《BOOK 5: THE RETURN OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.1 POST-TREETON》Chapter 23: Aurora Australis @Blake Tower [Part 2]
THE 4 SUPERBIKES SPED AT THE FREEWAY – the Ducati was ridden by Bella with Peter as her pillion-rider took the lead. Followed by Kirk riding his Harley BT Chopper, and behind him was Daniel on his Kawasaki Ninja and Charlie, who played catching-up, on his Honda CBR.
They were making a detour to the Hateful-8 hideout – which was the secluded vacant land, used as a stray-collection shelter – to collect the oxy-cutter for their zoo-mission.
The one-armed tween enjoyed his ride in the late-night – it was ‘total’ freedom on a school night, as he knew his inspector mom was at work, because she texted him, that she was working late – unlike, remain-behind…
… was the locked-up, ‘home-alone-twin,’ OF HIS – WHO WAS NOW left behind like the watchdog at the Walker House.
The other time, he felt this level of freedom of independence was in Perthland, driving his DeLorean – as a teenager there – when soon HE MOVED-IN with his girlfriend Jezebel to her uncle’ hotel… far-away from the ‘mental-prison’ of the Dickson…
… it was where, he went on the limousine-ride, to go ‘monkey-hunting’ with his ‘crazy’ lover in her-sexy Cheongsam – who, also brought along her arsenal of guns-and-rifles – to ‘RELIVE’ LORD STAMFORD’s hunting expedition during his youth in the African safari.
But Jezebel of Perthland WAS A BULLY too…
… as she intimated him with martial-art skills, as she kicked his ass-down – and kept him vulnerable AND SUBSERVIENT – as her sex-slave in her uncle’s hotel, and ‘raped’ him occasionally with forced-sex.
Compared Jezebel’s domineering-nature with Bella…
… who was street-smart and business-savvy, as the niece of a prominent millionaire of Perth…
Peter begin liking her ‘more,’ as she reminded him of his pre-BMW day, 2 years ago – where he WAS AN ABLE-BODIED TENNIS-SCHOOL CHAMPION who was unstoppable back then, who was street-smart in his illegal gambling and ‘betting’ on the clay courtyard, in the guardianship of the street hustler, Chucky Miggs.
‘… did I have sex with her…?’
… his memory was fuzzy and ‘only’ recollected the West-wing episode at the school gym bathroom where he ‘kissed’ her – meanwhile yesterday at the motel, he was too ‘drunk’ to have sex as he passed-out, after the lunch at the Chinese restaurant…
… but on Saturday, in the early wee-Sunday hours…
… he was mysteriously out at her place, IN BELLA’S BEDROOM – but couldn’t recall if he had sex with her or ‘not’ – but the evidence was there OF HIS ABSENCE, that was caught in his own home CCTV footages, and ‘caught’ too…
‘… by the watchdog named Poe…
‘… was it a dream…? It can’t be – with the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE ‘PRESENT’ – or was it…
‘… that long-tailed X-man, which made me sleepwalk…?
‘… it brought me some nights-ago to the underworld, to meet my next-version-of-Dada – where I was seduced by some shapeshifter hag-witches posing as cheerleaders – the incubus snickered and dragged me from them – and whispered in my ears that…
“… stick with girls from Perth-earth – they have souls that you could ‘feed’ into…”
‘… had he ‘taken’ me there in my dream – just like the panther-head demon ‘had’ done so – or has-he-instead ‘possessed’ me-po’ Catholic soul… to be an incubus sex-machine…?
“… Kewl…”
THE SKIES WERE DARK ORANGE AT SUNSET, in the post-nuclear Perth realm, that silhouetted the Dark-tower called Blake Tower. As the milieu went dark, the Aurora Australis emerged in the firmament – with blood-hues of red, burgundy and crimson…
… at the base of the tall building, were African death-drums beats and chanting voodoo spells – by a prayer group-circle that was led by witch-BlackStar in her Rhino cape to the presence of followers – of the panther-head T’Maru, and the winged dwarf vampire with bat-wings called Popobawa…
… and a horde of minions of club-wielding flying gorillas, seen dancing frenzy in trance, at a fire-front bonfire – fuelled by 2 fire-breathing bull-dragons, with the alpha of the beasts, being the steed of T’Maru…
… also present were THEIR ALLIES – of the mercenary-for-hire Roman werewolf, Marchosius, and the long-tailed incubus, Iskur, the Son of Baal.
