《BOOK 5: THE RETURN OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.1 POST-TREETON》Chapter 22: Aurora Australis @Blake Tower [Part 1]
AFTER THURSDAY’S CLASSES, PAUL WAS mentally drained – with lack of sleep after the rescue of Kitty-mission last night. He dreaded the thought of going home as a latch-key kid, with his inspector-mother OUT THERE, IN THE MIDDLE of the possible danger of Perth’s zombie outbreak ‘attacks’ happening, in various part of the city, mainly after dark…
… but GOING HOME was the safest option for him, to be behind locked doors.
In his wheelchair, he followed Jane and Alicia to the library – where they were to wait until the doctor-mother come-fetch his girlfriend, after her work at the clinic.
Alicia was excited that she was going to a BTS concert – a South Korean boy-band outfit, and the K-pop group were touring Australia. She was going to the mega-show that evening, with her older cousin Lily Wang…
The Chinese girl was an aficionado to the Korean culture…
… in the other-Perth, AS HIS GIRLFRIEND back-then – Alicia had even introduced and ‘influenced’ Paul to watch teen K-drama, which he was hooked-into since.
… it was ‘not’ an Asian phenomenon as Paul realised – where in class just now, he overheard that even Charlotte Thompson and Zoe Williams were big-fans too, and both would be attending the concert, with their clique.
Paul excused himself and told the girls that he was going home because he is exhausted – Jane said that she will call him in the evening from the hotel.
IN THE LIBRARY, THE BFFs WERE ‘NOT’ STUDYING as the frantic Chinese girl was rambling on-and-on of her ‘ultimate’ favourite K-pop band – who was listed in the Korean stock-market as a billion-dollar brand…
… and she has every album of the mega supergroup – but was sad…
… that the teenagers were ‘not’ be cutting any new album soon – as they would be ‘away,’ serving their South Korean National service – which was mandatory ‘duty’ of youth in the country, with communist North Korea – as its ‘threatening’ neighbour-border country.
Jane’s Samsung ‘alerted’ a miscall – both the girls then left the library to go to the school’s parking lot, where her doctor-mother’s Mazda SUV was stationary…
… they both heard, the toddler Samuel’s voice calling them over, in excitement…
“Jane-Lisheyaa… come… see Lion King!”
The blind girl chuckled, and…
… Jane told her BFF of her baby-brothers ‘new-found’ obsession with the Disney’s movie, ‘forgetting’ his past ‘Jungle Book’ fixation – to which Alicia told, that she had ‘seen’ the latest rendition of Lion King movie – with its National Geography-look of talking animals…
Jane sat at the backseat with Samuel after wishing that her BFF would have a great time tonight at the concert, held at the Blake Tower auditorium. Alicia greeted the stoic-looking Mrs Wilson, who started the car and drove away.
Through the rear-view-mirror, Shelley looked at her B-girl at the backseat with the jovial baby-brother, who held the electronic tablet and was storytelling in his limited baby-talk vocabulary…
… the doctor-mother was still crossed with the rebellious-natured Jane – after discovering the ‘orange track-pants’ THAT SHE FOUND in her daughter’s bedroom that morning…
… she was concerned if the B-girl ‘would-be’ a bad influence to Samuel – who too would-be frolicking with girls, behind the parents’ back – once he was an adolescent someday…
The doctor-mother wanted Anthony to be in the hotel after his work – and, as the ‘responsible’ parents WOULD ‘CORNER’ JANE and ask about – ‘which’ of the Walker-twin she had been ‘sneaking’ into her hotel suite-room, after dark, behind their back.
PAUL THANKED GARY NUMEROUS-TIMES, AND THE NISSAN ALMERA drove off. Paul felt bad he had to owe the Uber driver his fare, as Gary Morrison’s income earned was daily-paid, and he was a family-man too – but…
… the circumstance to ‘that’ was, his mom had ‘not’ banked-in his weekly allowance, as she was busy at work lately in her zombie-attack cases.
