《Eternity's Prophet》CHAPTER 7: fake hero, part 1


Everything is black, it feels like I’m closing my eyes but in reality, they are wide open. My body feels heavy, my knees are weak, and I can’t seem to stand myself up. My vision is starting to return. Bit by bit, a blurry image of a tall, slim individual walking towards me. The pressure I’m feeling is so great, it’s making my entire body numb. The individual said something to me in a very silent but beautiful voice; “You’re not the one.” Upon hearing those words, I realized that the mysterious individual was a woman.

Everything went black again. I feel somebody hitting my face over and over again. I feel so tired so I try to ignore it. And then, I felt someone’s warm lips against mine. I woke up and saw a beautiful sight right in front of me. I feel so alive, Violet saved me, she gave me mouth to mouth and has brought me back to life. Violet was smiling, she looked so cute, she is probably embarrassed about it.

Violet smiled and said; “you’re lucky Martin is good at mouth to mouth otherwise you would be dead by now.” Violet ended her statement with a giggle.

Upon hearing those words, Mark’s facial expression began to dim as he slowly looks around and saw Martin beside him squatting. His eyes looked dead as always and his face looks expressionless as ever.

“Hi.” Martin greeted with a very dry tone.

With a very rash voice and annoyed look, Mark replied; “I hate you.”

Martin gave Mark a half smile and Violet laughed hysterically. The thought of getting mixed up with something dangerous is really nerve wracking, especially for a person like Mark. The sight of a dead, young hero bloodied and battered on the floor was image that circulated in Mark’s head every time he closes his eyes. Upon returning to their dorms, Mark told Martin everything about the heroes and even the black figure that killed Jeremiah, the fire hero that was chasing him before he passed out.

Martin sighed and said the words; “I see.” Like it was just a normal story for him. Martin then continued to talk after a short pause. “Be careful, we will begin your training tomorrow after your class. And we will be training every day.”

Mark’s life is beginning to change. Without any choice left, he decided to accept his mistakes and moved on. Instead of being scared, he will use his energy to aim high, become stronger and protect himself and the others around him.


It’s Monday, the first day of the week. Mark woke up tired and dry. His eye bags covers up the lower part of his eyes and his skin looked pale. All he can think about for the moment is how grateful he is to whoever saved him back then. And he wonders who could be the person behind that black mask and red eyes?

During class until the bell rang, Mark ignored everything, the teachers and even his nerd friends that casually talked to him from time to time. Even Leonard himself was bothered about it.

As planned Mark and Martin meets up at the park. Mark explained that his ability allows him to make his hands warmer above normal temperatures; he demonstrated his ability while explaining how it works. “It’s really useless to be honest, I don’t think this would be of any-.”

Martin interrupted Mark by saying; “It’s your ability and it’s like breathing for you. Try spreading that energy to fill your entire body instead of concentrating all of it in your hands.”

Mark looked confused saying; “Energy? Hehehe, I don’t know what you’re talking about but-“

“Just do it, if you’ve done what I asked you. Keep it as it should be. Use that energy as fuel for each and every part of your body. Go for a jog, run if you have to I don’t care. All you have to do is keep on moving until you’re tired and then keep running. That will be all.” After the statement, Martin leaves without uttering a single word leaving Mark confused and unsatisfied.

“What the hell was that!?”Mark said to himself with an annoyed look and sat on the grass losing all of his motivation in the process. A few minutes have passed, Violet and 2 of her friends were walking by. Violet spotted Mark and waved shouting; “Just do it, Mark!” and ended her statement with a giggle as she walks away while gossiping with her friends.

Mark stood up and gave Martin’s advice a chance. He activated his ability and his hands began to glow in the shade of yellow. He concentrated and remembered something. When he was a kid, Mark and his dad used to play a lot. Back then, he uses his ability in many occasions and imagined that he can defeat huge monsters with it. When he activated his powers he always yells “Soul Burst.” Thinking about that now made Mark cringe and laughed at himself.

