《Son of the black》Hit in the head
There are a few minor changes to Jim's room. His curtains a bigger and thicker so he won't get sun-stained when he's sleeping in his troll form. Because a bed won't be able to fit him, he sleeps on a mattress on the floor with a few pillows and blankets. His real study is still in the basement but a few of his books on magic had found their place in Barbara's room. She was very interested in them but doesn't have the time to read them, nor learn Celtic, Arabian or other old languages.
The shrill cry of the alarm clock woke Jim from his slumber. He groaned and slowly rose up. A magazine about cars and bikes falling off his face.
"Stupid alarm..." – Jim grumbled and rose u from his mattress.
They had purposefully moved the clock in the opposite end of the room after Jim had smashed a few with his stony arms.
He slowly made his way to the beeping device and pressed the snooze button gently with his clawed finger. After the annoying screeching was gone, he stretched and yawned. A quick shower later he was refreshed and ready to start the day. He felt no need to transform just yet and shook himself before getting out of the shower. Water flew around but at least his hair and back wasn't dripping wet. The troll carefully made his way down the stairs, making sure not to wake up his adoptive mother.
'Let's get cooking!' – he smiled as he entered the kitchen.
It was his place and he could always relax in it. Despite his size and superhuman strength, he was very careful while cooking. The sight of him in the human-sized kitchen, cooking like some woman would have made his father so furious that he would have been grinded to dust a million times over.
'I hope it never gets to that, ' – he thinks as he pulls out a frying pan.
The 3 lunches were packed, Barbara's breakfast was on the nightstand and Jim was ready for school. He transformed into his current and closest to his actual age human form. A tall and lanky teen with black hair, blue eyes and fair skin.
"Stupid Goblins..." – Jim grumbled when he saw the spilled trash and obvious traces of Goblins.
"Hey! Jimbo! How're you?" – Toby came just as Jim was butting the trash back.
"Nothing much. Just some stupid raccoons ruining my morning." Jim slammed the lid with a bit more force than he intended "How about you Tobes? Anything interesting happening to you?"
"Nothing much. Although I DID beat the last boss in Gun Robo last night with a perfect score."
"Wow! That's amazing." – Jim put on a helmet.
"Not that much. It's not like everyone is as bad at video games as you." – Toby teased lightheartedly.
"Haha! Good one Tobes! It's not my fault those controllers are SO hard to use! But at least I don't get 0 scores anymore." – he gave a paper bag to his friend.
"Oooh! Special meatloaf sandwich for lunch~. Jimbo! Why do you always make it so much harder for me! I'm on a diet and you give me the Holy Grail of food!" – Toby tried to give the bag back.
"Come on Tobes! You've been on a diet for 14 years! Also, this IS healthy and good for you, so accept it." – Jim pushed the bag.
"I guess you are right..." – he stuffed the sandwich in his backpack.
"Let's hurry or we'll be late. We don't want this just after beginning school, right?" – Jim got on his bicycle and sped up.
"Wait for me!" – Toby followed with everything he got.
Jim knew that if he went all out, his friend would be left in the dust... and probably some police officer would try and arrest him for driving a 'motorcycle' in the cyclist lane. He slowed down and allowed the chubbier boy catch up to him.
Jim arrived in school on time and settled for the day. Everything went well. He knew most of the things but was pleased that at least there are a few new things he could learn in Highschool.
'Oh! This in new. I didn't know they made such change in the past 20 years.' – like the earnest student he was, Jim scribbled the new information in his notebook.
He enjoyed the first school day...until History came. And surprise! Strickler was the teacher. Jim's hairs bristled but he bit down on his lip and entered the classroom like it was natural.
"Hello students, I am Walter Strickler – your History teacher. For your stay in Arcadia Oaks high, we'll study the mysteries of history. I hope we all get along in this class."
Jim didn't look at Strickler and opted to look at his desk, like it was the most interesting thing in the room.