While approaching the locked front door – he was thinking of his dinner later – as his mom had ‘not’ left money for takeaways too – but he was ‘not’ worried, as he can always slap-up a quick grilled ham-and-cheese sanger, with the leftovers in the fridge.
He was ‘not’ hungry for lunch either – after the meatball pasta, he had earlier at that canteen, with his girlfriend. What he needed ‘most’ was a restful-nap…
… took off his black leather shoes, he levitated over and plopped-down on his single mattress-bed, in his windowless bedroom – to-be instantly in slumber-mode…
… while his aura then drifted – into the DREAM-IN-DREAM world…
THE 3 OF THEM STEPPED OUT OFF THE HOTEL ELEVATOR to their 23rd floor. Shelley waited until her blind daughter used her key-card, to access-and-enter her hotel bedroom.
The doctor-mother stepped into her own room – she was pleased while at work, that housekeeping had ‘made-up’ the room as prim-and-proper to her satisfaction. She saw Samuel going to the couch, to continue his repeated-viewing of Lion King.
Shelley dropped her car key at the writing-table – she instantly thought ‘what’ her B-girl was up to in the next room…
‘… probably, on her Samsung talking to her ‘boyfriend’ – BUT-TO ‘which’ boyfriend…?’
She walked up to her luggage bag where she left the ORANGE TRACK-PANTS – but it was ‘gone’…
… she searched for the missing clothing – and wondered ‘where’ housekeeping had ‘misplaced’ it…
… she further panicked, AFTER RUMINATING her own luggage bag twice…
… her ‘EVIDENCE’ AGAINST her B-girl had ‘puzzlingly’ disappeared…
‘… did housekeeping take it…? … had it been ‘sent’ for laundry…? I did ‘not’ send that ‘stinky’ pants to be washed…?’
Shelley wanted to call the front desk – to ask about the misplaced orange-pants…
‘… is it in lost-and-found…?’
… and ‘who’ in the housekeeping – had ‘done’ the room, just now?
… what-if a ‘dishonest’ employee – had ‘taken’ it?
… then ‘hotel-security’ would come over and ask – ‘whose’ pants was it?’
‘… is it your husband’s pants? … we have to put that in the ‘missing-item’ paperwork,’ they would-say…’
Shelley Wilson gave a short pitched-cry of frustration – as her EVIDENCE TO ‘ACCUSE’ her B-girl was mysteriously missing.
Hours earlier, ‘that’ morning…
… while Shelley was in the shower to go to work…
… Samuel sneezed a snot on his tablet screen – he used the orange track-pants to wipe his mess – and threw the pants into the wastepaper basket, near the writing-table.
His mother DID ‘NOT’ NOTICE THAT – as she hurried to go to work – bringing her son along to the clinic.
Hours later…
… housekeeping ‘threw’ away the pants, as ‘trash’…
The very tired, Jane entered her room – where she had been out on her Kitty rescue-mission last night with Paul. She removed her green uniform blazer, kicked off her shoes and got into the King-sized bed. The blind-girl wanted to take a nap, before dinner – her body shut-down the moment, her head rested on the soft-comfy goose-feathered pillow…
… while her aura ‘too’ then drifted like Paul – into the dream-in-dream world…
PAUL’S AURA FLOATED AERIAL IN A ‘NEW’ REALM – which was the Reversed-Perth of post-nuclear catastrophic. The red-sun was setting at the horizon – that silhouetted a familiar monument in Perth-city that was THE TALLEST BUILDING…
… called the Blake Tower…
… which looked ‘similar’ to the Dark-tower of the desert, in Egypt.
Gliding slow into the dusty clouds, Paul saw below – ruins of buildings and debris all-over in the familiar streets – but no human life forms visible in the midst. The radiation emitted made him weak to drift towards the 5 kilometres where the tall-structure was…
… Paul decided to come down to the street-level…
He descended over a cluster of pigeons and frightened them – Paul levitated and was amazed that the birds were wingless and ran away with their scampered feet. He was horrified when he saw a group of domestic cats with 6 legs were darting and chasing the helpless pigeons – and they caught some of the slow-moving birds, for survival nutriment…
… a score of cats was ripping 6 wingless birds, with their claws-and-fangs – and were then feasting. Until…
… Paul heard dog barks from his rear – and then was shocked to see a pack of 2 headed-dogs approaching fast towards the feeding cats. The felines fast escaped to the threatening barking canines, as they too were hunting for survival – ripping 2 unfortunate sluggish moving cats.
