《Eternity's Prophet》CHAPTER 11: a new route


“I never knew I was capable of doing this.” Mark thinks to himself as he jogs around the city. The skies are already turning red as the sun is about to set. Mark realized that he has somewhat unlocked a hidden potential and it makes him happy. Mark is wearing a blue hoodie and grey sweat pants.

As he ran he starts to realize that he is now jogging by himself because 20 minutes ago he was jogging with David, the classmate who informed him about the fight between Leonard and Damascus. Mark thought that maybe David’s stamina was not enough to keep up with him. And he seems proud of himself while thinking about it.

Mark is sweating but does not look tired. He stares at the sky and caught a glimpse of a cannon ball passing by at insane speed. Mark stopped jogging and realized that the cannon ball was actually Hercules flying around the city.

“To think that he was that fast. Why hasn’t he caught up with me yet? Has he forgotten about me? Or does he simply not care at all?” Mark thought to himself.

As he was spacing out, someone was jogging as well and it seems that this person has his sights locked on Mark. Michael slaps Mark in the head and broke the trance. Michael is wearing a red sleeveless shirt, a red headband and black shorts.

“Oww! What the hell is your prob… Michael? What are you doing?” Mark asked with a very annoyed look.

“You know just… runnin around and hey! I met you… I am sure that this is uhm… a coincidence! And not planned… out at all.” Michael responded with a grin in his face and ended his statement with a sarcastic laugh.

Mark just looked more annoyed and he thinks to himself; “What is this pipsqueak doing?”

“Nice seeing you Michael, so if you don’t mind I’ll be going now… mmmK?” Mark said in a very sarcastic tone. Mark then sprinted away from Michael

“Hey wait up!” Michael yelled. And after a while Michael just stares at him fading from the distance. He nods and smiles. Michael suddenly disappeared from the spot he was standing on leaving smoke and rubber marks on the ground as if he ran at top speed.


Mark is now peacefully jogging and is thinking of what to eat for dinner. As he jogs he realizes someone standingin the corner a few blocks ahead. It seems like the person is staring at him with a smile on his face. Mark then came to a realization; “Wait a minute.”

“Hi there Mark.” Michael uttered with a huge smile in his face.

“Ah… so you have super speed… good for you.” Mark said with a very underwhelming tone as if despises Michael to the core.

Michael grabs Mark’s shoulders and said; “Oh but this is not the only thing I can do, Mark. hehehe.” Michael ended his statement with a huge smile in his face. Both of them began to glow and slowly fade into nothingness.

Mark looks around confused and scared; “Ugh… What the hell, Michael!”

Michael smiles and said; “Wanna see something cool? Heheheh.” As Michael finishes his statement, both of them disappeared completely as if they teleported somewhere leaving nothing but smoke.

As Mark opens his eyes, all kinds of emotions ran though his body. His mouth is wide open and he has no idea on what to feel. Mark is in a place full of different people, different beings to be exact. Wolf humans, four armed women that is over 8 feet tall, Giant blobs and many more.

Mark cannot decide on what he feels about this. Is this even real? Or am I really in a different planet? Curiosity , confusion, and…. Excitement.

“Where the hell are we?” Mark asked Michael with a concerned look in his face.

“This place is called Battle Haven, cool huh.” Michael replied with an excited look as if he is very happy about the situation.

The place looked like a modern super market filled with beings of different races; humans, elves, wolves and many more. Everything looks so modern and white. Huge jumbotrons and Fancy looking food stalls.

“… And yeah, we are in a different realm, Mark. hehehe” Michael uttered with a very happy tone.

“No way.” Mark replied as he fathoms the things around him. “I…I…I never thought I would live to see the day. This is like an anime world!!!” Mark uttered silently as if he was to explode in excitement.


Michael then thought about his actions about bringing Mark to this world and he was proud of himself. He then said; “All these people here are from different realms, people who travels worlds are called Wanderers or maybe otherworlders for some well anyways these place is specifically made for fighting and at this very moment, there is an ongoing tournament!”

“Wanderers… so I’m gonna assume that you are one as well, huh.” Mark looks like he already accepted the fact that he is indeed been transported in a different world. He then continues to speak; “So uhm, What are you doing in my world, Michael?”

“Hmmm. There are many kinds of Wanderers, I like to label myself and the others like me a Battle Born. We travel worlds to satiate our thirst for combat. In other words, I like to fight and get stronger.”

Mark looked relieved and said; “Oh… that’s great. While I’m here can we watch some fights?”

Michael then spaces out as if he was thinking about something and said; “Oh yeah! About that… Both you and I are participants.” Michael ended his statement with a sarcastic laugh.

Mark then said with an annoyed look; “WAIT WAIT WAIT! What do you mean by that?”

“What do I mean by that? Well I am sorry my good sir. It means that you will be fighting someone today! And the rules stated there must be at least 2 participants each group so I chose you to be my partner.” Michael then grins after his statement.

Mark is in awe and said; “Oh good lord.”

“Hey don’t worry, I will fight most battles and you need to only fight one, how is that? And before you say anything else. There is no turning back. Once you register, you fight or die. It’s ok, healing technology here is way more advanced compared to the ones in your school and the best part is… you can use your abilities at full power because there is no restrictions here! HAHA!” Michael ended is statement and playfully hit Mark’s back.

“I’m gonna die.” Mark then thinks to himself.

20 minutes later and both Mark and Michael are in their respective locker rooms. Michael realizes that Mark has been composed for the past few minutes as if the thought of dying as disappeared from Mark’s head. Or was Mark thinking about his life decisions, we will never know.

“Are you ok over there?” Michael asked with a worried tone.

Mark then looks at Michael and said with a smile. “There is nothing left I can do now anyways. If you look on the Bright side, this would help me become stronger.” Michael stood up confident as he finishes his statement, giving himself a pump. “It is a win win for me after all.”

Michael looked stunned from the words that came out of Mark’s mouth and smiled as if he is proud.

Both of them agreed that Mark will fight first. Mark is now standing behind the gate pumping himself up by jogging in place and softly slapping his cheeks with his palms. The gate slowly opens hearing the announcer’s words, introducing Mark in a formal matter.

As the gate fully opened, Mark was greeted by millions of beings, cheering for him and his opponent. The battlefield looked like a modern gladiator stadium with robot guards at the corners. Mark saw his opponent. He looked human with a dark skin tone, lean structure and thick lips. He has spikey hair and is wearing black unglasses. The announcer introduced Mark’s opponent and his name is Alexander.

Mark then slowly walks to the middle of the battlefield where the robot referee is standing. Mark then thought to himself; “So if what Michael said was true, then my opponent has the ability to run fast but not as fast as the speed of sound so I might be able to anticipate it… ok! Let’s do this.”

Mark is now standing face to face with his opponent waiting for the referee to start the fight. Mark looked composed and confident but deep inside he is rather uneasy.

The referee then said; “You know the rules, the first one to give up or knocked out loses. Protect yourself at all times and may the best fighter win.”

Mark looks blank while Alexander smiled with a cocky look.



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