《The Tale of the 13th Battalion》Chapter 3-Border Defense


-Entry 0-

The Sound was nowhere to be found, for the borderland fortress sleeps within the gaping dark. Some of the soldiers have begun their rest due to fatigue and some have stayed awake for the night in the fear of the crawling chaos that will arrive at any given moment.

Among the ones who have stayed in silence is the 13th battalion. They have been standing on the edge of the fortress, surveying and monitoring every movement without letting anything slip.For the sake of the troops that have given their hopes to them, they have stayed vigilant in their watch. Their special suits may have given their bodies no fatigues but it doesn't mean that there mental health is being given the same treatment. The VernonSuits only makes the body feel no pain due to the excretion of numbing toxins,but it doesn't give any supplements for the brain, yes they might be calm, but with great stress and massive amounts of emotions , the VernonSuits cannot inject enough toxins to combat it.

As the night grows even darker, only the scenery of the wasteland can be seen, the wasteland despite being called that is mysterious land within a giant desert, but the border fortress is built atop a giant oasis that completely makes use of the underground water and fertile land to provide addition supplies and drinkable water.

At one of the edges of the fortress a soldier and member of the 13th battalion, called Lester stands staring at the vast sky filled with glittering stars in total daze. He stands inside a tall humanoid like suit called VernonSuit, The Suit's main concept is ''A man within a skeleton'', Simply put the idea was made by a very casual remark of a researcher that have casually said ''what if... we make a suit that can be piloted by a human and will acts as its skeleton?'' and because of that remark the Vernonsuit was produce and something that many soldiers would be honored to equip.

Lester finds the whole thing something a normal person like him would never get, a genius thinks a lot differently than an average human is something Lester believes. But nonetheless without the suit he would probably be standing in this cold night trembling in fear what to come.

Anyway.......Lester was on constant alert, he was on trance. Simply because the danger has not arrive yet. Later this afternoon they were alerted and was armed because of the fall 2 lines before the fortress, despite the prediction that the barbarins would be rushing straight the fortress, it never happen. 30 minutes, an hour and hours have passed yet any signs of the intruders was nil. Instead of relief what Lester felt was doubt and fear. Lester was always aware that the barbarians were not simple minded creatures, despite the speculations they never tried to attack the fortress after the fall of the 2nd line.

Was it because the barbarians were tired after their constant battle? Or is it the possibility that they are lurking in the shadows planning their ways of attack? Sweat pours at Lester's cheeks as he thought about things. If the barbarians were truly as smart as Lester imagines, then what will happen to them? Will a battalion and a bunch soldiers be enough to combat them? Will they able to fend off such monsters with the power and ability to exceed even the capabilities of the VernonSuits? Lester give up and gave himself a mental slap. This is not the time for fear, for that comes later as Lester thought to himself. He needs to do anything to survive, no he MUST survive, the thought of dying here is something that Lester will never allow.


Lester took this job because he is not a wise man. He can't find himself in place full of books and pile of documents. For Lester, having to use force was something that he can work with. He have painstakingly cultivated his skills and marksmanship so that he can survive any ordeals in this work and retire after years of service. Survive, that is something Lester have given himself as a goal and will not fail to accomplish it.


As Lester was on his deep thought, The Chief was staring at his subordinates, as a man who have walk the battlefields for years, he have seen countless comrades fall in front his eyes that it have been burned into his mind and something that lingers on his mind like an image from an old dream. It his responsibility to have this young ones go back to their homes and family. Even if they are impaired as long they still live, he would painstakingly do anything to send them back. The Chief has always been the man who was left behind, years of services in the 13th battalion have given him painful sufferings, but the feeling of new comrades to welcome is something he can always find delightful to the heart.

The Chief was muddled in thought, but as the silence grows, his hearings grows stronger. He felt the loud footstep and the roll of a pebble permeates along with the sound of metal banging through it. The Chief had no doubt heard the sounds, and as he took a deep breath a loud voice echos the fortress.


The echoes of the voices of the chief spread! The loud thundering voice made the cold silence asunder ! The 13th battalion has been alerted!