"Now, as it's your first school day, let's do something not too hard. Let us review what you learned in previous years." – Strickler either didn't notice or decided to ignore Jim's behavior and continued with his class.
History was over and Jim exited the classroom, Toby hurried after him.
"Jimbo! Wait!" – Toby shouted.
Jim huffed but stopped and waited for his friend.
"Haaa... Finally caught up to you." Toby took a breath and rested for a moment "What happened back there?"
"I don't know what you are talking about." – Jim tried to dodge the bullet.
"Your Jedi trick don't work on me!" Jim stared at Toby "Sorry, Jimbo! But seriously, what was that back in History? I know you and you looked like you were barely holding yourself back. What's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong! Don't worry. I will be fine."
"Really? Are you 100% sure? Nothing has happened between you and Strickler before school, hasn't it?" – Toby sounded a bit skeptical.
At that moment Jim had a flashback, remembering the few times Stricklander and he met in the past. How the Changeling would cower in front of his father and brother, how he'd do their bidding without a protest. Changelings would always stay away of the main camp if they didn't want to possibly get killed. Stricklander was one of the few that did get in but Jim didn't have a good impression left from the few times they'd met.
"Nah. Nothing serious happened. Let's go or we'll be late for next class. PE!" – Jim sounded scared to death, which earned him a light punch from Toby.
This time he managed to play it off but he had to be more careful next time. The troll in disguise felt as if he was walking on thin ice. Jim knew what the Changelings wanted and a probable reason for why Stricklander was in Arcadia. Dodging not only the Trollhunter and other trolls but also changelings... it was becoming too risky. He had been running away from his past for centuries and the idea of being found by his father's servants was as pleasant as being beheaded by the Trollhunter for being Gunmar's spawn.
Jim could just leave, like he always did. Pack his trusty backpack, cover his tracks and leave for Canada or something. What was different this time? The answer was simple – . Unlike before, he had a family. Barbara Lake had become the mother he never had while growing up among the Gumm-Gumms. Toby and Nana had become the brother/best friend and grandmother he always wanted but was forbidden to have because they would become a weakness. He couldn't even of leaving them behind, nor could he just ask them to just abandon their lives in Arcadia and come with him. Nana was also old, so it would be even harder for her to follow them. So, for the first time since that night, Jim didn't run, he decided to stay and protect his family from whatever the Changelings threw at him.
===Time skip===
It was another quiet night in Arcadia. Most people were sound asleep, not aware of the evil living in their town. Meanwhile in the museum...
"That's the 4th one! The 4th one Bular!" – Strickler paced in front of the vicious troll.
"Shut up, Impure! That fool was unfortunate enough to see me, so I disposed of him."
Bular was sitting on a crate, cleaning his claws from dirt and dried blood, while also checking their sharpness. His companions weren't so calm. The goblins had pulled away; Nomura was leaning on a wall but looked very uncomfortable.
"How am I going to explain this? You can't just eat humans here and there!"
"Can't you just do one your 'covering ups'? It's not your first time." – Bular growled.
"We can. But too many people disappearing will attract unwanted attention and- "
"Listen to me, Impure! I already don't eat the fleshbags working here, so you should be grateful." – Bular interrupted.
"Yes, but..."
Bular glared and growled threateningly at the changeling. That shut Strickler up and made Nomura tense just in case it became too dangerous in the room.
"Now, I am going to take the amulet. Don't follow me." – Bular stood up and headed for the door.
"But Bular- "
"GRRRRRRR!" everyone froze as he almost roared "The night is still new and I refuse to stay here just because of the snack I had while coming to oversee the bridge's reconstruction! I won't be wasting time here, waiting, while I can go and take the amulet, ripping it from the Trollhunter with my own hands."
Bular exited the museum and was soon on a hunt for the Trollhunter.
"Well... This went better than I expected and not even a single exhibit was damaged!" – Nomura finally spoke.
