《Son of the black》An eventful day continues
"So that's how it looked on the inside." – Jim whispered to himself, too awed by the sight in front of him and the warmth of the Heartstone.
"Yes, it is indeed amazing." Blinky had heard him and had a thoughtful look for a second "Now! Let's hurry! We don't have time to waste right now. Follow me."
Blinky led the small group and AARRRGH walked in the back to make sure none of the two boys got lost or in trouble. As they made their way through Trollmarket, Toby was chattering about stones and minerals, they got a lot of glances. Some were curious, some suspicious but they were making Jim uncomfortable, the awe was evaporating like water in the desert.
"So! Where are we going?" Toby asked after AARRRGH plopped him back in the group "This is totally awesome sauce but we should probably be heading back home at some point."
"We are going to see Vendel. He's the leader and is usually near the Heartstone."
"So, you don't know where exactly he is?"
"No, but we should find him sooner or later!"
"Then what are we going to tell to our parents? Well, Nana would probably accept that I was at Jimbo's but his mom-"
"I think it should be fine. She has a night shift and won't be back soon." – it was a total lie but Barbara was used to Jim going out at night and not returning before sunrise. He was MUCH older than her and independent enough, so he didn't have any restrictions where or when he should be.
"Huh? I guess we are lucky." Just then Toby saw movement by his feet "OMG! Jimbo! Look at this!" – he pointed at the gnome looking at him.
"Uh... Tobes, I don't think you should-"
"HISSSSSSS!" – the gnome hissed, sharp teeth showing.
It quickly scootered past Toby, up Jim and jumped from Jim's head, to AARRRGH's back, then disappeared on the roof of the closest shop.
"Gnomes. Agh, little pests they are but they have their uses, keeping larger trolls clean from pests." – Blinky explained.
For a moment Jim shuddered. He hated pests in his fur, removing them had been quite a hassle during the years he'd traveled. Thankfully he'd been clean for the past century. He just hoped his human disguise would hold thee nasty bugs away from him. He was NOT looking forward to getting them out of his scruff.
As if to prove a point, a few of them crawled out of AARRRGH's green mane and the gentle giant batted them off of him. After that Jim seemed to stand a few steps farther from him.
Blinky continued to lead them towards the Heartstone while he explained some simple rules and interesting facts about Trollmarket. Both boys listened carefully because everything was new to them. Toby didn't know trolls existed before today and all Jim knew was that Trollmarket was 'full of easy prey to slay, goods to pillage and things to destroy' and it was also 'full of fools'. That was it. Nothing more had been told to him besides Gumm-Gumm culture which wasn't much really. At least he knew how to easily break someone's neck if it was needed.
"So, in other words we'll be on something like a tour until we find that Vendel guy, am I right?" – Toby eyed Blinky.
"Oh, no! We'll look for him near the Heartstone, if he's not there, we're going to the Hero's forge! We'll do some light training and hope Vendel shows up. We're not wasting the whole night! Also, he's bound to find us sooner or later."
Toby and Jim were doubtful but just shrugged after exchanging looks.
The energy Jim felt radiating from the Heartstone was making him even more jumpy. He had to keep himself focused and not give into the urge to just lie under the stone and bask in its relaxing light the whole night.
"Hm... he seems to not be here." Blinky remarked "So! Let's go to the Forge! It's the first time humans have been to Trollmarked and one of them being the new Trollhunter! This is so exciting!"
AARRRGH hummed and nodded in agreement. He eyed Jim and Toby yet again but quickly returned to following behind the small group.
"I know it might be a bit strange at first, but I assure you that the forge is- OUCH!"
"Vendel! There's huma- GAH!"
Just as Blinky was about to turn a corner, someone rammed into him, the two falling to the floor. The newcomer was a blue troll with large horns, ring on his nose and spikes on his back. Jim had the vague feeling he'd seen him back in Europe once or twice.
"Guh! What hit me?!" Blinky stood up and looked around "Draal! What are you doing here?"
"What are YOU doing here?!" he growled and jumped on his feet "Bringing humans in Trollmarket...What were you thinking?!"
"There's no need to raise your voice." – Blinky tried to approach this calmly.
"No need? The need is right behind you! Those fleshbags shouldn't even be here!" – Draal pointed and Jim felt a tad bit more annoyed than he should have.
"Fleshbags?! As you should know this is VERY insulting term to refer to-" – Blinky was appalled.
"Calm down." – AARRRGH pushed the two apart, trying to stop a fight which the historian had a very low chance of winning.
Toby and Jim decided to stay to the side while the 3 trolls argued. Toby was genuinely afraid to not be squashed by them if a fight DID start while Jim stood protectively by his friend. He was currently the only one that could hold them for long enough if a fight started. No one noticed that Vendel was approaching, having heard the noise and quickly headed to see what was happening.
"What in the name of Deya is happening here?!" – the old troll was obviously displeased by the sight.
