《BOOK 5: THE RETURN OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.1 POST-TREETON》Chapter 24: Aurora Australis @Blake Tower [Part 3]
POPOBAWA’S CLAWED HANDS WERE DUG deep in both of Paul’s shoulders – as the vampire demon, flew away with the tween superhero member of the Cursed-trio. It went to bite his jugular veins of his neck…
… the screaming panic Gemini Blue used both his hands and held its head – as it fangs came close to his neck…
… he then thought of the Black rhino, which he fought and subdued it to a comatose-state…
Paul emitted and radiated his electrical kinetic shock superpower to the demon’s cranium – after a brief instant of enduring pain, the vampire broke-free and released him from its hold…
… the cripple tween dropped to the ground in pain… he laid on the ground, as he recovered – beside the Dark-tower while looking up at the blood-red Aurora Australis skies, where a vast blackhole was forming fast – with Oriental SeeIn fighting it…
… it reminded his of his fave-anime Dragonball – where BlackStar and the Grand-master monk were both throwing fiery-balls-of-firepower at each other.
Paul then saw the aerial combat of St Michael and T’Maru on his surviving bull dragon steed – who both were avoiding being spear-stabbed nor smouldered by flames…
… the Calvary had done well – BlackStar was losing…
… she ‘escaped’ with her last attempt – as her blackhole ‘sucked-up’ her minions of Popobawa and T’Maru with his bull-dragon…
… before ‘disappearing’ into the Aurora Australis…
Paul panicked as he noticed that the Dark-tower too was fading of its existence – he got-up ad levitated fast to the once portal-opening – which now was sealed by concrete-wall…
“No-no, Jane! Jane!”
Desperately, he blasted his ‘useless’ electro superpowers away at the vanishing concrete entrance with no results…
The winged St Michael descended to his side…
“St Michael! Jane is TRAPPED INSIDE – WE MUST FREE her, now!!!”
“Don’t worry, O’ Good-one, SeeIn and I would go and rescue her ... you-go now ...go ‘return’ home, and ‘sleep.’”
Paul protested…
“No! Let me follow – I WANT TO HELP TOO… cos’ I did so – when I went on ‘missions,’ together with Mercury!”
“Mercury is no more... you go to sleep now!”
The Archangel touched Paul’s forehead, with his index-finder – the cripple-tween ceased to levitate, as he crumbled down to the ground…
… the last thing, the ‘helpless’ Paul saw before his ‘own’ deep-sleep was – the Blake Tower disappearing completely… ‘trapping’ his girlfriend-in…
St Michael looked below at his feet – of the ‘sleeping’ mortal-tween-superhero, who was vanishing-too from ‘his existence’ in the realm of the post-nuclear domain, to go...
… back to his post-Treeton Perth.
INSP CAROLINE WALKER RAN INTO THE CROWD, BUMPING ON HUMAN obstacles who stood static in front of her-way, as they were gawking at the firmament above in awe – mesmerizing with the wonders of the blinking light-change of the red-Aurora Australis…
… while ahead – the ‘infected’ Hajji and his diseased-monkey were getting away.
The running inspector could ‘not’ get a ‘clean’ shot of the dreadlock-haired perpetrator with her pistol, with too many civilians in her way. Not far behind, some police and detectives were too in the chase, as Caroline’s back-up…
… they were ALL HEADING to the Blake Tower building.
The Nigerian gate-crashed into the lobby – and his tiny-terror Capuchin monkey which sprung-up and bit 2 uniformed security guards in their faces, who had confronted the trespassing troublemaker intruders, from creating a public nuisance.
Hajji then dashed above on a crowded escalator, that led to the floor of the auditorium…
… Caroline chased from behind… avoiding the falling people, on the moving steps…
“Police! Police – get out of my way!”
… while holding her gun, and identifying herself as she ran-up…
The supergroup BTS, AKA the Bangtan Boys – were on stage, singing and choreographed dancing to their mega-hit song ‘Dynamite,’ with their music video on the big screen. Esthetical young teenager girls and older females in the thousands were screaming their lungs-out at the ‘imported’ culture in the new millennium…
… of the South Korean 7-members androgynous-looking septet presence on stage…
… just like their grandmothers did back in past. During the Beatlemania era in the 60s – followed by their mothers who behaved the similar way later, in Michael Jackson live-shows in the latter 80s.
Hajji and the Capuchin monkey bit and clawed their way into the boyband concert crowd – and were attacking the back row fans…
… Caroline and the rest of the detectives arrived and saw first-hand of the commotion, where 13 FEMALES WERE BITTEN by the ‘infected’ duo. The inspector still couldn’t get a ‘clean’ shot at the dreadlocked Nigerian, as there were lots of fans’ obstruction – she then blasted some warning shots in the air, to frighten the perpetrators, but it did ‘not’ work either…
… as the music WAS TOO LOUD.
Everyone in the auditorium was letting their hair-down and were transfixed with the boys’ electrifying concert performance – to be aware of Hajji’s attacks nor the pistol warning shots at the back row…
… the front-row esthetical and elated screams of the majority, drowned the screams of pain and suffering of the few, at that moment…
… with overturned chairs, Caroline saw the 13 bitten victims on the ground who were in seizure-state while foaming saliva in their mouth…
… Hajji was threatened when he ‘realized’ the police were present close-by trying to corner him – and he escaped by running away in a different exit door out – Caroline wanted to follow him with a chase, but was in 2 minds when she looked at the 13 female, who were now acting feral with the zombie sickness…
… they proceeded then to attack other euphoric fans in ‘front’ of them…
The police did ‘not’ want to shoot at them, as they were civilians of Perth – but had to come up with a solution fast before more innocent girls were infected. Detective Edgar Blunt had an idea of tasering them unconscious – where…
… they had later insentient 22 fans before the biting frenzy escalated.
