《BOOK 5: THE RETURN OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.1 POST-TREETON》Chapter 2: Peter Walker Plots his Comeback
EVEN DEMONS GET NIGHTMARES, and, Mercury had his…
In rainy Treeton dairy farm…
… the one-armed Red-demon’s aura was running away from danger in PETER’S BODY – with both the archangels of the Abrahamic Creator were pursuing the Red-one-armed tween…
“MERCURY! Where are you going to, with THAT CHRISTIAN?”
… in an aerial fan formation, the 2 combating angels were after the common-enemy, running frantically on foot below, with his flaming sword…
… THE PANTING TWEEN stopped, and ‘cursed’ sacrilegious profanities at the holy angels…
St Michael and his counterpart Gabriel were weakened by Peter’s spoken-curses – as both the celestial heavenly beings dropped hard and rolled in the drizzling field…
Loud thunder crashed above and the one-armed boy laughed.
“HAHAHA! You mediocre minions!”
… he ran away towards the cows in open fields – and saw a dark cloud following him…
Old-man Asmodeus was riding on it…
… while he used his ‘stolen’ Zeus’ thunderbolts, to pelt below -- at the one-armed-tween, bearing the broad-flaming sword. The King of Djinns was cursing aloud in his thunderous voice, in his ancient Sumerian mother tongue…
… of his frustration of Mercury with the Cursed-trio had caused and foiled him in Egypt, at the Sphinx where they succeeded in their mission and had managed…
… to destroy the Blood-of-Peter to free the Soul-of-Peter…
Depriving the Old-man to walk in Perth, in the youthful Peter…
… to reign on earth ‘once-again,’ after 2000 over years.
… being blind in one-eye, the old-man's strikes were ‘not’ accurate…
… hitting and killing the enclosed cattle instead, as the one-armed target was slipping away…
The terrified cows were running-herd in a single circle, to avoid hit-and-killed by the next thunderbolt…
… agitated, in the nearby stall, was a tied up black, alpha-steed that bred the farm cattle – its name was Minotaur, and he was on edge as his hoofs were scraping the mud in the ground…
… he wanted to defend his harem of cows, who were helter-skelter in the open field at the middle of the storm…
The black Taurus bull broke free from his bound rope – and charged into the open storm -- to face the enemy…
… he magnificently stood at the centre of the field, with the cows gathered behind his alpha presence – he stared mad and unleashed a roaring angry moo to the above Old man…
Asmodeus just shooed the ‘distraction,’ as his main beef was with the Red-demon who was escaping away on foot. The Old man then continued his hunt…
… as he surfed the thundercloud to pursue the runaway 'Mercury' ahead… but, Minotaur was tagging behind…
… chasing the dark bank of cloud and fleeing boy…
… that went beyond the horizontal wooden fences – Minotaur then charged and hard crashed the barricade down, to chase…
The black bull then charged ahead, with scores of cows following behind him – they all approached fast at the flaming-sword bearing one-armed tween forward, who was escaping his-hide from the next spearing thunderbolt.
The one-armed youth then realized that he was running away to ‘another’ imminent threat of the chasing cattle. He was tiring fast and he dropped face down and tumbled on the muddy grass field, and sliding on…
… he saw the cows coming fast to stampede… on his knees, he got up half-way – with his only hand, shielding his face away, and crying out,
“Somebody, HELP!!!”
… Mercury ‘jumped-out’ the host youth’s body – the one-armed Red-demon picking his framing blade from the wet grass as he stood in combat-stance -- to face the oncoming stampede…
The Red-demon was taken-aback as he recognized the fellow demon called Minitour, from the Underworld -- was rushing at him.
‘… wait a minute – I ‘know’ this Greek -- he’s the bodyguard of Minos from Crete – what’s the mad-bull doing here?’
Mercury did ‘not’ get his answer – as the charging bull transformed into its half-human demon form of a hulk…
… leapt forward into the puny-sized 7-footed Red-demon…
… the demons tumbled and sloshed in the mud as they both engaged into bare-fisted combat – the 3-sized bigger demon bull-of-man was too powerful and was getting the better of the one-armed Mercury.
