《BOOK 5: THE RETURN OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.1 POST-TREETON》Chapter 4: Double Trouble @West Wing Gym
PETER DECIDED HE SHOULD use his 2-wheeled ‘DeLorean’ just like the ‘other-Perth, as his mode of transportation in the post-Treeton reset. He went to the garage and found his dusty bike, of the ‘post-BMW crash,’ which was ‘not’ ridden on, in ‘this Perth’ for 2 years.
The tires needed air, just like the ‘other-Perth’…
At the petrol station, the one-armed tween was pumping air both the tyres of his mountain bike. He was anticipating for a white Methodist minivan, belonging to one Mr John Hart to pull over…
‘… the Elvis faker Hero-veteran…’
And, the van didn’t come and Peter pondered why? It then ‘hit’ him…
“It’s only been 3 days, that’s why? …
“…oh-yes, it’s NOT TODAY, I get it! I was lazing around for a week ‘after Treeton’ in the ‘other Perth.’ WITHOUT GOING TENNIS PRACTICE, and then on the 7th day, I met him when I went out to Janey’s and, we went skateboarding…”
After getting his ‘timeline’ of events in the parallel worlds correct, Peter cycled to school.
PETER REACHED THE SCHOOL’S FRONT GATE – he looked into the window of the security guard post, which was empty, where normally there were 2 middle-aged blokes manning the security during school semesters…
…and since it was the holidays, both the guards were M.I.A.
Peter chuckled,
‘… did you 2 go to the Men’s room together, after watching porn on your phones?’
Peter then sighed…
‘… what if there was a terrorist breach by the Dark-web hackers – like the SHS phone bombing incident recurring again. And, knocking off the school’s CCTV cameras down?'
The one-armed tween locked his bike at the bicycle bay – and used the 2nd corridor entrance to go to the West Wing’s outdoor tennis courts. As he approached, he heard the tenno-ball chugging Spitfire machine, in operation…
‘… who the bloody hell is here, practising during school break…?’
Peter come up to the 3-green fenced-up hard courts, and saw one of enclosure the was occupied by a girl practising on the one-and-only SHS’s Spitfire machine… he was displeased as he advanced.
‘Mediocre… who is she…?’
She looked familiar…
‘… oh-yea, I know the Sheila… she was the senior student who was partnered with another ‘mediocre’ bloke and both were the reserve arse-whipping sparring-team to Dougie-and-Zoe for the recent PFC-playoff…
‘… don’t ‘you rich’ have a COUNTRY CLUB ELSEWHERE to train in…?’
Frustrated, Peter turned back as he was ‘not’ in the mood to practice as he disliked his rivals who were ‘sabotaging’ the current daily training schedule of his school holidays. As he walked away, the 14-year old girl called the tween’s name…
‘… huh? The ‘senior’ know my name…’
He saw her running over to switch-off the Spitfire – and left the fence enclosure and then raced towards him.
“Are you okay – when did you leave the hospital? It had only been just 3 days that you ‘all’ were injured hit by lightning…”
She introduced herself as Bella Beaulieu…
… Peter knew her as the classmate of Douglas Zimmerman of the 2nd floor – along with that Black Zulu girl Ibori – who was Janey’s friend.
Peter had a difficulty of pronouncing her French last name – so he mentally would call ‘Frenchie’…
“I was there too in the Treeton field trip -- and saw you running for your life in the thunderstorm with your classmates. Then, the lightning bolts hit those cows and horribly killing some – thank god, you 3 are alright despite being hit.”
Peter grinned…
“…yea, we survived alright… so you were in the dairy farm building, Bella, when it all happened?”
“Yes, it was a boring field trip that was hampered by the rain… we were trapped in -- and me and my friend Aka Tandeka saw that tragedy out of the window…”
“… huh…Aka who?”
“… oh, my friend -- the Zimbabwean foreign exchange student.”
“Oh, you mean the Zulu girl, Ibori?”
… back in Perthland, she was ‘just’ a tween – and was Jaheem Wilson’s girlfriend.