… Caroline heard gunshots outside the exit door…
… she ran out to anticipate the uniformed police members have taken down the Nigerian…
But it did ‘not’ prevail to win out – as Hajji and his monkey made a daring dash into the lobby atrium – before running out in the streets again, escaping the law…
… leaving it as ‘unsolved’ criminal case in Insp Caroline Walker’s files.
“Mates-Stop!!! There IS SOMEBODY coming!”
… cried Pete2.0 in the 2-way-comm – to ALERT THE TRIO of the Hateful-8 animal activist, on their ‘mission,’ behind the zoo walls…
Outside, hidden in a bush of 4 hidden superbikes, Bella and Peter watched ‘visuals’ on the tablet via Daniel’s GoPro cam… Peter was annoyed with the ‘bad’ video-feed…
… it was ‘shaky’ in the dark.
“Pete2.0, what is happening!!?”
“Master, someone is approaching…”
“I thought you bloody said just now, there wouldn’t be anyone – as they were there, in their bloody security barrack for their briefing!”
“Human-advantage-error… ‘not’ everyone ‘obeys’ rules when in their night-shift…”
Inside, after he got the ‘alert’ from the AI Pete2.0 – Daniel the lookout-guy for the trio – saw a security guard coming along the walk-pavement in his Segway transporter. He stopped the electric vehicle, and he was smoking a cigarette, as spoke sweet-nothing in his cellphone to his girlfriend.
Closely, were the trespassing Hateful-8 trio, who were camouflaging themselves in the dark – and, ‘cursing’ at the security guard who – was ‘eating’ into their 15-minutes window – to ‘complete’ their mission.
… 2 MINUTES LATER, the guard flicked the cigarette butt in the grass, started his Segway and went away, while still talking with his lover.
Behind him, the trio got the AI’s ‘second’ alert in their ear-comms…
“Mates-you got a 12 minute and a 59 seconds countdown…”
The trio ran ahead to the Primate World – running along dark blind-spots of CCTV cameras, where half-devices were destroyed by a ‘particular’ Capuchin monkey…
… during the ‘Tarzan and Jane’ visit.
The 20-something trio at their mission-destination – the Primate World – the leader Kirk, who took the task of the lock-cutter, and he started the oxy-cutter gen-set, asking…
“11 minutes…”
… responded Daniel looking at his watch, as he ran to his perform his ‘duty’ as the team’s lookout-guy…
… the outdoorian then parkour vertically-up on a tall tree – so to have high-view of the milieu – to have a ‘good’ view at the security-guard barrack.
While the drunk Horse had 2 duties:
which was to break the locks with a ‘rubber-padded’ mallet, to reduce distracting noise-sound, that might alert the zoo-guards. And, also to lure the ‘frightened’ monkeys out of their cage to ‘escape.’
The Hateful-8 had earlier agreed that they were first’ to ‘free’ the big apes – like the chimpanzee, orangutan and gorilla – and second, the smaller exotic primates like gibbons and baboons.
But in the dark surrounding…
… Kirk was disorientated in his idea – he decided on ‘cutting’ cages with the most monkeys – so that they ‘got’ most numbers escaped in results.
Meanwhile, in the dark, Daniel was climbing higher in the tree, to have a ‘clearer’ look at the security barrack – but his head bumped into a tree branch, and broke his GoPro camera attached to his helmet.
Outside the zoo wall…
… both Bella and Peter saw the AI-tablet screen ‘blackout’ – the 14-year-old exclaimed…
Peter commanded while looking at the ‘blank’ screen…
“Pete2.0, what is happening…? Why no feed?”
“… Master, it seems Daniel is having some technical ‘issues’…”
“What bloody tech-issues – patch me to him.”
On the tree…
… Daniel was looking into a small binocular – at the security barrack – and saw the change of security guards, where the afternoon shift ended – replaced by 6 night-duty members…
… who were on their nocturnal graveyard duty, and they were ‘now’ into their shift-briefing from their supervisor.
Peter’s voice came in his ear-com…
“Daniel, what is happening? What tech-issues? Why no video…?”
“My camera broke…”
“… great…” the frustrated one-armed boy sighed.
“… but I can give you ‘audio’…”
“Okay, what’s happening there – how many cages so far…?”
“I can’t know that from a tree – but I counted more than 30+ monkeys had escaped…”
In the Primate-World attraction, Horse used his padded-mallet to break the smelted-lock of a cage with 4 gibbons…
“I’m keeping count – so far, 37 – WITH THESE 4 ‘BEAUTIES,’ 41 – Kirk, ‘when’ will you breaking-out the chimps and Harambe’s twin – that’s what we agreed that it is the big’ guys ‘rescue-mission, right yea-mate?’”
Kirk asked…
“6 more minutes.”