One of the ferocious dogs saw Paul, and the 2-headed canine chased him – he was levitating fast for his life in the street road, but the dog caught-up fast – one of the dog-head bit on his orange tracky-daks that he wore, ripping his garment at the shin of his crippled left leg…
… before he fell down – Paul electrocuted the mutt, and it dropped unconscious. Then 2 other dogs saw him sprawl dazed on the road – and they ran over swiftly at highspeed …
… before the 4-heads attacked him – Paul escaped by circling up-above – leaving the dogs roaring barks of disappointment.
Paul realised the nuclear holocaust had mutated domesticated animals – to have ‘extra’ heads and limbs…
… it was a dog-eat-cat world of survival too.
He then continued soaring his 5-kilometre journey, towards the tall tower.
AT THE RESTAURANT TABLE, PETER WAS BORED – he rather be home, watching some Netflix than hearing Bella and Kirk talking about rescuing strays in the streets – but he could ‘not’ find a reasonable excuse to leave McDonald's.
Kirk’s cellphone rang, and he was talking to a mate at the other-end – he then told…
“Hey-Bella, Ross the Horse is celebrating his belated birthday – he asked if you care to join ‘them’…?”
“… of course, I would – ask him to buy another bottle, and we meet at the motel.”
Bella turned to the one-armed tween…
“Pete, are you coming? You have to MEET THESE 2 GUYS – they are super-cool… they work for Kirk at the ‘rescue’ farm…”
… it was an opportunity for Peter to say ‘no’ and get away from the animal activist crowd – but…
‘… what is this 14-year-old girl going drinking with these 20-something guys at the motel – WHAT IF they gangbang her…? They ‘would’ so – when one of them was ‘called’ Horse…’
Peter wanted to ‘protect’ his future tennis doubles-partner – from these ‘exploitive’ blokes…
“Okay – I’m game!”
The trio left the table…
Outside Maccas…
… Peter whistled and got Jimbo’s attention, from across the street – the homeless-man came running to him…
“Jimbo, I’m going for ‘another’ business meeting – take care of my bike – and don’t ‘lose’ it!”
“No-worries, Boss-man – your DeLorean is in ‘SAFE-HANDS’…”
The grinning hobo put up both his hands-up – then made a ‘joke’ by showing only-one-hand – as Peter-himself has ‘only’ one…
Bella gave Peter a spare helmet – and the 2 motorcycles left.
“Jane, what is happening to you? Are you alright, you have rapid heartbeats…? There is also an abnormality to your REM pattern – it is fluctuating like crazy…”
The dazed Jane was speechless – and did ‘not’ have answers to her AI Boyyo’s inquiries – as she ‘drifted’ helplessly, into the cosmic Out-of-Body-Experience tube…
… then at the mouth end of the celestial duct – the tween was expectorated and expelled-out into another alternate-dimension…
“Yikes! WHERE ARE we…?”
“… you tell me ‘where,’ Boyyo – I’m blind…”
Boyyo was gobsmacked as it ‘processed’ what it ‘saw’… through the girl’s dark-glasses – everything visible was fuzzy and smoky – as Jane drifted in the dirty radioactive clouds of the post-nuclear realm…
“… the GPS mapping is of Perth – ‘now-how’ what I’m ‘processing’ is possible – has there been a war here…?”
“What war, Boyyo – details please?”