“… then your Chinese classmate girl came running in, and informing the teachers of the ‘accident’ in the field -- and Coach Duncan called the ambo.”
Bella Beaulieu wanted to see the ‘scar’ on his palm – the one-armed Peter bit and peeled open the single glove to show her the ‘diamond-shaped’ pockmark
She was fascinated by it while holding the single hand to inspect his palm – Bella even offered to help him, to put his glove back-on again…
Peter was surprised when she then hugged tight him, saying…
“I’m so glad you’re ‘alive,’ Champ.”
‘… Champ…?’
… no one called him by that ‘handle’ for 2 years -- since the ‘post-BMW crash.’
On the 3rd day, the ‘Cursed-one found HIS ‘FIRST’ FRIEND in the ‘reset-Perth.’
Their newfound friendship blossomed by the minute when they trained tennis together. Bella who was a reserve player in school and had wanted to qualify for the #2 spot in the current SHS’ Girl’s ranking, behind Zoe Williams.
Peter being ‘banned’ in playing competitive tennis for a school-term, in his misconduct for fighting – but, had PROMISED TO ‘TRAIN’ Bella to qualify her ‘dream’…
… he ‘gauged’ her…
… she was definitely a work-in-progress…
But her goals were achievable if she followed his INSTRUCTIONS TO the tee – as he had ‘already’ had trained a blind-girl to play tennis…
… and what ‘more,’ when Bella was ‘able-bodied’…
… and the tall girl was nimble too, as her long legs were swift coordinated steps -- and not’ clumsy in her reaction-moves…
… the long well-defined, athletic legs – in her bebopping teeny-weenie red skirt…
… aroused the rubicund tween.
THEY TRAINED FOR THE NEXT 2 HOURS till mid-afternoon. Exhausted and sweaty, they both sat lazily on the bleachers for 10 minutes in the sun – sharing sips from a can of Peter’s RedBull isotonic drink.
Peter saw a potential masterplan of ‘opportunity’ for the ‘NEXT’ PERTH’S FAMOUS COUPLE in the making possibilities…
… ‘only’ if they entered as a MIXED-DOUBLE’S CATEGORY for the school’s playout – as he had ‘done-that’ RINSE AND REPEAT before…
… in the ‘other Perth’ with blind-school…
Peter had TO ‘CONVINCE’ Bella…
… as he now offered to take her out for lunch at Maccas – so that he can lay ‘his’ blueprint plans on her.
THEY BOTH DECIDED TO HEAD to the main SHS building to the gym locker room, to shower before lunch. They joked as they ambled over in the corridor – Peter realised Bella liked the same Netflix TV shows, and she understood the pop-culture references he made…
… unlike blind-school, WHO DOESN’T watches any Netflix…
Their conversation was on the ‘Rick and Morty’ animated show when they arrived at the shower-rooms. Peter was surprised…
… that Bella stepped into the Boy’s shower room, with him…
Peter stopped talking and was curiously observing ‘Frenchie’ -- who was still jovial as she spoke extensively on the quirky story-scenarios of ‘Rick and Morty,’ as she unzipped her duffle-bag to grab her bath towel. She was laughing away as she headed to a shower stall, and closed the door.
The one-armed boy gawked as he looked at the opaque glass door – that was silhouetting Bella removing her clothes – while singing to herself a Beyoncé song as she then showered.
His mind went frantic-mode as he ASSESSED THE ‘SITUATION,’ with a girl showering in the Boy’s Room.
‘…well, I have done ‘nothing’ wrong – I’m in the ‘right’ bathroom…’
‘… maybe she could ‘get away’ with it -- as it is the term-break holiday, WITH NO ONE around…’
Peter stepped into the next stall -- and the one-armed boy too showered…
Muthoo Ganesan, the middle-aged Indian peon of the school was delivering a memo to the sports department – Coach Jonah was on leave and his assistant Coach Metcalf was in the West Wing office.
After a formal chit-chat with the assistant coach, the peon left the office -- and wanted to go back to the admin department to have his home-cooked tiffin lunch…
… since Principal Harris was on leave today, and VP Burnell had little ‘use-of-him’ – the peon would stream some Indian blockbuster movie on his cellphone, after lunch.
