《BOOK 5: THE RETURN OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.1 POST-TREETON》Chapter 5: Janey & Poe Go to Zoo
AFTER MEETING-UP WITH MS KING, Paul and Jane decided to pay a mission-visit to South Perth Zoo…
… as all the post-Treeton incidents TRANSPIRED FROM OVER THERE -- with the black panther attack and the abduction of Samuel because…
… the culprit Blackmagic practising zookeeper – HAJJI – came from there.
The Nissan Almera arrived -- the blind girl and the cripple boy sat at the backseat of the Uber. They were both quiet, holding hands as the driver Gary Morrison drove.
Coincidently, George Michael’s ‘Careless Whispers’ played on the stereo…
… Jane neck-out and kissed Paul’s cheek and whispered into his ears…
“… they are playing our song…”
She began to hum the tune softly, as she did ‘not’ know the lyrics of the 80’s song – as both the tweens revisited Perthland in their shared-thoughts…
… of slow dancing in the gym dance-floor as able-bodied teenagers’ students, as they hugged tightly to each other -- glowing...
Gary the Uber driver looked at the tweens having a ‘moment’ in his rear-view-mirror – he smiled and felt happy for Paul who had found a girlfriend…
… he had been driving Paul to school and fro to Stamford High, for the past 2 years …
… felt proud too that Paul had grown from a no confident and depressed boy who was crippled in an accident…
… to be ‘who’ he was today.
They arrived at the zoo, and Gary made an arrangement to pick them up, after 2 hours. The tweens used their school student pass to get concession entry tickets. Jane was excited that she was visiting the zoo on their date-outing -- for the first time…
.. on a daytime social visit…
… and ‘not’ before of ‘their’ night-mission, during facing Blackstar at the Aurora Australis aerial-clash.
At the zoo ground, the first place the tweens went was the Safari World – where the big-cats were. As they moved slowly, with the blind-girl pushing the wheelchair, Paul gazed up to the manmade lake, at the distant…
… it was where…
… the ‘possessed’ Peter attacked him ‘before’ when they both mid-air – while the broken harness-chained ‘sentient’ Peter had suddenly choked Paul above the water-pond, where-when he then had used his folded-wheelchair to ‘free’ himself from the imminent danger – by hitting the devil in the head…
… and the one-armed demon then fell…
… splash to the water with crocodiles.
“Did Alicia call?” the curious Paul asked.
“Ya, she did yesterday, and said she visited Mr Hart in the hospital with her cousin, Lily – she wanted to visit me, to see if I’m alright but I told her ‘not’ to come and be home, and recover from her ‘own’ trauma of the field trip visit,” replied blind-Jane.
They both spoke with ‘some’ hesitant, whenever they mentioned Alicia, who was…
… Paul’s girlfriend and Jane’s best friend in the ‘other’ Perth – but…
… in Perthland…
… she was a dreadful and despicable platinum-haired teenager who ‘rivalled’ them both wickedly, with her Chinese Taekwondo teammates.
Paul did ‘not’ want to judge the various ‘versions’ of Alicia or anyone per se…
… as Gary, the driver too was ‘mean’ to him in Perthland, but ‘not’ so in this realm.
… he too ‘needed’ Alicia of this realm – for his study-group.
They saw a security guard approaching – Paul asked him about zoo employee Hajji with a description of being a Black foreign worker, with dreadlocks. The guard wasn’t any help as he did ‘not’ know such a person, and told Paul to go to the zoo’s admin office – which was located far at the other end of the ground.
The handicap-tweens did ‘not’ want to go there…
… and they walked instead to the Safari World.
They soon reached the bird-park and Paul had ‘some’ sad-and-disturbing haunting memories …
… when his dad was alive…
… where they did a family outing, when the twins were 9 years old – it was IN THE BIRD-PARK…
… where his parent had an argument when fought and they shouted to each other about divorce as they could ‘not’ manage THEIR FINANCIAL PROBLEM, due to his dad’s compulsive gambling habits – Peter too walked away that moment, to do his zoo visit day out with a peace-of-mind…
… but Paul stayed behind with his disputing parents.
His reveries of the past interrupted by trumpets of elephants nearby -- and blind-Jane was excited when she heard that…
“Oh, my Gawd – they have elephants! I love elephants!”
… Jane told him that she visited Africa 2 years ago when the Wilsons did a family trip over and went to Kenya to adopt her brother in the missionary orphanage. While over there…
… they visited the elephant sanctuary and was where she rode on an elephant with her daddy.
“… hahaha, I rode on ahead of a huge male elephant named Majun – I felt like Mowgli of the Jungle Book, and I felt his big flapping ears touching my feet and his loud breaths coming from his trunk as he walked – Pauly, pleaseee can we go visit the elephants?”