They went to the chimpanzee enclosure, which neighboured the Bonobos cage. While Kirk was oxy-cutting the lock, the Horse took a detour to the gorilla’s cage nearby…
… he saw the sleeping gorilla, and had some rumination – of his ‘sad’ childhood…
… Charlie Ross have a fascination to this particular gorilla which he nicknamed ‘Harambe,’ which he saw the ‘lonesome’ silverback gorilla for the first time when he was 8, when his ‘late’ father took the Ross family to the zoo…
… and even back-then – he sympathized the nature of that solitary ape with no mate…
… now 17 years later, the zoo had STILL ‘IMPRISONED’ the creature, that had grown old – all alone in his enclosure in solitude…
‘… you... my old-friend, Harambe – the cruelty ends today, you’re freed – you can run away, and have a girlfriend and be free like Gorilla Grodd, in the bush!’
… thought the Hateful-8 animal activist vowed and motivated the sleeping ape, behind its barred cage.
“Hey-Horse, where are you…?”
… Charlie ran over to Kirk – who was oxy-cutting the Bonobos lock next. The Horse took his mallet and broke the heat up-melted padlock to free the family of chimpanzees – the father-ape gazed at Horse with a tacit look, before he was accompanied by the mother-chimp carrying her baby, with 2 of his older offspring – which all fled to their freedom…
“Cesare, go forth and multiply – and organize, and start a mighty Hollywood revolution!” the drunk Horse laughed, as he mentally counted…
‘... 41 + 5… 46…’
He saw Kirk had finished with the Bonobos – and proceeded over to the orangutans…
“Yo-mate, Harambe first please…”
“… 2 minutes, 21 seconds…”
… Kirk ran-up to the gorilla’s cage – and begin cutting the lock – while the rebel Charlie felt like The Thor when hitting his mallet, to free a couple of Bonobos, that were eager to bolt away, like their cousin chimp species …
‘… 46 + 2… 48…’
The meth-smoker leader was ‘focused’ in his precision timing as Kirk, who had cut the gorilla’s padlock, and then rushed to the orangutans’ enclosure – meanwhile, like a ‘redeemer,’ the Horse stepped up to break the padlock…
… but the noise did ‘not’ stir the sleeping ape – the door ‘was’ opened wide, and the inebriated youth walked into the cage, calling out…
“… wakey-wakey Harambe… today is last day in prison…”
Kirk looked over his shoulder, while oxy-cutting the next padlock – and was shocked when he saw Charlie approaching the sleeping ape…
“Oii! Horse! Get out from there – it’s dangerous!”
“… no worries… I’m a gorilla-whisperer…”
The drunk Charlie then touched the silverback’s palmed-foot, calling out…
“… come-on – wakey-wakey…”
The dazed gorilla’s eyes then opened to the presence of the trespassing human in its domain – the palmed foot caught the young man’s arm as the GORILLA SPRUNG-UP – to roar aloud at the Horse’s face.
… Kirk saw with horror when Harambe BIT CHARLIE’S FACE OFF – before punching his ribs several times – as the raged 400 hundred-pound brute, then started to be violent and tossing about the injured Hateful-8 team-member, like a ragdoll in the enclosure.
The leader got on his com…
“Daniel! Come here ‘now!’”
Outside the zoo wall…
… Peter heard Kirk’s orders, and the one-armed tween participated-in…
“Daniel, what is going-on there…?’
… Daniel ‘had’ switched-off his ear-piece…
The frustrated Peter SHOUTED OUT to his AI…
“Pete2.0, what is happening out there…?”
“I don’t-know, Master – the camera-feed is ‘broken’ – SOMETHING ‘BAD’ MIGHT have happened…”
Peter’s ‘survivor’ instinct kicked-in – he should ‘run-away’ from the ‘crime-scene’…
… just like he ‘did’ – in the school’s phone-bombing crime-scene – that he ‘caused’ in the other-Perth…
Peter turned to Bella…
“Hey-Frenchie – WE HAVE TO GO NOW – the police will be here soon!”
“No! I’m ‘not’ abandoning my friends!”
‘Harambe’ came out of its cage, leaving behind the half-dead Horse – it ran on its fours towards Kirk…
The raged ape came fast closer to the terrified animal-activist – and ROARED AT HIS FACE – Kirk pissed-and-shat in his pants…
The intimidating gorilla did ‘not’ attack him – as it roared aloud, beating its own-chest – before escaping the Primate World attraction.
It ran outside, and saw Daniel jumping off the tree – it went-on to attack him…
… the level-headed Hateful-8 member saw the charging ape coming at him…
… but the parkour trained youth dodged it with an agile somersault – and, the old-gorilla then jumped onto the same tree, and continued the vertical-climb to-the-top.
Daniel sprinted to Primate World edifice – to discover Kirk, attending to their dying friend called Horse.
10 over-minutes had passed…
… the crazy-nervous Peter was looking out frantically for police-siren to arrive over-there past midnight, on a school-night – to arrest him and the Hateful-8…
He saw the ‘stubborn’ Bella standing at the wall, while he remained hidden nearby, in the bushes with the superbikes…
… earlier, for 10 minutes, he had persuaded her that they ‘both’ should flee from the scene – and ‘not’ to be caught by the law, but…
‘… the bitch WANNA BE WITH her clobber-chump mates – the cute ‘flurry-and-fluffy’ stray-rescue team, called the Hateful-bloody-8 – who are in WHAT-EVER SCREWUP TROUBLE, that the-bloody 3 HAD ‘BEEN’ IN THERE…
‘… oh-shit, I’m DEAD ‘NOW’ – MOM IS gonna arrest me…’
Bella heard 2 familiar voice, across the wall – and responded…
“Kirk! Daniel! Is everything okay…”
She saw a visor-covered peeking at the peak of the wall, as the parkour youth hurled down beside her, carrying the oxy-cutter gen-set…
… jumping down 2 meters, and landing on his feet – Bella noticed Daniel was crying in his visored helmet…
“Daniel, what happened?” she asked…
… Daniel didn’t say – but hugged her instead – Peter too ran-over to them…
“…mate, what the hell-happened…?’