But first, he had to clear his bladder…
… luckily, there was a Gents in the West Wing…
PETER LEFT THE SHOWER STALL FIRST and put on a fresh pair of shorts. As the bare-bodied one-armed tween was towel drying his wet hair – Bella Beaulieu came out from the shower stall with her towel tied as a sarong. Peter turned away instantly.
She was humming the Beyoncé tune, and saw the quiet Peter with his back turned, looking away. Bella spoke…
“Hey Champ, do you want me to dry your hair?”
“Nope, I can manage, thank you.”
“Come on, I insist.”
Next thing he knew, she had taken his towel from his single hand – and placed it on his head and vigorously dried it. She saw the tween with both of his eyes shut tight. She giggled.
“You are so shy?”
Peter did ‘not’ respond…
“Have you seen a naked girl before, besides in porn?”
Peter shook his head as a ‘no’…
Before long, she dropped her towel and was only wearing a pantie… and the teenager teased him…
“You like my boobies – they are still puppies? I hope they grow big once I’m sweet 16.”
Peter gawked looking at them…
“Do you want to pet my puppies?”
Peter gave in to the temptation – SINCE IT WAS THE SCHOOL BREAK with ‘no one’ around, and he could GET AWAY with it – and, the excited Peter replied…
“Hell-yea, as a dog-whisperer, I love your puppies a lot, and I want to kiss them both too.”
The peon rushed into the West Wing’s Boy’s Room to release his full bowel, and as he approached the urinal stall – he then heard a ‘GIRL’S GIGGLING VOICE’ coming from the rear section, of the Boy’s shower area…
‘… what…?’
The peon had overheard gossips before from the netball Coach Audrey Duncan – of some miscreant boys from the cricket team who had entered the Girl’s Room, during the last semester’s holiday break…
‘… but -- in the Boy’s Room…?’
Muthoo Ganesan sneaked up to the rear section – and caught both the half-naked students kissing in a compromised position.
“OII!!! What are you 2 doing here!!?”
The terrified Bella screamed aloud, with the one-armed boy was shellshocked -- at the presence of the adult’s intrusion…
… the Principal’s office assistant had A PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY -- who knew the names of ‘each-and-every’ SHS’ student when he called out…
“Peter Walker! Bella Beaulieu! What ‘shameful’ thing YOU HAVE DONE in the school property!!?”
… Bella quickly wore a tee-shirt and the bare-bodied Peter chested-up…
“OII-YOU! Some bloody privacy here… what are you…? Are you peeping Tom!!?”
“What bloody privacy, you rascal – do YOU ‘KNOW’ WHAT you 2 had just ‘did?’”
… the infuriated Bella then screamed profanities in French – while the pissed-off peon responded her by shouting out in Tamil, his mother-tongue – Peter was left quiet hearing the gibberish languages exchanged for a moment before, and finally, he too shouted in English…
“Hey, you-coconut -- GET OUT OF HERE, you bloody curry muncher!!!”
“How dare you insult me, you devil – you both are following me to the principal’s office, this instance!!!”
“NOT HAPPENING, APPU! We’re leaving from here now… and you ‘look the other way’ – and you bloody buzz-off too!”
“No, Peter Walker. You are following me to the principal’s office!”
“Come eat my shorts!”
Both the misconduct students packed their gear to leave the ‘crime scene’ in a hurry – leaving the peon in a state of confusion of whether the duo would go scotts-free, after committing the despicable act of sex offence in the premise of the school…
… Muthoo Ganesan pulled out his CELLPHONE AND VIDEO recorded the wrongdoing students leaving – and that infuriated the bare-bodied tween…
“OII! Put that away! What are you, are you a bloody freelancing for PornHub?”
The peon ignored him and continued to video record them…
“You go and run, Peter Walker but -- this is evidence to show Principal Harris – of what you ‘did’ to tarnish the name and reputation of his prestigious school!”
“You put that away, Gunga Din or I will curse you if you share that!!!”