The Giant Roars of multiple figures rushes through the dense night. They strode quickly and prepared their weapons as they plunge them into the walls of the fortress and begun scaling the walls with their barbaric strength. Thunk! Thunk! the sound piercing metals resounds in the cold silence

The man known as Lester have activated his suit and have taken position within the edge, he took the lock of his weapon and fired the ballistics into the the forces that is scaling the fortress! Every shot was made well, every drill that has been fired easily penetrated the thick fur that covered the invading foes! It was then that Lester shouted,


That the glasses girl covered Lester and supported him while he reloads his weapon! As the cold silence vanishes a man wielding his weapon charges into the walls of the fortress and descended into the foes like a vicious tiger that have come down the mountain! It was none other than Auburn! The man with red hair charges and have used his weapon akin to a spear. Then he jumped and made a stabbing action as he uses the weight of his body and the suit to deal more damage to the barbaric foes that have come to invade! He then rolled around as skillfully dodge the oncoming attacks from the different directions and made his way to the center of the enemies.

When the man with Auburn hair charged, another figure have jumped into the walls and descended into the ground and stabbed at a barbarian as he comes down! The man was no other than Bill! The man who have seen the brutalities of the barbarians! He charged through and pulled a giant blade out of his VernonSuit and slashed it on a foe with a force enough to slice the barbarian into half! He then use the Barbarian as a stepping stone to jump into the air and made a downward slash at a random barbarians head and then after that he made use of his leg to stab another barbarian through the chest and then quickly stride into the back of the man named Auburn.


''Are you okay you fucking brat!?''

''Im fine old man!''

''Your not gonna take them down with you alone so lets double team and shred some heads!''

''HAHAHAHAHAHH For once i can agree with you Old man Bill!''

Then as they rush together they were acting like a tornado as they slash and stab their way through countless foes!

Meanwhile while the two were rampaging around, The Chief and Deva ordered Lester and Millinda to hold off the walls so that they can coordinate the soldiers into formations.

''Soldiers form your formations! Eva watch the rear and prepare for resistance!''

As Chief ordered the command the soldiers form a defensive line and readied their Turrets for the order to fire.

The Chief hold his hand as a legion of barbarians are running through them with a speed faster than a transport machine and was roaring like wolves!



As the enemies come into range the Chief screamed loud!


A loud explosion was heard, the sounds of Turrets exploded in succession as giant steel spikes launches through the legion and consecutively firing the enemies with tough fur until they were forcefully pierce and blood flows through their bodies! one, two, three, fifteen! and so on falls down by the barrage of steel spikes that have been launched by the turrets! As the continuous barrage started slowing down an issue of command was then spoken!



As the soldiers fall back to walls, the woman named Deva have walked to the Chief's side and prepared her custom weapon, as she draws her long sword a loud vibration started permeating the weapon! Deva was more efficient than the Chief in terms of close range combat but with the Chief's weapon which is a minigun version of the Drillstings the two of them is a duo to be feared off!


''Understood Chief!''

As the order was given, Deva wielded her sword and launch a nearby enemy! After coming close she then suddenly twisted her body and made a wide slash through the neck of the barbarian! The slashed broke through the unguarded neck of the barbarian and like a fountain it flowed out tons of blood and veins spilled along with some sort of fluid as the barbarian felled through the ground! Then Deva regain her stance and continued slashing her sword with grace and fluidity and force! As slashes goes! a body falls! that was happening right in front of the Deva that wielded the long sword! Not once she backed down! Not once she feared the blows from the back because she knew that her companion is gonna cover her back with his might!|

The Chief was the marksman of the battalion! Other than Lester there was no other person can match his sharp eyesight ! Every launch of drills was on target! Nothing was wasted from the Chief's every shot! Barbarians was rather heavy on defense but with the drillstings forcefully digging through their fur armor and thick skin they were nothing more than just lofty targets for the Chiefl! The firepower brought by the drillstings minigun was something the turrets used earlier can compare! The turrets only uses steel pikes to barrage enemies until they penetrate! But the Drillstings are spikes that digs through the enemies and was more effective than non rotating steel spikes!