But to survive the bigger, raging hot-headed beast…
… was back on his feet, the Red-demon got defensive and then, cunning parried the oncoming blows…
… as they both circled like 2 abnormal drunken dancers … dancing to an odd tune… striking with most misses as the smaller-sized Mercury was feinting…
And, that’s where, Mercury saw the youth-Peter was climbing-up the bank of dark clouds, to reach the Old man…
“OII!!! What are you doing…? Get down from there, now!!!”
The boy had a clay-arm attached to his left stump shoulder – the tween ignored the Red-demon’s warning and was ascending the clouds fast to its peak, to the waiting arms of Asmodeus.
The Red-demon was ‘distracted’ from his engaged fight – where Minotaur floored him with a hard-sucker punch to Mercury’s rattling jaw – the Red-demon fell on his back in the muddy grass…
… dazed and he saw the sight of his flaming sword, a few reaches away…
Meanwhile, the youth had climbed the peak of the raincloud and stood face-to-face with the King of Djinns – the boy raised his right hand to him – exposing his scar at the centre of his palm…
… speaking in Sumerian, the delighted Old-man pointed his crooked finger’s long nail – touching the scar.
… on the muddy field, Mercury picked up his flaming sword fast, AND WENT OFFENSIVE – as he hacked -- and beheaded the oversized bull-horned demon to its death…
From the cadaver, the Red-demon looked over his shoulder…
… to gaze upon the youth on the raincloud -- who was now…
… TRANSFORMED INTO HIS CELESTIAL FORM of Gemini-Red by the Evil-one.
After receiving an order in the Old-man’s native-tongue, the human-torch flew to execute Asmodeus’ commands…
… Gemini-Red soared below ground – TO ATTACK THE RED-DEMON, who fought hard to defend himself by somersaulting to the fiery bolts thrown at him, and deflecting some hits with his burning sword…
As it all happened, Asmodeus sail surfed away into the larger dark skies laughing…
Mercury was ‘jolted’ and awakened by the nightmare of Treeton. In the dark, the one-armed demon was dazed in confusion in bed, FIGURING OUT IF THAT…
… was an ‘omen’ of some premonition of events to come…
He turned his head to Beauty, peacefully sleeping beside him – he got up from the bed, leaving the naked Mother of Virgo to her slumber…
… he picked up his loincloth on the floor and wore it, before leaving the antechamber…
Mercury walked up to the control room of the CUBE OF APOLLO and saw…
… the surviving triplet of the Rebel Virgo-sisters named Dora – who was sleeping on the white couch – Venus had half-healed her wounds from her torture, in the Asmodeus’ underground of his-hotel-basement of his ‘personal’ torture dungeon – where after the Blind-one…
… has rescued Dora from the cruel hands of Argovva the Butcher, who was the Head Executioner there.
Mercury then gazed over to the sight of the hologram of SIMY 2.0 who called 'herself' as Jan Wilson...
... was steering the mystical portal cruiser, on auto-drive…
… he sighed…
‘… bah! Technology… I don’t trust them…!’
He left the Control room feeling agitated at both of their presence and thought of the 2 as a burden to the rebel cause, as they were…
… ‘only’ deadweight…
… to slow the mission or getting caught by the Army and the bounty-hunters of the All-Father Asmodeus.
Since the Egypt mission, their numbers of crew members grew even after Leeu ‘died’ – where the hologram and the Virgo-aura next came on aboard the Cube of Apollo…
Now, it was the burden upon THE ONE-ARMED RED-DEMON to protect the 3 women…
… the goddess, the aura, and the hologram…
… AKA the All-women Trinity…
IT HAD BEEN 3 DAY SINCE TREETON -- their Inspector mother had ‘grounded’ both her sons in their respective rooms, of the house their late father, had built for them – ever since then…
…Peter had been plotting his next moves with…
… the same STRATEGY, BUT A DIFFERENT tactics…
As, the ‘game’ had changed its rules…
… between ‘worlds’…
… where his teenager-twin WHO HAD ‘KILLED’ HIM by shooting him in the heart – and his ‘lover’ Jezebel too, before she crashed out from the hotel window.
