《School of Madness~ One Piece x Reader (AU) [#Watty2015]》To Protect


Your blood ran cold. There was no way you'd make it out of this without a miracle. The girl to your right moves and you swiftly flip back, avoiding her leg. A fist connects to your side and you feel a crack just before you're sent tumbling. "Shit..." You hiss, starting to get up. Someone grabs the back of your shirt and hurls you back at the group, you're caught by the throat and slammed into the ground, letting out a pained cry. Your whole torso screamed, and your head pulsed achingly.

"How boring, I expected her to put up more of a fight," The one with a mustache comments. Kaku crouches beside, looking down at you with a frown.

"Her eyes didn't change..." He comments as if you were dead or something.

"Who cares if her eyes change or not? We should've went after the black haired guy when he brought the blond weakling to the nurse," Mustache guy says. Your eye twitches. Law.

"I agree, he seemed much more fun to beat the life out of-" Kaku is silenced as your fist shoots up, connecting to his jaw, he goes staggering back in pain. You swipe your legs, making the others jump back before getting to your feet. You stagger a bit, still in pain.

"Ho! What's this? Did she come back to life?" Mustache guy comments. Kaku spits out some blood.

"It appears so Jabra," He answers.

"Good, I was hoping to get a kick in," The girl says, moving suddenly. You catch her ankle, and swing her at mustache guy, hitting him in the face with her shoulder. He goes down and you swiftly turn and throw her at the round green haired guy, they both go down. You stagger, panting as your body screams at you to stop moving for five damn minutes.

"Did you just use Kalifa as a weapon!?" Kaku says in shock. You turn to him, but a hand around your throat lifts off the ground. You glare weakly at the guy Kid had told you to look out for earlier.


"I applaud your originality, but that's all you get," He says calmly. You grit your teeth and flip off his hat feebly, your vision blurs, breath getting shallow. An arm wraps around your waist and a fist flashes out, knocking the guy back. You cough for air, holding onto your rescuer.

"Teachers.." Kaku hisses as the rest of the disciplinary committee fall back next to the top hat guy.

"It's past curfew disciplinaries, get your asses to your rooms," Shanks' voice makes you flinch. The students frown before vanishing into the night. The red haired teacher swiftly peers at you in worry. "Are you okay ___!?" He gasps. You blink at him before looking around. Corazon was the one holding you, Mihawk and Dragon stood close by, neither looking happy.

"Yeah... Thanks..." You manage, voice raspy. He touches your forehead with a slight frown.

"Sorry we weren't here sooner, Corazon take her to Kur-"

"No, I need to check on Law and Kid," You object, regaining your voice, they both pause at the slight demand in your voice.

"Alright," He Shanks says, nodding to Corazon. Corazon nods back before taking you to building C.

"I can walk Corazon..." You breathe.

"No." He answers. You blink in shock, he glances down at you with a frown. "What were you fighting for ___?" He asks. You frown, tearing up slightly.

"They were talking about going after Law... I... I didn't want to see him in the infirmary too... So I made them focus on me..." You whisper, just the image of Law being in the same condition as Killer upset you really bad. He blinks hand shifts you to one arm, wiping away free running tear from your cheek.

"It's okay silly girl, you did good to protect your friend, please don't cry." He murmurs. You blink back the tears, relaxing a bit.

"Sorry..." You tell him. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Now you're apologizing, what a strange girl," He comments.

"Shush, I've had a stressful day," You grumble. He chuckles again as he carries you onto the third floor and to your room. He opens the door and Law and Kid look over. The same look of shock and worry come over their faces and Law leaps to his feet.


"___!?" He gasps, rushing over and taking you from Corazon. You wince at the sudden motion. You wave at Corazon and he nods before stepping back out and closing the door. "Who did this to you!?" Law demands worriedly. You meet his gaze before looking to Kid who frowned because you all knew the answer.

"Bastards... Did they all gang up on you?" Kid asks, starting to sit up, wincing a bit. You pause, dropping your gaze.

"Kid lay back down, idiot," You scold weakly, which only confirmed his mere guess. Law was beginning to shake, holding you a bit too tightly. "Ow, Law," You breathe, touching his cheek. He blinks and looks at you, loosening his grip.

"Come on, lets look at how bad it is, its too dim in here.." He murmurs, starting for the bathroom.

"Kay," You mutter. He sets you on the tub wall and sits on the toilet across from you. Kid shuffles to the doorway to have a look himself.

"Can you take off your shirt?" Law asks. You hesitant start to pull it up but couldnt get your arms up high enough. He frowns. "Are you attached to this shirt?"

"No... Why?" You reply in confusion he pulls on the bottom of your shirt, there's a flash of silver as he smoothly slices open the front of your shirt. You blink in shock at the single fluid motion. He doesn't catch your surprise and calmly slips off the shirt only to freeze. Even Kid put a hand over his mouth since he had a view of your back. You blink and look down at yourself and tense. There was a large dark bruise from that first hit you had received. Besides the bruise from the slight fight with Kid there are multiple smaller bruises covering your torso and back, even some cuts.

"When... When did I get all these? I thought I only got hit twice!?" You breathe, starting to shake as you touch one of the smaller bruises only to wince. No wonder your upper body had been in so much pain. Law suddenly stands and you instinctively grab his wrist and look up at his shadowed face.

"Relax, I'm just going to ask Luffy-ya if he has any ice for you, I'll be back soon," He tells you, touching cheek before going out. Kid waits a few seconds after he's gone before speaking.

. "Why didn't you run?" He asks carefully.

"I was surrounded, no way out," You reply. He comes in and closes the door. You instantly become wary as he sits where Law had been.

"Don't give me that shit, we both know that you would've taken off the moment there was an opening, I'm ask why you didn't take that opening," He says seriously. You felt confused, why was he asking you this?

"They.... I was laying there, and they started to talk as if I were dead... And.... I heard them talking about going after my friend... I imagined them in Killer's place and...." You trail off, looking down at your hands. "I'm so weak it's stupid..." You mutter. Kid looks at you for a while before speaking up.

"You're fucking crazy..." He comments. You look at him and he shakes his head. "You think you're weak as hell and you still try to protect people like me... Are you sure you don't do drugs?" He asks. For some reason this made you want to laugh.

"I told you asshole I dont," I huff. He smirks at your response.

"___!?" Luffy's call sounds in your room.

"Sounds like you got company," Kid says, standing up with a slight stagger.

"Yeah, now go lay down you idiot."

"Go to hell slippers."

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