The bickering stopped and Jim jumped away from Vendel. Tripping and falling on the stone floor.
"GEEBERS!!! How the heck did you come here?!"
"By walking." Vendel deadpanned and turned towards Blinky "So, Blinkous, mind telling me how 2 human children got here and why, exactly, were you arguing."
"Um. Vendel, you see..."
"Those two were sneaking to the surface and brought 2 fleshbags down here, obviously!" Draal cut him off "While we are looking for the amulet, they are just doing nothing!" – Draal eyed Jim and Toby.
Jim, noticing the look, glared back. Draal didn't find it amusing, not threatening, so he ignored the boy and rolled his eyes.
'I just met him and he's pissing me off so much already! If only I could-' – Jim stood up and dusted himself.
"Here, you are wrong!" Blinky lifted his top right hand up "We weren't wandering aimlessly, we were also looking for the amulet and the new Trollhunter!"
Jim noted that the declaration seemed ridiculous to Draal for some reason.
"Oh, really?" – Vendel didn't quite believe him.
"Yes! In fact, I would like to present to you Master Jim! He's the new Trollhunter."
"Amulet chose." – AARRRGH added.
"What?!" – Draal couldn't believe his ears.
"Hmm...is that so?" Vendel leaned down and poked Toby's stomach with his staff "Certainly, the amulet could have chosen someone more..."
"I am Jim." he pushed the staff away from Toby and stood by him "And it would be appreciated if you don't make remarks for others without even knowing them."
"This is ridiculous!!" Draal bellowed "I can't accept this!" he pointed at Jim "I should have received the amulet! How can a human be a Trollhunter?!!"
'I'm not actually human though...' – Jim was secretly sweating bullets.
He had been kicked in the beep end and was sinking fast. The more they called him human and he didn't deny it, the deeper he went but he just couldn't tell them the truth! Even so, what Draal said made him want to stuff a rock slab in Draal's mouth.
"I see why the amulet didn't come to you..." – a surprisingly snarky remark came from Jim.
"Jimbo! What are you thinking?! That guy can probably crush us!" – Toby whisper-yelled as he shook his friend.
"Say that again, fleshbag!"
"Why should I?Are you deaf or something?!" – Jim glared at Draal.
"ENOUGH!" – Vendel was also mad.
NO ONE had seen Vendel so mad in a LONG time. Jim knew when to shut up, so he didn't say anything. Blinky, Toby and AARRRGH stared in shock and a bit of fear from Toby, Draal on the other hand had grit his teeth and was fuming.
"Draal, a word with me!" Vendel then turned towards Blinky and AARRRGH "You two take the humanst to the Hero's forge. We WILL talk later!"
"Yes, Vendel!" Blinky answered and AARRRGH nodded "Master Jim, young Tobias! Let's go."
As the two boys were led away, Jim and Draal exchanged glares.
"Haah... You are acting like a child..." – Jim heard Vendel say to Draal before they went too fat to hear.
"Gah!" – Jim stumbled when a rock hit his back.
It had been half an hour, at least according to his inner clock, since Blinky started (re)training him. Jim realized he was very rusty with the sword. He had been trained in sword fighting but that was over 4 centuries ago. Magic? He could fight using magic, as long as he wasn't in his human disguise. Knives? He was expert with them, both for cooking and fighting. But using sword? He was terrible. Compared to what it was expected from the Trollhunter, he sucked.
Toby watched Jim from the sides with AARRRGH. They were still waiting for Vendel to come. As he watched his friend instructed by Blinky and rocks being thrown at him, Toby hissed every time a rock hit and was thankful that Jim had a hard head. Nevertheless, he felt a bit left-out and sorry for what his friend has to go through. Toby knew how much Jim hates conflict and fighting, so now taking a 'job' that required fighting almost every night...
At that moment, Toby decided to stick with his bestie no matter what. Even if it was dangerous and hard, he'd help his friend/almost brother.
'Next time, I will bring some equipment... maybe I can start training at home...'
The doors opened, Vendel entering just in time to see a distracted Jim get hit by a rock and fall on his back. Behind him, Draal found the sight very amusing.
"Ah! Vendel! You see, we were just-"
"No need." Vendel cut him short "It's time for our new Trollhunter to take a test."
Jim didn't like how Vendel said the word.
"As you can see, Master Jim has not only donned the armor but has been using the sword ever since he came to the forge."
"The Soothscryer, Blinkous. I see the armor."
"B-but Master Jim has just started his training!"
Vendel glared Blinky down and the blue troll gave up as he slowly dragged his feet.
"Hey, what do you think this Soot-thingy is?" – Toby leaned to whisper at Jim.
"Nothing good by the way he said it." – Jim pointed at Vendel.
The floor opened and the Soothscryer emerged. The two boys stared at the nightmarish-looking machine with comically large eyes.
~A few minutes of arguing and explaining later~
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" – Jim screamed as the huge maw clamped on his arm.
