《Son of the black》AAAAAAAAAAH!
"talking" === 'thinking'
[spells] === {phone}
"Ugh! What hit me?" – Jim groaned as he sat up.
"AH! Master Trollhunter! You are finally awake!" – Blinky exclaimed in delight.
"Wah! Who are you? Wh- "– Jim began but was interrupted by a loud crunch.
Jim and Blinky's heads whipped towards the sound to see AARRRGH. He had opened the trash can in the kitchen and started eating some of the tin cans and other edible trash inside it. Jim held back the urge to growl. HE usually was the one going through the trash and those were HIS snacks for tomorrow but he decided to let the large troll do as he wanted.
'At least he's not trying to eat me, thinking I'm a fleshbag...'
"Wait! You... ugh... B-Blinky, right?"
"Yes, you can call me that. Nice to meet you Master..."
"Master Jim! You have been chosen to be the next Trollhunter."
"Amulet chose." – AARRRGH said as he swallowed a few fruit peels.
Jim was feeling very uncomfortable. Not only were they in his home without being invited but the general, the same one he'd seen bite limbs off and break heads, was eating from his food. At least he wasn't feeling as scared for his life, instead he felt EXTREMELY awkward.
"Ahem! AARRRGH, my friend, could you please be a bit more careful. This moment requires a bit more finesse."
"OK." – he put the trash back in the can and closed it with a careful pat on the lid.
"So, as we were saying...Master Jim, the amulet has chosen you to be the next Trollhunter- a protector of both human and trollkind. It's a great honor that has been handed down since Merlin's time!"
"So I'm...? NO! T-This isn't possible! It CAN'T possibly be me!" – Jim took a step back.
"Ah, but it is you. The amulet has chosen you to be the next Trollhunter. This may mean a great change is about to happen." – Blinky mused.
"You don't understand-! Ugh!" Jim held out the amulet "Can't you take it and... I don't know, give it to someone else?"
"I'm afraid we can't. The only way the amulet can choose another Trollhunter is if the previous one has died. So, unfortunately, no. I am very sorry that you might feel this way but it is your destiny."
The look Jim had on his face made both Blinky and AARRRGH wince. The boy looked like a dying person while be bit his bottom lip and looked at the glowing amulet in his hand.
Blinky, despite not understanding humans very much, but definitely knew more than other trolls, could somehow relate to the boy. Being given such a big responsibility at such a young age. A 'teenager' as he believed it was called. No one wanted to put a juvenile in such a heavy and life-threatening position but it was inevitable once the amulet has chosen. He sighed, deeply.
"I can understand you, somewhat. I know it must be hard to accept all this. So, I have an idea. We'll return here tomorrow evening. I think this should be an appropriate time for you to think things over. After that, you can tell us your decision. Is that fine with you, master Jim?"
"...OK. Fine...I'll think about it."
"Great! We'll see each other tomorrow then. Have a nice evening."
Blinky and AARRRGH headed for the back door but on the way out the bigger troll stopped for a second to look Jim over. He frowned, as if he was trying to remember something, but shrugged and left.
'Ugh... Fates, why do you hate me?' – Jim collapsed and rubbed his face.
The smell of the two guests filled the rooms, not strong enough for a human to notice but it irked him.
===Time skip===
It was morning and Jim woke up with a groan. The events from last night played through his mind and he rubbed his forehead. He felt like a stampede had gone over every inch of his body. He looked at the clock and saw it was not even 6 yet. Nevertheless, he went downstairs to make some breakfast for him and his mom when she eventually came back from the night shift. A simple French toast won't hurt anybody.
Jim was going out just as Barbara's car pulled in their driveway. They said their goodbyes and Jim headed to Toby's house.
"Tobes! Hurry up or I'm leaving you behind!"
The two boys soon were in school and ready to start class when Jim spotted Strickler. The changeling stood there, looking at him. Their eyes met for a bit and then Strickler turned and walked away as if nothing had happened. This made Jim shiver. Such a look never meant anything good. The changeling was studying him, judging him... He might need to do something soon, if he wanted to protect those close to him.
"So, Jimbo, what happened? I heard you talked to the Claire Nuñez. Did you ask her out or- "
"We just talked about the school play."
