《Eternity's Prophet》Chapter 2


Right before Leonard can even throw a punch, a teacher arrived and have all the students sit in their respective chair.

“Good morning sir Jones”. Leonard greeted the teacher with a smile and the teacher nods.

“Talk about saved by the bell huh, new kid”.

Martin stood there for a while and went to find an empty seat. Martin found an empty seat by the window in the third row that is coincidentally next to Mark.

“So he is the spoiled brat type huh, I never knew people like that existed in the real world”. Martin uttered.

“Uhm, I guess but lots of people are like that. Leonard is rich and the teachers love him. He can get away with anything he does”. Mark replied with a very melancholic tone.

“Oh, by the way, we have a new student today as you can see, please introduce yourself”. The teacher explained with a raspy voice.

Martin sighs and stood up. He then begins to speak in an expressionless tone. “My name is Martin…. Daniels.. and I am uhm… 21, I don’t have any abilities like you guys have so….. Go easy on me, mm k? Thanks”

Martin sits back down and the whole class starts to whisper. “Did he just say he has no abilities? Damn, he is a loser like Mark. Life must be hard for him. Leonard is gonna break this guy. I cant wait to see them fight”.

“Ok class, be quiet, I’m going to begin my class.”e

The teacher then took his time talking about the importance of improving their grammars.

“Now, back to the topic”. Martin uttered with the same usual tone of his.

Mark looks at Martin and is willing to listen to whatever he may say.

Martin begins to speak silently. “First of all, that guy Leonard is one of the few people that have gotten me angry, I don’t usually get mad but he just crossed the line. So this how it’s going to go. Just stay back and I’ll beat him up, ok?”


Mark’s eyes went wide after hearing Martin’s statement. He couldn’t believe what Martin is saying and began to think. “Is this guy crazy? Or is he just bluffing? What can a powerless dude do against Leonard? But… by the looks of it, sigh, there is no escaping this situation and I even dragged Martin into one of my problems. Maybe the best decision is to not drag him down.”

Mark begins to lean a little bit to get closer to Martin. He takes a deep breath and begins to talk silently. “Dude, you nuts? Leonard can get anything he wants and yes, this school has a barrier that prevents people from using their powers for safety purposes and the teachers are the only ones who are allowed to use their powers because they are wearing wrist bands that were provided to them by the principal that makes them immune to the effects of the barrier.”

“And your point is what exactly?” Martin asks.

Mark’s left eye is twitching and looks annoyed. He then begins to answer Martin’s question. “Haven’t you been listening to me!? Leonard can easily get those immunity wrist bands if he wants to. And how can you be so sure that he is going to show up alone?”

Martin pauses for a while and begins to speak in the same manner as always. “Mark… have you ever killed anyone?”

Mark looked shocked upon hearing the statement. “Gulp… n…no I haven’t of course... I.. I would never. What kind of… question was that?”

Martin gives Mark a half-smile. “Good, now for the remaining class hours list down Leonard’s friend that may back him up during the fight, and if what you said about him getting the wrist bands that easily then it is most likely for him to give some wrist bands to his friends as well, with that in mind, list down their abilities as well.”

Mark looks confused while admiring Martin’s confidence. He sighs and replied. “Ok, I’ll try my best”. Mark then begins to write.


Martin looks a little bit amused by the fact that Mark agreed to his demands without any complaints and questions. It’s like he already knows everything about the people here on this campus or is it because Mark doesn’t have the capability to say no to people. Regardless of what the reason may be, Martin looks pleased nonetheless.

After a few hours, the students in the classroom lets out a sigh of relief after enduring the boring lecture that means nothing to the course they took.

Leonard slowly walks closer to Mark and before he even gets a chance to talk, one of his friends called out saying, “Leonard, your brother is outside, he wants to talk to you.”

“Ok, tell him I’m coming”. Leonard replies with a worried look in his eyes as he proceeds to walk towards the door away from Mark.

Mark has finished writing and showed the paper which contains information about Leonard and his friends to Martin. “I’m done, I even included some info on how they look like”.

Martin takes a look at the paper and nods. “I'm hungry, lets head to the cafeteria”. Martin suggested in an expressionless tone.

“ Ugh right, I’m kinda hungry now, didn’t even had the chance to eat dinner last night hehe”. Mark replied with a silent but carefree tone.

The two proceed to go walk to the cafeteria.

“So before anything else happens”. Mark uttered in a very annoyed look. Martin raised his left eyebrow and looks at Mark.

Mark continues to speak saying, “Leonard is not the only big shot here, so avoid them at all cost. If they look popular, no if they look like a person, stay away from them, please.”

Martin nods and thinks to himself, “so this is how Mark lives his life, it's full of worries and regrets, and I'm pretty sure he has already wasted countless opportunities to grow and…”

“You ok, Martin?” Mark interrupts Martin’s daydreaming.

“Yeah, sure”. Martin replied.

The two of them sat in an empty chair in the cafeteria and put their bags on the table. Martin opens his mouth looking like he is about to say something but Mark immediately intercepts that by suggesting something in an awkward tone of excitement. “Ah! Since you’re new here, how about I go to the counter and choose a meal for you and you can just pay me afterward. Sooo… you stay here and don’t do anything, ok? Goodbye.”

Without giving Martin time to reply, Mark rushes towards the counter.

“Why am I so worried? Martin is a grown-ass man, he should be able to take care of himself, but he has no powers and all he has is fake confidence and we are going to get beat up this afternoon my god! Can this day get any worse?” Mark uttered to himself in an angry but silent tone while looking at the menu.

After Mark finishes his thoughts he heard something fell on the floor from behind. It sounded like a metal tray with food and water hitting the ground. Mark’s eyes went wide as he looks at what happened. It was Martin standing and in front of him is the student council president named Nina Ashleys, she is highly a respected student and is known for her long blonde hair, blue eyes, red lips, white skin, and leadership skills but most importantly, she is not the person you should mess with.

At the moment, she is glaring at Martin with malicious intent, her uniform is wet and stained with soy sauce and apparently, Martin bumped into her while she was carrying a tray of food. Mark’s eyes were focused on Nina and her friends behind her. She was accompanied by two other girls and three guys.

“Ah crap”. And that was the only words that Mark was able to let out.

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