《The Unknown》Chapter 24: Christmas Holidays
The Avengers didn't stay at Hogwarts through the Christmas holidays, knowing that Loki's daughter would have likely left, so they went to their London house. It used to be one of Tony's mansions but he converted it for the Avengers, like he did with many of his properties in other countries for when they travelled. It was more convenient for the children and wives to be brought to London a few days beforehand, so they could get over jet leg and spend more time with the others.
As soon as they pulled up and jumped out of their cars, everyone came bouncing out of the house. James was running out and jumping over the steps, even with his tiny four-year-old legs in order to get to his father, and Steve immediately picked him up and kissed his forehead, before he went on to kiss Maria. Jane had come down from Asgard with Brynjar when she was sent word from Thor that he wouldn't be at Hogwarts, and she had spent a few days gossiping with the other women and planning Christmas. She held Brynjar on her hip and as soon as Thor saw them; he picked Jane up and spun her, before turning his attention to his son.
Ben, who was always more sensible and would usually walk towards his father, this time ran and only slowed down at the last second before jumping into Bruce's arms and Bruce couldn't help but laugh that his son had on his lab coat. Betty walked towards him and gave him a simple kiss on the cheek. Anna was the quickest out of all of them, it was no surprise considering she was the oldest, but she almost fell down the steps because of the copper wiring she had tangled around her hand, indicating she was in the middle of making something. Tony just loved the sight of her making things and couldn't wait to get dug into making something with her and bringing her in on his project of getting technology to work in the magical world. They both instantly jumped into conversation about it, while Pepper stood at the top of the steps smiling as she rolled her eyes at her husband and daughter.
Hope came out looking like a battle-ready ballerina. She was in her tutu and pointe shoes but also had her bow and arrows strapped to her waist. She was the only one out of all the children who hadn't seen both parents for months and only received letters, but she was also the one who was better accustomed to her parents going on missions. She was the daughter of SHIELDs two best agents and she knew at a young age that she wouldn't trade her life for anything.
Clint scooped her up into his arms and said, "hey, princess""
"Мы скучали по тебе, милая" (we missed you, sweetheart), Natasha said in Russian as she kissed her daughter.
"скучал по тебе МО," (missed you more) Hope said.
"Oh yeah?" Clint teased, "bet you we missed you more".
"Nah ah," Hope said shaking her head.
"Well how much did you miss us?" Clint questioned.
Hope opened her arms as wide as she could and Natasha said, "wow, that's pretty big. I guess you win for now".
Hope giggled then asked, "mama, did you find the girl?"
Hope asked this just loud enough to get everyone's attention and they all looked towards them as Natasha said, "not yet, sweetheart, but soon".
"She's not gonna hurt someone, is she?" Anna asked.
All the Avengers looked nervous as they didn't know what the child of Loki would do but Tony said, "no, we won't let that happen".
For the rest of the day, the Avengers all spent time with their individual child. Steve and Maria spent it mostly drawing with James, while Bruce spent his time in the lab as Ben wanted to show him the new science experiment he did that Betty taught him. It was glow-in-the-dark slime, a child's experiment as he was still too young to do anything dangerous. Thor spent his time with Jane and Brynjar discussing what had been happening on Asgard during his absence, and it was no surprise that Anna and Tony were in the lab, while Pepper was trying to stop them from blowing the house up. Hope spent her time with her parents showing them her new dance before they sat in the living room and watched a movie.
Of course, the peace couldn't last and at night fall they were greeted with Fury. Clint and Natasha were the first to see him and she said, "hey, boss. What're you doing here?"
"Isn't it past her bedtime?" Fury said pointing to the sleeping nine-year-old between her parents.
Clint shrugged and said, "haven't seen her in months, all the kids are staying up late".
"Well party's over, I want a briefing now," Fury demanded.
Both spies sighed as Clint picked up Hope to take her to bed and Natasha said, "JARVIS".
"I have already informed the others of Mr. Fury's presence".
"Thank you, JARVIS".
It didn't take long for everyone to gather in the living room, with Tony obviously complaining, "hey, pirate, I was with my daughter".
Pepper scoffed, "Tony, she was falling asleep stood up".
They all sat down as Fury said, "you got any idea who she is yet?"
