《School of Madness~ One Piece x Reader (AU) [#Watty2015]》Something Is Coming


"Did you just throw a chair at a teacher?" Law whispers.

"I don't know what came over me..." You whisper back. Spandam swiftly gets to his feet, staggering a bit.

"Who threw that!?" He screeches. You start over, going to recollect your chair.

"My bad..." You say sheepishly. He glares at you hatefully.

"Kaku!" He growls. You somehow narrowly dodge the kick. You flip away from the long square nosed guy. You bump shoulders with Kid.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kid murmurs. You glance at him, and gasp, he was in worse shape than you thought.

"Don't look away-" The rectangle nosed guy breaks off as you catch his leg without looking away form Kid.

"Did they do that to you?" You whisper. He shifts, meeting your gaze before looking to a student who wore a top hat.

"Him... Watch out for him," He tells you before grabbing the back of your shirt and yanking you back as the rectangle nosed guy spins from your grasp and slams a heel into the tile where you had been, severely cracking it. You gulp. Just who did you piss off this time?

"Now now disciplinary committee, you're making a mess of my cafeteria," A familiar voice makes you relax for some reason, you look for the owner only to feel a large hand on your head. "Wait for tomorrow before you start to, 'clean' up... The students have enough warning I believe," Doflamingo comments, stepping past you. Kid stoops suddenly, almost collapsing but somehow remaining on his feet. You maneuver under his arm and he looks at you in surprise but leans on you without a word. You signal to Law to get Killer before taking Kid out of the cafeteria.

"You're too soft," Kid mutters as you slowly head to building C.

"I thought I was too crazy," You comment.

"You did just hit a teacher with a chair... Nice throw by the way,"

"I threw that on impulse, he's just lucky I didn't want to hit him with it like I did you that one day." You remark.

"Yeah, you were really pissed that day... I'm surprised you even threw a chair... And you're helping me... Do you do drugs?" He asks, peering at your face.

"No... What you said before was true, I hate seeing people get hurt," You reply. You stop at the stairs and you both look up them before releasing a heavy sigh. You both pause and look at eachother before looking away with a huff.


"Still hate you," He mutters.

"Feelings mutual diva," You grumble as you both start up the stairs.

You were both panting and climbing the stairs by the time you got to the third floor. "Why the hell are you panting? You're not hurt," He says breathlessly.

"You're not exactly a pillow... You're all heavy, smelly and uncomfortably muscular." You defend. He gives you an odd look.

"What the hell does uncomfortably muscular mean?" He huffs.

"It means that I like muscles but since it's you it's uncomfortable!" You snap without thinking. He blinks at you in shock.

"You're an idiot," He snorts.

"I will throw you back out my window," You warn.

"Good, I didn't want to go into your damned room anyway," He sneers.

"You're fucking masochist you know that?" You growl. His head swivels back to you.

"What the fuck did you just call me!?" He demands.

"What are your ear brolen? I called you a fucking masochist!" You snarl louder. Your foreheads were pressed together and you both glared at eachother.

"They are so going to have angry sex later," A female voice says loudly. There's a pause and you and Kid both slowly look at the owner of the voice, Nami.

"Oh! I can totally see it," Vivi giggles. You and Kid turn red.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" You both snap. Nami laughs and Vivi giggles at your shared reaction before turning and walking away.

"They're cuter than the other ship?" Vivi asks her.

"Hell no," Nami chuckles. You and Kid watch after them with frowns.

"What the hell was that about?" He mutters.

"Hell if I know," You answer, opening your door. You pause and give him a quick look up and down. Go sit on the tub wall, I need to grab my med kit," You tell him, stepping out from under his arm. He staggers for the bathroom and goes in. You grab your kit and check the hall, wondering where Law and Killer were. "I hope he's not too hurt," You murmur. You hear a bang in the bathroom and swiftly go over to check on Kid. He sat up shakily in the tub, rubbing the back of his head with a severe frown.

