《A Warrior's Love (BL)》8~Beauty of Child
"It's as we expected," Zoticus whispered to the roaring thunder. He held a round object swaddled in cheap linen and carefully stepped through the collection of rubbish. He almost tripped over a broken wagon, but he found his balance.
He finally reached me and held out the bundle with a tired smile. "It is a baby girl. Someone did leave her here and I'm assuming she was born last week. How pitiful, left to die."
"She is pitiful indeed, yet she is blessed to have you find her with your third eye. If I had let you drown in the pool, who would have saved her?" I sucked in a breath, grinning after Zoticus glared at me. I can see he knew that I stated the truth. "Don't deny it. I'm right this time."
"I won't say anything," he said calmly. His hands were still outstretched, carrying a baby with only his two palms. "Are you going to take her? I know you won't save every child, but I would like to try raising this one."
"Get her away from me until she is cleaned! I do not love children as much as you." I push my hands out to make his hands move away from my chest. I felt sorry for the baby, but I was not going to touch someone who had been lying in waste for who knows how long.
"So I can keep her?" Zoticus held the baby across his ribs, rocking her until she stopped crying with all her strength. His eyes looked down at the baby, full of affection and respect. "Oh, you poor thing. Luckily, my master has allowed me to take you in."
"I'm not a master! I'm sure you'll be trying to kill me during my sleep or when I'm distracted with this baby. It is your first day in Vales, you're going to adopt a child?" I could not believe my luck. After preferring to live alone for all these years, I've gotten two companions in one day. "Who will help you?"
"You," Zoticus wrapped the tattered cloth tighter around the crying baby. He looked stressed and frightened the longer he held the small babe. "It's raining too much, this cloth isn't doing much for her."
"Who said I am helping you raise the girl?" I had ignored whatever he said after 'you' and I had to sweep hair off my forehead to gawk at the man cradling a baby. I squinted against a bright light, shouting over the rain. "Zoticus!"
"She doesn't have much time, a little longer in the rain and the coldness will seep into her tiny organs. I'll care for the child myself, I'll feed her and clothe her myself. It shouldn't be too difficult." Zoticus clutched the baby to his chest and I think his tears blended with the rain sliding down his face. His golden eyes begged me.
"Look, I'm currently using my powers to keep her heart warm." Zoticus was transferring heat from his body to hers using his index finger and as he worked, his body seemed to glow. He smiled when the baby girl stopped crying to grip his finger.
"I'll not be responsible for her." I sigh after the man quickly nodded. I glance to my right and see Sangrine was watching us with narrowed eyes, not appreciating being in the rain. My dragon roared over the crackling skies. "Get on Sangrine, we're going back home!"
Zoticus bounced over to my mount and although he must be hesitant, he mounted the dragon with ease. He turned around, still clutching the quiet baby to his breasts. "I've owned a dragon, I am not afraid of flying or dragons. Sangrine looks intimidating at a glance."
Sangrine huffed like a human would to show they were annoyed. The dragon looked tempted to throw Zoticus off his back, but he stayed still.
I took my place behind Zoticus and thought I would be the one to steer Sangrine. To my surprise, Zoticus' usually soft voice turned deep and dark, as if he was summoning a legion of undead warriors. Then, he ordered Sangrine to return to my house and I thought my loyal mount would not listen. "He listens to you?"
"I'm a dragon whisperer." He said over his shoulders and I believed him. He gained control of a dragon immediately when Sangrine bowed to me after two years. Also, Zoticus sat with the baby in his arms and his legs were flung loosely over Sangrine's sides. He rode effortlessly when I thought he would slide off.
"Even I won't ride a dragon this fast, what are you doing?" I struggled to keep my eyes open as drops of water splashed into my eyes each second. It was painful. "You love babies, don't you?"
"Shut your mouth, she will start crying when she hears your voice again." Zoticus' ear twitched and suddenly, he stuck his head out to look down. His actions made me want to scream until my throat dries. "I know what I am doing."
Yes, he did. In a little bit, we were smoothly descending and I did not notice Sangrine had landed until my surroundings stopped whizzing by. Sangrine does not like performing smooth landings, so I started thinking of gifting my boy to the better master. I crossed my arms and pouted, "Sangrine loves you."
"I doubt it. He must've known a baby is on board," Zoticus jumped off my dragon's back and paused to sniff. Both our noses were running and the baby started crying once more. Just like her, we wanted to cry. "Dragons are smarter than they're credited."
"Sure, I'll believe that for now." I hopped off my mount, making sure to glare at him before running into my house. I hear my large dragon stomp off towards his own house which is just beyond mine. I did not know Valesian houses all came with dragon stables with enough space to house two.
