《Eternity's Prophet》CHAPTER 12: the new world


“I have always been like this. Life always throws obstacle at me and I don’t seem to care. Well it is natural to complain at first but as time goes by I just need to accept the fact that it is meant to be. The best course of action to take is to move pass through the obstacle that is blocking my path. No matter how hard the problem might be. As long as I get to live in the end, I will consider that as a win.”

Mark and his opponent, Alexander is currently having a stare down. Alexander then said with a very cocky tone; “Look kid, I’m not being confident here but are you sure you are in the right place? No offense but your aura looks very weak my brother.”

Mark just stares at Alexander not letting the words get through him. Mark looks composed but his face his sweating. “I have to say I have improved quite a bit since I met Martin, I kinda feel confident… well just a little bit. But one thing is clear though, this looks like a legit fighting sport and it is safe to say that no one dies here since Michael boasted about the advanced healing machine thingy. All I need to worry about is how good the referees are. Gosh, I hope they stop the fight early once I am..” Mark thinks to himself.

Mark realized that Alexander is already rushing at him but he noticed that Alexander is moving quite slowly. “Wait… I thought this guy was supposed to be fast.” Mark looked around and not only Alexander was in slow motion but the rest of the crowd was as well.

“Weird, I can move freely like normal. Wait… is this an ability of mine? Am I actually slowing time? Holy sh*t! That would be awesome! Mark uttered loudly in his mind

Mark then casually walks to his opponent with a huge smile in his face. He feels like a person who is alone in the world with nothing but statues as company. Everything was moving so slowly. Mark saw this as an opportunity to deal with his opponent and attempted a left uppercut targeted at Alexander’s jaw. The strike didn’t connect because Mark cancelled the attack midway.


”Wait. What if time is not in slow motion… what if I’m just moving too fast? That is a possibility. That or I’m just being overly full of myself or maybe. This is all just a dream. Yeah! Multiple dimensions should not exist right?” Mark thinks about the things happening around him without even noticing that his entire body is now covered with thick glowing lines as if he has unlocked a new power.

Mark then launched a kick directly at Alexander’s shin and upon impact, time moved as it normally was. Mark realized that but the strange thing is that the cheers from the crowd stopped. Everyone was whispering. The referee then declared Mark as the winner.

“What the hell happened? Where is Alexander?” Mark asked himself and noticed the blood splattered across the floor and blood stains on his sweat pants. He was then filled with worry and confusion as he saw a severed foot on the floor. The foot was then taken by a robot guard and cleaned the blood stains on the floor.

Mark was assisted by the robot guards to his locker room. He was reunited with Michael there.

“Woooowie! I didn’t know you have that kind of power in you… I have to say I am totally jealous. Michael uttered with a playful tone while crossing his arms.

With a worried look, Mark said; “Ugh… w… was that guy ok? What the hell happened there?”

Michael’s happy disposition transitioned into a worried face but changed right back as he said; “Hahaah what do you mean? Don’t tell me you didn’t see the robot guards picking him up. Don’t worry… nobody dies here… like I said, the tech here are advanced.” Michael ended his statement with a sarcastic laugh as if he was trying to cheer Mark up

Mark’s worried look started to fade; “Thanks Michael, I didn’t know what actually happened there.”

Michael then came to a realization that Mark is unaware of his own abilities. A normal eye wouldn’t have noticed but Michael saw it all. He saw Mark covered in glowing lines around his body. As if he was an entirely different person. The only description Michael can only think of is POWERFUL.


“I can see why Martin is teaching you now.” Michael uttered.

Mark looked confused and said; “What do you...”

Before he can finish his statement, Michael interrupted by saying; “What? So he didn’t tell you? Hahhahah! That is funny though.”

Suddenly, a loud knock was heard from outside their locker room.

“I’ll get it.” Michael offered as Michael opened the door, he was greeted with a familiar face. “I think this one is for you Mark.

“Huh? ME?” Mark then moved closer to the door and saw Alexander in one piece. As Mark saw this, he then smiled with absolute relief as his shoulders relaxes.

Alexander then said with an annoyed yet humble look; “Hey now, hiding your powers like that aint fair you know. Well anyways… thanks for the fight my brother.” After saying that, Alexander left the scene without another word.

“Sheeesh! I’m glad he is ok but he acted like a sore loser hehehe.” Mark jokingly comments. “So, uhm.. Michael.. I am excited to see you fight.”

Michael then gave off a surprised look and said; “AHAAHAH don’t worry about that. I already got what I came here for so I cancelled the fight.”

Mark looked annoyed and said; “But you said we are not allowed to forfeit!”

Michael then smiled and said; “That was clearly a lie, hehe. I needed you to buy time for me but I didn’t realize you would end the fight rather quickly but lucky you I got the thing.” Michael ended his statement with a sarcastic laugh.

“What do you mean you got the-…” before Mark can finish his response an alarm went out and red lights filled the room.


Mark then looks at Michael with a worried look; “What the hell did you do Michael?”

Michael giggles and grabbed Mark and they both jumped out a glass window. Michael ran as fast as he can while carrying Mark overhead. “Wheew! That was a close one! Wouldn’t you agree huh Mark?”

Mark then forcefully made Michael stop running; “Put me down! It’s embarrassing to be carried by a midget like you.”

“Hey, that is rude you know.” Michael responded playfully.

Mark then stretched his back and took a deep breath; “What is going on, Michael? This dimension travel thing is really hard to take in but we are already here so let’s move that for another topic. What the hell did you do Michael?”

Michael then exhaled as if he was about to admit something. He then made a glowing orb appear from his hands saying; “This is called the Seraphim Blade. It is one of the strongest weapon made in the multiverse. Btw this was mine to begin with soooo… it is not stealing.” Michael then made a cute gesture after his statement.

Mark just accepts everything that Michael said. “Whatever Michael. Let’s just get out of here I wanna drink coffee and I still have assignments to do. This was still a blast though so don’t get the wrong idea.”

After a few moment of silence Mark then said; “W..Well? What are you waiting for? Take us back to my world.”

Michael then said while making another cute gesture; “About that…I actually need time to recharge before I can create a portal again. Hehehe.”

Before anything could say anything 3 robot guards appeared out of nowhere.

“Uhm are robot guards strong?” Mark asks with a very worried tone.

Michael replied with an excited look; “Well they are stronger than a normal human.”

“Oh thank God, I’m glad that you’re not a normal human, Michael. Please go beat them up.” Mark uttered with a very tired tone.

Michael then replied; “Buuuutt.”


“These robot guards can actually disable all abilities, may it be magic, genetics or simply strength gains. It’s kinda similar to the barrier you have in your school. Michael finished his statement with a sarcastic laugh.

Mark looked very tired as if he is a flashlight that is almost out of battery. “Sh*t.”

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