《The Tale of the 13th Battalion》Prologue and Chapter 1- The 13th Battalion





''Chief! Barbarians are rushing through our walls at a number of hundreds!, no more than that!"

''FUCK! Where are the communications team? WHERE ARE THE FUCKING MECHANICS?''

''SIR! They escaped with the Sand Runners and all of the enginner has abadoned their post's!''


''Chief!!! we lost contact with the Levian battalion!!!''

''FUCK! Why are this imbeciles being fucking retarded! , Deva! contact all of the 13th battalion and tell them to hold the lines at the 3rd walls!


''Auburn! i want you to go with Deva, and bring the team in full arms! I expect everyone to be locked and loaded and in full suit within 30 minutes or were leaving the slow ones behind!''

On the day of Voreson 15th of fall, none would have anticipated that such peaceful border patrol would end up in hell,

It all started during the dawn, none of the troops station at the border fortress of Reidler would have known that there remaining times would turn into living hell. There are 3 lines of defenses that protects the borders of the Sovereignty of Merlon, the first line was broken down by carelessness with no chance of fighting back due to the lackluster attitude of the troops that patrols borders.The 2nd line for now has been holding on tighly, yet everyone knew at the 3rd line of defense that soon the rush of barbarians would break in and start the slaughter and chaos that about to happen. Enemies that should have no way of being here has now turn their sights at the Sovereignty of Merlon in their hope of conquest and resources that would be given when it falls.

Everyone knew that battalion of the 13th and 12th would be the ones receiving the hell This tale shall be told in the eyes and ears of the 13th battalion 4 hours before the calls of hell resounds the whole borderlands.

--Chapter 1--

Lester is a soldier, he serve as a battle guard of the 13th battalion regime of a sovereignty. Tester and the battalion his in with would always patrol the backside borders of the nation, as such that the border is filled with bandits and refugees that wants to escape their own barbaric nation.

''Sigh, why do we have to guard this place and not there in the front-lines battling against the barbarians rather than sitting our ass waiting for it to turn red? said the man name Auburn''

"Will you shut up there? Do you think that being in the front-lines is a great thing? No, you stupid greenhorn! if you think that if you go there and you would be someone that suddenly would turn the battlefields over and be a goddamn hero? HAH, then you need two slaps in your face if you think that! says the Chief''

''Seriously, hey Chief and you fucker there who can't stop complaining, can i ask you to please shut up? We are here for 5 fucking weeks already and you can't still think of better things to do? said Bill ''

''Ah....ummm, so Chief is there any news in the front-lines at all? I heard that 5th and 7th regime are being pinned down near Salaret mountains and that the barbarians might even try and charge straight on. says the bright glasses girl known as Millenda.''

''Well that seems the case, i heard the barbarians diverted the 7th regime near the side trails of the mountains by making of use of the boulders they dig up and rolled it like some goddamn landslide, half the battalion was annihilated and they made some strategic retreat near the slopes of the mountain.says the chief''


''What the hell, how come such lowly barbarians able to think of such tactic? Hey hey Chief isn't that too smart even for the barbarians?! Your not kidding or anything right? said the young man known as Auburn ""

''I'm not even trying to be kidding you dumb ass! It's the truth! said by the Chief angrily''

''Hey , your surely heard the battle of Merycarel right?, says the annoyed looking man called Bill''

''Not really, what it's about? I'm not a historian so how should i know? says the young man known as auburn ''

''The Battle of Merycarel was one of the turning point that made this nation of ours go on a war against the barbarians and you didn't know? Well mostly its one of the most brutal collision of bodies that has happen in history. In the day of the 15th of fall, the barbarians made an attack at the allied nation of Merylofed, there the border patrols was taken aback by the surge of barbarians rushing through the plains of Merycarel in a huge number that counts to about 15,000 humanoids wielding unknown furs that is hard as steel and physiques that has the capacity to run 40kmph and have a lifting strength of 550kg, they were surprised by the scene and the allied nation of Merylofed launch a defensive attack against the surge of invaders, by amassing their 50,000 strong army against them, but yet even with that number they were dwindled down to a mere number of 415 strong veterans that has miraculously fended off the rush of those barbarians by having Theodor Baletvan forcefully taking the position of the commander when the barbarians beheaded the poor Commander of the army in cold blood. They say that with the 500 troops in hand, Theodor Baletvan fended the barbarians by skillfully making use of the veteran monster fenders and hunting the barbarians with a pincer attack that made a hole on their rush and having them to forcefully deploy 15 biome bombs that turn the whole of Merycarel into a living shithole. After the tragic loss that the whole allied nation of Merylofed suffered, they immediately made the alchemist's raised giant barriers that would stall them enough for them to think of counter measures against the barbarians, Then for 5 whole years they secluded themselves from the touch of the world and appeared with armors that is powered by some kind of mechanism that enhances the strength its user a hundred times the strength of a normal human, the Exodiac armaments are something our sovereignty would love to have, but the whole allied nation of Merylofed doesn't dare to share their technology that easily and arrogantly keeps them to their own uses. says the annoyed looking man known as Bill as he painfully explain it''.

