《The Unknown》Chapter 23: St Mungo's Hospital
From her hands and knees on the floor, Dahlia saw that they were in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, the only light being the fire. Sirius was hurrying towards them, looking anxious but not looking any better in appearance as he was unshaven, in his day clothes, and had the stench of alcohol coming from him which almost made Dahlia cover her nose but she didn't out of respect.
"What's going on?" He asked as he helped Ginny stand, "Phineas said that Arthur's been badly injured".
"Ask Dahlia," Fred said.
"I want to hear it too" George said as well, both twins not saying it accusingly as if she had done something but wanted, no, needed, to know what happened to their father.
"I had a vision..." so she told them what had happened but knew that if they knew she was the snake, in their emotional state, they might do something they regret so she altered the story so that she was at the side-lines, watching the snake attack Mr Weasley. By the end, all of the Weasley's looked taken back by the story.
Fred turned to Sirius and asked, "is mum here yet?"
"She probably doesn't know it's happened yet," he answered, "the important thing was to get you kids away from Umbridge so she couldn't interfere. I suspect Dumbledore is telling your mother now".
"We have to go to St Mungo's," Ginny exclaimed.
"Hang on. You can't go to St Mungo's," Sirius exclaimed.
"Why not? He's our dad," Fred said.
"And how are you going to explain that you knew Arthur was in the hospital before the hospital even let his wife know?" Sirius said, for once trying to be the voice of reason.
"Why does that matter?" George asked.
"It matters because we don't want to draw attention to the fact that Dahlia is having visions about something happening hundreds of miles away," Sirius said angrily. "Do you have any idea what the Ministry would do with that information?"
Dahlia clearly did, that's why she wasn't voicing her opinion and was actually impressed that Sirius was now acting like an adult. She knew the Ministry would take her and question her about everything, especially if they found out Voldemort was really back and she had a connection to him. Sure, she'd be happy with the knowledge that they believed her, but she would quickly turn into some witch's or wizard's experiment to analyse the connection. It wouldn't be long before they began to question if she was evil and stick her in Azkaban.
The twins, however, looked like they couldn't care less, not really thinking what the Ministry would do as anger fuelled them. Ginny said, "we could tell them someone else told us, we could have heard it somewhere else and not from Dahlia".
"Like who?" Sirius exclaimed, "your dad was injured on work for the Order. If that isn't already fishy enough, if his children suddenly show up not long after, when they couldn't possibly know, that will bring up red flags. You could damage the Order-"
"We don't care about the Order," Fred shouted.
"It's our dad dying we're talking about," George added.
"Your father knew what he was getting into and he won't thank you for messing things up for the Order," Sirius said with equal anger, "this is why you aren't in the Order. There are some things out there that are worth dying for".
Dahlia had enough of the arguing; she knew she couldn't stop it, so she simply walked away, everyone watching her as she walked swiftly up the stairs and vanished. She walked to the room she stayed in during the summer with Hermione and Ginny, seeing that it was still kept tidy, and jumped onto her bed. She thought for a few moments whether she should speak to her sister, knowing that it was late and she was probably in bed, but then she realised if she didn't immediately and her sister found out, she'd be on the wrong side with the Queen of Death.
She lied on her back as she held her locket and said, "sister...Hela, I need you to wake up..."
She heard her sister moan in annoyance in her mind and said sleepily "Dahlia? What is it? It's almost 3am".
"I know. I'm sorry but I had to tell you. Something happened".
"What is it?" Hela asked quickly on alert.
"I had a dream, a vision. I think it was Voldemort's snake, it had to be. It attacked Mr. Weasley when he was guarding the prophecy and now he's in the hospital. Hela, he's really hurt, there was blood everywhere".
"What happened after? What did Dumbledore say?"
"I went to him after I woke up and freaked everyone out. He couldn't even look at me, just told the portraits to find Mr. Weasley and make sure he was alright before sending me and the Weasley kids to the headquarters. He only asked me how I saw the vision and I told him the truth, that it felt like I was the snake".
"Of course, the snake must definitely be one of the seven Horcruxes, that's why you felt a connection with it".
