《Battlegrounds Of Celestial Beings》Half Step Towards Death


In a while, majority of the students already found their place to hide with, Ezra is looking around him searching for a weapon that has a slightly long range so he could test the flexibility of the zombie's body.

Now that the students were in a corner praying that the zombie wouldn't look at them, they couldn't do anything but look at their surroundings, only to found several people who were acting strange and is looking towards something. Tracing their eyes, they found a guy who is kicking things and looks like he is searching for something. Behind this guy, the zombie that makes their scalps go numb, and their hearts go wild was slowly moving with its mouth chewing on something that they wouldn't dare to imagine.

'Oh that log, should be okay to use first for testing. But i still need to look for something sharp and was hard to break even if it was a short one'

Considering the possibility of the log breaking due to the impact or due to the strength of a zombie, he roams around the bar and found several metal bars in the damaged part of the dance floor sticking out. The metal bars was around as thick as an arm of a slim guy and its length was around half an arm of a person.

'This should be enough, unfortunately the end of the metal bar wasn't pointed or sharp enough so stabbing it in a living corpse would require a lot of force.'

Looking back towards the zombie that is still slowly moving towards him, he imagine the scenario on how would he kill this thing.

'My only advantage is my speed, so I should use the wooden log to immobilize its arms first before using the metal bar to stab its brain'

After knowing what shoud he do, he looked back towards his classmates and found them staring at him looking like an idiot that is seeking death. Little did they know that Ezra's thought was already far away than them.

'If a zombie appears here, the students that died during the earthquake might become one as well, then for sure a lot of students was killed and turned into zombies in the 1st floor up to third floor. How about outside? Would there be more monsters that is harder to handle than this slow zombies? If I didn't conquer my fears and make a move now, I would surely hesitate and die when a stronger one appears.'


While his mind was consoling itself his face says otherwise. The look and bearing that he has, is that he looks down on the whole world capturing the attention of every students and attracts their admiration.

There was only 8 meters between him and the zombie when he closed his eyes one last time. The moment it opened, it brimmed with determination to kill the living corpse without fear and hesitation.

With the wooden log on his left hand and metal bar on his right hand, he ran towards the zombie and initiates the attack.

He used the log to smash the zombie's head making it tilt its head to the side without being able to react.

'As expected, it doesn't have the capabilities to think and react to the attacks that it recieves. The only thing that it knows is to grab and bite.'

Now that Ezra found out its weakness, he distanced himself a bit just enough for the wooden log to reach it. He steps back after every hit to ensure that the zombie that only knows how to grab wouldn't be able to reach him. He keeps on hitting its head to see how much damage it could receive but little to no avail, the zombie seems like it isn't taking any damage.

The zombie has its face full of foul blood that sprays to the ground but it still keeps on walking the same way and insist on grabbing Ezra.

'Looks like stabbing it is really a must, hitting it with a log wouldn't be of much use rather than to make its head move.'

Ezra change its posture and targetted the zombie's arms that is now raised forward and tries to grab him. He smashed in full force hoping to buy time by halting its arms from moving and stab it in the neck with the metal bar that he is holding.

But, the moment that the log hit the zombie's arms, something bad happened, He forget about the fact that a wood isn't indestructible, its durability hits the bottom and breaks. With the force that he exerted, and without the log that could stop it, he stumbled a little bit and couldn't react in time.



The zombie as if waiting for this chance grab Ezra's clothes and pushed him down.



The students who were admiringly watching earlier were now screaming in terror with this kind of sudden reversal. Although they were cursing his recklessness and madness earlier, they still want him to be able to kill that zombie for their own selfishness. Unlike Ezra, they didn't have the guts to face that thing that could kill them anytime after all.

Ezra is panicking really hard this time, the zombie is holding his chest down while trying to lower its mouth to reach his body and take a bite but he is exerting all his force to push the zombie away from him.


He is scared, scared of dying, scared of the fact that there's a face that is reeking and full of blood in front of him. The fact that the owner of its hideous face is insisting to bite the hell out of him until he die using its bloody rotting mouth terrified him the most.

Freaking out, Ezra used his right hand that was holding the metal bar to stab its brain.


The moment that it hit the zombie, his strength coupled with the dullness of the metal bar only sinked slightly onto the zombies head by an inch. This didn't make him calmer but made him go crazy by risking it all and removing his left hand that was formerly holding the zombie's body and use it to help his right hand to make the stab go deeply.


His efforts, were rewarded. Slowly, it sinks deeply until the zombie stops moving. Ezra didn't care if it is dead and pushed it down, he removed the metal bar from its head and keeps on stabbing it in its face to vent up his pent up feelings.


A minute later, he stopped stabbing the zombie. His mind gained its clarity, the moment he saw what he had done, his body shaked hard, he crawled back a bit and looked scaringly at his own hand that just killed a horrifying creature.

"I-is thi-is done by me-e?"

The zombie's body, that was laying on the ground lifeless, became much more disgusting with uncountable holes on its body. Its eyeballs eas wrecked, Its mouth was gone, its neck was only attached with a little amount of flesh and muscle, As for its chest, shallow holes and a deeper ones exist.

Ezra could feel the blood that was sprays all through his face and body due to his madness. He held the urge to close his eyes and makes sure that it is locked into his bloody hand. He took a deep breath and stared at it intently.

'I, did it. I really did it'


Escaping death, he couldn't help but relax, perhaps due to the pressure, he forgot about the pain. Now that he already released some of his steams, he felt fatigue and lie down looking at the cloudy skies while laughing madly.

The students and professors, who would usually laugh when they saw someone act like this, didn't do so. Instead, their eyes were ignited and glued into the bloodied man that killed the thing that defies their common sense.

Moments later, Ezra finally picked up the metal bar and stood up.

Drops of blood were still dripping in the metal bar that he is holding. His face and his clothes was still full of blood.

Astonishment filled their eyes when they felt an immeasurable pressure when they looked at him. Its like, Ezra was an emperor that looks down on the whole world.

It was also at this time that everyone noticed a tiny ball of light that came from the deceased corpse and is moving slowly towards Ezra's body. The moment it reached him, another unimaginable thing happened again.

Ezra's is glowing with a faint light.

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