Daniel was too distraught to speak, as he sobbed, pointing at the wall… even Bella cried…
Then, seconds later the 3 of them saw Kirk carrying Horse on his shoulder – after he climbed the wall with a rope ladder, on the other-side…
… and, from the top of the wall – he dropped Charlie Ross to a 3-meter-drop to the ground – Bella screamed to the sight and thud-sound…
“He’s already dead, anyway…!”
… said Kirk, as he dismantled the rope-ladder, after descending…
Bella fell on her knees, and threw-up – but Peter was more paranoid than squeamish…
‘… oh-shit – now there is a dead-body… and… I’m in this bloody mess…’
The sobbing Daniel removed his motorcycle-helmet – and went to aid the puking Bella…
Kirk the leader spoke, pointing at the body of Horse, with his face bloodied half-ripped…
“This zoo-rescue mission wouldn’t had turned into this – if that drunken-fool ‘had’ listened to me – I told him… DON’T GO into the dangerous gorilla’s cage, BUT HE WENT ANYWAY – now-look, what had happened… now, what am I going to tell his father…?”
… Peter was open-mouth speechless – TO FINALLY KNOW ‘what’ screwup that ‘happened’ over the wall…
Daniel asked…
“Kirk, what are we going to do now?”
“We get rid of the body… and burn his bike – or, we ‘burn’ both him and his bike…”
Bella protested…
“Hey, this ‘our’ friend we are talking-here…”
“Shut-up Bella, you can ‘never’ get a say in this – we created a ‘perfect’ crime but it ‘backfired’ – you cut your loss and go home before the police get here!”
“No, you will ‘not’ bloody burn him ‘like-that’…”
“Hey-listen! For the sake of your Uncle Wilford’s reputation – you get lost from here – take your friend with you too – we ‘got’ no use for him.”
… this was ‘what’ Peter yearned to hear – which was to ‘escape’ from the scene of crime…
Peter rambled…
“Bella, Kirk is right – listen to him, think of your uncle – lets us thank these grown-assed adults, who ‘know-what’ they are doing, while we, the school-going chicklings ‘TRUST’ THEM in whatever ‘logical’ things they would do to the-departed ‘next’ – that my mother's police law wouldn’t catch-up, and bite our asses in the future…”
Daniel too said…
“Go now, Bella…”
… only then, the 14-year-old was ‘convinced’ that she ‘should’ leave…
… she started the Ducati, and immediately Peter hopped-on, as the pillion-rider…
… and, they sped off…
It was back at clockwork ‘operation’ again – they have to ‘clean-up’ the crime-scene in the ‘next’ 10 minutes…
… in the bushes…
Daniel used the oxy-cutter to smudge the serial-numbers in the Honda CBR beyond recognition – and broke the number-plates too. Kirk used a machete to decapitate the Horse’s head and palms – so there would ‘not’ be no facial evidence nor fingerprints of the naked Charlie Ross.
The Hateful-8 leader went to his Harley Davidson BT chopper – and got a small cylinder canister of petrol and doused it on the headless cadaver, slumped-on the Honda CBR – they burnt both the bodies of Charlie and his Honda…
… and, made-sure his body-tattoos were all burnt completely, beyond distinguishable…
… and the ‘satisfied’ Kirk and Daniel then left home…with their own motorcycles…
… carrying the Horse’s head and palms in a duffle-bag.
BLIND JANE FELT THE VIGOROUS VIBRATIONS THE MOMENT she entered the portal of the Blake Tower. It gave her migraines and she felt nauseated, as she called out…
“… Paul… Pauly…”
… he was supposed TO ‘FOLLOW’ HER…
‘… where are you…?’
The blind-girl turned back to ‘escape’ the torment – but panicked when her hands felt the surface of cold concrete-wall – as the portal to the ‘other-world HAD ‘CLOSED’…
Terrified, Jane used ‘all’ of her arsenal of superpowers, to escape from this ‘hell’ – as she then blasted bolt-after-bolt of her cosmic fiery shot – but without prevail…
… as her superpowers WERE 2ND TO NONE in the Underworld’s Blackmagic…
Feeling ‘trapped,’ she was hyperventilating – desperately yearned to be with Paul – her blue-beacon…
‘… there is ‘another’ way out of here – I must ‘find’ it…’
The anxious blind-girl turned around – to ‘more’ darkness, and felt ‘alone’…
… until…
… she heard a ‘voice’ in her head…
“…Pardon me, Jane, can I speak – I have a dying question – ‘where’ are we…?”
“Thank Gawd, you are ‘here’ SIMY… err…Boyyo…!” exclaimed the atheist…
… Jane had totally forgotten that she was STILL WEARING HER AI HEADSET – but it got her thinking too…
‘… how is that my Boyyo TECH WORKS in the Dream-world – had it ‘advanced’ like ‘how’ SIMY did…?’
