《Eternity's Prophet》CHAPTER 6: creation of a god


20 minutes earlier. In the black night full of neon lights from the vehicles and the shining white color of lamp posts. Violet stands at the top of the tallest building, her eyes are glowing with crimson red shade as if she was using an ability. She is looking for something, someone and after a few minutes of endless search, she finally found them, the angels of death, the judge and the jury. Violet spots 2 individuals from a mile away using her superhuman vision. She recognizes both of them, they are beings that wander around realms, judging worlds and destroying it leaving nothing but dust.

Nithramm, the person with a skinny stature, tired eyes and a newly shaved beard. He is wearing a maroon coat with nothing underneath and black jeans. Stone Heart, the person standing next to Nithramm. He has a very big build standing at about 7 feet tall. He is wearing a grey hoodie covering his face under the hood. He is wearing black skinny jeans. His huge size makes the jeans rip a little bit. Both of them look human enough to fool anyone but Violet knows, they are killers from another world.

“There is two of them? That’s strange, they never come to a world in pairs. Unless….” Violets thinks to herself as she stalks the 2 individuals who are supposedly the angels of death or beings that inflicts chaos and destruction.

“I shouldn’t do anything rash.” Violet says to herself with an angry look in her eyes. Her eyes is now pink like it was before, but those eyes are filled with murderous intent as the light from above covers her face in the shadows.

Back to present time. Martin is laying down on his bed while Mark reads his manga with a towel wrapped around his shoulders looking like he just went out of the bath.

“So you like the shounen genre huh?”

Mark stopped reading his manga and stares at Martin. “Wait, you read mangas!?” Mark asked with an excited look while smiling so innocently.

“Actually, I only watch anime only so don’t spoil me. I’m only at season 2 of My Hero.” Martin replied with a very dry tone while giving Mark a half smile.

Mark was pleased hearing that he and Martin has slightly the same taste. After a few minutes of silence, Mark wanted to start a conversation about what Martin wrote in his journal.

“You know, not everyone is violent and power hungry. There are also people that wants to live life fairly and diligently. And I know the heroes in this world is very much different from animes but…


“Heroes here are corrupt and abuses their powers.” Martin cuts Mark off with his statement.

“Yeah, I know that but not everyone is. That is the point I’m trying to tell you. There are also heroes who want to really save lives and nurture people and they are the ones that are really close to those in the animes we watch.” Mark replies with a very serious tone with sweat on his face. He is worried Martin might get annoyed if he keeps on pushing his ideals onto Martin.

“Hercules, he is new right?” Martin asked with a very cold tone.

“Uhm… yes, sort of… he is the top hero in the world right now and he is very strong… like Super Man strong and he saves lots of people too and…”

“He is a scum bag. The only different between him and Super Man is that this Hercules guy exists and he is not what you think he is.” Martin again stops Mark’s statement with his own statement looking bored and lifeless as ever.

“What do you mean?”

“Even if you believe me or not, Violet is very capable and she can do lots of stuff. She works as a secretary in the Hero Corp. and she sees everything that happens there. Hercules abuses the weaker heroes and keeps them silent if he ever does something wrong.”

Mark begins to giggle a bit with a very annoyed look. He thinks that Martin’s imagination is getting out of hand and said; “What? Secretary? How is that even possible? Violet is a student from our school how can she….”

“I wanna show you something, Mark. But that can wait. I’ll show it to you tomorrow, first let’s get a goodnight sleep, its already late.” Martin cuts off their conversation short. Martin then closes his eyes and sleeps.

“What the hell is he talking about? Damn, Martin.. you just say the most interesting things.” Mark thinks to himself as he lies down on his bed, closes his eyes and fell asleep. Well, tried to..

A few hours have passed and Mark cannot fall asleep, there is something bugging him. Daydreaming? Remembering a distant memory? His hands started to glow in the shade of yellow and it made Mark stood up from his bed. He looks around and found Martin sound asleep.