''More so the Barbarians, because of this loss has started being crafty and have decided to fight tactfully rather than the whole barbarian rush they do, they started, over the 5 years started getting smarter on using primitive pagan enchantments and have been skillfully scouting than the being aggressive , the smart researchers was perplexed over such changes that they deemed the Barbarians as intelligent creatures than mindless creatures. says the Chief''

''So basically these barbarians just look stupid but are actually crafty? Is that what you mean?says the young man known as Auburn ''

''Pretty much, they make look the part of an ogre with flowing hair but despite the cover they are smart and tactful, many researchers have taken note that maybe these barbarians have come here to this continent through the ice glaciers in search of new lands and food, you may notice that these barbarians were such thick furs that something that would never exist in this continent and can assumed that this creatures live far off this continent. says the bright glasses girl called Millenda''


''Well in any case all you need to know that never try to underestimate the barbarians and that its a disaster when a bunch of them appears, we may not have the Exodiac armaments that Merylofed possesses but we still have our trusty driller guns to compensate and drill holes through their thick fur and wound them, they might be tenacious but they won't move if you drill a hole into their glabella's. says the Chief''

''Well that may be so ,but if i see one im gonna shoot them dead. Is that acceptable for ya Chief? said the young man known as Auburn ''

"'Im counting on you do that, now get back to patrolling! says the Chief in a loud voice''

''''YES SIR''''

This is the borderlands of the sovereignty of Merlon, located at the continent of Voreson, simply put this where the borders of nations meet each other.

In this continent lies 3 nations .

Sovereignty of Merlon- A sovereign nation ruled by its monarch named Devian Merlon.

The Sovereignty of Merlon has been ruled by the Merlon family for over 198 years and has been one of the powerhouse of this continent. This Nation specializes on ranged combat and marksmanship with their trusty weapon called ''Drillerstings''. Drillerstings are weapons that launches ballistic materials that drills through the target with extreme efficiency in piecing through the target. The Weapon also is accompanied by the VernonSuits that makes the user of the equipment feel as they are laying in a comfortable position and forcibly calms the brain by excreting numbing toxins. They also specializes on Synthetic farming and is considered self sufficient.

VOETA- The Crude nation that has been on the continent an island nation that has been considered as safe haven if only would reach its land and manage to pass through the hurricane filled airspace and waters of violent of whirlpools

The Allied Nation of Merylofed- The Powerhouse of the Voreson Continent, simply put they are the most oldest tribes that have united together when the barbarians gave them a kick in the heel. This nation was the first to encounter them and the ones who have fended them during the Battle of Merycarel. This country was formed by researchers and alchemist's that have made use of its power to raise barriers and dig through their city and made complex underground labyrinth's that reaches through the crust of the earth. This country utilizes a powerful Armaments called the ''Exodiac'', the armor and the blade like hands it possesses are something that was especially created to battle any creatures or counter any barbarian threats. The claws vibrate and acts like a chainsaw that rips through any target. The Exodiac armaments also gives the user physical enchantments a hundred times a normal human can possess. Even will all the technological advantage of Merylofed, they would only patrol their own borders for the sake of safekeeping and has always been neutral to any non barbarian affairs. Also for such a closed off nation, they are efficient in cloning and synthetic farming that made them self sufficient almost like they create materials out of thin air. This Nation is led by the Commander and Chief Theodor Baletvan the stone heart leader the ones that have successfully lead the nation for 6 years from his rise to power and has been synthetically augmented to lead the nation for years to come.

Barbarians- No ones know where they came from or what continent they are from. Many researchers have theorize that they come through the ice glaciers and have migrated to search for new lands and food. Many have thought the barbarians are creatures that only knows carnage and chaos but recent scouts that have tried to scout their locations have manage to find a settlements which they dug through like caves. Barbarians are classified into 2 types. The Overlord types which consist of the most well armed groups and has harden furs from an unknown species and have weapons that is consisted of materials of unknown metal that causes the target to be paralyzed when hit. Overlord types are barbarians that surpasses the capacity to run 40kmph and lifting strength of 550kg than a normal Auxiliary Type Barbarian can possess. An Auxiliary type barbarian is normal trooper that has the capacity to run 40kmph and have a lifting strength of 550kg and is less armed that an overlord type barbarian.

''Man, they sure are lively''

Lester has been assigned to this battalion since the last 3 weeks, he was assigned here because of the lack of soldiers that have been assign on the battalion, after all none in the Sovereignty of Merlon would never know the existence of the hateful 13th battalion for the battalion is infamous for the most battalion that gets deployed on almost suicidal missions. Lester is particularly not some glorious soldier for being sent here, he was merely sent here for his abilities to think fast on his feet and the superb marksmanship he honed and cultivated along with his CQC. Well in any case, the border fortress Lester is assigned to sure may be boring, but for trooper work it is like heaven for some.

''Hmmmmm, this is sure another passing day huh..'''

Lester sigh's with disappointment as he walk to the loud group.

