《BOOK 5: THE RETURN OF ASMODEUS -- (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.1 POST-TREETON》Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home
JANE OPENED HER EYES AND FELT that she was floating on her back, in deep-space – with billions of stars, in the vast canvas above. It was serene milieu, and she was at peace with herself while, she was in awe in admiration of the splendour displayed cosmic-beauty, which was in front-of her seeing-eyes…
… soon she heard distinct voices, and was distracted… she turned her head to her right and left… and was aware that she was ‘not’ alone, but with thousands of naked-people of all colours, who were floating with her… and someone-new – was ‘popping-up’ in every-next second…
… although she was raised an atheist, but she somehow knew… that she was in an-afterlife situation… and those people-floating were ‘souls’ from where they had ‘died,’ and were going in-transition period-into ‘something-else’…
They were talking to themselves, in their mother-tongues… and Jane heard many were speaking the Aussie-accent… realising that came-from the victims, of the Queensland’s earthquake tragedy of Perthland…
She went back into her star-gazing mode… and pin-holed to a random star – then-had a particular memory when she stared at it… of being in the swimming pool, where Lola taught her B-self on the how-to float on water… Lola even told her to use her hands, to paddle-to-move around…
… lying on her back-in cosmic space… she used her hands and paddle-to-move – and it ‘worked’ – and soon, Jane was moving around backwards. So, she decided to ‘find’ Paul… as she-now floated-around… calling his name…
“Paul! Paul, are you there?”
… and ‘several’ Pauls responded…
“… Paul Walker… I’m ‘finding’ for Paul Walker… and ‘only’ Paul Walker…”
… all voices died-off, like a GOOGLE-SEARCH…
… except for ‘one’…
“…Jane? Is that you?”
“… yes… keep-on talking, Pauly… I’m coming to you…”
In total-enthusiasm, Jane’s hands were moving fast towards his-voice… and in no-time, the 2 lovestruck-lovers were reunited again – with their clasped-hands together, and laughed out in pure-delight and joy…
“…Jane, you ‘came’… I thought you were happy with you ‘new’ family…but-why…?”
“… but they were ‘not’ real… just-as Perthland was ‘not’ real-too – but you are ‘real,’ Paul… that was ‘why’ I came, to be with you…because I love you…”
… tears flowed in Paul’s eyes, and he took Jane’s hand, that he held towards his-face, and kissed it… as she made an ‘ultimate-sacrifice’ choice – to be with-him…
“I love you too, Jane Wilson.”
In-the silence-of love, they floated together ‘into’ their harmonic-moment, holding hands…
“… it is soo-beautiful, Paul – it feels like the night, when you taught me how to fly, in Perth…”
They-both saw a shooting star, as it collided with another star – and emerged as ‘one’… that shone-even brighter… Paul whispered…
“… make a wish…”
… Jane made her-happiest wish-thought… of being on the dance-floor, slow-dancing with him…
The emergence of the stars-as-one was their ‘shared-thought’ – and soon Paul was leading her, in the dance-floor…
… while floating in space, they sang ‘Careless Whisper’ together… Jane had memorized the lyrics to that song, as she followed singing with Paul… until she heard a voice interrupting…
… it was a familiar voice-too, to both of them…
“… Hey Good-One…”
Jane and Paul crank-their necks to figure-out, a red-figure floating towards them… it was Mercury – the ROMAN GOD-OF-THE AFTERLIFE, and soul carrier to ‘worlds’…
“Glad you-2 HAD MADE THE ‘right’ choices…”
“… Merc…?”
Paul saw his demon ‘friend,’ draped in a monk-robe… his red-face was ‘not’ hideous as-before, with scary-tattoos that ‘moved’ – but instead-inks of Buddhist scripture-inscription…
“You-2… YOUR-TIME IS ‘NOT’ UP YET… Perth still ‘needs’ you-2…”
From a distance, the one-armed Red-demon lassoed and tossed a line towards Paul…
Paul grabbed the line, and held Jane’s hand tightly… as Mercury descended to earth, dragging both-of them-along…
… Jane saw the people floating-upwards… were holding-out their hands to her – pleading…
“… please… take-me with you…”
… a Black-hand grabbed Jane’s free-hand…
“Blind-one… take me with you…”
… Jane was terrified when the soul of Hajji Ibrahim-Eusoff Adeyemi… was clenching-on tight to her-wrist – like ‘drowning-man’ would-have, to ‘grab’ onto a straw, in his last effort, in-fear desperation…
Jane yelled to the Black-man… and instantly, her hand glowed golden-yellow, which-then…
… flamed… that scalded Hajji – and he fell-back upwards, rotating into space, and screaming in pain…
… Jane saw her hand had to return to ‘normal,’ as she descended-below to-earth… but her ‘EYESIGHT’ WAS blurring-out…
Paul noticed Mercury was-now TRAVELLING IN SUPER-NOVA SPEED when they hit the earth atmosphere… he held tight onto ‘both’ the rope and his-Jane – and ‘felt’ his spine-was numbing… also-seeing…
… the Cube-of-Apollo which-was also breaking the same barrier at the same time… with Venus, Dora and SIMY waving from the vessel’s window…
“Jane, its Venus…”
“Where…?” blind-Jane asked…
“… Jane, see-you soon…”
Venus exclaimed… and, blind-tween heard ‘only’ her-echo…
Paul then-saw SeeIn as an old monk, in a Buddhist-robe… and the green-glowing entity was chanting…
“Namo Amitabha Buddha…I entrust my life to the Awakened-one, who has the finite-light… and finite-life…”
Both Jane-and-Pauls’ souls crashed-landed into their PHYSICAL-TWEEN FORMS, in Perth… and were knocked-out unconscious…
THE LETHARGIC, PAUL OPENED HIS EYES in a dim room, and was wondering ‘where’ he was – and judging by the barrier-on his bed, he knew he was in a hospital ward…
‘…where… why am I here…?’
