《Too Far | Botw Sidlink/Zelink》3.) Guilt Consumes the Guilty


"What in Hyrule happened here?"

Zelda could only look up in fear at the seemingly angry Zora in front of her. The Hyrulean Princess stole a glace at her appointed knight; he was covered in burns, cuts, and a large bruise on the upper right side. 'How could I not realize? I was foolish to not take the time to let Link speak his mind. His injuries were obvious,' she perceived while cursing herself.

" . . . I-I . . . ne-never meant t-to . . ." Zelda struggled to mumble out. " . . . hurt him"

The Zora cocked his head slightly. "Are you implying that you did this to him?"

The princess remained frozen. Sidon sighed knowing he probably scared her, but that was not the issue at the moment. They needed to get Link medical attention fast. Sidon sighed audibly and stood up with his love in his arms. The Zora started walking and spoke while he walked. "I'll take that as a "yes" then."

"W-Wait! Where are you taking him?!" Zelda found the strength to stand, becoming protective of her knight. She ignored the horrible voice crack as her previously weak voice was now sharp and threatening.

"I'm taking him home." Sidon paused and looked back at her before he continued to walk. "Feel free to join us. I'll send someone to retrieve your belongings once we arrive."

"Just where is this 'home' you speak of?" Zelda couldn't help but be skeptical. She didn't know if this fish had ill intentions or not. She doubted it, but the princess was not taking any chances with her knight. But then a voice slipped into her head.

'Why should you care? He is just a lowly knight. You are the Princess of this goddess-forsaken country.'

'He is my friend. That is why I care.'


'Friends don't forget about each other. He's almost dead because of you.'

'Nonsense! He is merely wounded! Link has been through worse; his wounds will heal with proper time and rest.'

'I think you are forgetting the word mortally in your claim.'

'No. I am not. He will be fine . . . I hope'

"Princess? Are you coming?"

Sidon's voice snapped Zelda's attention back to reality. She spoke up and sprinted to catch up, " . . .Yes."

After about a fifteen to twenty minute walk, the two had arrived at Zora's Domain. Sidon had introduced himself to Princess Zelda once he was sure the wounded knight was in good hands and resting. The royal physician had an estimate of Link waking up in a day or two. Zelda was given a guest apartment with a balcony with her belongings. The Hylian's horse was put into the care of several Zora guards although the princess and her appointed knight would often just leave it to roam until they came back. That was probably a bad idea, but they always found it was never harmed and stayed relatively in the area.

Currently, the teen was getting a much needed hot bath to relieve her stress. However that did not stop the young woman from planning for the future. Zelda wrote in her notebook over the side of the tub, careful not to get water on it so that she could keep record of her thoughts. But then the voice came back.

'Really? Relaxing at a time like this? You are really a horrible friend. Your little knight could be on his deathbed right now, but how would you know? If you aren't there by his side, you have no way of figuring out what his condition is, your highness.'

'I thought I already said he would be fine! My knight has been through much worse. He is the hero of Hyrule, do not believe he will falter so easily.'


'He easily fell for the Zora Prince. I know that you love him. But it's a shame he doesn't love you back.'

'Love and physical strength are two different subjects entirely.'

'Says you.'

'Who gave you any right to do this? Who are you?!'

'Haha, Let me tell you. I have every right to this. I can make a list: when you forgot about him, when you hurt his metal state, when broke him, and when you were the one who cursed his fate. I am your Guilt, dear. My one and only job is to torment you until you're forgiven. Personally, I think I'm doing quite the job.'

'Shut up! You know nothing!'

'And that is where you are wrong, princess. I know everything because I am you.'


'Technically I am your conscience.'

'I don't want to believe you!'

Zelda decided it was time for her bath to be over. The young woman was too frusterated and paranoid to relax thanks to her "conscience". She drained the water and wrapped a towel around her torso after setting down her notebook on a dresser in the bedroom. The Hylian put on her traditional Sheikah garb given to her by Paya.

Zelda made the decision to join King Dorephan and Prince Sidon for dinner, and maybe sneak in a visit with Link.

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