Chief and Deva continued their slaughter, while behind them was the walls guarded by Lester and Millinda!Lester as a marksman keeps shooting through the climbing foes while Millinda covers his back while he reloads! They have teared through enemies one by one and is holding the foes on bay before they can even reach the walls! As they were the most youngest and newbies of the battalion the effect of the VernonSuit through was reached to the highest limits! Any soldier by now would have been scared shirtless and would have already collapsed by the overwhelming pressure of the horde! With such tension the two were numbed to the max by the suit! It has made the two sharp and have calmly been slaughtering the foes!

''Reloading again! Cover me!''


Lester then pulled a stack of ammunition from his meta backpack, pulled the lock trigger of the drillsting and inserted the stack of ammunition through the panel of the Drillsting with careful efficiency! Then he locked the panel pulled the lever at the side of the weapon and shouted!

''Reload complete! Continuing fire!!!!''

BOOM as a barbarian head exploded from the shot of the drillsting! Millinda was agape by the violent penetration and was slightly disgusted as she dodge the scattered brain coming through her face! Then as she rolled she quickly targeted and enemy and stab through the barbaric foe who climbed the wall! Even with their teamwork they can not completely suppressed such horde by themselves! It's something they can hold on bay but not suppressed! As they hold off their grounds the common soldiers were barricading the entries and was launching the turrets preventing them from entering the entrance!

Lester and Millinda continued fighting but when suddenly a loud groups of footsteps was heard from a distance! At the vicinity of the footsteps there were two bloodied figure standing side by side as they face the foe in front of them!

'Fuck, aren't these guys Overlord types!? What the hell is happening? Why are the here?'' as the man with auburn hair grimaced

''Hmm, it seems like it, well in any case we have no choice to but to fight them'' as Bill looked towards the enemy with a resolute expression.

The Overlord type Barbarian is and can be considered the same as the 13th battalion. They were the elites of elites that rules over the common barbarians! There strength are much more fierce and their agility can be considered as top tier and completely surpasses the 40kph speed and something that can not be trifled with!

The two VernonSuit users activated their toxins and put it through the max! They need all the calm and focus they can muster when facing with these type of monsters! As they readier themselves, one overlord suddenly rushes at Bill with a speed faster than Bill can follow! Bill was surprised and decided to lift his giant blade in a hurry! THUNK! as Bill got thrown back by the immense force that clashed through his blade! Due to the force that was transferred to Bill, he was unable to raise his arms until the VernonSuit issued a numbing toxin to soothe the pain! He look and calmly stare at the barbarian who was gonna slash at him and then suddenly in the nick of time did a side roll, grabbed his blade and launch forward towards the exposed neck of the barbarian!

SPLOOOSH! As the bloods flows out the neck of the Overlord and slightly fell back to his feet! Bill then rushed back to the man named Auburn as they gets back to standing back to back!

''Are you okay old man?''

''Yeah, but my arms are broken and one of my lungs has been clogged by my blood. At this rate i may need to numb even my pain preceptors at this rate.''

''FUCK, anyway Old man we need to team up or were never beating one of these overlord bastards!''

'We have been teaming already though..., well shit lets do this, ahhhh i want a fucking smoke now''

Auburn and Bill then rushes towards the injured barbarian in a flash and made an attack! Bill targeted the injury he manage to get through, while Auburn aimed for the overlord's eye!.

But despite that, they were flicked off by the quick swing of the overlord! But as they were blown, Bill grabbed hold of Auburn then swung with broken arm and throw him off back to barbarian then as he thrown off Auburn, Bill rolled his body like a ball and flip his legs and landed roughly in the ground! Then when Auburn was being launch he fire a drillsting to the eye of the barbarian overlord then use the momentum to stab through his other eye! then quickly used the overlords upper body and jump through the air and Auburn hug his weapon and used his full weight to stab at the soft part of the overlords neck which is located at the spine of its body!

SPLASSSSHHHH! As blood spews from the Overlords body and was force down by the heavy kick made by Bill! Then Auburn jumped back and dodge the barbarian who aim for his head and swiftly stab through its throat and then rolled towards Bill as he spoke!

''That's one down old man! More is to come!''

''Good job, then lets go!''

