《BOOK 5: THE RETURN OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.1 POST-TREETON》Chapter 3: The Treeton Reset
PAUL AND JANE PLANNED TO MEET MS KING TODAY – a follow-up to the ‘unprecedented’ encounter when they both ‘cornered’ her sneaking at the dead of the night in the hospital ward, 3 days ago…
… Ms King agreed to the ‘meeting’ – and she called both their respective mothers – and told she was conducting a counselling session to cope with the post-Treeton tragedy.
Paul wore a turtleneck sweater to cover up his Lichtenburg figure scar in his throat – resulted from the lightning strike at Treeton…
… he ‘noticed’ that Gary wasn’t aware that he was involved with the tragedy last Thursday – by the way, the driver was into his jovial self and ‘not’ asking him about it – and neither Paul ‘would’ tell him…
… as he did ‘not’ trust ‘any’ version’ of Gary Morrison from ‘other’ worlds…
… as he learnt the hard way in Perthland with the driver complained to his ‘stepfather-Joe’ at St Michael’s church parking tot – that Paul was a trouble-maker ‘animal activist’ that tried recruiting his 2 sons
During the journey, Paul chuckled at the mischief antics told by the father of his brat-twins – Francis and George…
… in the back of his mind, Paul was eager to meet Jane in person as he had ‘not’ been with her physically for 3 days.
… blind-Jane got her new Samsung phone on the 3rd day of the 'lockdown' by her parents, and spent every opportunity since-then, to hear her ‘new-found’ boyfriend of Perthland’s voice…
…Paul had discussed that they ‘both’ WOULD ‘NOT’ repeat mistakes of the past – like in the past, where Jane…
… ‘had’ going out secretly from the ‘knowledge’ of her parents to meet her ‘ex,’ Peter -- and TRANSPIRED TO THE FERAL BLACK PANTHER incident which had then attacked her and her dog.
… Jane agreed with nods to him in the video-feed, in his iPhone…
... that she 'had' lost her beloved Piper to Popobawa, for that 'previous' mistake of sneaking-out.
She then professed to her ‘new’ boyfriend that she WOULD ‘NOT’ CONTINUE with her pre-Treeton’s ‘INTENTION MISTAKE’ of learning to-play-tennis as a hobby -- as the over-ambitious Peter would ‘TRAP’ HER ‘again’ into his “Perth’s Famous Couple’ toxic-and-deadly brand – where…
… the one-armed-ex, WHO WOULD ‘KILL’ to protect of ‘what-is-his’…
… just as how -- when he ‘did’ try TO TAKE-OUT’ Douglas Zimmerman’s life in school, at the ‘other-Perth.’
Since yesterday, Jane’s ‘mind’ too was preoccupied to look ‘forward’ to reprogramming Boyyo, once it ‘arrived’ in a few days’ time, sent by Uncle Jack from the US, as a ‘replacement’ – where her former SIMY…
… was sadly ‘destroyed’ -- by bravely ‘protecting’ her life…
… of herself getting killed in the cattle stampede, in the ‘cursed’ thunderstorm of Treeton…
… she wanted to reprogram Boyyo on her ‘own’ without the help from her BFF Alicia who herself was recovering from her PTSD-shock, of the same devastating Treeton thunderstorm.
The blind girl ‘knew’…
… her ‘dead’ and lost-AI was ‘still alive’ in her dreamworld realm – as…
… a hologram in the likeness of her mother…
… who rescued her B-girl from being bride #666 and…
… to be ravaged by the old Evil One of the Underworld.
Since Jane too was ‘grounded’ in the-other-Perth -- her ‘strict’ and order-proper mother WAS IN HER ‘high horse and was bias too in judging her and her ex-Peter…
It was when Peter had ‘broken’ her Queen-sized bed during the night of the zoo ‘incident,’ leaving his ‘imprint’ deep into the broken mattress, AS ‘EVIDENCE’ BEHIND…
… her Mummy since ‘then’…
… WAS INDIRECTLY HINTING, that what her B-girl was wrong…
… by ‘sneaking’ the one-armed boy into her bedroom, and made her…
… go into home pregnancy tests for a week…
…but ‘nothing’ like that had happened ‘ON THAT NIGHT’…
… where she was away with Pauly, and fighting BlackStar, in the Aurora Australis, while Peter ‘some-how’ broke her Queen-size bed when he was ‘alone,’ while they were away in ‘rescuing Perth-City’ mission.
– but soon…
… her doctor-mom had stopped and did ‘not’ make any more of her annoying fuss later…
… ‘when’ the Perth Famous Couple was A TOPIC OF INTEREST AMONG her FB friends as brave heroes-of-the-zoo.