Perched above, at the adjacent building opposite the Blake Tower – was the hiding Paul and Jane – looking below at the voodoo ritual transpiring to its climax.
… Paul have ‘not’ seen the new-players in the ‘usual suspects’ in the realm, whom he had faced before – it was the first time he saw Marchosius and Iskur.
Then the main door of the Dark-tower mystically opened – and the werewolf and the incubus stepped into the warping vortex portal – before it closed again.
“Where are those 2 going…?” said Paul.
… he got no reply from the blind-girl – who was trembling in fear…
… when she ‘saw’ the incubus again with her 3rd-eye – AND RECALLED PERTHLAND – where that ‘same’ entity with its ‘likeness’ of Peter – raped ‘teen-Jane’ in her sleep.
Paul was haphazardly ‘strategizing’ the mission…
“We give them an element-of-surprise by attacking first – THEN WE BOTH SPLIT-UP – and you go inside the Dark-tower like you ‘did’ in Egypt – and I will be outside… and I will ‘some-how’ deal with BlackStar, Popobawa and the panther-head demon.”
“No-Pauly, we’re outnumbered – you will be killed – and I don’t want to lose you…”
The distraught blind-Jane cried in trepidation – and hugged him…
… while Paul pacified his girlfriend – he recalled THE DESERT BATTLE IN EGYPT – where the odds were ‘not’ good back then – where with Mercury, he fought the army of the savage flying gorillas – who were ‘more’ organized, powerful and superior minions in their aerial combat warfare…
“Jane, what do you suggest?”
“Mercury is ‘not’ here – we sit this one out… there is no shame if we ‘lose’ in this one…”
“… but Mercury… we don’t know if he would ever ‘come-back’ … whether or ‘not,’ he’s alive or dead – Jane, there would be a nuclear holocaust in ‘our’ Perth-city in the near future – and, it’s our solemn duty to ‘stop’ it… we can’t sit this one out, you get me, yea…?”
“No-Paul… I can’t do it…”
“Yes, you can ‘do’ it – we ‘can’ both do it – we are THE PROTECTORS OF PERTH, you get me…? But I ‘need’ your backing, Jane – your superpowers ARE ‘SUPERIOR’ than mine – I need you-please, on this one…!”
“… nooo, I can’t… I’m just a B-girl… I’m useless… and, I don’t want to die ‘again’…” lugubriously she wailed.
“No, you’re ‘not’ – and, stop saying that – that is your mother ‘talking-there’…”
“… yes… Mummy is right – I bring ‘more’ harm than good in everything I do – I’m a ‘total’ failure…”
Paul’s both of his palms clasped at her cheeks, with hot tears rolling-down, as he came closer to say…
“All right Jane, you DON’T HAVE TO DO IT – but I’m going in!”
Paul gave her a quick kiss – and pushed her aside, to levitate fast towards the edge of the building. Jane cried-out at the blue beacon…
“No, Paul, no!”
“… I love you, Jane…”
The cripple tween took a deep breath, to muster his final-courage – he jumped down for a free-fall… as his girlfriend screamed…
She ‘saw’ with her 3rd-eye that before he spat on the pavement below, he then transformed to Gemini Blue – as he now…
… soared and flew fast towards the gathered enemies…
“GO! Gemini-GO…!!!”
… instantly at the bonfire, all the army of the alert flying gorillas – took off from the ground, to anticipate him – for a ‘return’ ariel combat-encounter of the Egyptian-desert.
INSP CAROLINE WALKER WAS AT HER DESK, in the police station. Det Patterson came running to her after receiving an anonymous triple-zero phone-call, that the most-wanted suspect – the ‘rabid-infected’ Hajji, whom they were investigating – was seen at the city, running in the street around the Blake Tower area.
Together with Det Blunt and other uniformed police – Caroline headed out, to stop the perpetrator from spreading the disease.
AROUND AFTER 10 PM, THE 4 SUPERBIKES REACHED a dark secluded area, where vacant land was made into a fenced make-shift animal shelter. Hungry dogs in cages were barking to be fed…
… as the stoned Daniel and Charlie attended to their delayed chores.