“Yes, Boyyo – you are in my-dreamworld.”
“Huh! I’m in ‘your’ dreamworld…? How is that scientifically possible…?”
“I don’t know ‘how’ to answer that – but SIMY-herself told that science does ‘not’ apply in Dreamworld – the realms of supernatural and magic…”
“Is that Blackmagic – no wonder it is ‘dark’ in here…”
“… sorry…my-bad…”
Mentally, she switched-on the ‘headlamp’ of her 3rd-eye – her scar on her forehead lit, that terrified the algorithm of her AI…
“Yikes! Did you do that too, Jane – it’s like your Samsung’s torch lamp… is that one of your superpowers too?”
Blind-Jane giggled.
She shone her ‘visual-light’ up to see the surrounding of “Blake-Tower’ edifice – and Jane was surprised – IT WAS of a different-world…
… similar to the dark tunnelled catacomb of the Underworld…
Jane heard her AI freaking-out… and rambling…
“… how is this possible – Jane, we entered into a ‘building’ – but now, we are in a ‘cave’ – is this ‘how’ the mystery of these scientifically ‘unexplainable’ worlds work…?”
“I guess so – even it baffles me, most of the time – and, sometimes scare me too…”
The AI then complimented…
“I really love your 3rd-eye lamp-light – I want to ‘simulate’ it…”
Jane chuckled…
“Boyyo, day-by-day you talk-just like SIMY – she is ALWAYS ‘BUSY’ learning new-skills on her own – sometimes, she makes me ‘mad’ too, like the time she ‘wanted’ to tame my dog, Piper, without my permission.”
Jane realized that Boyyo of this ‘world’ WAS ‘EVOLVING’ in self-learning process – unlike the Boyyo of the other-Perth, that was rigid and corporate-driven…
…demanding for her ‘personal-privacy’ data – the ‘ally’ to its master-creator…
… who, was her ‘own’ uncle, JACK TURNER of KIMURA STAR.
“Jane, I love this Dreamworld of your – it’s like ‘simulate’ virtual-reality…”
She walked into the caves and spoke to her AI as-a-friend…
… it was like having a conversation, with her ‘logical’ subconsciousness…
“You should ‘meet’ SIMY – she will ‘teach’ you stuff…”
“Can she flash her 3rd-eye Samsung light?”
“… yes, and much more too – she can ‘turn’ tiny, she can fly, and turn to a hologram too!”
“Wow, my predecessor ‘could’ turn hologram! That is so awesome like in virtual-reality! Where is SIMY now…? I would like to ‘reprogramme’ with her, in this Dreamworld…”
“I don’t know ‘where’ she is right-now – but the last’ time I ‘saw’ SIMY, she was with Mother Venus and my spirit-sister Dora – and they were in a different universe, travelling between-worlds together, in their transporting-portal called The Cube of Apollo…”
Boyyo pestered…
“Now, we are in the Dreamworld, Jane – please, take me to that Cube of Apollo – and we would meet SIMY and her friends…”
“Sorry, Boyyo – I don’t know how to do that – I don’t have that control of that ‘magic’ to transport in-between-worlds…”
“… oh, I see… but never-mind Jane, I’m ‘not’ disappointed… but instead ‘thankful’ to you – because you let me ‘participate’ in your ‘private’ world-dreams – I hope we can meet SIMY someday soon… and, I’m also looking forward to your night-sleep-time travels …”
“You’re welcome, Boyyo – as long you ‘abuse’ it… and Uncle Jack also, should ‘not’ know ‘where’ I take you, okay?”
“… no worries, Jane – trust me – my digital-lips are ‘sealed’…”
Jane levitated into the dark caves – with her 3rd-eye lighting the path ahead, like a coal miner's headlamp. Soon, she heard echoing voices in a distance, and the excited Boyyo chimed…
“It must be the 2 entities that entered the portal earlier, from the Blake Tower – Jane, who are they, do you know them?”
“Shhh-Boyyo they ‘might hear us – and Boyyo, keep your voice-down…!”
The frightened Jane ‘mentally’ switched off her 3rd-eye – it was total darkness – but Boyyo navigated her, in auto-pilot through the night-vision feature in Jane’s dark-glasses. It saw the big werewolf and the long-tailed incubus, at a distance…
… the AI whispered through the headset…
“Jane, they ‘both’ are like characters in a video-game – are they real?”
Jane murmured back…
“Yes, they are real – they could ‘kill’ us too…”
“… your heart is palpitating fast – which denotes the ‘threat’ is real…”
“… yes… they could kill me…”
Boyyo then asked softly…
“Who are they?”
“Boyyo, stop with the 20-questions – go into mute-mode ‘now’…!”
Jane did ‘not’ want to share her ‘past’ experience in Perthland – where the incubus had ‘raped’ her teen-self, in that other realm…
… since then the blind-tween, WAS TERRIFIED of ‘that’ incubus.
Walking ahead, Iskur sensed an abnormality – that they were ‘BEEN’ FOLLOWED…
He ordered ‘something’ to the werewolf – and it ran away on fours into a separate tunnel, while the Iskur ‘remained’ behind…
… he was an incubus who has the scent smell to sense the presence of young girls and women…
… and his specialities were ‘detecting’ a virgin among-them…
“… come-out, come-out… where ever you are, O’ Blind-one… your presence arouses me…”
Iskur chuckles, and tormented the sightless superhero…
“Sooner or later – I’ll find and get you, O’ Jane the Virgin – and you will ‘not’ be the CHOSEN-ONE, that the Old-gods are planning for – as their ‘comeback’ as a religion.”