Jane’s lesson learnt was ‘not’ to encouraged ‘events’ too, to be lured -- into being part of Peter’s PFC brand by…
… ‘not’ further learning tennis during the next coming few weeks, and that would lead to…
… another headache of the viral YouTube video ‘existence’ of a blind girl playing tennis, that beat Douglas Zimmerman and Zoe Williams, which soon gained the massive interest of all of Perth’s tennis fans, who next ‘hound’ her of her personal privacy.
… And, blind-Jane wanted a LOW PROFILE ‘PRESENCE,’ this time around in the reset.
THE NISSAN ALMERA ARRIVED AT THE DESTINATION – the Uber driver got down, in front of the café.
Gary carried the overweight Paul into his wheelchair – the crippled-superhero did not put any pressure on the driver’s back, by controlling his weight density ‘mentally’ …
… of ‘reducing’ his gravity level in his semi-levitation mode…
… since coming back from Treeton, Paul had ‘reactivated’ his superpowers that he was cursed into…
… but what he ‘missed’ having in Perthland was as a regular normal teenager, who could have the ability to ‘walk’ and go 'dancing' -- but with no super ability ‘powers’ as self-protection…
… thus, …
… that was the ‘rule’ of Perthland, where the Cursed-trio individuals don’t have their incredible superpowers.
And, since coming back into the reset – his focus was to keep a regular school-student role and to be ‘secretive’ -- to maintain by hiding his secret identity…
… of his ‘front’ as a crippled boy -- in his ‘alibi’ wheelchair.
Paul’s wheelchair was ‘loaned’ from the hospital, after ‘Rocket-plus Motorized wheelchair™’ was wrecked by the stampeding cows – but this manual wheelchair ‘would-do’ for now, while being grounded by his inspector-mother…
… but it needed some oiling for its creaking wheels, which he kept forgetting to do as he had lots ‘going’ in his mind…
…whereby Paul was consistently worried was about Peter’s next moves – where the twin had been ‘too’ quiet and status-quo since their return from Perthland – and developed had a personality change too.
Despite knowing his one-armed twin was anti-social who doesn’t talk much to both their mother and him, but would retort to his rebellious behaviour when provoked or questioned…
… but…
… in the post-Perthland, during the Treeton’s ‘reset’ -- Peter had ‘CHANGED’ HIS SCRIPT by being ‘more’ compliant to unpredictability in his behaviour.
Paul noticed that…
While driving home from the hospital, 3 days ago…
… inspector-mom asked Peter ‘why’ he ran wayward into the open field in the thunderstorm?
Peter replied the ‘handicap-group’ were slow – so, he ‘then’ ran before he got drenched in the storm, which was about to hit…
… Paul ‘noticed’ that there WAS NO MENTION of Miss King who ‘had’ pursued him, from school all the way to Treeton, to take away his ‘lucky charm.’
Later at Walker home…
… ‘when’ inspector-mom did an inspection to his locked-room – Peter did ‘not’ protest and ‘allowed’ their mother into his room…
… ‘when’ she scolded him for being a ‘fire hazard’ hoarder of junk collections – Peter was MUM AND DID ‘NOT’ ARGUE, and he complied to box his precious-collection to be stored in the garage…
… being compliant and conforming, inspector-mother HANDED HIS ‘LOCKED’ iPhone without checking it…
From downstairs Paul looked up at his inspector-mother handing HIS TWIN HIS IPHONE ‘without’ insisting him to unlock the phone’s password so, to inspect the ‘undesired’ contents…
… therefore…
… it would ‘not’ transpire the argument of Peter’s online gambling actives…
… which lead to the heated quarrel …
… of ‘selling’ the Walker House…
… when their mother brought up ‘then’ the topic of their gambling father’s huge debt – that made her ‘no’ choice but TO SELL THE HOUSE and move into a smaller home.
Paul could ‘not’ figure his twin, Peter…
… but whatever he is ‘doing,’ it was working in his favour…
‘… ‘what’ the devil are you up to ‘this’ time in the reset, Peter?’
PAUL AND JANE HAVE DECIDED to consult Ms King as a follow-up to their encounter in the hospital post-Treeton…
…where they both confronted her sneaking in children’s ward in the dead of the night ‘where’ they said to the student counsellor that -- they were from the future-of-Perth, ‘which’ had gone through some tragedies caused by Peter.