"Ooooh! You should totally go and try for it! That way you can get close to her!"
"Come on! I bet she doesn't even know I exist. I told you that I like her but NOT as a girlfriend! We met like...What? 2-3 times at most."
"Yeaaa~ I so believe you." – Toby didn't sound serious as he walked down the hall.
Jim just sighed and shook his head. School, Changelings, Trollhunter busyness, the play... What was he going to do now?
Jim looked at Toby's back and decided that no matter what, he'd keep his friend away from it all. If the chubby boy knew, he'd want to join Jim no matter what and he didn't want to put him in danger. Jim knew that if he accepted the mantle of a Trollhunter, he'd meet his brother at some point. He just hoped to avoid it as long as possible and not get his new family involved. The farther from Bular and Changelings they were the better.
Claire waited until the bell rang, like the good student she was, before going to Jim's desk. The students that were still inside the classroom stopped whatever they were doing and looked. Everyone was whispering and wondering what is going to happen.
"So...Are you going to come to today's audition for the play? We need just a storyteller and Romeo. Please, otherwise the play won't happen." – she asked the surprised boy.
"Oh, Claire, uhm..." she looked thoughtful for a bit "You see, I would like to go-"
"Psh! Like a loser like Lake can even act to save his own skin!" Steve strode towards her and pushed Jim to the side "Why don't you ask ME? I am amazing, athletic and handsome." – he winked at her.
She felt very uncomfortable and most of all- she didn't want to kiss Steve at all. She looked at Jim with an apologetic and at the same time pleading look. She was sorry that Jim had to go through this because of her but also wanted someone to help her.
Jim on the other hand was shocked. Steve had the audacity to push HIM! He was minding his own business and then BAM! He is rudely bushed and almost falls back. Usually, he'd reign his temper, that had been getting fierier these few years, and walk away but not today. Steve had been tap-dancing on the last of his nerves these past few months, so he was done with the boy's prideful attitude. Just then, he noticed the look Claire was giving him. He knew that isn't really defenseless but fighting in school isn't something she'd want. Steve's fate was decided- he'd pay.
"You know what? I WILL try for Romeo!" Jim declared with a bravado he didn't know he had in him "So, are you going to bother her or do I have to drag you away?" – he pointed at Claire.
"Huh? What was that Lake?! You wanna go and meet my two buddies before your due date?" – Steve cracked his knuckles and Jim realized he'd forgotten about the 'fight' they were going to have.
Ms. Janeth entered the classroom and saved Steve before Jim had decided to kick him in the gronk-nuks so hard it would have landed him in the hospital.
"Sit down class!" – she said as she opened her book.
"I'll be waiting for you, Lake." – Steve whispered and rudely pushed past Jim.
Jim just stared at him with a flat look, Toby was bouncing in his seat due to the excitement- Steve might have gotten angrier but it was awesome seeing Jim face the bully. Claire was nervous but after giving a quick thank you to Jim, she sat back down.
===Meanwhile in Lake residence===
Barbra stretched and felt good after sleeping. Jim's breakfast had been delicious and it made her sleepy, so she gladly collapsed in her bed a few hour ago.
She walked into the living room with a cup of tea when she saw something crumpled on the ground by the coffee table. She got closer and saw it was a note. Inside it was a phone number with Jim's history teacher's name. It was also addressed to her, so she got curious and decided to call.
{Hello. This is Walt Strickler's phone. Currently I'm teaching or have important work. Please leave a message after the signal. –BEEP-} – a male voice with slight British accent said.
"Hello, this is Barbara Lake, I'm Jim's mother and I have a note addressed to me, so I called. Please call back whenever you are free." – she closed the phone and wondered why one of Jim's teachers would want to talk with her.
===Later that day, at school===
"WOOOHOO! Way to go Jimbo! You got the role. I bet Clair was gaping at you acting." – Toby cheered his friend on.
"Ugh... what have I done?" – Jim looked at the script in his hands with a grimace.
"It's not that bad. You can get on Ms. Janeth's good side and get to know Claire better! It's a win-win situation!"
"I don't even know her that well! How can you be so sure I like Claire that way?"
"Almost everybody likes her. She's the most popular girl in our grade!"
