《Eternity's Prophet》CHAPTER 8: the fake hero, part 2


In an office building at the top floor, there is a man sitting on his glass table typing on his expensive looking laptop. He is in a huge room with shelves filled with books on the wall. He has long black hair, it looks messy but stylish. He has shiny yellow eyes and a devilish smile.

“It’s been years since I have encountered one, a real life Eternity. They are beings that existed in our world since forever and I have been so fascinated about them since I was little. I never knew there where beings like that existed. Today I have discovered that these Eternities are different from gods, these Eternities have power but have no freedom, how pitiful.”

Before the man finished typing, his secretary arrived calling out his name; “Sir Yuri.” The secretary looked exactly like an older version of Violet like she was in her mid-30s. She has long violet hair, pink eyes and she is wearing red reading glasses, a grey office uniform and a formal skirt.

Yuri then stood up giving her a cold look. The secretary became nervous and looked down. Yuri slowly walks to his huge window that fits the entire wall. He looks at the view below from above while sipping from his wine glass.

There are 2 young people, a girl and a boy, they are both standing in front of a big red monster carrying a battle axe.

“Should we deploy the heroes, Sir Yuri?” The secretary asked with a little hesitation.

“Just put them on hold, I would like to see how this turns out.” Yuri replied with a silent but formal tone.

“Bu… but… those childre-“ The secretary stopped talking when she saw Yuri’s malicious eyes staring at her soul.

Hercules is standing on the rooftop while observing the same scenario as Yuri. “Hmm, Yuri hasn’t given out any orders yet, what is he thinking?” Hercules says to himself with a very serious tone.

Meanwhile on the streets, the ogre named Azgaroth is about to wreak havoc. Nina stares at the beast while Mark is scared half to death thinking as to why Nina is just standing there doing nothing. Mark knows she is powerful but running is the best option. Nina looks at Mark and smiled.


“Angel’s Altar.” Nina uttered in a silent but serious tone as if she was calling out for something. The black night sky opened and a ray of light pierced through the dark clouds descending into the streets beside Nina. As the light slowly faded, something magnificent was slowly revealed. It looked like a golden statue of an angel. Nina touched the statue and it fused with her body. Her entire body was then covered in white light and when the light faded her attire has changed. From her school uniform to golden plates of armor while wielding a golden sword.

The ogre rushed at Nina shouting; “So you are my first opponent!” Azgaroth raised his axe preparing to launch a devastating blow and Nina just casually blocks it with her own blade. Upon impact, the landscape from where Nina stood cracked.

“My turn” Nina then changed her stance preparing to strike the ogre. She swung her sword leaving a golden trail from behind the blade. The sword passes through the ogre like butter. The force of the strike produced winds that send nearby things like paper and hats flying. The civilians nearby tried to glue themselves on the streets trying not to fall from the strong winds.

Azgaroth’s body split into 2 and simultaneously dropped on the floor. Nina’s armor then faded in the wind like dust as she deactivates her ability. Mark was stunned of what he just saw. The crowd cheered for the young aspiring hero. Even Hercules viewing the scenario from the top of the building smiled maliciously saying; “Hmmm. Interesting.”

“Holy Sh*t, Nina! I knew you were awesome but damn! That was in-saane!” Mark is currently in his nerd state complementing Nina like a weirdo but alas, Nina finds it funny as she just listens to him rambling while people took pictures of her.

Meanwhile in the other side of the city, there is a river. A couple of people were gathering around on something. Apparently, there are 2 teenaged kids in the middle of the crowd brawling while using their abilities. Both of them looked awfully bruised. The people around them looked like they were betting as to who would win


There is a man sitting on a chair while smoking his tobacco. He looks like the boss of this gathering. His name is Renford Blues, a hero with the ability to cause immense physical pain to anyone he touches. He is wearing a white fedora and tiger coloured suit. He calls out for his assistant saying; “Did you check the barriers? No one can see or hear us right?”

His assistant replied saying; “No I personally made sure of that.”

Renford then gave a huge smile revealing his gold set of teeth. The crowd were cheering louder than ever. As if someone had already won. One kid is on the floor unconscious and drenched in blood, Renford went closer and said to the other boy who is still standing; “What are waiting for? Kill him. If you don’t, your sister will never see the light of day. Hahahahaha.” The boy has black raggedy hair with a bruised up face. He looks skinny and dirty.

The boy shouted and crushed his opponent’s neck by stepping on it. The boy cried and the people cheered even louder. The boy then went closer to Renford saying; “Where is my sister?” while wiping his tears.

“Your sister? Oh right, your sister… She is dead.”

Upon hearing those words, the boy’s face was filled with despair and agony, he then screamed with the top of his lungs as everything around him started to become cold. Reford’s wine started to freeze. Renford looked around him and laughed so hard .He took his pistol out of his pocket and aimed it at the boy’s head.

“You had a good run kid, I liked you.” After saying those words, Renford chuckled and pulled the trigger. Instead of laughter and cheering, everything became silent and dark as their campfire was instantly blown off. Renford tried to put his gun back in his pocket but it’s stuck. It’s like someone is holding it in place.

The campfire lit back up again only to reveal the dead corpses of all the people in that area. The only ones alive are Renford, the boy and a man holding Renford’s pistol at the end of the barrel. The mysterious man somehow blocked the bullet leaving the boy unharmed.

“Who… who are you?” Renford asked the man in a cowardly manner. Renford noticed that his ability doesn’t seem to work on the man. “Why is my ability not working on you? You’re supposed to be in pain right now!”

The mysterious man replied in a very silent but sarcastic tone; “For your first question, my name is Nithramm Nad and I am the judge, the jury and the executioner. And as for your second question, your ability is working fine don’t worry, I’m just used to pain or to be exact, I am in love with pain.”

“You must be crazy.” Renford uttered in a very nervous manner and before anything else can happen. Renford’s upper half of his body exploded into nothingness. There was no trace, no blood, his lower half then turned into dust. Nithramm looked at the boy and said; “Continue living, I will come back for you.”

As Nithramm walks away he stopped and asked the boy his name.

“It’s Tristan.” The boy replied in a very cold and expressionless tone. His body is full of bruises and blood. Nithramm then faded into the darkness and left the scene.

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