"Why do you try to save this baby?" I asked as I came to stand behind Zoticus. He was looking around for a place to put her down, but he was afraid of angering me. I led him to three curtains and pointed at them. "Let's go into one of these cubicula. I won't be having guests so I planned to turn them into storage rooms."
"Now, one can be for her. The other two can be yours." I smile, shuddering when I caught myself. It was scary how many times I have forced a smile on my face for the man holding a baby. "Tell me, why are you saving her?"
Zoticus had disappeared into the middle cubiculum, taking the loud baby with him. The slit in the curtains slowly closed and the last bit of golden hair was snuffed by purple curtains. Eager to hear Zoticus' answer, I rushed into the room only to be blinded by his light.
He turned around, leaning over the bed with his arms lowering the child. He looked motherly and I had to peel my eyes off of him. "Oh, did I harm your eyes? I was preparing to remove toxins from her, I didn't think you would follow."
"My eyes are not injured," I started to say until I trailed away from my words. I was flustered as I watched Zoticus gently place the baby on the bed. I tilt my head, taking a good glance at his sad eyes framed by long eyelashes from which crystals dripped. "You are beautiful."
The man froze, the tips of his fingers were about to leave the baby's grimy cheeks. His head quickly snapped around, and the thin clothes he wore stuck to his body. Although he was a priest, I think he's Temptation in disguise.
I realized I had thoughtlessly voiced my thoughts, which is not normal for me. I never tell others what is in my mind. Not even Sebastian when we prepare for battle.
"This is truly not the right time and place," Zoticus muttered inaudible words, returning to focus on the baby girl reaching for his hands. A bright smile lit his sad face until he looked sick.
Beams of light cut through the air, bouncing off the circle of red glass above the bed. As if it was a sunny day, everything in the room was painted with a rosy tint. Until bright flashes pulsed from the man waving his arms over the bed.
His lightly muscled arms fluttered like wings. His wet hair quickly dried yet his clothes still dripped water. His eyelids fell over his brilliant irises and the bulge in his throat bobbed up and down as he hummed softly. His eyebrows knit together, creating deep creases in his forehead.
I shivered as I witnessed the god of Cithen work his magic.
The baby was oblivious to the situation, grabbing at his face as if she did not see nor feel his light. She babbled loudly and giggled when her saviour tapped her on her small forehead. Almost instantly, she was cleaned.
My heart raced, especially when the light beams quickly retraced themselves back to their origin. The cubiculum is once more cold and dark. The rain tapping the glass above us did not make the room any brighter or warmer.
When I had thought that all was well, I heard a great thud before a body hit the marble floor. I gasped and rushed to the dark pile beside the bed. It was Zoticus who had collapsed, again. Not knowing what to do, I shook him by his shoulders.
"Wake up, you can't sleep here!" I continue to shake the man until a shrill cry came from the bed. I let go of Zoticus and whipped my head to face the bed.
The baby must have sensed our distress or she absolutely does not like my voice as Zoticus had said. Her crying slowly transformed into shrieks and I wonder how such a small thing can produce such a deafening noise!
I apologized to the baby and using dark blood magic, I clogged my ears with blood. This is only safe if I do it. Ah, right, there's a man on my floor! My hand shot out to slap his cheeks lightly. It felt like my head would float away like a bubble.
Zoticus did not react.
I pinched his tight abdomen, pulling his tunic away from his wet body and letting it slap him when I release the soaked fabric.
Still, he did not react. I needed him to react!
Frustrated with the corpse-like man, I push myself off the floor like an angry child. I unclogged my ears to hear the baby had stopped crying. I quickly moved to light two candles and placed them beside Zoticus.
Then, I approached the baby girl who was peacefully sleeping. At least, I think she was still alive and sleeping. I was mesmerized by her chubby cheeks and the tiny mouth that startled me when it widened into a yawn. When she mashed her lips together, I felt a strange sensation.
The child looked tiny compared to the bed she had claimed as hers and she was happy to be surrounded by soft silk. It was atrocious to see the sweet and defenceless girl crying in the pile of filth.
I can kill animals, adults, elderly people, teenagers, and even toddlers if there was any reason to. However, I would never harm an innocent baby. The girl in my bed barely lived and yet, she lived through something I thought was unimaginable. Were baby girls always treated this way?
Females deserved better in this cruel world full of brutish mentalities. If I would protect anyone from a crowd, women will be my priority. I'm sure men can defend themselves from lions when they are so confident whilst shoving women around.
Then, I felt conflicted because there are also strays from the females. Those poor women who might or may not be committing such acts because of the men in their lives. How can I say who should be protected and who should not?
The only thing I know for sure is that babies are innocent. They have the potential to be infected by the trash around them, but not until they are older.