They decided on 3 THINGS TO MAKE the ‘reset’ work – that was ‘not’ to repeat the mistake of the other realm’s future timeline –
… firstly…
… that they do ‘not’ include Alicia into the ‘reset’ cabal even though she was also ‘there’…
… in the middle of the thunderstorm as her FATE IN THE FUTURE timeline was…
… that she would go through being attacked by Jimbo, and ‘had’ gone …
… into a coma in the past-realm.
The silent Paul still suspects ‘somehow’ Peter was involved by the revealing the ‘TALKING-BICYCLE’ named KITT’s slip-of-the-tongue…
… despite…
… Jane had dismissed his Plan-B of that theory of positive criminal justice vs negative vigilante’s vengeance …
… and her believe too that Peter was ‘possessed’ as a ‘follower’ -- and should ‘not’ be blamed for Asmodeus’ evil-doings.
… secondly…
… they should NOT MENTION PERTHLAND to the school student counsellor where they were teenagers for 4 days – and, what would confuse her more when realizing…
… that she was only working in ‘that’ Stamford High as a librarian, who was in her 20’s, in that ‘other’ realm…
… where ‘being’ roles ‘over’ there were reversed…
But Paul ‘believed’ his Plan B HAD ‘WORKED’ when he ‘killed’ Peter by shooting him in the heart in Perthland’s Stamford Hotel bedroom suite incident with his ‘mother’s stolen pistol.’
… where Paul too was shot dead…
… the domino effect was tragic where Jane too had committed suicide – a necessary ‘act of evil’…
… to escape the ‘soul prison’ of Perthland…
… but he reunited with Jane later – IN PURGATORY -- where Mercury the God of the bringer of the after-souls to the either-realms had ‘rescued’ them from the Underworld – to return back ‘home’ as they both have ‘unfinished’ business in their Perth’…
… after a 4-day crazy ride, as the able-bodied teenagers, in Perthland…
… but the ‘other’ realms called Dreamworlds too ‘exist’…
… where it was even MORE MINDBOGGLING, with its ‘own’ set-of-rules, where…
… the Cursed-trio shared the same dreams in a DREAM-IN-A-DREAM mode, where they had traumatic and horrifying nightmares of adventures, which battling African, Chinese and Middle-eastern demons and entities of the Underworld…
… which was the domain of the All-Father evil Asmodeus.
… thirdly…
… with all of the discussions between Paul and Jane via videocall over the 3 days – they both came to the conclusion of a crossroad…
… of whether would ‘this’ realm’s Ms King ‘would’ believe them both or not?
They decided to be terse in discussion – where less is ‘more’…
… when duo stepping into Tea Leaves Café to meet Ms King – to convince her.
FOR THE NEXT HALF-AN-HOUR in the front of the glassed booth café corner… Ms King ‘listened’ with her gaze outside the window…
… responding with occasional nods…
… it had rained an hour before and the streets were wet with sidewalk puddles…
… which attracted birds to take a bath dip…
… she noticed over more than a score of birds of a few species was gathered in the water – but the bigger birds soon had bullied the smaller sparrows away…
… leaving only the pigeons and magpies…
… soon they too fought -- and the superior concrete jungle ‘bigger’ survivors had swatted their wings to drive away the noisy magpies, to dominate their ‘own’ one-species’ space -- to dip into the puddle of the sidewalk water pool.
The quiet Ms King was sipping her hot Matcha green tea, while keenly…
… listening and processing what those ‘newly’ acquainted tweens in front of her were saying…
… where Paul was bringing her to ‘speed’ with the HAPPENINGS OF THE FUTURE events -- so that the nearing 50-year-old woman was in the same wavelength with her future-self, who herself…
… had involved ‘before’ as part of the Cursed-trio cabal -- in helping them both on several occasions…
… where she even ‘too’ had received recognition from the Perth’s Mayor for the bravery in the Samuel Jaheem Wilson’s zoo abduction case. Despite the failure of her health, Ms King was ‘back there’ was too, supportive to their shared ‘SeeIn cause,’ with her to conducting her regular group sessions after every natural disaster …
… which ‘always’ had involved …
…the possessed-twin, Peter with his uncontrollable toxic negative emotions causing either deliberately or accidentally causes of calamities in the country…
… it was also ‘where’ in the Dreamworld -- Jane and Paul too had learnt more, of the evil Asmodeus plans…
… which led the ‘other’ resourceful Ms King of the future -- to inform Peter and Jane -- of when the Blood-Moon of the Sphinx was-to happen…
… where they had foiled Asmodeus from walking-on-Perth, by destroying the Blood-of-Peter which was the ‘key’ to earth’s locked door in Egypt, from the evil Underworld’s entry.