''Hey bill, whats up man''

''Oh Lester, what ya doing, shouldn't ya be patrolling the east sides, as Bill look with a straight face''

''Nah, just gone with all the perimeter checks, so where is Deva and the Chief?''

''Oh the Chief? His with Deva on the command sites, ''

''I see''

''Well that fucking bland as always Lester, good job for the casual conversation, as Bill sighs and said with a irritating poker face''

''Oh shut up you loudmouth''

'HAHAHAHAHAH, oh man your one squishy guy as always, by the way Lester i have something you want to ask as Bill says with a serious expression''

''Shoot, what is it?''

''What do you think of the whole Barbarian farce and being here and not out there fighting for out nation?''

''Hmmmmmm, well to be honest i kinda don't know, im just here because i was sent here, nothing more and nothing less really.''

Lester answered it nonchalantly, in no way that Lester is a patriot of his nation, he has gone through here because of the pay and benefits of being a trooper. He is honestly would be willing to face danger so he can survive the days ahead of him. He choose this dangerous for the wealth and the promise of being a veteran. In the state of Merlon, every Veteran Soldiers would be treated like prized objects, they would earn benefits and promised of safe luxury during their retired days, obviously Lester wants that, he just want it greedily.

''I see, oh well for me i hate it, says Bill as he flaunts a cold and blank expression ''

''You hate it? May ask why?''

''Simply because i hate it, i didn't become a soldier to become some fucking display on some safe borders, i trained and sweated blood to become a full pledged trooper, yet i'm stuck here lazily passing the days without doing anything''

''I see''

I can't understand it, as Lester think through it, he can't understand the need for danger, Lester simply doesn't know, he didn't come here to offer his life for a country he has no love for, Lester is simply a selfish person after all.

''Well in any case, i honestly don't understand your patriotism, as Lester bluntly said it with disinterested voice''

''Well i expected that answer at least. says Bill with a annoyed voice''

''(Such nonchalant guy)''

As Lester and Bill chat some topics, two pair of footsteps can be heard coming.

''Yooooo whats up guys''

'' Hi guys''

Millenda and Auburn approaches the two

''So what ya bastards up to, as Auburn bluntly spouted his remark''

''Tch, why ya here ya fool? Sup Millenda , nice seeing you''

''What did you say you bastard?''

''Auburn, please stop that, as Millenda tearfully stops the two from fighting''

''Looks like your having a hard time Millenda.''

''Gee ,help me Lester!''

As Lester and Millenda stop the two, a loud tremor rings the silent fortress

''What the hell was that?''

''I-i don't know, as Millenda spoke with a nervous voice''

''Ya, what hell was that, hey ya bastard---

As Auburn tried to direct the conversation to Bill , he notice the serious expression on Bill's face, Auburn may be an rude blunt guy, but he can read the lines or the mood of a few people.

''This fucking feeling, why the fuck are they here?''

As Bill said those words, Lester,Auburn and Millenda was slightly stun

''What is it Bill?''


As Bill shouted and run off, the three panicked.

''Hey Lester what fuck is going on with him, Auburn said with an questioning tone''

''Is something happening, as Millenda joins the conversation''

''I don't know but lets hurry up for now and catch him''.

As the three closely followed Bill, they arrive at the armory station and look at the frosty expression Bill had.

''Now, Lester,Auburn and Millenda, we need to be fully armed right now!We must do it now or were gonna get slaughtered, this feeling and this shitty atmosphere....I know this fuck up feeling, fuckkkk they may have broke through 2nd lines by now''.

The three was perplexed, what is happening!

''Can you explain calmly Bill?''

"Barbarians are here''



As Bill shouted, the three gave up and started putting on their Vernon Suits and Drillerstings for now

As they equipped the VernonSuits, a quick pain transmitted through their neck as the suit injected their locks to their spines and injecting the numbing toxin that forcibly calms down the users of the suit

Lester thought that a suit being part of it consciousness and calming them down was still a weird feeling.

As they put on their suits, the four started to calm down and began their conversation again

''[Lester,-13-03 Bill please explain on why do you want us to put on our suits?]''

"[Auburn-Affirmative, 13-03 Bill please explain the situation]"

"[Millenda- Affirmative, please 13-03 Bill, explain your reasons]"

As the three started talking on mechanical monotone voices, Bill started explaining the ''feeling'' he have sense.

As they discuss on the reasons a loud explosion resounds the desolate borders



As the four was forcibly being calm, a loud hurried footsteps comes in and look at surprise at the full armed quartet


As Deva shouted in a hurried voice, the Vernon suits has release numbing toxins and forcibly calm down Deva''

''[Deva-13-02, reporting the situation, as of now the 2nd and first lines of defense have been broken through, the Levian battalion has fallen and for about 30 minutes a horde of Overlord type Barbarians would be striking at the 3rd line, which is this fortress. And as the order of Chief-13-01, we are expected to hold the line until we have gain enough time to wait for reinforcements or do a strategic retreat. Soldiers of the 13th Battalion your are hereby permitted to do any necessary actions to protect this line!!! Or else the barbarians would stab our nations at the back and that is something we must forcibly avoid!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!]''



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