"Not yet," Steve said, "all of us have a list of who we think it could be but it's hard to narrow it down. I mean, all we know is that she is a female and was conceived before Loki was sent back to Asgard".
"If he didn't escape," Clint commented and looked to Thor.
Thor said, "Loki has remained in his cell since the day we left, I assure you".
"So, she's fourteen or older," Steve said, "that's still a few students that we've yet to decide".
Tony then commented, "evil, vindictive, and crazy just like her father".
"Or the opposite," Natasha commented, still believing the child would put on a different act as a disguise. "for her to blend in and not stick out, she could just be a quiet kid".
Tony scoffed, "and that's why you have Luna Lovegood on your list".
"Who?" Fury questioned.
Natasha sighed and answered, "she's this fourteen-year-old girl who sticks out, but not in the way you think. She talks about animals and creatures that no one else can see, that don't exist. Thor told me, however, that some of the creature she described could be from other realms".
"It is true," Thor commented, "sometimes when people travel across the realms, creatures are taken with them and left on the wrong realm and at times, they begin to populate there. Thestrals, which they teach the fifth years, are one such creature. They are originally from Niflheim".
"Hela's realm?" Clint questioned remembering Loki's other daughter.
"Yes," Thor said.
"And," Natasha added to her argument why Luna was on her list, "I heard that she can see them. I even saw her a couple of times going into the forest to feed them. Besides, you talk about being sneaky, the girl gets out of assignments. Just think of Snape, the amount of times he complains over the fact that Luna wouldn't do her assignment because she said it has a bad aura, so she created something else".
Tony thought for a few moments as he stared at Natasha then said, "true, but you gotta remember parents weekend and meeting her dad. She's just like him and she looks like him".
"I did think of a spell that could change her appearance but they're too much alike not to be related...that was my only flaw," Natasha admitted.
"Who else?" Fury asked.
"Top of my list is Pansy Parkinson, fifth year," Tony said. "Girl's in Slytherin, a bully, and likes to try to worm her way in with students that are of a higher status than she is. Then when she finds out information, she blackmails them. She definitely doesn't like us being at the school and acts differently towards Thor than the rest of us. Like Widow's theory, it could be that she's nicer to him because he could probably figure her out, or it's just the fact he's a god".
Fury sighed as he glanced to all of them and asked, "how many girls overall?"
Steve said, "we've combined lists and narrowed it down. So far, we've got fifteen girls".
"Fifteen!" Fury exclaimed.
"Sir, in all respect, there're hundreds of students in that school. I know we've narrowed it down to those that are fourteen and over but that's still a lot. We've narrowed it down as best as we could for the moment, without breaking cover. With the information we have and with what Thor has managed to tell us-"
Fury immediately looked to Thor with a questioning look as Thor answered, "my brother loves his children. He would never part with them without knowing they were well taken care of, loved. If her mother is also with her, Loki would ensure they were both well taken care of. It is my belief that Loki left his child with someone who would care for her but was also able to care for her to a standard that would be good enough for Loki".
"Rich, basically," Clint said. "Rich or well off, that's the kind of family we're looking at".
"I want her found," Fury said. "The longer this takes, the longer she has of having a plan to escape, and I will not let that happen. Is there anything else I should know?"
"No" and "no sir" was thrown around the room, until Fury turned to leave and Steve asked, "Sir, if you don't mind. What's the full story with Dahlia Potter? Other than the information that was in the file".
Both Fury and Maria straightened up at the name and everyone noticed. Tony said, "yeah, her guardians didn't show up for their meeting and I was told that they're not big fans of magic. Come on, who doesn't like magic?"
"Kid's also got a lot of rage," Clint commented, "you should see her in class and in the gym. Teaching fighting to her, you wanna watch that she doesn't actually hurt someone".
"It's not just that," Steve said, "I was in the hallway the other night and she was running to the headmaster's office with the deputy headmistress not far behind. I followed and she was telling the Headmaster that a man, Mr. Weasley, was hurt badly. Apparently, it was true and she had some vision or something. The headmaster couldn't even look at her and this girl was literally shaking. She was scared and worried and it was like no one cared to even check how she was".