He then died and ‘RESURRECTED’ BACK to his ‘own’ Perth…
… to the day…
… of the aftermath Treeton’s TIMELINE – WHEN THEY WERE first ‘cursed’ in a deadly thunderstorm as the Cursed-trio during the school’s field trip.
To changed history – HE HAD TO ‘CHANGE’ the narrative, for A DIFFERENT ‘OUTCOME’…
… quoting his History teacher Alexander Hull who had criticized him, numerous times in the classroom…
‘… that leaders fall from grace in history was – because they ‘repeat’ their same mistakes’…
‘… okay, you wise-Yoda Hull, I GET IT… I should ‘change’!’
Thinking back, his downfall came when he ‘used’ drugs as escapism – and decided to say NO TO DRUGS as he was a sportsman-first…
Peter want to make HIS COMEBACK, in the ‘reset’ as the best possible tennis player, to be in track to his ultimate goals, to be the top in Australia’s ranking. He had to ‘relive’ his dreams from this day onwards AS HIS ‘2ND CHANCE’…
… to make up for that ‘almost’ missed opportunity and gamble where…
… there would be a ‘possibility’ if…
… his ‘Perth’s Famous Couple’ brand WOULD ‘NOT’ be possible ‘since’…
… blind-school ‘WAS’ NOW ‘short-legs’ girlfriend…
‘… yea, Poe-pee-Poe, eat my leftovers…’
Peter grunted in displease of the ‘annoyance-of-failure’ since ‘coming back’…
… for the past 2 days…
… Peter had been ‘tormented’ by the involuntary surges of love-energy emitted by both of the members of the ‘other’ Cursed-trio who afflicted ‘to forcibly share’ with him – ever since…
… Jane had gotten her ‘new’ Samsung…
… where the love-birds had been ‘making out’ with flirting phone calls, during their ‘grounded’ at home period.
‘Damn you, quad – I don’t wanna be in your icky bloody threesome – I’m a Catholic first!’
Yesterday morning, he went downstairs quickly…
…’the’ mom’s watchdog wasn’t ‘tied’ to the kitchen counter but was inside his windowless room luv-luv ardour-ing…
Peter scoffed, then grabbed the newspaper and a can of coke before coming back to his room…
… to reread today’s old-news which already HE ‘KNEW’ from the ‘other’ Perth – of Treeton’s dairy farm tragedy of…
‘Aussie’s Army Vet rescues handicapped Children’
… recalling at the petrol station…
… the one-armed tween chuckled when he had later ridiculed that Methodist van driver John Hart, the ex-Army Vet for the ‘fake news’ recognition in the media – when he did ‘nothing-like’ Rambo during the event of the thunderstorm.
‘… mediocre ‘fake’ Elvis…’
Peter had to refocus ‘what’ were HIS ‘PRIORITIES’ – which was his comeback in tennis…
… the KEY TO THAT WAS his robotic arm…
… which WOULD ‘NOT’ BE possible too as events-leading-to the procurement ‘would-NOT’ HAPPEN ‘YET’ – as Poe hadn’t submitted his conceptual drawings – to Janey’s Uncle Jack ‘the inventor’ Turner…
The one-armed boy was mad as tore the newspaper to shreds with his single hand-and-teeth – before stomping it on the floor.
… it was SOO-CLOSE – AND ‘NOW’ too far…
Recalling the American visitors – Taro and Hiro coming over – and had tested the robotic arm on him, the day they came to take his blood sample…
… they TOOK ‘BACK’ the arm to modify it from plastic and aluminium to lighter-titanium, with Bluetooth controlled…
Peter went online to type “Kimura Star’ onto the search engine tab… and got their contact email address…
… he ‘now’ needed to convince the scientist Jack Turner – that he was from the ‘future’ – and that Kimura Star had already ‘built’ a robotic arm for him, in the ‘other’ future Perth.
A sound of a horn had distracted him from outside the house. Peter got up from his bed, and walked to the window and saw a familiar Nissan Almera waiting below. Peter spoke out aloud to himself…
“What is Gary doing here?”
Peter saw Paul wheel chairing towards the Uber-ride…
“… the horny short-legs is on the move…”
Soon the one-armed boy saw the fellow St Michael Church’s parishioner, Gary Morrison was helping his twin to get into the cabin of the car.