I shook my head, reflecting on my hypocrisy. I am not one to speak of innocence and protection. I should not be angry at evildoers because I am one myself! I am worse than all of them combined.
The man who I think can have an opinion is the one on the floor. The man who risked his life to avenge his people. He willingly prepared to become a slave and was tortured. The man almost took his life when he lost hope. He did not hesitate to find the baby girl. He nursed her back to life and if my analysis is correct, this damaged his health.
Despite all this, he lay on the cold floor with a warm smile on his face. He is the one.
My thoughts have always been shallow, yet these surfacing thoughts were too profound to ignore. I needed to know why I'm thinking about these things. I wanted to touch the delicate baby, but my hand stayed suspended above her.
Her small arms flapped excitedly, but I did not know why she reacted in this way. Even her chubby legs kicked against the cloth wrapped around her. She was a caterpillar inside a grey cocoon.
I squeezed my eyes shut as I drew my hand away to place them on the bed. The gurgling baby called to my hands, but I would not give in. I could not touch her with my bloody hands. I didn't want to touch her with my ugly hands.
Behind me, the man on the floor stirred and groaned. He sat up, moving the candles aside as he does so. Then, he slapped his forehead and released a dragged out groan.
"Oh, you're awake!" I tear my eyes away from the baby to take a look at Zoticus. I see his right leg was up and his hands dug into wheat coloured curls. "How are you feeling?"
He shook his head and his body swayed like a tree in the wind. "Not very well. She was infested with diseases and toxic substances. I feel drained."
I nodded, clearly seeing the exhaustion he felt. I watched cautiously as he slowly rose from the floor. I do not know if my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I thought I saw him stumble. "Be careful, you look like you'll collapse again!"
"Is the baby safe? While I was unconscious, nothing happened to her, right?" I nod and he released a sigh of relief. He stumbled over to a column to lean against it. "That's a relief."
I leave the bed to approach the resting man, confused as to why he thought the best place to rest was against a pillar, flanked by gaudy curtains. He should use another cubiculum with a bed and I told him my thoughts.
He shook his head, "I need to watch the baby."
"I don't see why you can't sleep with the baby on a bed. You're only making this hard for yourself, which is unnecessary." I reach for his wrist. He flinched and I immediately pulled away.
His eyes told me he knew I was right. He gave me a small nod and shuffled over to the bed. He picked up the baby and placed her higher up and not in the center of the bed.
"Good, you look sickly! If you're so afraid of leaving her, stay beside her and in the bed. I think she is hungry too, but hard food is not safe for her." I pushed Zoticus onto the bed and knelt down before him. He almost kicked my nose! "I'm only removing your muddy and filthy sandals."
"Oh, sorry, go ahead." He scratched his neck, staring down at me with a strange look in his eye. "I'll find milk for her later."
"Breast milk? I don't think you can." I chuckled and tugged the second sandal off his feet. Gunk slipped onto my hands, but I have grown familiar with filthy environments. I yelped when a bright rod of lightning zapped my hands.
I stretched out my hand, awed to see the feces and rotten juices have vanished. My skin tingled as if burned. Did Zoticus spend his magic on my dirty hands?
"Zoticus," I looked up to see he had already settled into the bed with the baby. I waved a hand over his face to confirm he had fallen asleep. I smirked, wishing I could capture the moment where the man held the small baby to his chest like she was a doll. "Rest well, you two."
I retrieved the two candles from the marble floor and blew them out, letting the room become dark. Even without the candles in my hands, Zoticus and the baby girl glowed. I exited the room through the closest curtain to find myself in the storage room.
There should be food in here! I did not listen well to Empress Aurora as she listed what she put in my house, but I remember she said something about dried fruits and squid. I set to work and rummaged through many wooden crates in the search for edible items.
I won't think about the baby because she is only a week old. How am I supposed to feed her what she should be consuming -breastmilk? Unless the man laying with her could produce some, she was doomed from the start.
I found a small crate labelled 'Dried Fruits' wedged between two larger crates of red wine. I stared at the wine boxes, wondering if I should gift them to my boys. I do not drink wine and I don't think Zoticus would either. Valesian priests cannot drink anything except water and I thought Cithenian priests may be the same.
I took the small crate and made my way to the study room with my chalice. I set the box onto the desk with a proud smile on my face. Why am I smiling at this moment? I do not know.
Using my nails I pried the lid off and peeked inside to see dried apricots and grapes. Would this be enough for a late morning meal? I do remember Zoticus telling me he had prepared for his life as a typical slave, but I needed to eat even if he refused. Then, another face appeared in my mind.
The baby girl who had looked up at me without fear or bias. I wish I knew where to get milk for her, but I do not know any woman who could provide breast milk. If the child was older, I would have bought cow's milk for a substitute. If I cannot find her food, what will happen to her?