That was information overload for Diane King who had to process ‘what’ the tweens had told her that had brought memories of her college days…
… of ‘reliving’ an ancient historical Middle Eastern ‘ghost story’ stories days by the theories course subjects from her ‘assignment studies’ – which were ‘NOW’ UNFOLDING in reality 20 YEARS LATER ever since, SeeIn the time-traveller intervention – where the tweens too…
… were back and forth, in ‘their’ inter-realms and astral travelling in which both of them were cursed’ into – since Treeton.
Her spine tingled and the hairs of her neck stood when Paul revealed the future natural disaster by Blackstar where it had been predicted by SeeIn 20 years ago – which ‘had’ already ‘happened’ on the other-Perth, likes of Queensland’s Barrier Reef earthquake disaster and closer…
… to their ‘own’ Perth City had nearly burnt to the ground -- by the Egyptian Goddess of Death Ammut and her pet Ammit, who ‘had’ destroyed the Northern Perth’s Forest Reserves.
It gave her goosebumps too – that Peter was responsible for each and ‘all’ of these calamities – when he had possessed the talisman of Aandaleeb that he was ‘tricked’ into having, which he refused to ‘give’ to her during their anger-management session that mid-Thursday morning…
… before the school’s field trip -- that led to her sickly self to be ‘chasing’ after him, to ‘confiscate’ his acclaimed ‘lucky-charm’ – as he then foolish ran head-on into the ‘snare’ of Asmodeus’ cursed thunderstorm field of Treeton farm.
Since then, for a ‘week,’ Diane King too had been depressed that she had failed her SeeIn’s mission cause to bring the balance in good and evil – but…
… the student counsellor was cornered in the hospital when she had snuck up -- to see the 3 ‘cursed’ children admitted in the wardroom, for lightning strike earlier in their field trip…
… that ‘gave’ her a new-hope…
… the night, when for the 'first time'…
… Diane King saw a blind girl who could move around ‘independently’ without aid as she possessed HER 3RD-EYE GIFT and Paul the wheelchaired cripple, was FLOATING IN THIN AIR. And, they both told her…
… that they were from the ‘future.’
Paul moved his wheelchair closer to the older Australian Indigenous student counsellor and whispered in his unappealing, ‘raspy coming-of-age’ adolescence ‘cracking’ voice of his tween…
“Yes, Ms King… we’re from the future – and we came back like a reset of the past, on the timeline of the dairy farm in Treeton, where Asmodeus had ‘cursed’ us 3 – and we can ‘glow’ but you can’t see it…”
… from the windowed booth they sat, blind-Jane saw her blue’ beacon closer to Ms King – and Jane then chimed in….
“Ms King you been very quiet – do you believe us?”
She had to ask and to ‘confirm’ this – as her scientist, Uncle Jack Turner did ‘not’ believe both her and Alicia when she ‘told’ him, in the other-Perth of everything and the events that ‘had changed’ the trio’s physiology, after they were ‘stuck’ by the ‘cursed by a supernatural’ lightning…
… to which her uncle had asked for demonstrative evidence to back it, as a scientific conclusion – but Jane was ‘not’ in the right frame of mind back then, due to ‘her’ depression…
… and when she could ‘not’ preform to prove her ‘case’ – the man of science dissed her with his ‘own’ scientific ‘logical’ reasoning, and belittled her point of view despite Alicia too told of events that backed it.
Ms King reached out across the table and squeezed the blind girl’s wrist with an assurance.
“… yes, I believe you both… it is just so much to process… sorry, it must be my ‘age,’…” she laughed. Paul too chucked…
“That what your ‘other-you’ used to say too – and with your health condition issues to cope.”
“She ‘must’ have been a hypochondriac too like me,” Ms King laughed again.
