《Eternity's Prophet》CHAPTER 1


At 5:30 pm, the sky is red and the surrounding is quiet. The story begins with a 21-year-old college student writing his journal in his empty classroom.

”My name is Mark Lee and I live in a world where the strong is separated from the weak. This is a world in where most people are born with abilities like the ones we see in comic books. Some are blessed with powerful abilities like fire manipulation, super strength, speed, and teleportation.

All I can do is make my hands a little hotter like what the heck! I am also somehow immune to hot temperatures but this ability of mine is nothing to be proud of, I mean it’s useless and anyone would agree with that. But those sucky qualities never really affected me though.

I stood strong and never gave up, I did my best to become a stronger version of myself in this unfair world, I even work out five times a week, eat healthy, study hard, and draw comics in my free time. Then the day came that made me realize that fate is indeed against me. Both my parents died in an accident and the worst part is I never even got the chance to say goodbye.

Years went by and I stood up like a champ, yeah! Well, that is what I like to think. I used my brains to move pass through life and enroll in a decent college. I have to say life sucks but I won’t let it affect me. No matter how hard and impossible it is, I will indeed become stronger and make a difference, I will make this boring life of mine into an adventure of a lifetime! All these promises but here I am, alone in my classroom writing this stupid dia-.”

Before he gets to finish writing, Mark was startled when a classmate of his enters the classroom with an angry look on his face and said; “Hey, Mark! Change of plans, I need my project to be done by tomorrow and be sure to make it perfect”.

Mark hesitated for a while before answering as sweat drips all over his face, “y… yes, I will try my best”. And without another word, the bully leaves the classroom. Mark continues to write while feeling angry for himself.

“And yes, I am born weak and I have always lived my life as the prey. In high school, I followed orders without a single thought so I wouldn’t get hurt. When I finally reached college, I was happy, I thought I thought people would be nicer but in the end, it’s always the same and when they found out what my powers were, my classmates started to belittle me, heck! Even the nerds got better abilities than me! That’s right, I belong in the lowest of the low when it comes to popularity. This power of mine is useless, all it can probably do is heat up an old woman’s cereal or something, well anyway, that is all for my journal today”.


Mark stretches his arms and adjusted his glasses, stood up, and left the room tired and feeling useless. Mark received a text from the school principal saying. “Your new roommate would be arriving soon”.

Mark thought to himself, “oh yeah, I forgot about that.”

As Mark walks closer to his dorm room, he saw a man standing in front of his door. He was carrying a huge but empty looking bag. The bag looks like a deflated balloon, he is wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with dark green jeans.

“Ah, he is already here”. Mark says to himself. Before Mark could even say anything, the man looked in Mark’s direction and smiled in a very forced manner. The man’s face looks expressionless and without a care in the world. “Damn, what kind of smile was that?” Mark thinks, to himself.

The man then said, “You must be Mark, my name is Martin” as he reaches out for a handshake. Mark awkwardly shakes Martin’s hand and they both entered the dorm room. The room was big enough to fit two beds, a bathroom, and a small table on the floor. There are bookshelves on the walls filled with comic books, mangas, and anime posters taped on the wall.

Mark was nervous thinking. “Jeez, I hope he doesn’t mind the room, I don’t know why but I am kinda nervous, I mean I have grown to love this room for months already and..” before Mark can even finish spacing out, Martin complimented the room in a very bored tone and jumped on the bed face first throwing his obviously empty bag in the corner.

“He must be very tired, oh well it can’t be helped”, Mark whispering to himself as he put his bag on the floor taking out his journal. Mark sat on the floor near the table and began to write.

“Today, I met my roommate, Martin. His face looks pale and tired and some noticeable eye bags. His personality was deader than a corpse but he looks cool nonetheless with his black hair and bangs covering the left side of his forehead. I would be really grateful if he will turn out to be a turbo nerd like me. Sheeesh , I need friends”.

Mark closes his journal with a sigh and took a bath. Mark thinks to himself while waters from the shower is spraying on the top of his head; “don’t worry, if he turns out to be a psycho killer, I am still safe, we are still in the school dorms which means we are under the school rules, no violence whatsoever and, the school is inside a protective barrier that makes people unable to use their powers…”


“phew! Maybe I’m just being paranoid, this is my very first roommate after all.” After Mark takes a bath he goes directly to bed hoping that he would still be in one piece when he wakes up.

Morning arrived and Mark woke up relieved knowing that he is still alive. Mark rubbed his sleepy eyes and readies himself for school. He took a bath and wore his white uniform, black pants, and shiny black shoes. Mark grabs his reading glasses and inserted them in his front pocket that can be found on the left side chest area of his uniform. Mark noticed that Martin has already left.

“Damn, so much for making new friends. I wonder what class he’s in.”

After a few minutes, Mark arrived at school with an empty stomach. While walking on the school corridors, Mark seems to be bothered by something but doesn’t know why. He is about to enter his classroom and before he could enter, his bag was grabbed by someone from behind stopping Mark in his tracks.

When he looked at the person who did it, Mark realized that this man behind him is the most popular guy in the school and is recognized as one of the richest students on campus. He is praised for being good looking, talented in sports and academics, his name is Leonard Smiles. He has shiny silver hair, a good looking nose, a chiseled jawline, and has an athletic body, he is as tall as Martin which is a bit taller than Mark. And is also the same person who forces Mark into making projects and assignments for him since day one.

“Eeeek!” Mark realized that he made a big mistake. “Oh no! I forgot to make the project!” Mark thinks to himself in a very troubled manner.

“You forgot, didn’t you?” Leonard asked Mark in a very serious tone.

Mark tried to defend himself but words were trapped inside his mouth.

“If my grades get affected, no even if my grades don’t get affected, I will still beat you after school and lucky for you this stupid school doesn’t permit us to use our powers but, I will still teach you a lesson and if you try to run away from this, I will murder you and your family, oops…. they are already dead. I’m sorry, I forgot. “Leonard explained with a very clear and sadistic voice with a grin on his face.

Mark felt like crying but held it in. All sorts of emotions flow through Mark’s system, he wants to hit Leonard in the face so bad, Mark’s eyes turning red from anger, and is ready to retaliate but couldn’t do anything. He realized that if he did anything at all, Leonard can ruin Mark’s life. Mark remains quiet while looking down.

Before anything else can happen, an unknown individual stood behind both Mark and Leonard from the outside of the classroom saying with a very calm voice. “You’re blocking my way, would you please step aside”.

Leonard grins and faced the person behind them.

“Wait, I know this voice, is this my roommate?” Mark thinks to himself.

“Who do you think you are, emo boy?” Leonard asked Martin with a very threatening voice and Martin replied in a calm tone. “Ehem... My name is Martin, and you?”

Leonard laughs hysterically that lasted about 3 seconds and suddenly stopped, the room was then filled with silence. The other students present are whispering to each other about the situation.

“Martin, what have you done!” Mark whispered to himself loudly in a very nervous manner.

Leonard is staring at Martin’s dead eyes and expressionless face whilst clenching his fist, preparing to launch an attack directly at Martin’s face.

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