The confused and astounded artificial-intelligence described that the destructed Perth-city was in ruins from a ‘possible’ holocaust – as Jane listened…
… she had in the past – travelled into several ‘other’ realms like her Mother Venus’ Garden-of-Eden and …
… even had another out-of-body-experience when she was on her solo-mission – to rescue Peter’s soul in Asmodeus’ Underworld…
‘… so, this ‘must’ BE ONE OF THOSE supernatural worlds – in the eery dream-in-a-dream world…’
… remembering as SIMY too ‘had’ once said – there were no scientific ‘explanations’ to the paranormal and mystical world, where…
… her former-AI ‘herself’ too was trapped-in ‘one’ – since the ‘tragedy’ in Treeton…
“I detect clusters of human activity below, Jane…”
“… guide me to them…”
There was a tribal war ‘happening’ in the streets – where 2 factions fought…
… these were the savage children of the post-nuclear – and, they were fighting each other for their street territory dominance and food survival…
… they wore tattered dirty clothes, some were naked – and they were primitively armed with home-made spears and sharp out of modern-day objects… or just simple threw rocks at the enemy.
The larger faction were kids below 10-years of age – who had ambushed 3 teenagers – who fought for their lives, as they being cornered.
In the midst of the war-cries, Jane descended to the street at a safe distance, then hearing her AI exclaiming…
“What madness is this…? Why are they fighting?”
The youngling mob of boys-and-girls were winning – as they had killed 2 of the teens – with one fled for his life, but pursued by 6 chasing grunting angry kids.
The children were continuedly stabbing and hacking the dead teenagers sprawled on the road – cutting-up their flesh…
“Yikes! This is inhuman…”
“Boyyo, what is happening…?”
“Jane, THEY ARE CANNIBALS – they are eating the dead victims…”
“Oh-No!” Blind-Jane cried aloud…
… the feral progenies who were gathered while feeding – HEARD JANE’S VOICE – some with the spears ran over…
“Jane, quick-run – or fly, or whatever – they are coming for you!!!”
The terrified blind-Jane ran on foot, for her life…
Paul who flew towards the post-apocalyptic Blake Tower – saw 2 anomalies below in the streets of people running in the ruined streets…
… a teenager being pursued by a group of wild broods…
… another was a girl – too was chased by armed youngsters…
He ‘RECOGNIZED’ THE GIRL – and was shocked…
‘Jane is in trouble…’
From ariel, the cripple boy dropped down in front of Blind-Jane…
“Jane, GET BEHIND me!”
Levitating on the ground, Paul shot electrical snaking-bolts to ‘stun’ the children assailants – knocking them down unconscious.
… Jane’s 3rd-eye ‘opened,’ IN THE PRESENCE of her blue-beacon…
She hugged him crying, still trembling all over…
“Pauly, what is happening – why is there this chaos here…?”
“… I’m not sure – I reckon this is what’s left of the ‘future’ Perth… I think…”
“What do we ‘DO’ TO STOP IT from happening…?”
“… eer, I guess – we should go-find out – but I think the answer lies in the Dark Tower…”
Paul held her arm, as they both ascended from the street road…
… as they flew to the direction – of the post-nuclear Blake Tower.
AT THE MOTEL, PETER SAT QUIET AT THE COUCH. He was observing both of the 20-something youths named Charlie ‘Horse’ Ross and Daniel Bennett joining them. They were drunk, boisterous and jovial, all in one – when they chatted with Bella and Kirk. They brought along a bottle of vodka and 2 bottles of orange juice and were fixing screwdriver-cocktails.
… Peter don’t trust them – as they were adults…
… especially, the birthday-boy called Horse, as his nickname – with one with the most body piercings and tattoos – and bore the ink ‘the Man Called Horse’ in his left arm.
The one-armed tween noticed they BOTH WERE RESPECTFUL to the 14-year-old Bella – and even called her Miss Wilford…
‘… why wouldn’t you – she is the millionaire’s niece – who pays for all of your ‘expenses’ around here…?’
Daniel Bennett offered Peter a glass of the cocktail – reluctantly, he accepted…
… after the nasty hangover, he had after drinking the horrible Chinese rice-wine yesterday, and the aftermath in today in the classroom – in the first periods, all-nauseating and sickening inside-out.