… but the peon was still recording his footage -- while Bella ‘Frenchie’ Beaulieu was back again swearing the Indian man. Peter was raged and he grabbed his Babolat racquet…
… and the bare-bodied tween CHASED THE PEON, WHO RAN AWAY FOR HIS LIFE – heading fast for his safety to reach the admin department…
… and Bella had left the building.
THE INSPECTOR MOTHER WOKE UP in mid-day with a hangover. She switched on her iPhone and got 3 notifications of voice-messages -- from Stamford High School’s Vice Principal Mrs Burnell…
… with a video of PETER IN ‘TROUBLE’ in the gymnasium locker room -- with ‘sensitive’ debacle involving a female student…
… Caroline sighed…
She dressed up and left the bedroom, with her boyfriend Tom Harris, still asleep in the bed…
… the widow left the divorcée…
… in the country club suite room, to go…
… and sort out her ‘own’ family matter in SHS.
Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate For A Thousand Years
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Six years after being orphaned, twenty-two-year-old Christina Bolen is finally getting her life in gear. With a business degree, Chris will finally be able to afford the life she wants for herself, but more importantly for her sister. Unfortunately, things don’t turn out the way they were supposed to. Chris is accused of a murder she didn’t commit and before she knows it she is a pawn in a game within a game. The only way out is learning to dominate in the virtual world humanity is losing itself in. A game world so widespread that it is replacing the real one in every aspect, including, or especially, the financial one. She might have never been a player before, but Chris vows to earn a spot on the gameboard. Even if that spot doesn’t exist yet.
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The Heavens System Subsidiary (I Was Chosen By The Word)
Vincent Gate, A Middle-Class man with a below low-class life. His mother was a rape victim in coma. To bring his mother out of her coma, He tried all he can but one day all his efforts went to nought and not too long after he followed. He expected to find himself in Satan’s embrace or God’s grace, instead he woke up in a queue of long souls with an Identification No [77777]. He was judged to be passed on but had complications so he couldn’t, hence he had to be reincarnated but with an ability only . By why does he find himself with an overpowered ability and a system to boot? In a new world, new dimension, new danger. How can Vincent Gate expect to survive with an ability to make all that exists his [Sandbox]? ‘’By the Power of [@#[email protected]!], [Devour].’’ ‘’By the Power of [@#[email protected]!], [Rewrite]’’ ‘’By the Power of [@#[email protected]!], [Kill Yourself] Read and find out
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The Lyrics That Defined Us.
Eddy Chen and Brett Yang, friends since forever and till forever.But does forever really exist?They say you write your own story, so did Brett and Eddy pave way for the correct ending? As life takes its own turns, Brett and Eddy find themselves in different places and situations. Man proposes and God disposes, they might say. Bound by feelings and emotions, Eddy gets pulled closer to Brett who keeps moving further and further away. Will destiny's string tie them together or will it snap? _Author's Note:1)First work on wattpad. Though the story is based on real people, the plot is completely fictional. And I have absolutely no intentions of mocking or copying anyone but since the human brain thinks stuff that is already known to them, if I accidentally write something that's already been written please do inform me. 2)English is my second language but I think I'm good at it(?). 3)If I make you cry, please don't kill me. 4)No NSFW but maybe in any future works.(If you came for that, sorry) Edit- some chapters have the slightest nsfw and have been marked, but all they contain are kissing scenes, so don't be scared. I'm pretty sure you've read even more graphic things. 5) The story description will be edited after the story ends to fit even more.6) Pay attention. And don't kill me.7) Got Instagram too now, please check it out. @/interesting.twosetter8) completed 24/2020
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Looking for My Future
“fk why are they have so fast hand, fk why are them can react like that, fk why are they can doing it like that, and some time he ask what the fking insane instinct the pro player have….”that the curse he always say after he been beaten up in game, actually he is someone that can be say one of a genius people in a real world. but every time he play a game he just can become an average player. so he decided…“i will make my own game, so that i will not been beaten up on my own game. and i can become one of the top player, hahahaha…”that his promise to himself, and this is a story of a beater in some game that play for his more little time.
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Promisory Note (namjoonxreader)
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