《Eternity's Prophet》Chapter 3: The Hierarchy


All the students present in the cafeteria are staring at Nina and Martin. Mark looks so sweaty and terrified for he knows all too well how strong Nina is.

“I’m very sorry about that”. Martin casually apologizes.

Nina smirks and said with a calm yet fashionable tone; “Hmph! So you’re the new transfer student, I see. Martin from class 3-B, right? I’ll let you off the hook for now since you are too naïve to understand the situation, so be careful next time, ok?”

Nina and her friends walked away like nothing happened.

Mark looked so happy. It looks like he was about to cry in relief. Mark rushes to Martin and congratulates him. Martin just casually wiped the rice on his uniform. After a few minutes, Mark was able to get their meals from the counter. They both sat down and thanked the Lord for the meal. Martin still looks expressionless as ever.

“Let us talk”. Mark suggested in an awkward yet confident tone.

Mark and Martin conversed while eating their lunch. “So, let us begin. That girl a while ago is Nina Ashleys, she is the student council president and just to let you know you were lucky that she was in a good mood. Her ability is just too strong not even the school barrier can fully suppress it. That brings us to our main topic, it’s about the students with the most powerful abilities on the campus…. And yes, I have ranked all of em accordingly.” Mark smirks while adjusting his glasses while as he finishes the last words of his statement.

Martin releases a quick giggle and immediately returns to his expressionless look. Mark noticed what Martin did and smiled as well.

“Let us begin with top 5, Jeff Ambrose, they call him the Olympian. He is a third-year college student from section A of the hero course, he is tall AF, and he has dark brown hair that is long enough for a ponytail. He has this surfer dude attitude. He looks carefree and stupid but is super smart. I only saw him fight during the yearly school event where students get to participate in all kinds of sports and activities. He was the champion of the fighting event for three consecutive years. He has the ability to emit strong bolts of lightning from all over his body. He usually beats his enemies with one shot.”


“Wait, how can the school allow such activities? Isn’t this dangerous?” Martin interrupted with a Question.

Mark begins to talk again, “This school is known for lots of things, and being convenient is one of em. During fights, the students are given protective gear that absorbs damage, a suit to be exact. Each fighter has HP bars and when it gets depleted it means the fight is over and that fighter with zero HP is considered as the loser.”

“That is convenient”. Martin thinks to himself.

Mark seems to be enjoying talking about this kind of stuff. Mark took a deep breath and continued talking. “The next one is a first-year student from the arts course named, Michael Angelus. He has orange messy hair and is very talkative. He is a carefree, happy go lucky type of person. He looks like a cinnamon roll and finishing it up with his red reading glasses on, his height is approximately 5’4 feet inches tall. But on the first day of school, 5 of his classmates underestimated him because of his looks; I heard they tried to take advantage of Michael. It is only rumors but they say, Michael took all of them out with only one hand. Nobody ever tried to mess with him again.”

“Next on the list is a girl named Nova, people just call her Nova and don’t ask why. She is a person of few words, she is the only loner on the list so I don’t have much info about her but if you consider her abilities, she indeed worthy of being 3rd strongest on my list. Her powers allow her to manipulate shadows, use it as a bullet-like projectile, blades, and can even teleport, she is a second-year student in the hero course.”

Martin interrupts again by saying. “ah the loner type, I like her already”. Martin ends his statement with a half-assed smirk.

“Ooo-k, so on the top 2 strongest is none other than… drum roll please! Leonard’s older brother, Damascus Smiles. He is a 4th-year student in the hero course and very well known for his strength and mind you, he is already very strong without his powers. He is a bit taller than you, Martin. He has dark-toned skin with a buzz cut. He always hangs around his friends and his abilities allow him to multiply his base stats making him even stronger. He always bullies his brother and I kinda understand why Leonard is an asshole towards people but then again that still doesn’t make him a good person.”


“And the strongest student on campus is Nina Ashleys. She might get recruited by the other worlders because of her strength”

“Wait, what do you mean other worlders?” Martin asked with a slightly confused tone.

“What? Have you been living under a rock?” Mark replied with a snarky tone. “If we have heroes here on earth, there are also heroes from other planets, these other-worlders are tasked to save and protect everyone in the universe. I’m surprised that you don’t know that, Martin. I mean the alien invasion happened only a few years ago and the other-worlders and earth’s heroes teamed up to save us.”

Martin tries to act composed in front of Mark and replies. “oh, I see.”

“Well anyways, let us go back to Nina. Her powers allow her to enter a state of pure energy and become godlike level in strength, but in her normal form, she can only show off a bit of her strength.”

Martin’s expression changed upon hearing Mark’s statement about Nina’s abilities. Martin looks somewhat excited but after a while, he returns to his old expressionless look and said;

“Well that was awesome, I enjoyed our talk, Mark.”

“Really?” Mark, replied with happiness in his eyes.

“It’s official, Martin is a nerd like me, well a cool one but still, a nerd nonetheless, too bad we'll get beat up afterward by Leonard, sob. I hope Martin recovers after that happens.”

While Mark was lost in thought, a young beautiful girl appeared, she has violet hair that reaches her neck with shiny pink eyes. She has bandages wrapped around her left forearm. She has a small stature with a cute slender waist. Mark was in awe and began to feel warm.

“Hello”. The girl greeted Mark. She has a very soft voice and it made Mark’s heartbeat flutter. Mark blushes uncontrollably without even noticing.

“Uhm, Martin, I think your friend is sick”. The girl uttered.

“ You know each other?” Mark asked Martin with an embarrassed yet surprised look.

Martin replied with a very bored tone; “Uhm, this is Violet Daniels, my uhm… sister”

“You have a sister?” Mark replied with a worried yet excited look on his face. Mark’s face is still red.

Martin then replied; “Yeah, that’s what I just said. So, Violet. What do you want?

Violet smiles and said; “Oh it’s nothing important, just don’t go too hard on them ok? I don’t want you to cause too much trouble. After Violet’s statement she then looked towards Mark saying; “take care of my brother, ok. He doesn’t have any friends.” And she ends her statement with a cute giggle.

Violet then leaves with her friends.

Mark was still lost in thought. He feels like he just saw a goddess for the very first time. Martin then breaks the awkward silence by saying; “Mark, I hope that list of yours is written in pencil.”

Mark was trying to process the words that came out of Martin’s mouth and began to wonder and thought; “what?”

The two went to their classroom and waited for the lecture to finish. As time keeps on ticking, Mark becomes more restless and worried. He feels like pooping all of his lunch out. And as for Martin, he remains calm as ever. The clock ticks and ticks and then…. The bell rang.

“That is the bell, thank you for listening class, and see you tomorrow”

And at that moment, Mark realized that Leonard was staring at him with a deadly smile. Mark becomes more uneasy and sweaty. Thoughts began to fill his mind and suddenly, he felt a warm touch on his shoulders. It was Martin grabbing his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. Both Martin and Mark stares at each other for a few seconds and Martin opened his mouth and said; “It’s time”.

Mark giggles uncontrollably with a very worried and sweaty face; “Yep! Hahahah! We are gonna die.”

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