A King in the Clouds
Tanlar. A cruel, repulsive, and foul word. It meant untitled, officially, but it also meant ungifted, unable, unworthy, unnecessary, unhuman. It was more a curse than a term, a badge only the damned and condemned wore. To be a tanlar was to know your life, your entire being, was insignificant. Once Kaizer had resigned himself to such a fate, but those times had passed. He may have been untitled, but he was anything but untalented. He refused to scrape by at the bottom of society. Those who stood above him could sneer all they liked, but he wouldn’t suffer being stepped on for long. He’d be better, much better. But of course he would be. ‘Fate’ demanded it so. [Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] What To Expect: The story of a boy becoming a man becoming a king + everything that entails. Largely gamelit, but later arcs could be called litrpg. Also schemes. A lot of schemes. I do love some good ol' fantasy politics and intrigue. Minimum Word Count a Week: TBA after Writathon Release Time(s): Daily for as long as I can/until the end of the Writathon. I also write The Deathseeker [Returning Dec 5th]
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Basic Fantasy Solo RPG
A series of solo table-top RPG sessions set in a bog-standard fantasy setting with humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and lots and lots of monsters. Hopefully for our adventurers, lots of treasure too. The adventurer Alhwald Tillyworth and the elf cleric Lyndis Hersandoral are on a fantasy adventure to become wealthy and powerful. Nothing more or less than that. Alhwald was the third child in his family. His father was a musician and could not afford to look after him so as a child he lived with some nomads. As a young adult, he left these nomads and moved to a small town hoping to achieve his ambitions of wealth and comfort. He can be a bit greedy because of his ambitions. Lyndis was the third child in her family. Her father was a mercenary and Lyndis wants to get experience on her own to follow his footsteps. When she was a child of 8 she got lost in the wilderness and she lost her consciousness while being pursued by Kobolds. When she was out she saw Kalmera the Goddess of Miracles and when she woke up her wounds were gone and she was in an area of the wilderness she was familiar with and the Kobolds were nowhere to be found.
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The Soldier
The tensions between the U.S and Zeloria are reaching a tipping point and the infant nation of Pithoria is caught in the crossfire. In order to prevent conflict, a NATO peacekeeping force comprised mainly of American and British troops is deployed to the island. One of whom is Sergeant Robin Black, who discovers that restoring peace to the island nation may prove more difficult than previously thought.
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Guild Management with My Cute Imouto
With the death of our parents, he had to work day and night just to put food on the table.Dropping out of college... famished... tired.Life had always been hard on him. As if that wasn't enough suddenly monsters started pouring out of entities called 'dungeons', endangering his everyday lives.Now if there are 'monsters' and 'dungeons', a 'guild' only follows doesn't it? Aiden is an everyday unnoticed hunter who worked in a dungeon. Like a pebble by the side of the road most people didn't even notice his existence. He worked hard so that he could put food onto his table and pay his sister's tuition fees the cause being both of them had lost their parents at an early age. He had strived hard and raised his sister as if she was the only thing he cared about in the world. But his life takes an unnecessary turn of events with his little sister Yuna, at the very root of it. Give it a shot and let me know what you think. My primary focus in this story would be the characters and the complex emotions they share between them in a seemingly magical world one can only imagine in their fantasies. The plot would mainly revolve around the world progressing for the end game and also the characters.
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Calamity Falls
Sequel to MagnificentI opened the door and entered the room to find Riele on the bed, crying her eyes out. "Why are you crying Riele?" I asked in worry as I approached the side of her bed."Why me?" she choked out."Why what?" I asked confused"My life has never been stable. Problems pop up here and there, now and then and it's frustrating. I just want to die, it's all too much. I'm tired of the pain" she paused before shifting her eyes to me "It hurts and knowing I have no control over it, is just sad" she said, eyes brimming with unshed tearsRiele Downs, a hardworking and intelligent woman who knew she could ever get associated with a gangster like Jace Norman...Now, problems are rising here and there... She can't take it anymoreJourney with her and see what the world has in stall for her
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The Healer Demands Payment!
THIS STORY IS NOT MINEFOR OFFLINE READING PURPOSES ONLY我們醫修救人要錢Author: Tang Shan Yue 糖山月Translation from: Aerial Rain(aerialrain.com)In the past, there was a small cannon fodder who wholeheartedly dedicated herself to the medicinal path.Only after dying once did she learned that even if she was brilliant, she could only be an insignificant side character used to emphasize the female lead's limelight. Any relationship with the male lead and other supporting male characters would bring her bad luck.When going out to collect some medicinal herbs in Qingfeng Valley, she kindly rescued a male side character. The man woke up and saw the female lead and became eternally grateful to her instead. He thought that the monster that hurt him was brought by the small cannon fodder so she was punished.The cycle repeated and eventually everyone she saved blindly loved the righteous female lead. Ultimately she was killed by one of the men who was entangled with the female lead.......So after her rebirth, she began to firmly adhere to the principle of 'pay me first, then I'll cure you'.Male cannon fodders who love the female lead, charge them triple fee!Male side characters who ambiguously entangled with the female lead, charge them 10 times!Male lead, the most important one, charged him 100 times!She single heartedly insisted on using money to distance herself from those men and drew a clear boundary between them. But her ability was too high, that the male lead and side characters from all over the world always came to her for help...She finally became the richest person in cultivation world!***If you can, please read this on (aerialrain.com) and support the translator❤.
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