The glowing light from his hands started to fade but not completely. Mark realized that his entire body is glowing slightly like the energy has spread across his entire system. He feels energized and ready to go. “Ok, I’ll give it a shot.” He started running and running without even realizing that the sun has already arrived at the horizon. As the orange painted skies began to lose its bright color, the moon becomes visible and shined upon Mark.


“It’s already 7:30 pm? How long was I running?” Mark said to himself. He ran for hours but it doesn’t look like that he did. Mark does not look tired and can probably run a couple more miles but he decided to call it a day. He looks proud and determined for more.

On his way home he spots a familiar face walking towards him. A girl from his school, she has long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing her school uniform. Mark thinks to himself; “That is Nina the student council president. Should I look at the other direction and pretend that I didn’t see her? Or should I just say hi and get ignored? God damn it, Mark! Choose!”

Before Mark can say anything, Nina greeted Mark with an awkward wave. Before he realized it, both of them are inches apart from each other.

“Uhm… Hi there.. Youre… uhm, Mark.. right?” Nina asked with an awkward gesture raising her hand in an attempt for a handshake but changed her mind immediately putting her hand down.

“Ugh… Yeah. Nice to meet you, miss student council presi…”

“Please don’t call me that outside school grounds.” Nina interrupts Mark with her statement in playful manner.

It is very obvious to anyone watching that the awkwardness is starting to reach its boiling point.

“I saw you running around the city. I was watching you from the book store, I uhmm… go there a lot so don’t you dare think that I was stalking you, ok?.” Nina explained in an awkward manner. “Why am I telling him this.???!!”

“Ah! I see… I ugh.. like to read too but uhm they are mangas which is not as intellectual as… you know.” Mark explained to Nina while scratching his neck. “Why am I so tense? This is my first time having a long conversation with a girl…” he thinks to himself.

Nina clears her throat and straightens her posture and said with a cute but formal tone; “So… you look tired… wanna grab a drink? My treat.” Nina ended her statement with a huge smile on her face.

Mark thought that she looked beautiful and began to blush. “Uhm yeah sure, how nice of you, Nina.” Mark replied in an awkward manner.

“What? You’re going to owe me big time for this.” Nina stated in a playful manner and both of them laughed awkwardly.

They arrived at a café and acquired their beverages. They sat down for a couple minutes talking while drinking their milk shakes. Both of them seem to understand each other. Mark felt different. Mark spends most of his time reading comic books and playing video games. This is a very big change for him.

“Where have you been all my life?” Nina stated with a very happy look on her face and realized that she said something embarrassing and blushed. She tried to escape from it by saying words that doesn’t make sense but in the end, both of them just laughed it off.

They have finished their milk shakes and stood outside the café enjoying the breeze.

“That was fun, I never get to do these kinds of things at school… or at home. It was nice knowing you, Mark.”

“I had a blast.” Mark replied with a smile on his face.

While Nina and Mark were talking, a portal opened nearby. The people noticed it and took pictures. The portal then made a sound as a huge, red and tall individual resembling the appearance of an ogre slowly comes out of the portal, it is wearing an armor with a huge battle axe in hanged behind his back. His clothing doesn’t match the timeline Mark is living in. The monster looked like he came from the medieval era.

People around began to look amazed at the sight before them and the ogre made a large hissing sound by exhaling. Everything went silent upon hearing the unusual sound.

The ogre begins to speak in a deep and serious tone while stuttering; “I am Azgaroth… and I am loo…king… for strong opp…onents… If… I can’t find any, I’ll just continue killing everyone until I find one.” The ogre sounded like he was adjusting to the language he is speaking

The monster ended his statement and took his axe and held it tightly. People started to walk back and panic. Mark looked terrified and the thought of Hercules saving them is the first image he saw in his mind. But because of that, Mark became more terrified.

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