"Almost everyone! I'm not interested in having a girlfriend right now and I barely know her! I can't just help some random girl and BOOM! We're dating! This is not a movie, you know."
"OK. I understand. I will go and grab something from my locker and I'll be right back!" – Toby ran into the school as quickly as he could while Jim waits by their bikes.
Jim put the script but as he was doing so, he saw the amulet. He was immediately reminded of Blinky and AARRRGH. They were coming tonight to talk about his decision and looking at the setting sun... he had only a little while to decide on his answer. No doubt others would come after him. Stricklander had probably blabbered to every changeling that he- Jim Lake Jr was the new Trollhunter. He was going to accept, there was no other logical way. If he didn't... he will probably have irate trolls from Trollmarket come to challenge him for the amulet. He shivered by the mere thought of it all.
He carefully picked up and pulled out the amulet, closing his bag after that. He looked the device over and found himself amazed. His mind that had been trained in the magical arts immediately began analyzing the intricate work put into the ancient device. Jim had his fair share of knowledge in magical devices, enchantments and spell making, yet he couldn't decipher all the magical enchantments and runes put into the making of the amulet. He began to list off what he knew and how the different elements may strengthen the effects of the amulet, so he was so deep in thought that he didn't notice the being stalking him until it was too late. Jim's eyes shot open and he jumped to the left, narrowly escaping the sword of Bular.
The troll growled and stood to his full height, drawing his second sword.
"Hehe... to think the amulet chose a fleshbag- Pathetic!"
Jim looked at Bular with a mix of surprise and fear. He looked almost the same way, except a few new scratches and one of his horn tips missing. He was in front of him, ready to attack at any moment. A set of footsteps alerted Jim of Toby approaching, he knew the squeak of shoes. Soon the boy would arrive and see Bular! This was not good at all because Bular didn't care how many he killed if what he wanted was accomplished. Jim had to act now!
[Flash ball!] – Jim quickly chanted and opened his palm, closing his eyes.
From his palm a small yellow ball appeared and flashed with the strength of a football field light.
"RAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" – Bular roared in pain as his sensitive eyes were viciously attacked.
He dropped both his swords and covered his eyes. Jim saw this chance, quickly ran towards his bike, grabbed his bag and pedaled towards Toby's position. Meanwhile Bular was rubbing his eyes, already recovering.
"Hey, Jimbo! Did you see that flash?! What happened?" – Toby asked, worried about Jim.
"No time to explain! Jump on if you don't want to die! Quickly!" – Jim said as he shoved the helmet in Toby's chest.
"OK! You are scaring me a bit, you know that?" – Toby started to climb on the bike, behind Jim.
"Hurry up!" – Jim pulled Toby's collar and got him on the bike.
Jim sped off and just in time.
"GRRRR! I will KILL YOU FLESHBAAAAG!" – Bular was .
"OMG! What is that thing?!" – Toby screamed as he clung for dear life onto Jim's back.
"No time for explaining! We have to get away from here!" – Jim was panicking, evident by him sweating bullets and the nervousness in his voice.
Jim didn't hold back this time. Usually he made sure to be in the 'humanly possible' but now their lives LITERALLY depended on it. Bular sheathed his swords and ran after the two boys. He was very fast and despite Jim's bike moving as fast as a motorcycle, he was catching up.
"It- He? Is getting closer Jimbo!" – Toby shouted.
"Do you THINK I don't see that?!" – Jim screeched and that was NEVER a good sign.
"Go left! Left!" – Toby pointed and Jim listened.
===With Blinky and AARRRGH===
The sun had just set, so Blinky and AARRRGH were making their way out of Trollmarket. It had been eventful 2 days and everybody was nervous. Ever since the news of Kanjigar's death reached Trollmarket, no one could rest peacefully. There were all sorts of rumors going around, spread from mouth to mouth but Blinky and AARRRGH were probably the only ones that knew the truth. They had seen the new Trollhunter but hadn't told anyone because even they didn't know what the boy would say. He was a human, a pretty young human to boot, and probably had no known contact with any sort of magical creature before meeting them.
Draal was on a warpath- he swore to avenge his father the moment Kanjigar's death was confirmed and was going around, asking if anyone had seen where the amulet had gone. It was quite the blow when he hadn't been chosen as the next Trollhunter and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't bitter.