At that moment, he felt like a shock had coursed through his body. It traveled from his currently clamped hand up. It was obviously some kind of magic but he was unfamiliar with it. His first instinct was to get as far away from the unfamiliar and potentially dangerous magic. He struggled to get free and even sent the strongest pulse of magic he could manage in his current form. The jaws of the machine opened suddenly and he tumbled back, panting and a bit shaken.
"What the hell was that?!" – he shouted.
"Hmm... it seems that the Soothscryer needs some time to decide..." – Vendel completely ignored his distress.
Blinky on the other hand was worried about Jim's reaction but didn't have any answer.
"I still say I should have taken the amulet." – Draal remarked from the side.
Suddenly Jim's temper flared up.
"Here! Catch!" - he threw the amulet at Draal with a speed no human could match, he'd used his full force just now.
"Gah!" – the amulet hit Drall right between the eyes.
Just as the amulet flew back at Jim and he caught it.
"At least I know I can use this thing as a projectile."
"GRRR! How dare you-"
"NO! How dare YOU!" if Jim was an animated character, he'd be one of those enraged bulls you see in cartoons "You have been acting awfully! Even I am more mature, despite being younger!"
Everyone was speechless. The trolls were surprised how the boy can be so fearless in front of the fuming Draal and Toby hadn't seen Jim tear into someone like that before.
"Let me tell you something." Jim took a step closer to Draal, challenging him to do something "I HATE to fight! I don't want to fight anybody and just live my life! I didn't wish for this thing to come flying at me and put my life and my friend's life in danger! I would give you and your pompous ass the amulet if you want it so much but guess what?! The idiot that designed this junk apparently made it so that I have to DIE to do so and I don't plan to die anytime soon! And here I am, doing something I don't like just because it's the right thing to do! Trust me! I can easily pack my stuff and be gone! It will be easier to do so, in fact. By the time you realize I've cheesed it, I'd be long gone and you'd have no Trollhunter and NO AMULET! So, shut your mouth before I stuff a boulder in it!"
"You..." for a moment Draal stopped, then he retaliated with anger instead of using reason "You want a piece of me?! Come at me!" – he leaned down to be at Jim's eye-level.
"Um... Jimbo..."
"Master Jim! Draal! I think it would be better if..."
""SHUT UP!"" – they said at the same time.
More glaring followed and eventually they were head to head-literally. Their foreheads had bumped together and they were trying to push the other like bulls.
"Little imp!" (Draal)
"Pebble-brain!" (Jim)
"Overgrown roach!"
"Goblin chow!"
"Garden gnome!"
"Oh! It's game on, fleshbag! I challenge you to a duel! Me, you, no one else!"
"Say your time! I will be there!"
Draal snorted and walked out. Jim was still fuming but by the time Vendel went out, he'd calmed down and realized what he'd just agreed to. He paled and looked horrified, for more than one reason actually.
"Well... this could have gone better."
"Ugh! You are not helping!" – Jim groaned at Blinky's remark.
"I can't believe I did this! How could I do something like this?!"
Toby and Jim were going back to their homes, it was early morning, and Jim finally reached the 'Freak Out Phase'.
"Don't worry Jimbo! We'll figure something out!"
"How could I be so foolish?!" Jim berated himself "Stupid hormones..." – he whispered to himself.
"Hm? Did you say something?"
"N-Nothing! I have to go home. I am exhausted. See ya!"
Jim quickly ran to his home.
"See ya tomorrow!"
Back in his home, Jim made sure not to wake up his mom and went to his room. He closed the curtains and transformed back to his real form, floorboards creaking from the sudden increase of weight. He felt drained and tense at the same time, so he just slumped on his mattress and fell asleep almost instantly.
===A few hours later===
Barbara opened the door quietly and looked at Jim's sleeping form. By the looks of it, he wasn't going to wake up soon. Whatever he'd done last night, must have exhausted him. She smiled softly and went down the stairs. She left a note on the fridge for him when he wakes up and even made him some pancakes. They tasted funny but she knew they were quite enjoyable to her son's taste buds.
She had the afternoon shift today and would usually sleep in late but she had other work to do. She remembered the conversation she and Mr. Strickler had the other day and today they were going to meet at a nice café in town.
Barbara sat on a chair with a cup of tea in front of her. She looked at her clock and confirmed that he was late. A few minutes later, she saw the well-dressed man come closer. He looked professional, like every time she'd seen him when she took Jim from school but this'll be the first time she'd be talking to the man, face to face and all.
"Hello, Ms. Lake. I am terribly sorry I'm late but I had some problems with a colleague and I got held back. He was in a particularly bad mood, if I may say so."
"Oh, there is no problem, Mr. Strickler!"
"Call me Walt, please."
"OK. Walt, what did you want to talk to me about Jim? As far as I know, he's been attending school daily and has good grades."
Strickler hid a smirk as he saw the chance.
"You see..."
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