《Eternity's Prophet》CHAPTER 13: the prophet


Mark slowly opens his eyes and saw his dorm room ceiling. It was dark and the only source of light was the moonlight from the windows. He thought of everything that happened with Michael was all but a dream. Other worlds do not exist. That is the thought that Mark has recognized as a fact. He slowly gets up feeling a little bit fuzzy trying to untangle himself from the blanket.

He feels something tight wrapping around his foot. When he fully removes the blanket he saw that his foot was wrapped in bandages. “What is this?” he thought to himself.

Mark felt a sharp pain on his foot as he tries to get up. The pain got him to sit back down on his bed. He begins to pant and sweat. “That hurt.” He uttered.

The lights suddenly turned on. Martin was standing near the door with his hand on the light switch. He then said with a very dry tone; “Your foot was broken when I found you, it’s like the bones got crushed into tiny little pieces.”

As Mark tried to comprehend the scenario, Violet suddenly jumps in front of Mark greeting him with a cute gesture. Her eyes were shiny and beautiful and it made Mark’s heart skip a bit “gulp”. Mark unknowingly examined Violet and noticed bandages wrapped around her forearms. “Maybe she is injured as well?” he thought to himself.

Martin then said with a cold and relaxed tone; “Violet will be taking care of you for the mean time. I’ll be back in while.”

“W-wait. Where are you going?” Mark asked.

“Michael needs some help. It’s not that I care about him or anything. I just owe the guy and this is my way of repaying him.” Martin replied.

Mark came to a realization that all of what he thought was a dream was in fact true. Other-worlders, Battle Haven everything.

“Violet give me a sword and conjure up a portal.” Martin uttered.

“Yes big brother.” Violet replied with a sarcastic tone as she waves her hands in the air producing a pitch black energy. The energy Violet conjured slowly turned into a fine looking katana. Violet then snaps her fingers and a portal opens right in the room.

“Woah. So you guys are wanderers too?” Mark asked.

“Michael babbled about that too huh.” Martin replied as he grabs the sword from Violet’s hands and enters the portal without hesitation. The portal then closes immediately.

Mark was then flabbergasted of what just happened. Mark is speechless and couldn’t let out a single word.

“Why am I the only one here and why was Michael left behind?” Mark asked.


Violet then looks up while touching her lower lip and said; “Hmmm. I am guessing that Michael didn’t have the energy required to teleport both of you… I guess that’s it.” Violet ended her statement with a giggle.

“Why would he prioritize me? Is he some kind of idiot? And most importantly, Martin went there alone! Does he really have powers and is just keeping it hidden?” Mark uttered nervously as if he was blaming himself.

“Calm down Mark.” Violet replied while playfully patting Mark’s head. “Yeah Martin is just a normal human being without any powers… well for now that is but he can handle it.” Violet ended her statement with a giggle.

Mark is starting to calm down while he adjusts his red glasses. “What are you guys?”

Violet looks at Mark with an innocent smile. “We are wanderers like Michael. People call us Prophets and our job is to capture criminals that are disturbing the peace in the multiverse unlike Michael who journeys to different worlds just to fight, we Prophets are serving for the greater good.” Violet ended her statement with a giggle.

Upon coming up to a conclusion, Mark remembers the notes he read from Martin’s journal.“Prophets… so uhm… is my world really going to get destroyed?” Mark asks.

Violet’s smile slowly faded away. She then said; “To be honest, I can’t really say for sure, Mark. The opponents we are about to face here are far stronger than that villainous Hercules… so all I can say is… me and Martin will try our best. Because if we fail, we will perish too you know.”

Mark sat in silence for a while. The thoughts of dying were circulating around his thoughts once again. The fact that his world is about to face a threat far beyond what we can comprehend is just too much for him to handle.

Mark feels a cold sensation on his foot. He noticed that dark energy was wrapping around his foot and when it faded, the pain was completely gone.

“There I healed your foot, feel better now?” Violet uttered with a giggle. “I read your memories while you were sleeping and all I can say is… you got potential. You just don’t realize it yet.” Violet ended her statement with a giggle.

“Really? So you can read memories huh.” Mark uttered.

“Only short term ones hehe. I can’t really read long term memories that happened years ago.” Violet replied. “You can beat him, I know it.”

