《Eternity's Prophet》CHAPTER 4: the ally


After a few students leave the classroom, Leonard approaches both Mark and Martin. But before Leonard can speak a single word, Martin stood up and said; “Just wait for us at the gym, we will be there in 15 minutes”.

Leonard was fazed by Martin’s confident yet calm face and Mark was shocked even more so. “What the hell, Martin?! Please stop making it worse.” Mark whispers in a worried tone.

Leonard’s smile slowly disappears and switches to a more serious look. “Ok then, I’ll give you 15 minutes to prepare. If you don’t come, I’ll drag you there myself. Don’t keep me waiting.” Leonard leaves the room after finishing his statement. “boom” The door closes.

Mark’s face looks so depressed and dead. A few minutes have passed, both Mark and Martin arrives at the gym. A number of students from different classes were sitting at the benches waiting for the fight to begin. Two teachers were even there to watch the fight.

“Ugh yeah, a student can fight other students, they only need to submit a letter to the principal for the battle to occur and if the principal agrees, the fight is legal on school grounds as long as a teacher is present to prevent any casualties. They rely on the school’s modern technology that can heal cells at a very fast rate, very convenient, right? Talk about a win-win situation for Leonard” Mark explained in a very serious tone.

“So the winner gets some kind of prize right?” Martin asked.

“Yep, most students want grades or some special treatment.” Mark replied.

“That explains why Leonard took the trouble to make this fight public. I suggest you start writing your special privileges now, Mark.” Martin said with a half assed grin.

Mark just nods without even hearing Martin’s words. He looks like he had already ran out of hope and just accepts the fact that he and Martin is gonna be on the school papers tomorrow as the students who got beat up.


Leonard and his 2 other friends are waiting at the center of the gym and Mark’s intuition was right, all of them were wearing wrist bands that is supposedly going to cancel out the school barrier’s debuff. Meaning, Leonard and his friends can use their powers without restriction and the teachers doesn’t know about that at all, they think that this is going to be a normal fist fight. Mark looks at Martin’s calm and composed face thinking; “How can he stay so calm at this kind of situation?”

Martin looks at Mark and said; “ Don’t look down, Mark. You know if it makes you feel better, Violet is watching us from the bleachers.”

Mark blushed and searched for Violet from the crowd and immediately found her. Mark’s eyes went wide and looked surprised. He started to let out an awkward smile.

“I knew it, so that is how you feel huh?” Martin asks with a half-smile on his face. “Just don’t look too scared ok? You have already given me all the help I need.”

And with Martin’s lasts statement, Mark finally calms down and looks more composed now as if he doesn’t care about the results anymore.

The scene switches Leonard and his crew. Leonard was talking about something while looking so confident but Martin only stares at them.

Martin narrates to himself remembering the data that Mark wrote for him; “So, out of the 5 people that Mark wrote, only 3 Is present including Leonard. The one on the left has red hair, he must be the one that can punch hard and the one in the middle is bald, he can manipulate the gravity in a small area and Leonard, he is nothing to worry about.”

In the bleachers, Violet and her friends are talking; “hey Violet, isn’t that your brother? Aren’t you afraid that he might get hurt?”

Violet just smiles and said, “Let’s just watch the battle, ok?” And ends her statement with a giggle.


Martin begins to walk forward in a slow pace with both hands in his pockets. Mark just observes what Martin is gonna do. It appears Mark’s fear and anxiety about the situation has completely faded as he watches.

“So this is their plan. “Martin whispers to himself as he feels his legs are getting heavier and heavier after every step. He knew that the gravity around his legs is being manipulated.

The red haired student suddenly rushed straight at Martin’s direction with a confident look as his hands glow in the shade of red preparing to hit Martin with a full powered punch. Martin stops walking and raises his very heavy leg. Martin took advantage of the extra weight in his legs and launches a front kick straight to his rushing opponent’s knee.

The red haired student stumbles passed Martin and drops on the floor screaming in pain as he grabs his leg with both hands and passed out because of the pain. It appears that the red haired student’s knee is bending at the opposite direction.

Everyone in the gym went silent. Both Mark and Leonard couldn’t believe what happened. Even the teachers looked surprised.

The bald friend of Leonard rushes towards Martin shouting; “Don’t get cocky!”

Martin realized that the extra weight on his legs had completely faded. “It feels so light now.” He said in a very calm tone.

Martin then launches a flying knee that directly planted into the bald dude’s face knocking him out immediately. Martin lands on the ground gracefully without taking his hands out of his pocket. He then moves forward towards Leonard.

Leonard looked terrified while igniting his hands with flames saying; “What the heck?! I’m gonna kill yo-“ THWACK!!!

Before Leonard can even finish his sentence, he was hit by a swift and silent jab. His whole body became stiff as a stick while slowly falling to the ground thinking; “Was that a boulder?” thump!

All of Martin’s enemies are now lying on the ground. The crowd went wild after witnessing the battle. The teachers helped out the injured students and brought them to the healing area. Martin walks to Mark and said; “I’m going back to the dorm, catch up, ok?” as Martin continues to walk forward he saw a familiar individual with a buzz cut. He continues walking and faded from the distance.

Mark is thinks to himself. “That was amazing, Martin. You big show off, he fought all three of em with both hands inside his pockets. Is this what he meant about me writing the rankings with pencil? Does he want me to add him on the list? Why do you have to be so cool?” Mark was lost in thought until someone called for him with a very loud and annoying voice.

“ Hey! Hey! Hey! You’re Mark, right? My name is Michael. That was some friend you got there.” Michael said while jumping around with glee.

Mark has to look down in order to talk to Michael, he is short but with a very happy personality, he is the exact opposite of Martin.

“I know you, you’re famous, and everybody talks about you.” Mark replied with a surprised look.

“Really!? ME? Famous? Hahahah get outta here, well anyway, I only came to say hi so I’ll be heading out now, twas nice talking to you, Mark.” Michael said with a very obnoxious tone and leaves.

Mark just stands there for a while, alone. Lots of thoughts kept entering his mind. And he realized something important, an idea popped out in Mark’s head.

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