The poor baby must be starving, who knows how long she had been left in the pile of debris. When I dug my hands into the dried fruits, a deafening cry ripped through the air and I watched helplessly as three apricots fell at my feet. What a waste.
Reluctant to leave, I quickly placed the crate's lid back on and stalked towards the occupied cubiculum. Behind the curtains, the baby screamed as if she had seen the devil. I don't mean me!
"Oh, what do I do with you? Are you hungry?" Zoticus shifted and the bed creaked as he sat up. He did not feel my presence behind the curtain and yet, all his attention was given to the small baby. "Here, occupy your mouth with this until I find food suitable for your fragile stomach. Hey, don't bite me there!"
"What is happening?" I parted the curtains and stuck my head through the separated cloth. My eyes burned and I retreat faster than my enemies would flee the battlefield. I gagged and held onto a pillar for support. I called out to the man behind the curtains, "She bit your breast!"
"I know," he chuckled as if having his nipples chomped on was nothing. "She doesn't have teeth yet. If she had them, I'd be praying."
"You should be praying anyway because she is here." I do not hate babies, nor would I volunteer to sacrifice my boob for one. I tapped my nails against the white pillar, looking up to wait. I was waiting to hear a signal and I wanted the pelting rain to stop. I press my ear to the curtain, "You are awfully quiet."
"Master-" Zoticus caught himself and cleared his throat. I could hear he was struggling to keep his voice low for the baby he just swayed to slumber. "Marik, it has only been a few seconds. Why are you always worried?"
"Why," I paused and placed my forehead to the curtains. I shake my head. "I do not know why I'm so kind to you. I don't know why I don't want you to be a slave like the others, I don't want to overpower you like other slave owners, I don't understand why I am like this! A God of War let you walk into his life brandishing a dagger?"
"The odd thing is, I'm letting you do what you want." I sighed and brought my hands to my forehead, lifting by black hair during the process. I wiped my face and shook my head like a dog drying himself. I feel like a dog.
"What did you feel when you were staring at me back at Mira?" He asked from the chambers and his words snatched me faster than the wind would snatch a wig. His voice held a hint of playfulness, a very strange tone for his deep voice. "I won't let the perverted staring escape."
"I was not staring at you in that way!" I pinch my eyes, feeling attacked by his teasing. I touch my cheeks to feel they were warm and why?
Because Zoticus had the guts to make me flustered!
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At sixteen, Leigh had lived in her brother's shadow for as long as she could remember. No matter how hard she tried, studied, worked or trained... she always fell short of his accomplishments. But all of her shortcomings would not matter, not if she managed to get Selected First... On the night of the Selection, a shocking turn of events propel her into the path she's always dreamed of, but success turned out to be not what she expected. It was dark with a bitter aftertaste.
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Seeds of Evil: Rophion Forest
At the beginning of this world, when the First War between Good and Evil happened, the Balance of Times split up and its many parts hid on Earth. Those who have in their power the restoring of the Balance are the Rophions, which the prophecy says that the One will be born from them, the being with a wolf and human blood, flowing in his veins, and the only one capable to control times... But evil isn’t asleep. It is spying on them from everywhere, but there where is the home of Rophions, the forest with the same name, is also the hidden den of the darkness, which expects only the right moment to attack and to rule this world, for eternity. However, the world has other plans for itself and it will be who decides the master of all the world, when the Last Battle will be fought in the Valley of Silence, where everything started and where everything will end, giving to Rophions the gift of Love and Magical Power. Seeds of Evil. Rophion Forest is the first book from a series of 10, focused on Magic, Brotherhood, love, and devotion, which are capable to fight against the Devil itself, only to control their souls and the pulsation of life on Earth. What type of reader is this book for? You might enjoy Seeds of Evil. Rophion Forest, if you like... stories related to secrets, betrayal, fight for supremacy, and a lot of characteristics and Epic Events related to the Internacional Mythology. **** This novel has in it the power of Magic, Action, Love, and suspense, including in its structure the power of the reader that loves to read fantastic stories, where brotherhood prevails over betrayal and love triumphs above evil.
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how the words come
"this is the poetrythat has come fromfinally realizing it is okayto be okaybut also not okayat the same time."~'how the words come' tells the story of overcoming the aftermath of an emotionally abusive relationship. the book is separated into two parts. the first part, titled 'the broken and the bruised' delves into the pain and heartbreak one feels while dealing with the trauma an abuser leaves in their wake. the second part, titled ' the happy and the healed' is filled with lighter, positive, and empowering poetry, embodying the strength and joy one finds in new love and in healing. there are also pieces covering topics like feminism, gun control, the act of writing itself, and self-love throughout the entire collection. for more of catarine hancock's poetry, check out her instagram: @catarinehancock
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