“Huh? Beat who?” Mark look confused by Violet’s statement.

Violet then clears her throat and said; “Hercules… I saw your fight in Battle Haven when I read your memories, all you have to do is master your abilities. Martin wouldn’t train you without a reason, right?”


Mark smiled as if he believed what Violet was saying. The more he thinks about it the more he realizes the things he can do. “I have been always going with the flow my whole life.” He thinks to himself. “This is not the time to sulk.”

“VIOLET!” He shouted. His sudden change in volume startled Violet. “We need to help Martin.”

Violet realized Mark’s intentions and smiled. “I told you don’t worry.” Violet then conjured a mirror with a dark frame and it showed Martin in a third person view walking with a katana in his hand. He seems to be in a dungeon with torches attached to the walls.

“Let me show you what he can do, mmk?” Violet uttered with a giggle.

Mark then looked at the mirror and watched Martin’s every move. As fascinating as it can be, Mark doesn’t ask a single question and is just focusing on the mirror in front of him.

Martin is walking on a dim lighted path in an unknown dungeon while resting the safe edge of the katana on his shoulders. He can hear voices ahead, it is faded but the deeper he goes the clearer the voices become.

In a room deep within the dungeon, Michael is hanging on a wall with chains wrapped around his legs and arms. The chain seems to disrupt any sort of magic to the person in contact. There are 3 other people in the dungeon, 2 muscular guys serving as bodyguards and one octopus man with wearing a fine suit. He is wielding a whip. It seems like he is hitting Michael with the whip for interrogation.

“Where is the weapon?” The octopus man said in a muffled voice as he hits Michael’s flesh with every wrong answer.

Michael’s entire body is covered with wounds and is breathing heavily. He looks at the octopus man and smiled.

“What are you smiling at?” Octopus man asked.

“Nothing, I am just admiring the pubes hanging out of your chin. So much for puberty ey.” Michael ended his statement with a sarcastic laugh.

The octopus man looked infuriated and as he was about to hit Michael with the whip, Martin grabbed the octopus man’s hand. Michael’s eyes went wide and said with glee; “Oh my god! My best friend is here!”

Martin looked annoyed and said; “I am no one’s friend” as he slices the octopus man’s head clean off with his katana. The head bounced off the floor like a sand ball. The cut was so clean that there was no trace of blood that can be seen. Michael realized that the bodyguards are in pieces as well.

“Oh that’s the infamous Hell Fire! Oh where could you have stolen it I wonder?!” Michael uttered while making a funny face. The chains where sliced like butter by Martin’s blade. Michael fell on the floor knees first. His wounds began to heal as the chains where were removed from contact. “Thanks, best buddy.” Michael uttered with a smile.

Mark couldn’t believe how flawless Martin was. He then made it clear to himself that he is going to be better. Mark, for the first time in his life has made a goal that he wants to achieve.

“I can beat Hercules huh? If that is true then I will make this world of mine a better place.” Mark uttered with a grin.

Violet just smiles as she was feeling proud. “We could help you with that but I think it is for the best for you to handle it yourself huh.” Violet uttered. But if you really need some help, me and Martin will always be available.” Violet ended her statement with a giggle.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Violet.” Martin uttered as he and Michael arrived in Mark’s room as if both of them had teleported. “Your standards are way too high, Mark. You’re saying you wanna beat Hercules? Take it steady and at least win the school tournament for starters.” Martin ended his statement with a sigh.

Violet looked at Martin with an annoyed look.

Martin realized that he was being insensitive and said; “What I meant to say is. We can never know for sure. I assume you already know what are jobs is already, Mark. Me and Violet are going to stop a criminal that we have located in this world. In other words we have our own priorities. For now get some rest, get stronger and uhm get some rest.” Martin finished his statement with a sigh.

Mark fully understood what Martin said. He understood that all this time, his roommate was some kind of police on a greater scale, he realized that his world is ending soon and he realized that the hero he has admired for so long turned out to be a villain.

“Well Martin is not wrong. I got carried away all the sudden But mark my words, Martin. I will definitely achieve my goal.” Mark thought to himself with a smile.

“Yay! A sleep over!” Michael exclaimed. Mark completely forgot that Michael was in his room the whole time.

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