The one-armed Peter in his school uniform followed behind Kirk and Bella to a nearby shed in the dark. Kirk pulled the cord, to switch on a tungsten-yellow light that lit the messy area. There were 2 unkept beds in the room with lots of Hollywood cowboy-western movie posters on the wooden wall.
… some of the movies were of the 60s and 70s and recent – where Charlie ‘the Horse’ Ross, who was a fan of, had duct-taped on. It was colourful and nostalgic, as Peter too was a fan of Clint Eastwood’s spaghetti western, where he had watched a couple of those on Netflix…
… there were some he hadn’t seen nor heard like – Richard Harris’ ‘A Man Called Horse’…
‘… okay… that ‘what’ the loudmouth Horse’s arm-tattoo was all about…
Peter smirked and scoffed as he saw Quintin Tarantino’s western flick – ‘The Hateful 8’ poster also pinned-up…
‘… how ‘original…?’
Kirk got the oxy-cutter gen-set under Daniel’s bed – and they exited the shed to smoke-up...
… and 15 minutes later, the 4 superbikes left to South Perth Zoo.
PAUL HAD AN ATTACK STRATEGY, WHICH WAS TO TAKE OUT the leader-general BlackStar first in the battleground – as by doing so, it was a half-battle won…
… he had to sieve through over her defence of over 20 fierce flying-gorillas – armed with spiked-clubs, charging at him in-formation. Gemini Blue blasted electric-shocks waves at 2 of the winged-primates in their heads, and saw them dropping weak to the ground below, but…
… he knew they were ‘not’ dead – and would recover soon – as he had fought these diabolic species ‘not’ long-ago – at the full-moon of the Sphinx in Egyptian deserts.
On the ground, the old-hag witch BlackStar ordered T’Maru to attack Paul – the panther-head jumped on his alpha bull-dragon steed, and the 2nd beta creature too followed. BlackStar remained behind with her vampire bodyguard, Popobawa.
Paul froze still in mid-air, as his mind went numb – at the face of his demise…
… the horde of attacking apes had surrounded him, and swooned over in full-speed, swinging their deadly weapons, in all of his directions…
… helplessly staring to anticipate – the first fatal spiked-club blow, behind his head – to take his life-out…
… Gemini Blue then shut his eyes, for his final ‘brief’ prayer…
… and confession…
‘… St Michael, My Guardian-angel – PLEASE HELP-ME… I’M A SINNER who friended with a ‘demon,’ and MADE YOU ‘DISOBEY’ Our-God…
‘… if ‘not’…
‘… goodbye world… goodbye Mom… and Jane… I love you both…’
Instantly, he heard multiple explosions from his left – with hot liquid splattered on his face and body that hissed, in contact with his radian blue-cosmic skin…
Paul opened his eyes to see golden-bright darting bolts – killing 6 more of the flying apes – before realizing that his counterpart, STARGIRL WAS FLYING over to him for backup…
…drenched in the enemies’ blood and chuckling in delight, Paul too went into attack-mode – as he electrocuted some flying gorillas on his right.
StarGirl arrived and they were both at aerial back-to-back – having a full 360 circular view of the attacking enemy. The members of the Cursed-trio were in unison, as they blasted at their approaching targets away in precision...
“… glad you ‘changed’ your mind…”
Jane did ‘not’ reply – as she levitated, and used her 3RD-EYE TO FOCUS – in her blasting the remaining of the evil minions dead.
Paul looked-up in horror – at 2 fire-breathing bull dragons which were approaching at 11 o’clock, in full speed – he spun around like a ballet dancer – grabbed his girlfriend in her hips, as…
… they both fell out-of-range, from the direction of the dragons’ crisscross spitting-flames.
Soon the firmament lit in green – echoes of Buddhist chants were heard in every direction…
… Paul and Jane gazed up…
Lo’ and behold…
… SeeIn the Grand-Master Monk and the Abrahamic St Michael the Archangel appeared in a portal…
“Jane! The calvary is here!” said the laughing Gemini Blue.
“… huh… where is Mercury…?” asked StarGirl.
Below in the ground, BlackStar realised of the presence of 2 heavenly intruders who had intervened into her dimension – the African witch transformed into her gigantic blackhole size – to intimidate the trespassers.
The winged St Michael swooned below, carrying his spear towards the direction of the fiery bull-dragons.
