《Eternity's Prophet》CHAPTER 10: by blood


The cafeteria is always full during lunch time so Mark tries his best to find an empty table. He looks for an empty space but to no success.

“Sigh… I guess eating again at the classroom is ok.” Mark uttered with the tone of disappointment.

As he walks along the corridors he noticed a couple of students gossiping about something. And another group he passed by was talking about the same thing. They were talking about the battle between brothers. Mark began to wonder what they were talking about. As he opens classroom door he saw nothing but empty chairs except for one. Martin was sitting on one chair alone.

“Hey, wanna eat lunch together?” Mark asked in a comfortable tone.

Without waiting for Martin’s response, Mark sat next to Martin. They both talked for a few minutes and Mark opened up a topic about Leonard. “I haven’t seen Leonard bothering anyone lately. I wonder what’s up.”

Martin exhaled loudly before responding. “It’s only natural for him to act like that… He got embarrassed in front of many people, it would be best if he stays out for a while.” Martin replied while pausing once in while trying to catch his breath as if talking is draining too much energy out of him. “Speaking of Leonard, what was that project all about? I didn’t know about it because I’m new here and all.” Martin asked with a very expressionless tone.

“Hmmm”. Mark scratches his chin as he thinks about it. “Now that you mentioned it, I don’t recall any projects assigned to us. Usually, if Leonard asks me to do something I always obey him without question.” Mark explained.

Martin stares at him for a while and it’s making Mark nervous.

“Ugh, is there something in face?” Mark asked.

“Off topic…I saw the news, and I can tell you’re all over it. Professional heroes have been found dead left and right. I guess that happens sometimes but based on my research, this country has the most body count and all this numbers were recorded just a few weeks ago.” Martin explained with his usual tone.

Mark grabs his phone and searched for the dead heroes and identifies each one. “I know all of them, Ronin, Jerimiah, Mentar, Reinford, Black ice, Sun Spark, Demetrious, Green Ring, Tarantula, and Lightning Speed. Hmmm, it’s strange right?”


“Yeah, it is strange. Aside from the fact that they are dead but the thing that is bothering me the most is.. who comes up with those hero names? They all suck.” Martin uttered.

“Ugh… sure. But the strange thing is. Most hero said on this list have a few offenses and I mean big offenses like murder, sexual assault and trafficking but the other few ones are rising stars. My guess is there is at least two different killers and I’m sure as hell that Hercules the one killing the good heroes that might compromises his status as the number one hero. He was the one who ordered for Ronin to be killed.” Mark explained

“To be honest, I’m surprised Hercules hasn’t found you yet but… whose killing all those corrupt heroes?” Martin asked

Mark looked worried and confused; “I guess some vigilante or something. But the only vigilante I know doesn’t even kill, he is called the Dark Raven. He just injures criminals so that they can be put into justice. I heard he even defeated Hercules once, made the god bleed. But due to certain circumstances, Dark Raven had to retreat.”

The thought as to why Hercules hasn’t made a move yet is indeed strange. Mark wonders as to why that is.

“Hmmm. There must be a somebody else then that is killing those heroes. That or it’s one of The Fall.” Martin explained.

“The Fall? Is that some kind of band or something?” Mark asked.

“You have read my journal already, they are a group of people that travels realms and judge the people living in it. Well… all worlds they visit ends up dying. But I’m sure there is a zero percent chance that you believe the words coming out from my mouth.” Martin explained and yawned after.

“Riiight. So anyway, lunch is almost over so wanna return this food trays to the canteen?” Mark asked with a smile. Mark smiles and thought; “There he goes again with his imagination.”

They both walk out the classroom.

The students then endures long hours of lecture from their teacher. Mark is trying his best not to fall asleep. The air condoniting is not helping. He lays his head on his palms as his eyes become heavier.

“Mark…. pssst, Mark!” Mark noticed that someone is trying to get his attention. As he looks to the source of the sound he saw his classmate David staring at him. He has green hair and pimples all over his face. Braces can be seen as he opens his mouth. The way he talks is kinda funny because of his braces.


“Why are you yelling?” Mark asked David with a whisper.

David then responds; “I’m not yelling! I am whispering. Well anyway there is another licensed fight today after school. You know, like the fight you did last time with your sleepy buddy a few chapters ago, remember that?”

“I know what a licensed fight is.” Mark responded with an annoyed look in his face. “So… whose fighting?”

The scene then cuts to 2 hours later. Most of the students are gathered in the school gym. Mark is sitting next to Martin. It was the same as before, there are 2 teachers to judge the fight. The contestants are Leonard and he is fighting his brother, Damascus.

Damascus has a dark toned skin with piercings on his eyebrow. He has buzz cut and is very muscular. Damascus then said in a deep tone; “How badly do you want to get embarrassed little brother?”

Leonard is wearing the same wrist bands that allow him to use his powers inside campus. Leonard then ignites his hands into flames.

“It’s the same from before, but his ability is very flashy so why are the teachers not noticing this?” Mark asked.

“They probably do though, they just doesn’t seem to care.” Michael responded in an excited manner.

“M.Mi.. Michael?! Where did you come from?” Mark asked.

“Let’s not mind that, there is a fight in front of us, it would be a waste not to see this. I really wanna see how brothers fight. Michael uttered with a very happy tone but slowly descends into a serious look as he finishes his sentence as if he was bothered about the 2 brothers fighting.

“Damn it! This is bad.” Leonard said to himself as he rushes towards Damascus. Leonard punches Damascus in the chest and engulfed him with flames. As the fire disappears, Damascus just stands there with little to no burns.

Leonard looked shocked thinking about how durable Damascus is, he is not even using his powers.

“My turn.” Damascus uttered with a grin in his face.

With one punch Leonard was sent flying across the gym. Leonard is on his knees applying pressure to his stomach as he spits out blood from his mouth and suddenly, he received a barrage of punches out of nowhere. Leonard was forced to cover with his hands as he lays on the floor getting pummelled with the heavy fists of Damascus. Punch after punch, Damascus’ smile become bigger and bigger.

Martin just stares at the fight like it was nothing but Michael looks enraged. Michael clenched his fists and he stood up but he then realized that Mark is already down there running towards the fight.

Damascus keeps on punching his brother and stopped as he felt a warm touch on his shoulder. “Huh?” Damascus looks at Mark trying to stop and Damascus smiles. He locked his sights unto Mark and threw a punch without hesitation.

Mark casually dodges the attack like it was nothing. Mark looked surprised as to why he was able to dodge that. Damascus became more enraged and stood up preparing to destroy Mark.

“That is enough!” After hearing those words, Damascus froze like he was afraid of something. The whole gym became silent. Nothing can be heard except for the sound that is emanating from the shoes of the person walking towards them. (tap, tap, tap) The person has a long, black messy but stylish hair. He has yellow eyes that can melt steel and a smile that even angels would fall for.

Damascus stood up straight as if he was a soldier facing his superior. “Principal Yuri!” Damascus uttered in a very worried tone.

As everyone was busy staring at the scene, Martin noticed that someone is watching him. He looked for that person and finally found her. Before Martin can realize it he was already staring at the red eyes of a girl named Nova Saegil. She has long black hair with red strands, snow white skin and red eyes.

“I see, that’s why the name Nova sounded too familiar.” Martin thinks to himself.

Ps. Yuri is the president of the Hero Corporation and as well as the principal of this school.

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