《1984》Chpt. 21


Of course I want to stay up here! Was that even a question!?

"Y-yes. I'm ready." I said, crawling out from under Lance.

"Alright, then." he said, turning around and looking down at me. "Let's go to your new living quarters."

He smiled at me and walked past me and out of the kitchen, me following close behind.

We walked back the same way we came and stopped in front of the same door Marcy had disappeared into earlier. I furrowed my brows and cocked my head to the side in confusion.

But this is Marcy's room...

..Maybe there's two rooms in there...

"What? You didn't like Marcy?" Lance asked as if it were really a question. "You'll get used to her. She isn't all that terrible."

With my stare still uneasy, Lance took my collar in his hand before opening the door. As soon as it was opened, Lance gave a violent yank, hauling me in the room. I let out a small, helpless yelp at the sudden amount of force so suddenly applied to my neck.

Lance dragged me to the middle of the room, then let go, leaving me to Marcy who was fast approaching. Lance even went so far as to step out of the way to let her pounce on me, pinning me on my back and snarling as if she were some rabid dog.

"You can choose to fight or to submit to her. She has been here longer, so she will naturally want to boss you around. You do have a choice." he calmly said, looking down on me from way up there. "...Good night, you two. Don't make too much noise."

Lance and I locked eyes for a second. I was desperately hoping, praying that he would take pity on me and move me elsewhere, but he never did. It didn't really come as much of a surprise. He just gave me that million dollar smile and slinked out of the room, locking the door behind himself and imprisoning me with a wild animal.


After he left, Marcy let me go and returned to her place on the bed. I stayed on the floor for a little while, covering my face and deeply sighing to myself.

Dear lord, what happened? Life used to be so routine. Now, I never know what the next day will bring. Each day is like a spinning wheel: "Ooh!! What peg will we land on today!"

I picked myself up and walked over to the bed, Marcy fast asleep and not paying me any attention, curled up by the pillows. I sat on the edge of the bed and flopped back, closing my eyes as I was going to sleep like that.

Marcy shot her eyes open and lunged at me, snarling like a mad woman. I, too, was startled awake and was horrified to find her biting my hand!

I yelled in a mix of surprise and pain.

Marcy let go and I jumped off the bed, facing her.

She gave me a glare and a low growl as a: "The fuck I will, you son of a bitch."

I waited a few seconds, giving her time to comply.

"Fine, then. I'll just have to take a portion myself."

I proudly advanced back to the bed, so sure I'd claim back my piece of the bed. Unfortunately, I didn't expect Marcy to get on her knees and shove me back with all her force, sending me stumbling all the way to the wall behind me.


Either she's stronger than she looks, or I'm weaker than I thought!!

I picked myself back up, huffing in frustration and defeat.

"Fine, you ragged, country whore. You win this time. But mark my words: I will claim that bed, one of these days and be the one sleeping on the floor!!"


Marcy grinned and opened her mouth wide, laying her tongue out with a groan.

I wonder if she can speak, but just chooses not to...

I gracefully turned away, and walked over to a dresser, looking for a spare blanket. I opened the first and second drawers, finding nothing but clothes as to be expected, but by the third, I found exactly what I was looking for. A nice, thick quilt, to be exact.

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