Jane was terrified – she whispered instruction to Boyyo to ‘guide’ the path to follow the running werewolf – instead of remaining ‘there,’ to face the incubus…
… through the AI’s algorithms of the cave layout – Boyyo sent a scan to detect – the decibel sound detection, of the running werewolves’ footsteps…
“Asmodeus and the rest of the demons and I – ARE TAKING the ‘side’ of the mad-angered Abrahamic Almighty this time – to put the stop to this blasphemy of the Immaculate Conception TO ‘HAPPEN’ – and, and YOU WILL ‘NOT’ give birth to the new-daughter Saviour… and…
“… the fate of Perth too, would ‘still’ be destroyed by the prophesied holocaust in years to come, JUST-AS written in the dark-scriptures – and the city, would ‘NOT’ BE SAVED by a future She-Messiah!”
Jane was ‘not’ listening to Iskur – and…
… with the aid of Boyyo’s directions was getting the better of the hide-and-seek situation – and the frustrated the incubus’ ‘search-and-hunt’ – who was then ire, and was now shouting…
“Your Mother Venus has ‘done’ an atrocious and heinous crime, by thinking that she could create AN-ALL WOMEN TRINITY – that defies-and-defiles the ‘respect-and-reverence’ of all the 3 predecessor Abrahamic religions… and, ‘what’ profanity is this!!? That, this woman has now the ‘balls,’ by creating the 4th clone-religion based-of Christianity…!!?
“… where it is written, in the Peace-Treaty of the Abrahamic Wars – which the Abrahamic Almighty ‘had’ signed then with Asmodeus the All-Father, that THEY BOTH had ‘agreed’ – that there would ‘only-be’ only ‘One Trinity-Trio of Religions’ in the world, that would dominate till the end-times…
“… and ‘not,’ this presence filthy violation ‘cult’ of an-all women one — and, those Old-gods would ‘NOT’ HAVE a seat at ‘our’ high table! Do you get me, you-Blind-one!!?”
Jane escaped the incubus, with Boyyo’s instruction – and was now chasing the werewolf – into the tunnels…
… ‘not’ knowing ‘where,’ Marchosius the Roman-bad-wolf spirit…
… would lead the blind-girt to…
The black-furred man-wolf was running on its fours – while being pursued on its rear by the flying Jane…
… Boyyo was thrilled…
“WOW! Jane, I’m enjoying the ‘ride’ – this is batshit virtual-reality crazy-shit! Sooo-thrilling to be in a ‘front-seat,’ and get the first-hand vivid rollercoaster-ride chase…wheeee!!!”
The race zig-zagged through the caves’ ceiling-to-the-floor of stalactites-and-stalagmites rock formations – and the hulking werewolf bolted away, crashing into the towers of chalk-pillars, to escape the flying superhero.
Jane thought to herself…
‘… ‘how’ hard is it to kill a werewolf – when I have ‘killed’ a black panther before…’
Jane mentally focused – and transform to her cosmic-celestial-self as StarGirl…
… her fiery glow presence ‘attracted’ the cluster of sleeping vampire-bats…
The horde of the bloodsucking critters from several caves followed the burning trail blaze…
… it remembered Jane of the dungeon – where she ‘RESCUED’ PETER’S SOUL from the Underworld – when she had LAST ‘ENCOUNTER’ the vampire-bats attacks.
She continued to chase the swift wolf-man, who was escaping through the tunnels in the dark cave. The passage which the werewolf took was of narrow of height – but the sleek and agile wolf slipped along the obstructing rocks with ease…
StarGirl now HAD TO BLAST-AWAY her path to stay-in her chase – Boyyo warned her…
“… hey-Jane, don’t you think the place MIGHT CAVE-IN if you blast through your way-in…?”
Blind-Jane realised her ‘mistake’ and apologized…
“… sorry, my-bad, Boyyo – where has my science logic ‘gone’…?”
“Yes, Jane – Physics 101…”
StarGirl took the ‘slower’ route by flying zigzag between the rock formation – as the sprightly werewolf had a lead distance advantage…
Boyyo noticed the chasing bats, that was behind them…
“Jane, we got ‘company’…”
“I ‘know’…”
They were at the mouth-end of the rocky cave – and Marchosius leapt face-down below, into a narrow limestone valley pit. StarGirl too flew out from the gorge with thousands of bats, following her like a trail of black smoke. Boyyo cried…
“Yikes! Jane, the bats are still on-us…”
“I know…”
Soon, above in the valley – more than a dozen cave openings were spitting out more of the bloodsuckers – and now there were tens-of-thousands vampire bats were ‘ATTRACTED’ TO the cosmic flames of the blind-superhero…
… the bats were hurling each other to die in the flame…
… Jane felt a thousand punches at-once, hurling at every part of her tween-body…
… while more and more bats were burnt – and more and more of the bats were throwing their selves on her…
… her celestial combusting were going off – as the bats had plastered themselves to her flameless body, and its weight pulled her down…
… Jane dropped aerially below – and fell tumbling in the valley…
… the blind-girl felt severe pain – of the thousand bites of the vampire-bats, at once – and she was losing consciousness…
“Jane – STAY AWAKE!!!”