"Hela, it feels like he's getting stronger-"
"Everything will be okay".
"What about Mr. Weasley?"
It was a few moments before Hela replied, "Falcon said that no Arthur Weasley has appeared on his list of souls to collect".
"But not everyone goes on that list, what if he goes to Valhalla?"
"Dahlia, him simply protecting an object and being bitten by a snake doesn't allow him entrance to Valhalla, not the last time I checked. If he's not on Falcon's list, then you know what it means".
"That he won't die".
"At least not from any injuries he has at this very moment. So as long as nothing else happens to him, the healers are doing their job and stopping his injuries from killing him. He'll be fine".
Dahlia played with her necklace for a moment and then opened it and looked at the pictures of her family and said, "it's wasn't just that, sister. Dumbledore couldn't even look at me when I told him".
"Well he does know the truth. He probably thinks you're possessed, which we know you're not".
"But, when we used a portkey to leave Hogwarts, he finally looked at me and all I felt was this shooting pain in my head. I felt like I wanted to kill him, that I wanted him destroyed, that I wanted to sink my fangs into him, like I was the snake again-" she ranted and could feel the anger bubbling once again.
"Sister, calm down" Hela said soothingly. Dahlia took a few deep breaths as she listened to her sister. "That's right, calm down. If you get angry, you know your barriers protecting parts of your mind will fall".
"I know, I'm sorry, I just..."
"I know, but know that one day, this will all end. One day he'll be gone and you'll be free. One day, our father and brothers will be free and we'll be a family".
Tears gathered in Dahlia eyes as she brought the locket pictures up to her lips and kissed them, knowing it was the closest she could get to them. "I just wish it was now," she said tearfully.
"It'll be soon but it's one step at a time. Lie down and try to rest, do you want me to sing papa's song?"
Dahlia lied down on her side, closed her locket and held it tightly to her chest. She hummed in response to her sister's question, not wanting to seem childish but knowing her father's song soothed her.
A couple of hours later Dahlia was still awake, not being able to sleep. Hela had long stopped singing to her, believing her little sister had fell asleep, not knowing that she was just staring at the walls, thinking about the vision. It had just gone five in the morning when the door to the bedroom opened, Dahlia hid her locket under her clothes as she turned and saw Ginny who said, "mum's here. She said dad's going to be fine, that he's sleeping now, Bill's with him. Breakfast is being made, you coming?". Dahlia gave the ginger a small smile as she got off of the bed and walked out the door, walking beside one another.
As soon as Dahlia walked into the kitchen, Mrs. Weasley took her into her arms, holding her tightly as she said, "I don't know what would have happened if it wasn't for you, Dahlia. They might not have found Arthur for hours and even then, it would have been too late, but he's alive thanks to you..."
Dahlia could barely smile at the woman, not wanting her gratitude because she could still remember the taste of her husband's blood and it felt wrong for the woman to thank her. Thankfully, Mrs. Weasley released her and turned to Sirius and said thank you for looking after the children, to which Sirius replied that he was pleased to have them and offered them the place to stay while Mr. Weasley was in hospital. Everyone knew this wasn't just a gesture of good will, but that Sirius was lonely in the house and wanted company.
During breakfast, Dahlia hadn't spoken to anyone and she was thankful that no one asked her more about her vision or that Mrs. Weasley wanted her to tell her exactly what happened. She still remembered that Mrs. Weasley's boggart was her family hurt and she couldn't bear to tell the old woman what happened and see her reaction.
The rest of the morning everyone seemed to be sleeping, except Dahlia. Everyone assumed she was in bed but she was really sat in the living room in front of the fire drinking a hot chocolate she had made. Curled up watching the flames in the arm chair, she felt that she could control everything around her. She even played with the flames but knew anyone coming in and seeing it would ask questions about how she did it. She refused to sleep, knowing there was a chance while she was weak that she would be the snake once again, that she would be able to see through his soul once again. She couldn't watch another attack, especially if she felt them like she was there.