Fury took a deep breath as he took a moment to answer, he looked to Maria and said, "Commander Rogers, you have permission to tell them".
"Yes, sir," Maria said as Fury left.
Everyone looked to Maria as Bruce asked, "so what's the story?"
"You have reason to worry about her but nothing can be done. The night that Voldemort killed her parents, her mother sacrificed herself and in the process, created some form of protection that links to her blood. In order for the spell to work, Dahlia has to live with people that share her mother's blood. Nothing's ever been proven but there's been several instances where her previous teachers have shown their concern. When she first started primary school, she wouldn't answer to the name Dahlia, it seemed she didn't know her name".
"What did they call her then?" Jane asked.
"For a while they didn't know why she didn't answer, until one day someone said the word freak and she immediately looked to them. That's what she answered to".
Everyone in the room gasped but Tony stood and walked towards the cupboard with alcohol as he murmured, "I'm definitely going to need a drink for this".
"Me too," Natasha said.
"Me three," Clint said and the two stood and followed Tony to get a drink, before returning to their seats.
Maria continued, "that was one of the first instances, but she also made a comment about how she didn't have a bed, and indicated that she slept under the stairs. She called it her cupboard. Then when it came to work, the teachers said she was very intelligent and was getting good grades but then it suddenly stopped and she was at rock bottom, her cousin second to her. Probably could guess what happened".
Betty said, "she wasn't supposed to do better than her cousin".
Maria nodded, "yep. Teachers reported it constantly but they'd be paid off or they'd suddenly be fired or transferred schools. Thing is about the wizarding world in Britain, as long as they stay out of each other's way, they don't interfere. All it takes is for someone who has a lot of power, such as Dumbledore, to tell them it's wizard business and it gets covered up".
"They don't hit her, do they?" Clint asked almost seething as he gripped his glass and Natasha placed a hand on his knee, trying to banish the memories of his father and the abuse.
"Nothing's ever been reported or seen to suggest that, but no one knows what goes on behind closed doors".
"Nice way to treat your saviour," Natasha said taking a sip of her drink, "stick her with relatives like that".
"She isn't just the girl who defeated Voldemort, no matter how long he stayed away for. Apparently, she's supposed to end it all, rumour is that she's supposed to kill him. That's the only way he'll die, by her hand".
Silence passed through the room as Thor said, "prophecy is a very powerful thing".
"Tell me I'm not the only one who finds that fucked up," Tony said and everyone murmured in agreement.
On Christmas morning, the Black family home looked unrecognisable. Everyone worked endlessly to clean the home; the crystal chandeliers were no longer holding years' worth of cobwebs but were now decorated with holly and gold and silver streams. Even the house elf heads on the walls wore Santa hats. When Dahlia woke up, a stack of Christmas presents was at the end of her bed, Ginny already awake and opening hers, while Hermione sat in her bed, rubbing her eyes, clearly woken up by Ginny's unwrapping.
Sirius and Lupin had given Dahlia a set of books called 'Practical Defensive Magic and Its Use Against the Dark Arts'. Dahlia immediately opened the first volume and already saw new spells for the DA to learn. Hagrid had sent her a fluffy brown purse that had fangs but when she attempted to put money inside, it almost ripped her fingers off. Tonks' present was a small working model of a Firebolt which made Dahlia miss her own as remembered Professor Umbridge still had it. Ron had given her an enormous box of Every Flavour Beans, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's present was the usual jumper and some mince pies, she got a homework planner off of Hermione, and even Dobby sent her a painting. She wasn't quite sure what it was but if the house elf took the time to do it, then it was important.
Of course, this Christmas couldn't go as smoothly as the others with a war brewing and the Weasley family divided. Percy had sent back his jumper without a note and hadn't even asked about his father which made Mrs. Weasley cry. It only increased the anger for the twins that they held for their older brother and wanted nothing more to do with him.
Later on, that day, once they had Christmas lunch, they went to visit Mr. Weasley with Mad-Eye and Lupin escorting them. The underground didn't run on Christmas so they had to take a car that Mundungus 'borrowed' and enlarged inside so everyone could fit. Reaching the hospital, the reception area was pleasantly festive with crystal orbs of gold and red, glowing baubles, holly hanging around every doorway, and a shining white tree covered in magical snow and icicles glistened in every corner. It was less crowded than the last time they had been there and Dahlia knew most people would be at home celebrating the holidays, but it might get busy as the day goes on.