“… tsk-tsk-tsk, you’ll burn in hell Gary -- for conspiring and abetting with Poe-pee-Poe’s lust-seeking activities during the school break…”
He scoffed when he saw the car drove off. Dissatisfied he sat back on his bed while recalling in the ‘other-Perth,’ where his twin had left him a ‘note’ informing he got the ‘permission’ to ‘go-out’ to have hair ‘done’ into a Korean bloody version of Bart Simpson.
“Mom! You ‘grounded’ the both of us – now, why the bloody double standard? Why…? Is he ‘your’ favourite son ‘too’ in this Perth…? If that’s the case, I’M GOING OUT TOO!”
On the 3rd day, the disobedient son of Insp Caroline Walker wore his sportswear tracky-daks and left to school – he has got bigger fish to fry for his TENNIS ‘COMEBACK’ which was his self-practice…
… so that his fitness level WOULD BE ON-PAR ‘once’ his bionic-robotic arm cometh…
… there was NO STOPPING HIM, as he would then breeze and progressed through…
… IN HIS GOALS AND DREAM to be the ‘BEST-OF-THE-REST’ in the country’s ‘glorious’ world of tennis.
Anaraknakrium: The Cursid
This is my first time writing a story so any and all advice is welcome, i hope it is satisfactory and i will continue to make it better thank [email protected] The image is not mine i obtained from: https://charlottecarrendar.com/category/dead-nation-series-carrendar-writers/ It started with a whimsical thought of the gods that was all but tossed aside, never to bear fruit for all eternity awakens in the dark undisturbed. Now shall we see what a creature so abhorred and hated by the gods, where their very existence is blasphemous and chaotic may bring upon the world of Leis. Where endless races come and go with only the strongest remaining through the tides of change.
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A Royal Warrior
Skela has always been proud of its military might, originally a land of ruthless warriors and evolving to a land of warriors with politics. The kingdom, though not large in terms of land, now boasts thriving farms, a hardy and proud people, and a larger royal family than has been the case in years. The king and queen are in wonderful health, with two twins coming upon the age of eighteen. As a young princess, Alena has many skills under her belt; she is fluent in multiple languages, is well-versed in combat, and is beloved by many. However, her twin brother Krin is an expert politician and leader, utterly ruthless, and has a way of appealing to people's hidden desires. As their parents have yet to name an immediate heir to the throne, the siblings must discreetly battle for the Crown of the Night while winning their parent's favor, Alena utilizing her sense of righteousness and virtue, and Krin, his lack thereof. In her efforts to garner support, Alena finds herself in a new land with strange customs, left wondering at the state of affairs she'll return to.
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A Very boring book
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Important News: After Chapter 146, I will be taking a 1 month break in order to catch up with some projects, I thank you once again for your support and reading my novel... I will return on August with new chapters! I WILL PUBLISH CHAPTERS ON MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS! This is CRIMSON_MZ. After realizing that my chapters were too long, I decided to publish short chapters for people who like to keep short and sweet. Same story but divided into shorter chapters and no volumes. ENJOY! The Borderland, a desert region located between two countries, two cultures and two rivals; This Region is full of mysteries and rich in“mana” (Natural Energy) a target for powerful individuals. Five Years ago, a tragedy hit the borderland with a massive earthquake and destroyed both cities completely,however, the most mysterious event was the disappearance of a certain family: The Vazquez. After witnessing a miracle, Alejandro Sanchez, a regular student at the Sun City International Highschool, a prestigious school where students from all over the world come to learn with high technology in the Western World. He decided to form “The Supernatural Investigation Society” to investigate what happened on that fateful night, however, after five years of investigation, he found no positive results leading to loss of all his friends.
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Natasha Romanoff One Shots
A collection of one-shots ranging between platonic, romantic and familial! (Fem Reader).Each chapter will have letters in the title corresponding to the theme :)F = FluffA= AngstSF = Songfic
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rosekook prompts.
Short drabbles and/one shots about Park Chaeyoung and Jeon Jungkook as themselves coming from real life theories/moments.
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