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HERE WE GO!!!! as the two shouted and charged against the group of overlords!


In the battlefield, there were blood and carnage.

It is something that will never change whether it may be Paradise or Hell.

Paradise can not be achieved, by just sacrifices.

It is something that is never easily achieved.

Whether it was for Peace or Ideals.

In war there is always the Victor and the Loser.

The Victor would write the history.

The Loser would be on the cold ground and be forgotten.


There stand in the battlefield are two figures. They were ragged and bloodied, but nonetheless alive. They stand covering their backs in face of a crowd of foes. The ones are called Chief and Deva. The Chief has lost his arm and was obviously limping. Deva while bloodied and ragged, was much better than the Chief. Deva would have been ripped apart if it weren't for the Chief pushing her away from the danger.

''Chief'' said Deva. ''Are we gonna die here?'' as Deva asked with a solemn expression. ''Maybe we will, but even if we do, we aren't going down without a fight'' the Chief spoke calmly. Then Deva said ''Of course Chief, of course we aren't dying without taking this bastards without a fight'' with a fierce expression.

There were still a lot of enemies before them, Before, it was all going well, but then the appearance of the overlord type barbarians made the battlefield chaotic. The communication between the battalion was broken apart by the chaos, they were split apart by distance. Chief was confused right now, mostly because of the damaged VernonSuit that he was unable to clear his mind. The Chief admits that maybe he have gone too reliant with the suit. He was trembling and shivering, without the numbing toxins to calm him down the trembling would continue, but even without the suit, Chief can feel the lack of pain in his body, it was probably the effect of the pain receptors being turn off by the suit. The VernonSuit would in case of being damage would forcibly shut off the user's pain receptors. It was something that has been design in the case of the user fighting without the suit.

The Chief was worried, not because of his condition, but rather the worries he have for his battalion. They are still too young alike Him and Deva. They were noisy and a bunch of bastards that would make your worry endlessly., but they were good kids, That is something the Chief can proudly say. He would missed them if he were to perish here.

So the Chief grabbed a weapon from one of the fallen barbarian, then spoke to Deva, ''Lets go, the brats are waiting for us!'' with a light tone. Then Deva spoke 'Okay, and don't worry i got your back'' with a grin on her face.Then like they were possessed, they charged through the overlord barbarians without turning their backs and carrying their pride as warriors and protector.

Clashes of metal and tearing of flesh resounded in the battlefield, two figures that was a kin to whirlwinds dance through the fields, they were a pair of men who is known as Bill and Auburn. The two were warriors of caliber that has graced the battlefields, they were fighting with their spirits, at first they were shock by the strength of the foe before them, but after minutes passes, they learned. They were natural warriors, ones that have been born to live at the battlefield. Blood flowed like river when they strike, the overlord barbarians were no fool. They understood that the ones in front of them were warriors. As enemies, they were fated to draw blood, but the Overlord Barbarians were prideful creatures that lord over the common barbarians, and their mentality and pride makes them respect the bloody warriors. They were hate on their hearts, but nonetheless they can still respect them as warriors.

Screams and agony were still being heard, the man with red hair spoke to the man beside him. ''Old man, still awake?'' as he teased the grumpy man who disliked being called ''Old''. The man named Bill frowned, then said ''Even in this battle your a fucking bastard, and i'm still on my mid 20's you fuck'' When the Auburn haired man heard his remark he grin and said, ''Hahahahhaha, no need to be angry old man, or your gonna get wrecked'' while laughing foolishly.

Then when a strike comes in front of them, the two nimbly dodge and simultaneously attack the Overlord that attacked them with a blade to the neck and a stab deeply to eyes and right into the brain. Then as they were bathed by the blood of their foes, they forcefully grabbed the lifeless overlord and thrown it to the crowd of rushing barbarians. But at the moment, a loud sound rumbling was heard.