When reaching Mr. Weasley's room, they saw he was propped up in bed with his turkey dinner on his lap. Everyone gathered around him but Dahlia began to slowly take steps back, leaving the room. It wasn't that she didn't want to see Mr. Weasley, it was just the last time she visited, she couldn't help but think of the people upstairs on the long-term ward. Of course, as Dahlia closed the door, Mad-Eye saw her and gestured for Lupin to follow.
She walked through the double set of doors at the end of the corridor and began to climb a staircase which was lined with portraits of brutal-looking Healers. When they saw her scar, many of them began to talk about who she was and some even suggesting remedies to get rid of the scar. Some even said, "that scar is unladylike".
Dahlia wanted to turn and say that it wasn't her fault but they obviously knew that. She finally reached the fourth floor and saw the sign on the door, spell damage. As she opened the doors, she instantly recognised a man; it was Lockhart, her old professor. A Healer was trying to take him back to his room so it was easy to sneak around them as they were both distracted. She used Alohomora to open the doors to the Janus Thickey Ward which was home to patients of long-term care.
Dahlia could tell it was a permanent residence for many of the people as their beds and areas around them had so many more personal items than any other patients' in the other areas of the hospital. Dahlia saw one man mumbling to himself as he stared at the ceiling, a woman whose head was covered in fur which reminded her of Hermione in second year but of course, Hermione was healed thankfully. Another woman a Healer was speaking to was barking, which seemed to be her only form of communication. Then Dahlia finally saw the people she was looking for, at the far end of the room were two beds empty but the patients she was looking for were sat down in chairs near the window with an elderly woman as their visitor. Frank and Alice Longbottom.
They looked similar to their picture but you could tell that with their torture and the passing of time, it had put a strain on them. Alice had a round face that was familiar to Neville's but her once short, dark hair was now long, wispy, dead-looking, and had begun to turn white. Her husband, Frank, was similar in appearance due to his dark hair now being almost completely white, his complexion paler than what many would think as well. Anyone, even a complete stranger, could tell they had endured much, but they would have never guessed that they suffered the Cruciatus curse.
"Excuse me," Dahlia said to a Healer who was walking out of the room, "could you tell me how the Longbottoms are doing? I mean..."
The Healer gave her a warm smile and asked, "are you family?"
Dahlia thought it might be like the Muggle world when asking the condition of someone, how family were only supposed to be told unless they had permission. She answered truthfully, hoping the Healer would tell her, "Alice is my godmother".
It was the truth. No one on Midgard had ever told her though. Not Professor Dumbledore or Sirius or Lupin or any member of the Order, which she thought was wrong. Professor Dumbledore had told her what happened to them but never said anything about Alice being her godmother. She did, however, find out years before Professor Dumbledore told her of their fate. She found out in the summer after she met her father, he had told her that her mother had chosen Alice to be her godmother but Dahlia didn't know what happened to her and she surely wasn't going to ask Neville. He was raised by his grandmother, so he clearly didn't want anyone to know what happened if he hadn't spoke about them.
The Healer gave Dahlia a small nod before she said, "they've improved greatly since they were admitted here but..." she then gave her a pitiful look, "I'm sorry but it is very unlikely they will ever remember anyone or communicate like you or I can. Physically, they've healed, but it's the mind that's beyond repair. You can go in and see them. Mrs. Longbottom and Nev-"
"It's fine," Dahlia cut her off, "I just wanted to check on-"
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Just A Story
A world without magic. A planet like any other, where neither monsters, demons nor gods exist. A plain, maybe even boring, earth. A world where the only advantures are either written in books, shown on TV or games. Or so it was supposed to be. Until now. Events are happening that will shacke the world. Events that have only ever happened in the fantasy of man. And at the centre of all these events stands one person. Someone who is completely overwhelmed by the events. He will have to make decisions that may not change the fate of the world, but change his and the life of everyone around him. Decisions he would regret. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have no fixed upload scedule as of yet, I will simply upload whenever I feel like the chapter is good enough to be uploaded.
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