《1984》Chpt. 20


Dinner was silent and tense. No one spoke a word and the only audible sounds were those of Lance's silverware and Marcy's grunts.

Marcy was the first to finish, sitting still and fixing her eyes on me. Even though I felt so incredibly uncomfortable I wanted to stop eating and flee and lock myself away in the basement, I felt so pressured to stay and finish my food by Lance.

When Lance finished his food, he set down his silverware and fixed his eyes on me, just as Marcy was doing, pressuring me even further. I timidly took a few more pieces of my roast, slowly chewing for what felt like hours. I glanced up and caught a glimpse of Lance's pressing, emotionless stare.

Upon seeing his face, I caved and gave up on eating, putting my hands in my lap. Lance stood up, gathering his plate. He stepped over my spot, eyeing my plate.

"..You left half your food. Was it not good?"

I shook my head, then upon realizing I had to respond verbally, I muttered a: "It-it was good. ...I just wasn't hungry. That's all."

"Mm." Lance said, as if I had told a bad lie. "...Follow me. Bring your plate, too."

And with that, he walked off, leaving me to scramble to get my plate and catch up to him.

Lance lead me to the wall opposite of the glass one and took a left behind it, which was in fact the same hall the basement door was on. He walked past the two doors, then took a right, going towards what I saw looked like the front door. I rounded that corner, then saw he took a right, now going through what looked like a living room and ran into a kitchen.


I followed him into the kitchen. Lance looked up at me blankly, yet also furiously.


I bowed my head and dropped to my hands and knees.

"Put your plate in the sink yourself." he ordered.

I turned around and crawled to the sink. Once at the sink, I lifted my arm, and as gently as I could, dropped the plate into the sink. I then lowered my arm, and curled into myself, suddenly weakened and unable to move my own weak body from my spot.

Lance looked up from me and advanced towards me.

What will he do now???

"Marcy, can you bring your plate to me, please? I'll do the dishes tonight." he said, standing over me.

Marcy scampered from her seat to the open window that looked out from the kitchen to the dining area.

"Thank you, Marcy. I think you'll look forward to having a lot less chores to do with having Sai here." he said in a terribly calm tone. "Now go back to your room. I'll be there in a minute, okay?"

She gave him a grunt, then scampered off again. This time, to the room she came out of.

Lance turned on the water and began rinsing the dishes.

"Sai, you're so unpredictable. One hardly knows what you'll do next. The smallest thing, and you explode!"

Me...? He's... he's surely not talking about me.

I curled deeper into myself, crying at the utter madness of his words and logic.

"You really ruined the good vibe at dinner. I almost don't want you upstairs. I really don't have the room, but you'd been so good."

How did this happen!? When did this bastard's words mean life or death for me!?

"I'll let this slide. You were just overwhelmed by meeting someone new, I get it. I used to be the same way. Just keep in mind the punishment will be more intense next time. With more rewards, comes more responsibilities. You'll be helping Marcy with the housekeeping while I'm asleep starting tomorrow. "

He turned off the water and dried his hands.

"...Are you ready for that? Or would you still rather just lie and rot downstairs?"

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