Peter listened to the room of the 4 animal activists talking away of their noble-deed of rescuing strays, abandoned in the streets…
… he learned that Kirk Kiperman was housing-and-feeding the strays on vacant land, where he made a makeshift ‘shelter’ – and his buddies Daniel and Charlie were employed in the day-to-day maintenance. And, Bella…
… was ‘writing the cheques’ and bearing the financial cost of her pet-project.
Soon, the 3 adults were doing drugs…
… Kirk was smoking meth in his crackpipe – while Daniel and Charlie smoked weed…
… Peter swore to himself to ‘not’ to do drugs in the post-Treeton realm – and focus in attaining his tennis-dream comeback – because when he did drugs in the ‘other’ realms…
… he ‘lost’ his focus – and MADE ‘BAD’ decisions and choices – as dangerous drugs like meth-and-opioids-and-Gochi – back-then – ‘had’ distorted his perceptions and reality…
He whispered into Bella’s ears…
“… look, Kirk is smoking meth…”
Bella only chuckled, sipping her screwdriver, and replying…
“… I too smoke cigarettes and booze – and, I don’t ‘judge’ other people’s ‘choices’ of their ‘poisons’…’
Peter was then back sitting quietly into his thoughts – while the animal-activists talked shop…
… he was back ruminating of ‘what’ Kirk Kiperman had said at-Maccas just now – that his father had built a secret elevator in one of the rooms – that led to a mysterious bunker in the ‘unknown-of’ basement…
… that he himself had ‘not’ known and discover in the House-of-Walker…
‘… that elevator is in dad’s music-room – but his super-cop wife ‘locked’ it up…’
Peter enjoyed his glass of the vodka cocktail – it was sweet and tangy – soon, from one glass became to 3 – and, he was less ‘judgemental’ towards Bella’s friends.
He became close with Daniel, who shared by showing his GoPro videos in his cellphone – as a novice parkour stuntman, where he agile climbed-on abandon buildings-tops without ropes and ladders…
… the fascinated one-armed Peter, wished he was ‘not’ a handicap – so that Daniel would teach him parkour.
After his 5th glass of screwdriver, the drunk Peter begin showing off his ‘new’ AI-toy that interacted in voice command. Bella and friends had a hilarious fun time with Pete2.0’s answers to their ‘weird-drunkard’ inquiries…
The sloshed Charlie made an inebriated request as his belated birthday-gift challenge – that Peter to come up with a ‘perfect’ masterplan to ‘free’ the monkeys in the South Perth Zoo using his AI device.
… Peter recalled that the animal activists blotched attempt AND GOT ‘CAUGHT,’ – was the SAME TIME, when he ‘rescued’ the ‘kidnapped’ Samuel Jaheem Wilson at the zoo.
The drunk one-armed tween POINTED AT CHARLIE ROSS, and accused…
“… so, it’s you – you are the one who posted your ‘photos’ and ‘bragged’ on Instagram, after spring-out the monkeys in their bloody cages!”
Charlie was confused…
“What’s he talking about?”
Kirk Kiperman stepped-in and explained that ‘Peter’ CLAIMED THAT HE ‘WAS’ from the future… where the Hateful-8 WOULD BE CAUGHT ‘LATER’ – after their monkey ‘rescue’ mission. All the 3 older youth laughed.
Laughing, Charlie the Horse neighed the loudest, saying…
“What is this – Spielberg’s Minority Report!!? This boy has been watching way-too-much Netflix, hahaha!”
“So… y’all don’t ‘believe’ me – the truth of the matter ‘was’ – that’s ‘what that happened,’ and my Inspector mother arrested y’all…”
“Prove us then, fan-boy…”
The 20-something trio still laughed to the ridiculous accusations – until Bella spoke-out…
“Stop laughing at him, Horse – this breaking-in into the zoo, should be ‘our-secret’ only – and, ‘not’ a self-glorified personal attempt – and leak the news online, okay y’all…!!?”
All the 3 adult youth were quiet to their ‘employer’ – Bella turned to Peter…
“What if we were all ‘CAUTIOUS’ IN our mission – and, ‘not’ get involved online – Peter, can you devise us an airtight plan…?”