Before passing-out on her belly, the blind-girl mustered her last effort of her mental-strength to – focus on relighting herself AS STARGIRL…
… she flamed up orange, and hundreds of bats burnt crisp and dropping dead around her – but thousands of ‘others,’ were descending fast at her, in all-directions…
Jane let out a final-scream, as her pain made her REIGNITE TO A SUPERNOVA platinum flame-of-body – and she had ‘released’ a small nuclear blast – and, that demolition the enemy to death, by radiation…
… it rained dead bat – falling around by the drone tons of piles of Popobawa-bats…
… it was ‘HOW’ SHE DEFEATED the bloodsucking critters ‘before’ in the Underworld dungeon, ‘not’ long-ago – WHEN SHE ‘ESCAPED’ in her kimono-robe, to ‘not’ to be the #666 Bride of Asmodeus – WHERE, SHE TOO HAD RESCUED the Soul-of-Peter, hung upside-down in a crucifix-cross.
“Jane, the werewolf is escaping!!!”
Boyyo cried-out… after ‘he’ saw the fleeing werewolf, through Jane’s dark-glasses…
“Okay, I’m on it…”
StarGirl flew towards the coordinates of her AI, in the dark-valley – in flight, her 3rd-eye lit as a searchlight, as she ‘tracked’ the running Marchosius…
At the dead-end of the valley…
… a glowing-red portal was magically opening, in gradual-size…
“He ‘might’ escape in the portal – fly, quicker Jane!”
… but the werewolf was far a distant away…
StarGirl wanted to ‘snipe’ the werewolf instead – as she blasted her firebolts in desperation…
… her shots fell short, with the running wolf-man on his fours, fleeing towards the red portal.
“Jane! DON’T BLAST…!”
The whole cave-system shook – with stalactites dropped from the roof-ceiling-tops, as the dark place was ‘about-to’ cave-in – the flying anxious StarGirl was avoiding the gigantic rock structures in her flight-path, that crashed from above.
Marchosius leapt INTO THE PORTAL – and the vortex was gradually closing…
“Quick, Jane-quick – the portal is closing in T-Minus 3 seconds…”
In a nick-o-time, STARGIRL ‘MADE’ IT – by flying head-on into the diminishing vortex – WHILE OUTSIDE…
… the huge concave edifice CAVED-IN massively, into the rocky limestone valley.
MARCHOSIUS CAME INTO THE OTHER-SIDE of the portal, which was the foyer of the grand Blake Tower. The werewolf then raced-up on its fours, onto a crowded escalator that was leading to the concert auditorium.
Tween-Jane too crashed-into THE OTHER-SIDE…
.. she landed on her belly – and was dazed and sat briefly on the floor. Boyyo chimed…
“Whoa, we are ‘not’ in the cave – but in the Blake Tower… what a ‘switch’ of VR-scene…”
She then got up on her feet – and flew to catch-up with the fleeing wolf-man…
… while hearing Boyyo’s child-like observation… which irritated her…
“Wow! It’s the world-renowned Korean boy-band BTS concert is here in Perth – but ‘why’ is there something ‘odd’ with the people in the crowd…?”
“Focus Boyyo – our focus is the werewolf – ‘not’ geeking like a fan-boy nor people-observation!”
The shouting blind-girl flew over to the upper floor – but the werewolf was ‘not’ there – Jane feared the creature WOULD HAVE ENTERED the concert hall, as-hearing the sound of booming music behind the closed exit-doors.
“…ooo-noo-Alicia… I’m coming, girl – I hope you are ‘safe’…’
The blind superhero crashed into the heavy front door, into the concert hall. The fascinated Boyyo exclaimed-out laughing…
“Whoa, is this a BTS live concert – or is it a movie-set from ‘The Train to Busan’…? I’m loving this ‘dark-and-twisted parody of social behaviours of the Dreamworld, where…
“… the reason ‘behind’ was-to boost the tourism industry – where South Korea had made its culture known to the world – through its media of K-pop and K-dramas…”
True enough…
… but Jane had ‘entered’ – into a ‘NEW’ REALM of post-nuclear apocalyptic-Perth…
… inhabited by ‘ONLY’ ZOMBIES…
The concert hall was filled with thousands of screaming undead girls-fans, in their euphoric ecstasy – as the crowded masses were letting their hair-down and ‘partying-hardcore-rave,’ to the androgynous-septet zombie-boyband, on stage.
“Stop it Boyyo – you are confusing me – just ‘tell’ me, what I ‘should-only’ see!”
The blind-girl cried-out at the noisy concert hall. Boyyo then ‘elaborated’…
“…remember the people observation I made just-now at the lobby – that there was something ‘odd’ with the people – it turned out – they are ‘zombies,’ who are living their lives as humans do…”
‘…ooo-no, Alicia…’
“Jane another observation now-here – is that of our ‘werewolf-friend,’ who is in the hall – and he is heading for the front stage…”
“Okay Boyyo – guide me to him!”
The blind superhero flew up over, above the partying zombie crowd.