He tried to get-up… and he can’t… he had no control of his legs – and-also he felt severe bodily sores and bruises in his back and buttocks – and with the ‘pain,’ he gave-up trying. With closed his eyes, he felt his-smooth cheek, and he felt no-hair brittles which-he had a week-ago… and, then-felt a fresh-scar in his throat…
‘… where am I, just… can’t remember…?’
Paul sighed, and cranked-up his sore-neck…and glimpsed a red-glow on his-right, and a yellow-glow on the bed-across to-his, with respective plastic-curtains drawn… soon, he realized that he too was glowing-blue, in the darkened room…
… the last time, he saw all-3 colour-glows for-the first-time, IN THE SAME-PLACE…, was when they were admitted in Perth’s Children-Hospital wardroom…
… after the supernatural-mishap
… in their SHS’s field trip-visit in a dairy-farm in Treeton…
‘…how is that…?’
… it was all ‘coming’ to him…
He confirmed it-by the injuries he had sustained, which too-was ‘similar’ where – he was almost killed, by the dairy-cow stampede where he slid-in the mud, in a nick-of-time to escape death, in the storm… and ‘only’ losing his motorized wheelchair in the ordeal…
… he confirmed further, by the-burning ‘scar’ Peter left-him in his-throat, when he was almost strangled to-death by his-twin…
‘… okay… I get it… ‘WE’ HAVE RESET – by travelling-back in time… from fast-forward-in Perthland…a week ago…’
Behind the bed-curtain… Paul made out the red-glow of the tween-twin, the one-armed Peter sleeping soundly… whom he had ‘killed’ his teen-version earlier, with his Plan-B – and BROKE THE ‘CURSE’ in Perthland – of foiling Peter’s plans of being-taken to the UK, by Lord Stamford…
... ‘who’ was the real-Asmodeus, in that-realm…
‘I got to tell the ‘consequences’ of-it to Jane… and ‘prepare’ her… cos her parents would-be coming soon, to hospital and discharge-her in a matter of hours…’
The quadriplegic-boy lowered the barrier-bar of his bed and reached his left arm to the floor. His body was half-was from the bed, to touch the cold-floor – before his body dropped below… and laid on the hard-ground, a moment with pain. After several relief-breathing, he then-begin crawling like commando towards Jane’s bed…
…dragging his limped legs-along…
Passing by his twin’s bed… Paul thought…
‘… will he ‘remember’ what I ‘did’ to him in Perthland…?’
… half-way there, he had an ‘idea’ to put himself to-a-test – whether he ‘had’ his superpower of levitation. He focused hard, into his inner-self with ‘positive’ thoughts… he was thrilled that it was ‘working,’ as HE SLOWLY-FLOATED to upright-vertical…
The levitating-Paul made his-way to Jane’s bed… and pushed the curtain to find the baby-faced tween, in her 3 blonde-dreadlocks, sleeping… he gave a gentle-touch to her arm…
Blind-Jane awoke to see a bright blue glow…
“Paul, is it you…?”
She hugged him tight… and soon the tween-lovers kissed… and they glowed bright-up in the dark ward-room… until they heard Peter was-turning in-his-sleep – ‘aroused’ by the same ‘cursed’ emotions, which the trio-shared.
… Paul whispered to Jane, that they WERE 'NOT' in Perthland, any-more as teens – and now… back in Perth, as tweens… ADMITTED IN THE HOSPITAL, ‘right-after’ they were ‘cursed’ in Treeton school field trip… by then Jane was distracted…
“… we are ‘not’ teens…?”
… she placed her hands, to feel her chest…
“… ooo… my boobies are ‘gone’ too…”
“no-worries… they will be back, in a year-or-so…”
They both chuckled softly.
