to stare down the earth will never understand!''

as he said those words the elders have become more furious

''ORDER IN THE COURT'' shouted the white jaded robe elder

''Meister...i shall now pass my judgement! For the crimes you have done you will be banished from this paradise and be forbidden to be given a name!''

'You may have done the vile acts, but we can't ignore the deeds that you have done in the past! Take this judgement as a mercy and punishment!''

As the words left out of his mouth

A bright light consumed the man and swallowed him..

''Hmmmm, so i guess this is my fate, says as the man sigh in apathy''

''Don't be stricken yet''

''Oh, elder........what do you want now?''

''Only one thing. Survive, that is the sole reason for you to exist Nameless, a wanderer, a nameless nobody that will walk the shadows to serve the light''

'' I see....''

''Goodbye Namless Meister.... If the heavens truly blessed you, we shall meet in this paradise again.''

And as the voice fades the man slowly closes his eyes and wait for the void to take him on the place where he would walk the lines of destiny again...FLASH as the the cold silence creeps into the void.. And as the wheels of destiny finally sets up the destination...

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