“Sure, we can…” Paul smiled.
They diverted to the path towards the elephant enclosure, and Jane asked…
“Have you read Kipling’s Jungle Book?”
“No, I haven’t”
“You should, I read the braille version in blind school.”
“… but I watched both movies on Netflix.”
“What? There are 2 Jungle Book movies…?”
“Yes, there is a family-friendly one -- and another dark version, of the same story.”
“… ooo, I don’t know that…”
Paul too recalled another elephant movie – the Disney’s Dumbo, which he watched in the mall with his then-girlfriend Alicia Wong… where she had kissed him in the dark cinema.
In secret…
…they-both were watched from above…
… the Popobawa-possessed capuchin monkey was looking at the ambling tweens from a tall treetop.
A RED CANDLELIT IN A SMOKY DARKENED HOSTEL ROOM, which had a small furnace pyre of hallucinating burning incense -- where a bare-bodied Nigerian was on the floor in deep meditation…
… with his eyes shut, and was praying to an ivory-carved idol of Asmodeus.
Through an opening of the closed window, the tiny monkey entered – it leapt below and raced to climb onto Hajji’s back…
… and the capuchin monkey whispered into his ear…
Hajji slowly opened his eyes, with thin-smile curved lips…
“… let ‘them’ come, Inkawu – Mother is ‘expecting’ them…”
THERE WERE 4 ELEPHANTS IN THE ENCLOSURE – a 7-tonne bull and 3 smaller females. The excited blind girl was screaming her lungs out at the bull…
… Paul was surprised when the bull, trumpeted a response each time to the blind girl...
… the crafty capuchin monkey was dismantling CCTV cameras -- by snagging the cables off from devices.
After 10 minutes of elephant watching, the 2 members of the Cursed-trio, returned to the task at hand which was to find Hajji, as soon as possible…
… it was crucial check-and-balance, as he would be the one who would activate a string of deadly events – and soon would ‘next’ be…
… and later as the Most Wanted Man in Perth, when he went dark from the radar of the law and to again re-emerged as…
… the notorious Black Cesare…
… who killed a gun store owner and a Hungry Jacks employee, in coldblooded murders…
… causing countless sleepless nights to Inspector Caroline Walker who ran into dead ends in her investigations, because of Hajji’s practised diversion Blackmagic.
Janey and Pauly were talking about the elephants…
“He responded each time I called – Pauly, do you think that was Majun from Kenya?”
… Paul chuckled at the golden-glowing blind girl…
“I don’t know ‘how’ the realities of ‘this’ Perth operates – maybe it’s his ‘son,’ Majun Jr.”
THE CAPUCHIN MONKEY NEXT PICKED THE HUGE LOCK with a booby-pin, while placing its ear on the metal’s safety catch – it clicked – and the heavy door opened.
The tiny primate raced into the centre of the enclosure -- and faced 2 male Black-rhinos lazing in midday.
The monkey puts its fingers in the mouth – and blew a whistle – to attract the attention of both the 3-tonne beasts.
The provoked territorial rhinos that got up to their feet to chase the monkey away…
… the 2 tank-armoured hulking creatures LEFT THEIR ENCLOSURE -- running out of the opened-door…
… with the monkey leading them into the public open ground of the zoo.
Jane was pushing the blue glowing Paul’s chair as they strolled to the Safari Walk while they chat. They were reaching the big wild-cats enclosure with scores of people were heading to and fro in the pathway – they both heard the occasional wild cries of the midday hungry tigers…
… the blind girl cringed when she heard that as she RECALLED HER ENCOUNTER with the deadly black panther, while with her protective dog.
Then the tweens heard distant cries of people from their rear – Paul stretched his neck far back to see people running in scatter. Blind Jane heard trotting hoofs sounds approaching and asked…
“Pauly, what’s happening…?”
… the crippled boy witnessed 2 alpha Black rhinos charging towards their direction.
“… where…?”
“… ‘your’ left…”
Jane ran for her life after hearing the instruction – as Paul turned his wheelchair to face the African beasts that were nearing. One of the rhinos changed path and ran over to chase the running blind girl.
The cripple boy saw a man being tossed in the air as the alpha beast gored obstacles in its path – he saw it charging over with angry eyes towards him – he froze like a sitting duck…
Jane ran blindly away from her blue beacon, and was pursued by the hulking brute…
… she could ‘NOT’ SEE with her 3rd eye of the imminent danger that was mere meters away.