"Can you pleases, not talk to me right now. I have a work to do." – Strickler massaged his forehead.
=With Kanjigar=
Kanjigar the Courageous, current Trollhunter, was patrolling the outskirts of Arcadia. It was another night, almost like every other. He expected to soon return back to Trollmarket and rest a bit before returning back to his duty, maybe having a look at his son's training. Maybe a rogue gnome or two, even Bagdwella calling him for some errand or just to watch him as he helps her reach some item she claims is too high for her. It would have been normal if it wasn't for the tense feeling in his shoulders and that was never good.
He had learned long ago to trust his instincts and despite what Vendel said, he believed Blinky. His dreams were becoming more and more frequent and more vivid to not be some sort of premonition.
Was he forgetting something important? Those glowing blue eyes...Were they Gunmar's? No! He was fighting Deya. Then whose were they? Did it have other meaning, for example- Gunmar coming back?
His musings were interrupted by a thumping noise. As if something big and heavy was running. Kanjigar summoned Daylight and readied himself.
"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" – from the shadow jumped Bular, slashing down with his two blades.
Kanjigar was fast and blocked the attack. He skidded a few meters due to the force of impact. He was face to face with Bular's vicious expression. The black troll pushed harder.
"Not bad, Kanjigar." He chuckled evilly "Let me have the pleasure of taking the amulet from your dead body!"
Bular pulled back for an instant and swung his right blade low, aiming for the legs. The Trollhunter saw that and jumped backwards. Sword right hand and steadying himself with his right. Kanjigar looked around.
They were in the outer parts of town but too close to human dwellings for the Hunter's taste, so he retreated.
"Wait! Don't run! Have you become a coward, Kanjigar?!" – Bular shouted as he followed behind, a shining armor wasn't that good for stealth.
Kanjigar made sure to not lose sight of his pursuer for too long as he led him towards an area safer for battle. Even now, Kanjigar won't risk Trollkind to be discovered by humans. They reached the canal. Kanjigar jumped down and rolled a few times before rising on his legs.
"Finally giving up on running, huh?" – Bular taunted as he approached, his blades glinting in the moonlight.
"A Trollhunter never runs from a battle, Bular. We fight with honor!"
It was a stand-off. Neither of them even blinked as they circled eachother, waiting for a moment to strike. Then, Bular laughs.
"HA! I can't wait to see how honorably you get that amulet ripped out of your hands when I'm done with you."
They both halted for a second and lunged at each other. Blades clashed and sparks flew as the two warriors fought. By now, there was no doubt ....................... this was a matter of life and death. That night one of them has to triumph and who does, will decide in which direction the future will head towards.
=Next day, Lake residence=
He rose up, groggy, half-asleep and with a serious case of bed hair.
"Good morning!" – Barbara barged into Jim's room.
"Grah!" – he jumped up due to the sudden entrance.
Thunk! – his horn tips pierced the ceiling.
"Ugh... It's too early for this." – Jim groaned and carefully pilled them out, deciding to fix the holes the next time he has free time.
"Oh! I am sorry." – she apologized.
"No need to do that, mom. What are you doing here? I thought you'd be in bed by now."
"I will but decided to make something special for you." – she presents him with a plate of burned toast and bacon.
"There was no need to." – he accepted it either way.
"No. I was held back at work and came back just a while ago, so it's not that big of a problem."
"You are the best." – he smiled at her.
"Now, I'm going to go and collapse in bed. Have a nice day at school!" – she turned around.
"Sweet dreams mom!"
"I hope so!"
Jim was ready in a few minutes and went to prepare lunches. A healthy chicken sandwich was put in each of the 3 paper bags and an omelette was put in the fridge for Barbara to re-heat later. Jim took out his bike and groaned immediately. The trash had been spilled, yet again!
"Damn it! It's almost like those damn things have it out for m- oh! It really IS raccoons this time!" – he was surprised as he didn't catch any goblin smell this time.