When everyone woke up, their trunks had arrived from Hogwarts and they all had lunch before they dressed as Muggles so that they could walk around London to St Mungo's. Dahlia had the appropriate clothing already but everyone else seemed happy to be out of robes and into jeans and sweatshirts. Tonks and Mad Eye soon arrived as they would be escorting them to St Mungo's; they greeted them gleefully before everyone began to laugh at the bowler hat Mad Eye was wearing at an angle so that it would cover his eye, knowing that would draw more attention than necessary, and the fact that Tonks' hair was short and bright pink would attract less attention.
Tonks was, however, very interested in Dahlia's vision and asked, "there isn't any Seer blood in your family, is there?" As they sat side by side on the underground.
"No," Dahlia said, not really knowing, especially since she was a descendent of the gods, but she didn't want to talk about the vision and definitely knew it wasn't to do with any Seer blood, if there was any. She certainly didn't want to ask her father about it, as he would clearly want to know why she would ask such a question.
"No," Tonks pondered, "I suppose it's not really a prophecy you're seeing, you're seeing the present...odd but useful, isn't it?"
Dahlia didn't answer and luckily, they got off at the next stop. It wasn't that she didn't like Tonks, Tonks was great, but she didn't want to talk about the vision to anyone. Tonks led the way, while Mad Eye stood at the back, his head tilted to hide his magical eye and his hand on his wand concealed at his waist. Dahlia knew he was watching her, could feel his magic eye glued on her every move as if she was going to crack. They stepped out onto a store-lined street, Christmas shoppers everywhere.
Dahlia looked around confused, not seeing a hospital in sight or anywhere that indicated to wizards there was one there, until Mad Eye pushed her forward and said, "wasn't easy to find a good location for the hospital. Wasn't enough room in Diagon Alley and couldn't have it underground like the Ministry, wouldn't be heathy. In the end, they managed to get a hold of a building not far, theory was sick wizards could blend in".
Mad Eye grabbed Dahlia when it came to a group of giggling shoppers, who were only interested in going into an electrical gadget shop. Obviously, Mad Eye was paranoid of everything around him, which was why his eye was zooming around like crazy. Did he really believe a group of giggling shoppers would be Death Eaters? In Dahlia's opinion, she believed Voldemort's followers would rather Avada themselves then dress and act like Muggles. They finally arrived outside of a large, old fashioned, red brick department store called Purge & Dowse Ltd. The place was shabby and miserable and had a sign that said 'closed for refurbishment'.
"Right," Tonks beckoned them towards the window display, nothing there but an ugly female dummy. "Everybody ready?" Everyone nodded and stood around her as she looked at the dummy against the glass and said, "wotcher, we're here to see Arthur Weasley".
Dahlia shook her head slightly as she closed her eyes, finding it ridiculous that Tonks was expecting a dummy to help them. In the next second when she opened her eyes, her mouth dropped in shock as the dummy gave a tiny nod and beckoned with its joint finger to come through the glass. Tonks seized Ginny and Mrs. Weasley by the elbows, stepped through the glass, and vanished.
Fred, George, and Ron stepped through after them, while Dahlia glanced around to see that no one saw them stepping through the glass. She assumed it was shielded, so they couldn't see, or they used an illusion charm like her sister did when they met at the station so that people completely overlooked it. "C'mon," growled Mad Eye, giving Dahlia a poke in the back, and together they stepped through the glass that felt like a sheet of cold water but they emerged warm and dry on the other side.
There was no sign of the dummy or the empty store. Now, it was a busy crowded reception area where there were rows of witches and wizards sat on wooden chairs, all looking completely normal whilst reading magazines such as Witch Weekly. Witches and wizards dressed in green robes were walking up the rows, Dahlia guessed that they were healers. Mrs. Weasley headed to the reception counter to speak to the receptionist when Dahlia noticed a large portrait of Dilys Derwent, the witch with silver ringlets that had a portrait at Hogwarts.
Dilys Derwent
St Mungo's Healer 1722-1741
Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 1741-1768
Dilys was eyeing the Weasleys pretty closely and when Dahlia caught her eye, she gave a tiny wink before walking sideways and out of her portrait. Mrs. Weasley finally found out that Mr. Weasley was on the first floor on the Dai Llewellyn Ward.