She tripped and fell rolling on her face…
… meanwhile, at the other end…
… the rhino was at the point of the impact of its stationary target – PAUL LEAPT OVER from his wheelchair and lunged at it. He held fast onto the enormous tusk as he grabbed it tightly. The animal tried to wring him off – and the clinging cripple boy was then yoyoed like an attached ragdoll from its spike horn…
… Paul then electrocuted it.
The sprawled Jane’s ear was on the ground, ‘hearing looming foot trots pounding fast on the concrete pathway. The blind girl then heard another heavier set of forthcoming thumps of footsteps running from her rear – it then trumpeted aloud, while nearing…
“… Majun…?”
To the horrors of every frighten bystanders – as they saw a relentless crippled boy clinging onto the Black rhino’s horn – refusing to cede like a heroic gladiator as he was spun about in mid-air, with his damage legs pendulum around.
At the 20th second mark…
… the huge animal was soon weakened by the electrical shocks which Paul emitted at its cranium – it gradually…
… dropped unconscious on its fore knees, and pinning the cripple-tween beneath the weight of its head…
… the dazed Paul heard some awkward claps of children and followed by cheers -- like he was a side-attraction of the zoo, after a performance of his circus act.
The magnificent bull elephant with ears flared like an angry cobra as it squared off with the charging Black rhino – on the ground, blind Jane was still hurting from her fall.
The large tusks clashed with the armoured horned rhino…
… as the roaring elephant defended the human-girl from the danger of getting gored by its foe’s constant attempts. Its huge trunk reached out below and grabbed Jane by her waist -- and lifted her and placed on the elephant’s back for safe-keeping…
… and Jumbo continued…
… the fight by flaying its mighty trunk like a one-armed boxer, lashing swinging blows at the persistent charging attacks. Blood splat as both the gargantuan animals were hurting each other -- when the ivory tusks clashed-hard at the black horn.
The huge spiked horn of the Black rhino broke, and the raging elephant choked the helpless enemy, by python-coiling its trunk to strangle the foe’s throat – and the 7-tonne elephant…
… ‘then’ snapped the rhino’s neck…
… and Jumbo further…
… trampled the dead and fallen foe in-the-head with its forelegs, then…
…. hammering-in with crush-stomping steps onto the bones, beneath…
… its armoured exoskeleton hide.
A HALF AN HOUR LATER, the grounds of South Perth Zoo, was swarming with sirens of ambulances and police cruisers and the Rangers of the Wildlife Department…
… and the stream of vehicles that followed next was…
… the media vans and sticky-nosed onlookers…
The reporters were about to collect information which was deemed ‘2nd hand-info’ when the first-hand videos of by bystanders that became viral online of ‘Jane & Paul’s' heroic survival when the elephant face-offed the killer rhinos…
… where YouTube videos of zoo’s elephant rescued Jane from a-Black rhino, what was trampled to its death was the most popular trending…
… next to…
… the mysterious 2nd Instagram videos were HOW COULD a 3-tonne rhino ‘which’ the cripple-Paul who ‘rodeoed’ for 20 odd seconds’ by the horns -- had resulted to…
… incapacitated it into a comatose state…
… there was also…
… the 3rd TikTok videos of the B-STORY of ‘public interest in Perth’ of …
… the frightened blind-Jane in tears hugging to her boyfriend Paul as they were receiving treatments for their scrape elbows-and-knees, in a stationary ambulance.
… some investigative news-portal made a reference of the ‘SAME’ HANDICAP DUO of the TREETON THUNDERSTORM that happened less than a week ago.
… the ‘Perth’s Famous Couple’ online magazine captioned the video as:
Perth’s very own Tarzan-Paul & Jane
The Overspace Magus Emperor
Alex was a normal 18-year-old late teenager or so it supposed to be It started when he found a white spherical object containing futuristic technology That thing named itself Vonix to memorial it’s former master species Follow Alex or now called Wyne von Xendra to uncover the mystery of the world And explore the vastness of space “With this technology, no one is worthy of being my enemy…. With technology in my left hand and the Magus power in my right hand… The world is under my mercy… But to have the power you need an endless resource and knowledge?" But is this power and technology really for him to keep? If you are enjoying my novel, this is a link for my new novel : Magical Cosmic --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Science Fantasy story where technology will eventually change the civilization. A lot of Kingdom Building will be here as it will be. Despite the Kingdom Building, the MC won't be sitting in one place only. Although there is Comedy and Romance here and there, it wasn't the main focus of the story. The Harem tag in the story didn't mean a lot of bland 2D girl as even the first female MC was shown at chapter 21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. The cover is only temporary
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ɢᴏᴛ ʏᴏᴜ (ꜱ.ᴄ)
Everything can change, depend on what you do today 📸
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