"I'll have Luffy get you some ice for that after I see the the damage," You tell him sitting down on the toilet and patting the corner of the tub wall. He shakily gets up and falls forward into you. His head touches your shoulder, hands firmly keeping him from collapsing on you. You carefully help him sit down. "Can you take off your shirt?" You request. He nods and starts to lift his arms up to pull it off but winces instead. You frown and gingerly reach over. He watches you warily as you help pull up and off the shirt. You pause, eyes growing wide at the bruises and cuts.


"This is..." You trail off and touch the bruise on his stomach, he lets out a hiss and moves away. You frown even more and start to tend to his injuries the best you could.

"___?" Law's voice sounds.

"In here, is Killer okay?" You ask.

"...No I had to take him to the nurse," He says, coming in and looking at Kid's visible injuries. "Shit..." He breathes. Your eyes narrow as you finish.

"This is bad... If they can do this to Kid... What will they do to everyone else?" You murmur, looking at Kid's bruises. They both look at you, unsure what to say because they were bothered by the thought too. You get up and move under Kid's arm. "Come on, you can sleep here for the night.." You whisper, helping him up. You help him to your bed and have him lay down. "Want some ice?" You ask him. He looks up into your eyes before turning his head away and closing his eyes.

"No...." He mutters. You blink and start for the door. "___," He says, making you stop and look back at him. He frowns, showing some worry. "Can you go check on Killer?" He asks.

"Y-Yeah, I'll do that now," You assure him. He nods.

"Thank you," He murmurs, closing his eyes again. You share a glance with Law before going out, Law swiftly follows.

"___-ya are you-" He breaks off as you hug him suddenly, hiding your face in his chest.

"I really don't belong here..." You whisper. He pauses and hugs you back.

"You won't want to hear this but I'm glad you're here," He tells you. You chuckle a bit.

"Actually a think that helped..." You murmur.

"Good... You go ahead and check on Killer-ya, I'll look after Kid for you," He says, letting you go.

"Thanks, be back soon," You murmur.

You pick up the mask, it was severely cracked, spots of blood mark the inside. You frown and turn your attention to the blond on a breathing machine, he was in worse shape than Kid. His face had a few scars on it, but you could still see how handsome he was. His eyes were closed as he rested. Hesitantly you take his hand, he felt cold. Feeling a bit concerned, you turn to say something to the school nurse, Kureha, but stop when you feel his hand tighten around yours. You look back to find beautiful green eyes peering up at you weakly. He lowers the mask from his mouth, giving a soft smile.

"Hey cutie, what's wrong?" He breathes. You blink down at him and feel a rush of emotion. You wanted to hug him but didn't want to hurt him. A frown curses your lips and he chuckles weakly. "If you were so worried then hug me," He tells you. You smile a bit and lean down to hug him.

"Did they do this to you? Are you okay?" You ask.

"Hey I'll be fine don't worry about me... And be careful... Those guys are crazy," He replies. You pull back still frowning, he blinks and smirks. "So am I forgiven?" He asks. You blink and blush when you realize what he was referring to.

"Killer..." You huff, trying to give him angry look but failing since you were so flustered. He grins and chuckles.

"Ouch.... Damn you're cute...." He rumbles. You glower at him weakly before giggling as well. His grin grows at the sound. "That's even cuter..." He comments.

"Okay you two, that's enough visiting for tonight," Kureha speaks up.

"Yes ma'am," You say before leaning down and kissing Killer's forehead. "Things will no doubt get messy tomorrow, so make sure the bed next to you is open for me," You joke as you back up. He frowns.

"You better not end up in here ___, don't be crazy, run," He tells you seriously. You blink and smile softly.

"Yeah, okay Killer," You murmur before heading out. You start back for building C but suddenly stop, feeling very much in danger, and within a blink of an eye they were standing in a circle around you. You pale, glancing around warily.

"You sure have good senses, too bad you'll be going right back to the infirmary," Kaku comments.

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