“Listen-closely Jane, this is important – there is a possibility that Peter still thinks you are ‘his’ girlfriend after he gave you-your ‘first’ tennis-lesson, before the ‘curse’ tonight… you must ‘not’ encourage him further and pick-up the hobby, during the holiday break… or else ‘history’ repeats…
“… soon there would-come your brother’s kidnap at the zoo, that earthquake in Queensland, the Great-Perth fires and what-else ‘not’ with his PFC marketing bullshit… but the same ‘rules’ apply…
The blind-girl nodded…they both looked at the red-glow sleeping. Jane whispered back…
“I’ll say ‘no’ to him…”
“… but be tactful… just find excuses TO ‘NOT’ GO to the club, AND IGNORE him… and your-bestie-Alicia too, don’t SHARE ‘ANY’ INFO OF ‘BOTH-OF-US’ with her too – she is also hot-tempered and would prove him ‘wrong,’ just to protect you -- then she 'would-be' in a COMA, AND THE 'CYCLE' repeats...
".. whatever we do next, we should ‘follow’ the rules and ‘NOT’ REPEAT PAST-MISTAKES, which are deadly and disastrous in its consequences – am I clear, Jane…?”
She squeezed his hand, which she held… Paul came close, and gave her a quick kiss…
... her boyfriend spoke again...
“Another thing… what happed in Perthland-stays in Perthland – if Peter brings ‘anything-up’ from that realm, just ‘deny’ him that you-and I were ‘not’ even-there ‘with’ him… soon, he would realise that ‘place,’ was just a wet-dream, of his-imagination…
“… Jane, this is OUR 2ND CHANCE, to ‘reset’ our lives… let’s ‘not’ screw this one-up…”
They both hugged each-other for self-support and comfort – until Paul heard and saw ‘someone’ approaching and peeped… now, walking fast-away to avoid detection…
‘… déjà vu…’
… but Paul knew ‘who’ it was – and levitated, to pursue outside at-the corridor…
“Ms King! Stop…”
The student counsellor halted…
Ms Diane King was out there, in the hospital… in THE DEAD-OF-THE-NIGHT, to check on the children who had been ‘unfortunately’ cursed in Treeton – because of Peter’s mistake of possessing a relic cursed-talisman…
Astonished, she turned her back and stood dumbfounded when she saw for her ‘first-time’ in this CURRENT TIME-RESET – that a crippled boy was levitating towards her, with behind-him… a blind-girl following confidently, without her walking-stick…
“Ms King, SEEIN SENT US – to seek your counsel and knowledge… please guide us…”
BLIND-JANE WAS DISCHARGED AND HELD HER Mummy’s hand to the Mercedes backseat. Anthony was behind the driver-seat – and Jane was glad, her father was ‘not’ SICK YET, as he would-be in months to come.
She sat in the middle of the backseat with her mother on her left…
… and the sleeping 2-year-old Samuel in the child-seat, on her-right.
She knew ‘what’ her sobbing mother would-say, as she was reliving-it again, as she was in the same situation a couple of months ago…
… the crying Shelley was telling-her, THAT JANE WAS HER ‘ONLY’ DAUGHTER – and ‘why’ she was hard-stubborn to risking her-life, to RUN-TO DANGER to be-with Peter…
This time around, Jane did ‘not’ get over-emotional, nor say-something sounding ‘heroic’ – but she did apologize to her parents, for her rash-decision, at that spur of the moment… and also Jane told-that…
… she would have NOTHING TO DO WITH PETER WALKER any-more… and would ‘only’ focus in her studies…
… when school reopens-for their finals, after the break…
… it was best to ‘NOT’ TO DEFY the control-freak doctor-mother – who would-go to the extend to buy a handgun in the future, to protect her children…
In silent, the blind-girl held her sleeping brother's hand… smiling-and-recalling Perthland…
‘… Popobawa the rapper… don’t grow-up too fast, my little-tween, man-brother – cos’ I want to spend-more time…
… playing with you-here on Perth, my little-Yoda…’
Shadow Knight
MAIDEN TRILOGY: BOOK 2 Devorah Kempenny is small, slight, and sickly. Her aunt, the Governor, insists that she learn history, politics, and economics in preparation for some mysterious purpose. But Devorah would rather read novels and dance in the rain and while away her time wandering the dusty old library. When she's summoned to Fort Shepherd, Devorah learns she may well be the secret weapon her aunt expects her to be. Soon, she finds that swords, shadows, and necromancy are hers to wield with ease. SHADOW KNIGHT is the second in the MAIDEN TRILOGY, a fantasy-epic, coming of age, hero's journey. It is my second novel, written between January 1, 2011 and July 21, 2012. The novels in this trilogy take place concurrently rather than consecutively.
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