The Archangel was now an ex-communicado in the Abrahamic heavens – for his disobedience to aid the Red-demon – as he had opened THE FORBIDDEN BACKDOOR in the desert, to let Mercury to enter the Egypt…
… the penalty for that DEFIANCE WAS DEATH…
… St Gabriel and the rest of the angels were assigned to kill their ‘rebel’ Archangel leader.
Being ‘hunted-and-wanted’ – St Michael since then took refuge in Nirvana, under the protection of the celestial Grand-Master Monk, SeeIn.
THEY WERE AT THE BACK ROAD OF THE ZOO and were waiting for the right time to breach an entry for their mission to release the caged monkeys. The youngsters, Peter and Bella were excluded – but were the ‘eyes-and-ears’ for the 20-something youth-trio.
The older guys had stepped aside into ‘their’ personal meeting – where the trio was discussing on A PRINTED LAYOUT MAP with CCTV locations, to path their way their way through ‘blind-spots’ and avoid security guard sentries of the zoo.
The one-armed Peter admired them to be well-organized – even for some drunk degenerates:
Kirk Kiperman was the brain – the leader who coordinated the team. Daniel Bennett was the tech-guy – as he would provide the visual ‘feed’ via his GoPro gadget and 2-way-communication. Charlie Ross was the muscle – as he would carry the heavy oxy-cutter gen-set over, and do the dismantling of the cages.
Peter was curious, and asked Bella…
“Hey-Frenchie, why the name ‘Hateful-8’ – when there are only 4 of you…?”
“… 5 of us – now that you are here too…”
Bella laughed and continued saying…
“The Hateful-8 is just a metaphor, a figure of speech of our animal-rights movement cause in Perth – soon, after tonight – more people would join in into our secret-society… I’m thinking of recruiting of ‘others’ in Stamford High…”
Peter scoffed…
“Bad idea… more-people more-talking around – and, WE ‘WOULD-BE’ CAUGHT… and that’s the end of us – hey Bella, after tonight – I’m out, get me, yea…?”
The 3 guys joined them, after smoking their ‘choices’ of poison – Kirk the leader spoke-up, while looking at the time in his watch, that were synchronized to his team members…
“It’s time…”
… Daniel the techie gave a tracking-device – Peter slotted it into the USB-port of his Pete2.0 tablet – that then pinged, as the both of the devices synced.
“This is it!” said the excited Bella.
The 4 members of the Hateful-8 members put their hands together holding on-to-each-other – while looking over at the ‘reluctant’ Peter, who stood-alone… before, he too placed his single one-arm in, on top of theirs…
… they chanted their motivational ‘good-lucks’…
“Go! Hateful-8, Go!”
Kirk and Daniel walked over to the 20 feet high wall at the zoo’s back area. Charlie the Horse before leaving too, bragged while lifting the heavy gen-set…
“Both of you spring-chickens stay-put and learn – and, watch us ‘pro’ do our thing!”
… Daniel the parkour guy went in first – as he skilfully scaled the wall like Spider-man…
… once on-top, he was ‘watched’ by curious eyes below – as he opened his backpack-of-magic-tricks, to pull out a rope-ladder… and fling the bottom of the rope to the rest of the team…
… Peter was impressed to ‘what’ he saw…
‘… hey, that is the ‘kind’ of a ladder in the movies – where the hero hanged-on, to escape in a flying helicopter…’
Kirk and Charlie clambered the wall using the rope ladder – the trio-team all-stood on top of the wall – Kirk then pulled the ladder up, and threw it reverse, into the zoo grounds, before he climbed down…
… Charlie was the second to go, lugging the heavy equipment…
Daniel was the last to descend-down – and he waved at Bella and Peter…
… Bella Beaulieu blew a flying-kiss…
In the darkened zoo milieu – the 3 guys made their mission-run over, to the Primate World.
THE WHITE AUDI WITH AN ATTACHED POLICE-SIREN raced behind 4 police patrol car that were racing to the location where Hajji was last seen located. As the cars approached close, they were astounded with an unusual anomaly at the night-skies…
… which was lit by the Aurora Australis at the city centre – where IT WAS SEEN for the ‘first’ time by denizens, of the realm…
… even Insp Caroline Walker on the wheel, was astonished by the abnormality, that she was experiencing for her ‘first’ time – as she raced to the Blake Tower area.