They followed the path until they got to Mr. Weasley's room when Tonks said, "we'll wait outside, Molly. Arthur won't want too many visitors at once...it ought to be family first".
Mad Eye growled his approval as Dahlia drew back but Mrs. Weasley reached out and pushed Dahlia through the door and said, "don't be silly, Dahlia. Arthur wants to thank you".
The ward was small, the only windows were narrow and set up high in the wall facing the door. There were only three patients and Mr. Weasley was occupying the bed on the far end of the ward, next to the small window. Dahlia was happy to see him sat up against several pillows, reading the Daily Prophet. When he saw them, he beamed as he put the paper down and said, "hello. Bill just left, Molly, had to get back to work but he said he'll drop in on you later".
Mr. Weasley claimed that he was okay and despite the bandages, he did look like he was back to his cheerful self. He began to tell them how the other man in there was bitten by a werewolf and Mrs. Weasley immediately showed concern, but the full moon wasn't for another two weeks so everyone in the ward was safe. The woman in the ward refused to tell people what bit her, which had everyone assuming that it was something illegal as it took a massive chunk out of her leg. The twins tried to find out what their father was doing; they knew he was on duty but they didn't know what that meant. They tried to find out but Mrs. Weasley scolded them, while Mr. Weasley continued to talk about the paper.
Eventually, they were asked to leave the room so that Tonks and Mad Eye could come in and immediately, Fred and George brought out the Extendable Ears as Fred said, "let's see if St Mungo's put imperturbable charms on their doors, shall we?"
Fred and George dangled five Extendable Ears from the string, one for each person, but Dahlia hesitated to take one, not knowing what they would find out by listening. Even if it was something she already knew, she didn't want the others to know but it was too late in stopping them as they all were listening so she joined in. At first, none of them could hear anything but then they heard Tonks whispering, "they searched the whole area but couldn't find the snake anywhere. It seems to have vanished just as it attacked you, Arthur... but You-Know-Who can't have expected a snake to get in, can he?"
"I reckon he sent it as look-out," growled Mad Eye, "'cause he's not had any luck so far, has he? No, I reckon he's trying to get a clearer picture of what he's facing and if Arthur hadn't been there, the beast would've had a lot more time to look around. So, Potter says she saw it happen?"
"Yes," Mrs. Weasley said but sounded uneasy, "you know Dumbledore seems to have been waiting for something like this from Dahlia".
"Yeah, well," Mad Eye said, "there's something funny about the Potter girl, we all know that".
"Dumbledore seemed worried about Dahlia when I spoke to him this morning," Mrs. Weasley whispered.
"Course he's worried," growled Mad Eye, "the girl's obviously seeing things from inside You-Know-Who's snake. Obviously, the girl doesn't know what it means but if You-Know-Who is possessing her-"
Dahlia immediately ripped out the ear piece and looked to the others who still had the strings in, they had almost looked fearful of her. She wanted to scream and shout that she wasn't possessed, that Professor Dumbledore was hiding something from them, the truth about why she could see through the snake. She wanted to tell them the truth but knew she couldn't, so she stood up and walked away.
For days, Dahlia had avoided everyone and it seemed they did the same thing. The adults acted as they normally did, not realising that the kids overheard the hospital conversation. No one wanted to be alone in a room with her, so she spent most of her time in Buckbeak's room, knowing that the Hippogriff wouldn't judge her. Her closest friends wouldn't even look her in the eye and it just reminded her of Professor Dumbledore over and over again. It made her feel like she was dirty, contaminated, and they didn't even know the truth. She would only eat when everyone else already had, when everyone else had left the kitchen. She couldn't stand the silence and the quick looks that people sent her way and they made her want to snap, just like they wanted her to. Dahlia thought about leaving so that she didn't have to face the looks and whispers anymore but she knew that Professor Dumbledore would try to track her down and suspicions would only grow about where she was if they couldn't find her, especially if she went to Niflheim. So, she stayed.
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Tartarus Online
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