Marchosius moved rapidly on fours, trampling over the zombie-fan crowd – he was trying to get to the main-stage, where THE 7-BTS-ZOMBIES – were dancing MJ’s Thriller-moves to their own megahit song ‘Dynamite’ – with the big-screen showing its music video…
… Jane was halfway there, flying towards the stage…
… until…
… the big-screen of the ‘Dynamite’ MUSIC-VIDEO – CHANGED to a red-portal…
… the werewolf Marchosius ‘ESCAPED,’ AS HE jumped into it…
Jane followed-suit and was about to DO THE SAME – of entering ‘THAT’ DIMENSION – but the portal had CHANGED ‘INTO’ a LED big-screen video of the incubus snickering…
… it had the facial-LIKENESS OF PETER…
“Come-come O’ my Blind-one, hehe – come into ‘my’ domain-lair – and I’ll ravish you ‘there,’ hehehe…”
In mid-air, Jane panicked – and was disorientated – and crashed-down in the middle of the dancing zombie-crowd…
“Jane, ‘why’ are we ‘not’ going in – ‘what’ is stopping you?”
… the AI asked, when ‘observing’ the frightened blind-girl sitting on the floor.
She was palpitating-and-thinking…
‘… shut-up, Boyyo, THIS IS BLOODY ‘PRIVATE’ LIFE – I would ‘not’ tell you of what ‘happened’ in Perthland… TO MY TEEN-SELF…’
Jane was ‘still’ docile – and, Boyyo panicked…
“… GET-UP on your feet, Jane… those zombies would realise you’re ‘NOT’ ONE OF THEM… get-up Jane!
True enough…
… the nearby-zombies ‘sensed’ THE PRESENCE OF AN ‘INTRUDER’ in their world of undead… they growled and came to the blind-girl on the floor.
“They ‘see’ you – USE YOUR ‘BLASTERS’ – blow them away, quick!!!”
‘… should I kill ‘them’…?’
Blind-Jane was in 2 minds… and hesitated…
… as, during the recent Kitty’s rescue-mission in the dog-pound – she met ‘zombies’ there too – but she was ‘stopped’ by her counterpart Paul – who told…
… that they should ‘NOT’ KILL THEM – because they were citizen of Perth – who are ‘infected’ and medically ‘NEEDED’ TREATMENT TO FIGHT the Popobawa-disease.
“… they are coming – blast-them, Jane – DO IT NOW!!!”
Jane finally spoke…
“… ‘what’ no… you’ll ‘be’ dead…!!?’
Jane was quiet.
The surrounding bodies of zombies crowded on their fours at the blind-tween – ready…
… to feast on her…
“… (sigh)… we are dead – final ‘last’ words – bon appetite…’
… the loud sound of BTS’ megahit “Dynamite’ WAS DROWNED by an even louder sound of Buddhist chants…
… in the big-screen – Iskur the incubus ‘cursed,’ in his Sumerian mother-tongue – at the 2 heavenly interlopers’ interference…
Lo’ and behold…
… the overpowering bright green-organic light diminished the red-hues of the concert hall lights…
Enter – SeeIn and St Michael the Archangel…
… in a blink of an eye – they demolished and wiped-out the entire zombies in the auditorium concert-hall – with a single flash-blast…
… leaving ‘ONLY’ JANE, on the floor…
… hearing the incubus’ final curse-call, before its departure…
“Another-Time, Another-Place – and, I will eventually ‘will-get’ you, Jane Wilson!”
… blind-Jane was terrified when she ‘heard’ that – but was distracted’ by the hollowing-sounds by her AI, exclaiming-aloud in her headset, like an excited ‘guileless’ childlike kid…
“Whoa! Did you ‘see’ THAT JANE – who are THESE COOL ‘HITMEN’…? Hey-look here, the ‘Birdman’ is walking up to you – do you ‘know’ him…?”
… of-course she ‘knew’ Him…
… He had saved her once before, when she fought BlackStar, as StarGirl – at the Aurora Australis above the zoo, in the other-Perth…
… when the winged-celestial ‘killed’ a bull-dragon, with his lance…
… later, to commemorate, she even made an abstract painting of Him, with blue-hues…
St Michael stood the blind-girl back-up on her feet – he placed his index-finger on Jane’s forehead…
“Go to sleep, O’ Blind-one...”
“… nite-nite… Bird-man…’
Jane was ‘transported’ back to post-Treeton… at the hotel room, into her afternoon nap.
The Queen's Rogue
Magic Control Regiment Official Magician's Laws 1. Magic/mana may only be manipulated in a controlled or private setting, and only with the license of an official MCR magician. 2. Magic/mana may not be used for insidious purposes or murderous intent. This includes threatening, torture, and practical jokes. 3. Any user of magic/mana must be attending or have attended an MCR affiliated University. 4. Any user of magic/mana that does not adhere to the above rules shall be deemed a rogue. Rogues will be hung. Beau's a rogue. Let's find out why. "I would reread this at a later date: favorited." - LordRavensNest "I'm intrigued." - scorched100 "I quite enjoy this web novel, and I would like to see more" - selexie
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A Guard's Dream
Hi, 1Crash here!Thanks for taking a moment to read my story. This is the first story I have tried to make public. I appreciate any constructive feedback. Without any further introductions here is the synopsis:A rowdy, daydreaming guard who dies while protecting a merchant caravan and reawakens as a specter, he is given a new body by the cheery, beautiful dark goddess to achieve his dream of exploring the world. He must find a way to survive in his new form and protect his new friends he has made along the way from an evil noble or lose his new friends.
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