The police cars joined a massive horning traffic jam, where it was caused by everyone in cars slowing down… to awe the marvel of the colourful lit firmament – the sidewalks too were filling with people gawking as they were pointed-up and took photos – like it was Sydney’s New Year’s Day fireworks display.
Suddenly, there was chaos in the street…
… from the night-spectators’ rear – the disease infected Hajji and his tiny Capuchin monkey were attacking by biting and scratching them. Everyone present scrambled and were screaming in fear.
Caroline witnessed the ‘bitten’ people – fallen at the sidewalk, were foaming in their mouth. She honked her blaring car horn but – the cars ahead, at the jam were ‘not’ budging…
… and the perpetrator Hajji was escaping…
… the inspector got off her Audi, took out her Browning pistol from her waistbelt holder – and ran by foot, chasing Hajji…
… they were running among the crowd towards BLAKE TOWER…
… that was silhouetted by THE RED-BLOOD AURORA.
AT THE DARK TOWER, IN THE POST-NUCLEAR REALM of Perth – Jane was blasting dead the remaining of the flying gorillas. Some remaining apes, that were dazed earlier by Paul’s electro-shock superpowers, had recovered – and were flying at her…
… guided by the 3rd-eye powers – StarGirl took accurate fiery-shot blasts – leaving rain of blood to drop on the ground-below – from severed limbs, of dead fallen gorillas…
Her fanboy-boyfriend was with his religious-idol, St Michael…
… together they both were mid-air battling fire breathing bull-dragons – and, one was ridden by T’Maru the panther-head.
At midway, BlackStar grew into an enormous blackhole and was sucking in – abandon cars, streetlights and parts of building concrete were drawn and imbibed into her vortex. SeeIn the celestial monk was facing her…
… the old Shaolin was doing his kung-fu display of movements – where each set-action emitted ‘healing’ energy green-ball shot into the blackhole…
But BlackStar retaliated – as the blackhole spat-out blood-red balls-of-fire back at him.
St Michael had lanced the heart of the beta bull-dragon with his heavenly spear – it gave a great fatal croaking roar before it fell dead below to the ground.
Paul was avoiding the thrown jet-of-flames by T’Maru’s alpha steed – as Gemini Blue was flying in swift loops… to frustrate the panther-head rider.
“Die! You fool, die!”
His Guardian angel came to his rescue – St Michael spoke telepathically…
“Paul, leave this African demon to me – go to the Blind-one – take her into the Dark-tower – and stop the Son of Baal! Go now!”
The faithful Catholic obeyed – and flew down below…
… Paul saw Jane had eliminated all of the aerial flying gorillas – and called her, and she came too came flying to her blue beacon…
“Jane, we have to go into the Dark-tower – St Michael told us to do so – we have to stop those 2 demons that went into the portal, just now…”
The blind-girl hesitated – and was ‘not’ keen to go ‘there’ – after ‘seeing’ the incubus ‘whom’ she feared, going in there moments earlier.
“Where is Mercury, Paul…? Didn’t you ask your St Michael – cos’ I went into the tower the last time with him?”
“Forget him – I’m accompanying you…”
They both flew down to the main door where an active portal was actively warbling – but it was guarded by 2 huge wingless gorillas, that wore combat uniforms. Paul made a pop-culture reference of a 70s TV series of The Planet of the Apes, that he saw on YouTube…
“Jane – the Urko-twins – kill them!”
The 2 brute apes charged at them, wielding clubs – but StarGirl blasted them dead before both could reach them. Gemini Blue was impressed with the bloodied carcass that dropped…
“… how I wished, I could do that too, …” then looking at the unguarded portal…
“… ladies first…”
… StarGirl walked into the vortex, and was transported to the ‘other-side’ – Paul was about to step in, but…
…he was surprise attacked by Popobawa at his rear – where the bat-winged vampire lifted him into the air. Panicking, Gemini Blue struggled helplessly, as the African bloodsucker was about to bite into his jugular-vein with its feral virus… Paul screamed…
Inside the Dark-tower… Jane saw with her 3rd-eye – that the portal circle was ‘closing’…
… she too panicked, and wanted TO GET OUT – but hit a concrete wall, when the vortex vanished… trapping her alone in the fortress…
… to face her greatest fear of…
… the Perthland’s incubus rapist.
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