Vendel was trying to calm the residents and guests of the market while trying to figure what to do about the missing amulet. He had ordered Blinky to not bother him for a while and not get into trouble because "I have too much on my head and if you cause even more chaos with your crazy theories, I swear I'll hang you over the lava in the forge!". The elder was pissed and Blinky had retreated faster than a pixie.
All these things made the atmosphere a lot heavier down in the market. Whispers, suspicious and nervous looks... That's why Blinky and AARRRGH's mission was so crucial at this moment. What the new Trollhunter said might decide the future of not only their home but also the world. Bular had been trying to take the amulet for a long time now and who knew what he wanted it for, nothing good for sure though.
Blinky peered around a corner and after making sure no one was near or watching, he nodded at AARRRGH and they both ran up the stairs. They were taking a risk by going out like that- no Trollhunter, Bular on the loose, possibly more humans... It was very dangerous mission, especially for a historian and a pacifist. When they reached the top of the crystal steps, Blinky took out his horngazel and opened the portal.
"Let's go! There's no time to lose! The sooner we talk with master Jim, the sooner we'll have our answers." – Blinky strode forward.
"Hm."- AARRRGH followed behind as the blue troll mused.
"...but what if he doesn't accept? What will we tell Vendel and the others?" – Blinky's lower arms crossed behind his back as his top ones did so in gront of his chest.
"Blinky..." – AARRRGH said, trying to get his friend's attention.
"No! The amulet has chosen the boy for a reason. But what if he..."
"...it could be possible to- "
"BLINKY!" AARRRGH finally shook him "Look!" – he pointed towards the street leading to the bridge.
There were Jim and Toby on the bike while Bular was running after thel, almost frothing at the mouth due to rage.
"It's master Jim! Quick! They'll be here any second now!"
===Toby and Jim on the bike===
Jim made another sharp turn and Toby almost screamed when he heard the squeak coming from the bike. Their pursuer slid a few meters, digging his claws in the pavement like it was made of cardboard. It made Toby scared what would happen if they were caught. Bular recovered quickly and followed them. Jim was panicking, not wanting to face Bular, and Toby was desperate, so he started digging through his pockets and bag, throwing stuff back at the beast.
Jim pedaled faster but that was the limit of the bike. If it was one of those sport ones, they might have managed to get away but it was impossible currently. An orange glow caught Jim's attention. They were almost on the bridge when he saw Blinky and AARRRGH down in the canal.
"Master Jim! Here!!" – Blinky waved the glowing horngazel.
"AAAAAAH! He's getting closer Jimbo!"
"I won't let you escape fleshbags!" – Bular jumped and swung his right arm.
One of the claws scraped the back tire, causing the bike to go out of control.
"Hold tight!" – Jim said to Toby.
"I don't want to dieeeee!"
The front wheel slammed into the left railing of the bridge and the two boys were sent flying. Bular grinned viciously at the thought of the two fleshbags becoming bloody stains on the concrete below. His victorious mood was cut short when AARRRGH jumped up and caught the two boys midair.
"Got them!" – he shouts and Blinky begins to draw an arc below the bridge.
AARRRGH lands with a loud thump. Jim was never more grateful for meeting the ex-general and Toby... he froze due to fright and shock. From the top of the bridge Bular roared and also jumped out. AARGH retreated towards Blinky and Toby screamed at the sight of Bular drawing his blades out.
"AARRRGH! Quickly!" – Blinky had opened the portal and was waiting.
"Not so fast! I will massacre you today! Both you and those fleshbags!" – Bular pointed his sword at AARRRGH and charged forward.
On a pure instinct, Jim wriggled out of AARRRGH's hold and put himself in the path of the blade.
"For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command!" – he said as quickly as he could, having read the inscriptions on the amulet beforehand.
The amulet glowed and a bright blue flash illuminated the place. AARRRGH had been retreating when it happened, so he wasn't blinded as much as Bular was, yet again. At first, as the armor was forming, the glowing plates of metal momentarily assembled themselves into a suit just a bit shorter than Bular and with longer legs, lither body too but the next instant they reformed around Jim. The armor fit him like a glove and the sword of Daylight appeared in his right arm.
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