"Hey!" Toby called as he pushed his bike across the street "Raccoons again?"
"Yeah. Here's your lunch." – Jim handed him a paper bag.
"Ooo! A chicken sandwich with..." Toby took a whiff "Tomatoes, lettuce, onions and... is that home-made mayo I smell?"
"Yup. Made it yesterday."
"Wow. Chef Jim is getting better and better! You should totally open a shop. Your food would sell like fresh cookies!"
"Yeah. I may open one in a 100 years or so. Now come on, we'll have plenty of time once we get to school."
The two boys rode their bikes towards the school, not in a hurry because they had plenty of time. As Jim was enjoying the morning air while he rode his bike across the bridge, he noticed a flash of blue.
Before he could react or even fathom what it was, something hard slammed into his head, thankfully he had his helmet on. The force, however, was enough to make him fall over. He tumbled on the ground with his bike. Toby noticed it and managed to press the brakes before he ran into Jim. Bike screeched to a halt and the ginger almost hell to his right side.
"Ugh! Who threw that?!" – Jim looked around but saw nothing.
If there was no one on the bridge, then it must have come from somewhere else. Jim looked down towards the canal and saw a pile of rubble.
'No...NO! It can't be!!!'
Troll remains and the scent he didn't want to smell ever again- his brother.
"Wow! Jimbo, look at this!" – Toby called excitedly.
Jim looked back and saw his friend holding a very familiar amulet, waving it in the air. Dread gripped his heart. had hit him in the head.
"What do you think it is? It looks like some sort of strange pocket watch. Could it be some sort of toy or a lost antique?"
"Come on Tobes, let's get to school first, then we can give it to lost and found." –Jim took the amulet and went to get his bike.
The chubby boy accepted his bestie's reasoning and got in his bike. Jim secretly threw the amulet down, hoping that it hadn't done what he thought it did and leave it for one of the Trollmarket trolls to find it. It would certainly be easier to recover it from the canal than the police station where a Changeling could get it at any time.
School was about to start and Jim was looking through his backpack for a pen when he noticed the blue glow. He almost groaned and hit his head on the desk.
'Oh, Gorgus... Why me?! Can't this stupid thing have chosen, I don't know, one of the trolls in the area? There's a WHOLE city full of them and you!' he glares at the amulet 'You chose me! Gunmar's son to protect them. If they find out...I'd be dead. No, I would probably captured and executed publically in order for the next Troll hunter to be chosen. I'm DOOMED!!'
The bell rand and everything continued normally, until lunch break.
"I tell you, I saw them this morning." - Eli was being stuffed in his locker by Steve.
"Yeah. Like there are giant monsters made out of stone, walking around Arcadia. Quit with your daydreaming Pepperjack and maybe you won't have your ass shoved in lockers as often." – Steve pushed harderand finally stuffed Eli in, his two cronies laughing.
"But it's true!"
"Just shut up and stay in there with your monsters!" – Steve slammed the locker door.
'Haha... If only you knew you had one of these imaginary monsters just a few steps behind you...' – Jim mused as he and Toby passed by.
"Ugh! Steve is bullying Eli again."
Jim and Toby stared as the 3 jocks laughed at Eli and banged on the locker door. Something within Jim stirred. He remembered his childhood, while he was still a whelp that had just started walking on his own two feet. He had been a bit scrawny back then and didn't look like his family as much as he did now. Gunmar had a war to wage and had no time to raise a young whelp and with his mother gone, he had been left on his own with the other whelps the Gumm-Gumms had taken. He wasn't as strong and the older and bigger ones pushed him around and stole his food. He had eventually grown up and could fend for himself but those years of bullying weren't nice. He knew this may put him in trouble but he couldn't stand it anymore.
"Let him go Steve. He did nothing to offend you."
"Shut up Lake! Or you'll be sorry."