“Listen, Bella, if y’all get caught – I’ll get caught too – my mom is a good meticulous policewoman in Perth, who gets almost all of her cases solved…”
“Okay, with that said – WE WOULD BE-CAREFUL – so, can you help us then…?”
“But I don’t trust these drunkard 3 Stooges fools – and, I don’t want a criminal record hanging over my head – and that would ruin in my tennis comeback dreams…”
“No worries – these are my ‘boys’ – they work for me, and would ‘obey’ my given orders. Peter, you have the AI-tech – YOU COME-UP WITH the foolproof plan – I give that to them for them to successfully implement, to ‘beat’ the system – and, everyone ‘walks-away’ scotts-free, …” the 14-year-old girl said confidently of the possible positive-outcome…
… Peter was in a quagmire situation – IF HE DOESN’T AGREE – he would lose Bella as his tennis mixed-double partner.
Peter gave a command to Pete2.0…
“… give me a layout of every CCTV cameras in the South Perth Zoo ‘now’!”
“Yes, Master…”
Everyone saw a blueprint of the zoo’s milieu in the electronic notebook screen…
… the 3 youth were ‘studying’ the ground layout, while Peter proceeded…
“Pete2.0, WHEN IS the safe-hour for a ‘break-in’ into the zoo premise?”
“Master, there would be a change of security guards at 11:30 PM – with a 15-minute ‘window’ when – the guards have their work-briefing.”
Bella looked at her watch, and assembled her team…
“That’s 2 hours from now – boys, stop drinking and fooling around – and get seriously into ‘planning’ for our zoo-mission…”
Eterna's Source
Sery is a Source, born with immense magic but unable to use it. Enslaved for her power, her life is one of abuse and exploitation until one day, everything changes. Veltyen, a sword-mage, rescues her, releasing her from her chains. He takes her to join the mage guild Eterna, where she learns she can help others without being used. As her magic boosts the guild to entirely new levels of power, trouble brews. Other guilds want Sery's power, and they are willing to destroy Eterna to get it. As Sery comes into her own and explores the unique powers of a Source, she makes unexpected innovations that will change society, and life as she knows it. (This story has strong romantic elements, so if you don't like romance, you probably won't like it) - Cover art credit goes to Chryiss
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Player Glitch *paused*
Quod Venetus or QV for short, the greatest virtual reality game ever created and funnily enough also the name of the company. With a realism of 99% you can really start a new life in a land of swords and magic, and with its unique point shop system that can buy you anything if you have gathered enough points it's won many game mechanic awards.Just imagine if one player had advantage over this system. What a disaster that would be!??(Will write chapters of varying lengths)
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I got reincarnated and got a creation cheat
An abused child died to his father and mother. His mother wanted him dead the moment his birth and said he is a mistake. His father did drugs and gambled when he lost he abused him. He didn't even have a name he was 5 when he died to abused he then woke up in a white room and saw a man standing in front of him in greek clothes and looked a bit holy. The man said to him " I'm sorry I didn't want you to die and accidentilly killed you forgive me sorry I will give you a new life with better parents and a cheat. now watch adventure the world and use his cheat and enjoy his life with better parents.
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Monday Morning (1)
🎶this flower needs somewhere to go. No room to grow on these dusty roads. Eight fifteen, I'll save you a seat🎶Started: July 4, 2019Published: July 22, 2019Completed: August 2, 2019Sequel: Paralyzed
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ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ
after joining a strange club, you meet the club leader who has a rather unpleasant attitude. but you are not one to give up so easily how will your bond grow? >> highschool au >> gn! reader
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Theo and Liam go on a road trip. Visiting places they've always wanted to go to, meeting an interesting pack along the way, cracking jokes here and there, flirting about and dealing with the minor dramas these two brew when together. But, here's the twist, neither boys expected to fall for one another.!!! NOT MY STORY !!!The actual creator is on ao3 >captainmintyfreshNothing is changed though. I've just put the story on Wattpad since it's easier to read on here in my opinion. :)
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