《Too Far | Botw Sidlink/Zelink》4.) He Wakes


Link felt like he was floating underwater. The last thing he remembered was arguing with Zelda, then everything went black. Every part of his body hurt like hell. It didn't take the hero long to realize that he was injured in some way. His eyelids felt like they were made out of lead. The champion let out a pained groan as he tried to sit up and regretted it immediately.

The Hylian felt a sharp pain in his chest as he inhaled and sat up. The blond hugged a knee to his chest and coughed from choking on air. The champion panicked slightly when he couldn't get enough air. Link ignored the hand on his shoulder and the voices around him so he could calm down.

"He's awake!"

A large shadow cast itself over the hero before a familiar comforting warmth. The champion leaned into the touch slightly as his breathing calmed into light shallow breaths in order to prevent the pain in his chest and ease the splitting headache from the sudden movement. Large Arms wrapped around Link as he looked up at the person holding him. "Sidon!" Link smiled for the first time in while as he looked at the one he loved.

"Its good to see you again, my little hero. Its been quite some time." Sidon hugged the blond gently and let go and kneeled so that he was eye level with Link's blue eyes.

Zelda cleared her throat; Link could feel her eyes burning holes into him. The Hyrulean Princess knew she should be glad that her knight is happy, but she couldn't help but be resentful to the couple. Zelda couldn't help but be a little jealous. After one hundred years, her past relations have long faded into the past along with their death. After losing Urbosa, she slowly started falling for Link while she watched his adventure to defeat Calamity Ganon.


"It's good to see you too, your Highness." Link then turned back her conversation with Sidon, losing all formality that had been present.

Zelda nodded, not showing any emotion despite how taken aback she was at Link calling her 'your Highness'. It was something he had never done, even when she was extremely rude to him. The princess had always taken her frustration out on him and only him. Soon she figured that they might want to be left alone, therefore she left the clinic and went back up to her room.

"It's been several days, my Starfish. It would be best to change the bandages on your torso, reapply the herbal ointment, and get some food in that stomach of yours." Sidon spoke.


The Zora Prince helped the champion sit up and then started to unwrap the bandages that covered Link's entire torso. It took quite a while because of several delays. Link would wince in pain for a moment and they would have to wait for it to pass before continuing or Sidon would drop the bandages occasionally from the wrap being really tiny compared to his hands. Not only did they have complications, there were also plenty of bandages to remove.


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