An explosion was heard from the distance, the sound of falling debris was heard. The pair looked at the fortress which the sound came from. They saw the gate was broken through, then as they were momentarily dazed. Bill grabbed Auburn and spoke with a hurried tone ''Fuck, they got us damn it! Those overlord's were just diversion after all damn it!, i fucking knew it! Why would they ever appear at this borderlands unless for something devious like this?'' and shouted as he slaughtered his way back while dragging the man with Auburn hair with him. The man named Auburn was frowning, the two were immerse in the slaughter and battle that they have forgotten their reason ,on why they were here in the first place. That was to guard the fortress from any invading forces, but they stupidly rushed off and charge thinking only of killing the foes that are right in front of their eyes.

As they rushed back to the fortress they see lone figure carrying someone. When the two were staring at the body, they froze on the spot. The Body that was being carried was none other than the Chief himself. Looking at his missing leg and arm made the two feel hatred and sadness. They were respectful towards the leader of the battalion, afterall they involuntarily trusted him for his attitude and fatherly like demeanor. While they were walking slowly, the figure who was carrying the body of Chief stared at the brats that the Chief wanted to protect, then she grimaced in pain. She was now the the leader of this battalion, after the Chief has been struck down by the the unidentified barbarian that have launch a sneak attack while they were distracted by the explosion. The Chief was staring at her and told her to go back and lead the brats.

''Let's go'' said Deva blankly. The two nodded and followed Deva while she carries of the body of Chief in her shoulders and put him down on the entrance of the fortress. Then as they climbed over the stairs they saw soldiers scattered in a pool of blood. The three was struck dumb by the scene before them, it was akin to a massacre, they expected the common soldiers without the VernonSuits advantage, but even the the three was having a hard time against the Overlord types... What can a common soldier do in this situation anyway.

The three walk over and was carefully observing the surroundings for any barbarians. Then as they climbed up the edge of the walls, they hear sounds of drills being launched. It was the newbies, which is namely Lester and Millinda who have barricaded themselves on the watch tower. They were obviously being forcibly calm by the VernonSuit and was fighting calmly. And when the man name Lester cross eyes with the three, he waved and smiled. The Girl called Millenda also look towards Lester's direction and saw the three figures rushing towards them.

The remaining members of the 13th battalion was informed by the death of Chief by Deva and was sadden by the lost. Deva was now the Captain and Chief of the 13th battalion.

Then when they give their reports, Deva managed to noticed the performance of the VernonSuits. It was quite outstanding to see the difference between the suit Deva uses and the suits of the other users. Nonetheless she brushed it off and ordered them to reload and repair their suit and bodies through the regulation capsule while Deva and Bill guards the perimeter.

After they were done doing repairs and recovery, the five man group sneaked through the fortress and slowly eliminated the barbarians that they encounter. Right now the whole fortress has been overrun by the barbarians and they need desperate help or else the border fortress will fall and the nation they vowed to protect will be targeted by the hungry barbarians. When they arrive at the communication's office, they activated the flare for help and it flew to the sky like and spread like wildfire!

When the barbarians notice this, they were alarmed, they know that nothing can be good by that flaming light in the sky. The leader of the assault named BAR KHAN was greatly alarmed, they manage to slaughter the soldiers but never did manage to find the foes who have worn a suit of black that look like a weirdly deformed skeleton with horns.

BAR-KHAN knew that flaming light, it was the same light that his forefathers have seen before he witness the slaughter of his brethren. The cursed flaming light that called the warriors of calibers that have look weak yet devious. So BAR-KHAN called his brothers in arms and decided to go to the origin of the accursed flaming light.


The man who who was called Meister floats into the void, he is now Namless. A man with no name. He is now a wanderer a shadow that crawls into the light and be the shade to protect when their is no one to shade them from the blazing suffering. As the Namless one open his eyes, he saw the bright flaming light, a flaming light that is akin of a signal for help. The Cries that it signifies was something that the Nameless Meister cannot ignore.

He open his senses and surged the abundant energy within his body and rushed towards the blazing light that surpasses the speed of normal human can see.

''I am nothing but a wanderer now. A righteous and sinful one.''

''I have been taken the right to have a name''

''For now i am merely a nameless one who works in the dark to save the light''

''Those for who call my help, shall be judged.''

'I the nameless meister shall now start the trial''

As the words were spoke, the appearance of a another shooting light appeared and passed towards the borderlands that was filled with corpses.

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