"No, I won't! Let him go Steve. – Jim kept his cool and that irked Steve.
"Yeah! Let him go! Let him go! Let him go!" – Toby backed him up.
Soon the whole yard began to chant with Toby. Steve balled his fists.
"Fine!" he banged on the locker once more but opened the door "Don't think this is over Lake! You, me, this Friday, after school. We'll settle this. Don't be late." – he pushed past Jim and entered school.
"Are you OK?" – Jim and Toby helped Eli get out of the locker.
"Yeah, thanks for helping me."
"No problem! Jimbo, my man! I didn't expect you to stand up to Psycho Steve but you did!"
"I know but I had to Tobes, it just didn't sit right with me."
"Yeah, now Steve has targeted you because of me!" Eli was worried "Can I help with something to repay you or..."
"Actually, there is one thing." – Jim said after thinking for a while.
"Stop telling everyone about these...'stone monsters' Steve heard you mention. I don't tell you to do anything else, just don't tell every single person you meet. That and it may keep you from getting into trouble so often."
- In Serial55 Chapters
Beastkin of GRIM
*Note: The current content of this story up to Volume 2 will remain on RR, but further updates will only be available on Scribblehub. Will also be moving to Tapas in the future.* Hovestile is a world of magic, dangerous monsters and conflict. Earth is a world of science, dominant humanity and endless strife. In an uncertain future, tensions escalate between the nations of Earth as resources fall into perilous scarcity. Cities collapse into anarchy as governments tremble at the world's crisis. Boundaries blur from neglect and outright scorn. In sheer desperation, mankind turned to the stars...and failed. They resorted to more grounded technology and accessed a world known as Hovestile. Hundreds of candidates were carefully chosen to enter this world with plans to prepare for colonization, but contact with the humans of Earth was immediately lost. Over time, the people of Hovestile welcomed any assistance to defeat the monsters threatening their lands. Those from Earth were labeled as Outworld Adventurers, humans with the ability to increase their natural abilities through stats. Those born to Hovestile were referred to as Native Adventurers, original denizens with a natural competence for magic.-----------Alphonse Kneller is one outworld adventurer who dreams of making Hovestile his true home. But on his third dungeon foray, he is betrayed by his adventuring party and left for dead. As he begins to abandon hope, two young catgirl demihumans appear before him named Kirie and Asa. Their mother, Rinka, offers Alphonse a precarious gift known as the Construct Contract. Accompanied by the two demihuman sisters as adventuring partners, Alphonse seeks to make further contracts and establish the guild known as GRIM. Cover art is by sushirollw. Check her stuff out! Absolutely awesome: https://twitter.com/sushirollw *This story is planned out as a massive project spanning multiple volumes. Comments are greatly appreciated. Feel free to send PMs.*
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The 13th Hour
Debutant balls and abandoned schools. Mysterious strangers and curious creatures. Gorgeous monsters and beautiful aliens. Welcome to the 13th Hour.
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Elementia Online: Way of Aer
Garrett, a thirteen-year-old with cystic fibrosis, is tired of laboring just to survive. And his fourteen-year-old sister, Nelly, is tired of watching him struggle. So when he gets slated for a lung transplant, Nelly offers Garrett the chance to jump into Elementia Online, despite it being dangerous for his health. He leaps at it. He’s always dreamed of entering Elementia, and with the looming operation, he’s finally ready to take the risk. He’s ready to be a Drifter. Entering the game world is everything Garrett dreamed it would be. As a Drifter, he can jump so high it almost feels like flying. He can bend the wind to his will and work magic of the sky, including calling lightning and storm clouds. And best of all, he can breathe. He soaks it all in. He finally feels that here in Elementia, he can become the person he’s always known he is. But time's running out for him in real life. The operation looms, and Garrett feels like he's only just getting started. So when he hears that there might be the possibility to jump into Elementia Online forever, he can't help but seek it out... For fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Final Fantasy!
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