“What is going on?” Mark said to himself with a worried look. He took his glasses and wore it. “Its 2 am why is this happening? My body feels so hot.” Without even noticing it, Mark’s eyes glowed in the same color. He feels his heart beating faster than usual and his body is shivering as if he was in a very cold place while taking a cold bath. He went out the dorm and ran. Without knowing the reason, he just kept on running. “Why am I running?” Mark doesn’t know but his brain does. He’s trying to burn out the excess energy to calm his body down.


After running a few minutes Mark found himself in an abandoned warehouse. His arms and eyes has ceased to glow and looks like a normal person now. He looked so tired, more tired than he ever was before. Without realizing it, 2 people were staring directly at him. He knows those faces, those people are famous. He then noticed that there is another one, a man lying unconscious on the floor bruised up and lifeless as if he was beaten to death.

“That is Ronin, he is… he is a rising star… people even say he can surpass Hercules in popularity.” Mark Thought to himself as he stares at the dead lifeless body of the young hero. “The one on the left is Jeremiah the incinerator. He is wearing a black coat with black gloves. He has thick lips and a dark skin tone. The other one is called Mentar, he has raggedy hair and a dirty beard. He looks like he is a homeless person. He is smoking while giving Mark a serious look.

In a very malicious tone, Mark begins to hear words inside his mind and it startled him. “Yes, that is why we have to get rid of him, we can’t let a kid take our place, and it would ruin us. That is why he had to go away.

“He… he can read minds.” Mark said to himself with a very terrified look in his eyes. Sweat begins to fall from his forehead as he keeps on adjusting his glasses trying to comprehend on what is happening. His heart begins to pump harder than last time and his body began to shiver crazier than last time. “I’m gonna die, there is no way they are letting me out.” Mark begins to panic while slowly walking backwards.

As he walked in the opposite direction, he hit something from behind. It felt like the body of a tall muscular man. And when he looked back, he realized it was the number one hero called Hercules. He was not wearing his costume. He has blonde hair and a very kind looking face. He is wearing a white t shirt and shorts with flip flops. He looks at Mark, smiling without a single sign of hate. He looked perfect.

Hercules then spoke in a very formal but silent tone while smiling innocently; “My boy, I believe in you, run away now and lets just pretend this never happened ok?”

Without any hesitation Mark exits the warehouse running gasping for air while throwing his hands uncontrollably as he keeps on stumbling every few steps.

Meanwhile… in the warehouse. Hercules has his arms crossed while tapping the floor with his foot as if he was impatient about something. “Well? Chop chop I don’t have all day, be sure to dispose of em both, mmmk? I don’t care how you do it just do it.” Hercules then flew out of the warehouse after giving his instructions.

Mentar then looks at Jerimiah and said; “Well you heard the boss, get the boy as fast as you can and get back here so we can dispose of this dead hero we killed.”

Jeremiah’s body bursts into flames and flew chasing Mark at a high speed. After a few seconds, he saw Mark running. Jeremiah prepares a very huge and condensed fireball ready to burn Mark into ashes.

Mark just runs. His legs feels heavy and he his gasping for air, he feels like he is about to drown in exhaustion. And he falls. “Im so tired, I can’t go any further.” Mark closes his eyes accepting his fate. Anyone would have the same reaction. “How can a normal person fight off an experienced hero with a strong ability? This is reality. There is no way I can magically become stronger and fight him off, right?” Mark ends his statement with a faint laughter.

Mark prepared himself to feel the painful burning sensation but instead, he felt a wet and warm liquid spraying from all over his back. Mark opens his eyes and a head dropped in front of him and it bounced twice before facing Mark’s direction. It was the head of Jeremiah and his body was missing. As if his head was cut clean off.

Mark looks back and saw an individual. A man wearing something black all over his body and even wearing a mask. The only thing that wasn’t black was his crimson red eyes. He was carrying a blade that resembles a katana. The unknown individual is emmiting a dark shadowy, smoke-like aura. And without a word, the man turned his back and walked straight to the warehouse grasping his blade tightly.

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