《The Unknown》Chapter 22: Parents and Snakes
When the DA met the following Wednesday, many were confused by the symbol burned into the floor, many of them never having seen it before but Justin said, "isn't that a symbol of the devil?"
Hermione, obviously, rolled her eyes and said, "you watch too many horror movies. The Pentacle is the best representation of nature. Each point represents earth, air, fire, water, and divine spirit. In some cultures, the Pentacle is actually a symbol of protection from an unseen evil and is also a talisman for power. It protects you against negative, evil energies and against spirits and demons".
Justin looked down sheepishly, not knowing much about the symbol outside of the movies he saw at home. Dahlia was thankful that she didn't have to explain the symbol and thanks to Hermione's vast knowledge in almost everything, she has the perfect excuse for why it was on the floor, clearly not having thought about a reason beforehand. Dahlia said, "I burnt it into the middle of the room as a symbol of protection. After all, that's why we're all here. To learn how to protect ourselves, so I thought it was appropriate...now, last time we were practising the expelliarmus spell, I wanna see how each one of you can do it up close".
A metal toy-looking Death Eater then appeared in front of them with a wand and Dahlia had each student line up to see how good their spell was.
Parents weekend, as everyone was calling it, had finally arrived. It was in November just like it was suggested by the Avengers, but in the middle of the month. It fell on the weekend of 15th and 16th, where first to fourth year's parents would come on the Saturday, while fifth to seventh years was on the Sunday. If you asked any of the students, they would say that the best part of parent's weekend is that the Professors gave them no homework as they all knew preparations for the weekend and not having time to mark work would put them behind. For the first time, Muggle parents were allowed to come onto the premises and there were teachers that collected them, seen as they had no form of transport to Hogwarts, unlike others who could Apparate beyond the gates or use the Floo Network. Just for parent's weekend, they had to lower certain barriers around the school in order for the Muggle parents to be able to see the school itself, and it was one of the first times in history that so many Muggles walked the halls of Hogwarts.
For Dahlia, it was good that everyone was distracted, as most students were acting responsible because their parents were around; but when the parents came, the looks and the whispers started like the beginning of the year, many of the parents finally seeing the famous Girl-Who-Lived, or Girl-Who-Lied according to the Daily Prophet. The Saturday wasn't that bad because it was the younger years, who were more nervous about their results, so not much attention was drawn to her. She did, however, bump into the Creevey parents, who seemed relatively normal and didn't fanboy over Dahlia like the Creevey boys did when they first met her. She also met Luna's dad, Xenophilius, who seemed just as free spirited as Luna. He made it quite clear, however, whose side he took when it came to the is or isn't Voldemort back debate, and even offered to write it into the Quibble if Dahlia would do an interview. Dahlia was honoured but just wanted to keep her head down as not that many people read the Quibbler or took it as a serious source. For the rest of the day, she stayed in the Room of Requirement inside her box, practising more spells until the parents left.
The Sunday wasn't much different to the Saturday but this time, parents were arriving and Dahlia knew some of them were Death Eaters and she still couldn't believe that Dumbledore would allow them into the castle. She knew she simply couldn't hide like the day before, she needed to keep an eye out in case they tried anything. It wasn't just keeping on an eye on them either that was the issue, she needed to show them that she wasn't to be messed with. That they couldn't simply come into her school and expect her to hide. She would have her head held high and would walk around the castle and not show any fear to any of them, she wouldn't let them make her look weak. She was a Lokidottir, just like her sister, she would do the name proud and wouldn't bow down to anyone who tries to harm her.
The choir was singing 'Something Wicked this Way Comes' just after the parents had arrived and began to walk around the classes, timetables in their hands with when they had meetings with each teacher. In the meantime, many of them were simply walking around the castle in amazement or were reminiscing about old times spent there.
Of course, Dahlia had no one coming. God forbid she'd interrupt her aunt and uncle's timetable for them to come and check how she was doing in school. They didn't even care if she ate in the holidays, much less how she was doing academically. Her sister offered to come in disguise but the only people she would be able to come as would be her aunt or uncle, as no one else had the authority needed, and that would draw attention if either of them showed and didn't act mean to her. Of course, Dahlia didn't say that, but said that it would attract attention if they came, seen as Dumbledore had already asked them and they responded that they couldn't come due to issues at home. Also, she highly doubted that if they managed to persuade everyone that one of her relatives were coming, would Hela truly be able to control her anger when it came to Thor. She had no family in the wizarding world, so many believed that she had no one coming. Hela was extremely displeased with the news that her sister would have no one by her side, while everyone else had someone there to care about their academic achievements, but Dahlia reassured her that everything would be fine and she didn't care.
Their father even found out about it, Dahlia accidentally slipping up in the dream world, and he wished he could be there, but Dahlia tried to reassure him that it was fine, that she tells him how she's doing in school and he even says he's proud of her for telling the truth, even when it comes to not doing so well in some subjects. He, like Hela, could see it did bring some sadness as Dahlia longed to have a family, just like they did. She longed to be a young girl that could write home to talk about what happened at school, a girl who could play games with her family and argue about who won and cheated and complain about how annoying her siblings are or how unfair her father is. She may say it doesn't matter and it doesn't bother her, but both Loki and Hela could tell that even not having someone there for a simple parent's weekend did bother her.
Although she had no one there, it didn't stop others from caring about her. When Mr. and Mrs. Weasley arrived, they greeted all the children. They were there the day before for Ginny, but now they were there for Ron, Fred, and George. They greeted the children and said it was time to find out what trouble they'd been up to and even looked to Dahlia when Mrs. Weasley said it. As they saw each Professor, the Weasley parents were also told about Dahlia by request and Mrs. Weasley took the motherly role of even scolding Dahlia and congratulating her when it came to bad and good results.
No problems had occurred until they went to Science and Technology. Waiting outside, while Tony and Bruce finished with their last meeting, only took a few moments and the worst came out: the Malfoys. The three blondes came out with their heads held high as ever, but Mr. Malfoy looked irritated as ever, clearly disapproving with speaking to the filthy Muggles and looked as if he wanted to run and take a shower; as if he was afraid of catching something from being in the same room as them. He did, however, smirk when he saw Dahlia and said, "ah Miss Potter".
Both Weasley twins had to grab Dahlia's arms in order to stop Dahlia from moving forward and causing a shouting match in the middle of the school. She forced a smile and said, "Mr. Malfoy, murdered anyone recently for that Dark Lord of yours?"
Mr. Malfoy kept his posture intact as he said, "I assure you, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about"
"Continue to lie, you'll get what you deserve one day," Dahlia said glaring at him, just like the Weasleys did.
"Something going on here?" they all looked to the door to see Tony standing there.
"No, Professor Stark, everything's fine," Dahlia said calmly with irritation towards the head of the Malfoy family
Mr. Malfoy then said, "we were just leaving," and made a point to make eye contact with Dahlia as the Malfoy family walked away.
As they left, Tony looked to Dahlia and asked, "your meeting was an hour ago, are your aunt and uncle not coming?"
No one had asked why no one came for Dahlia, Tony being the first, and Dahlia was suddenly confronted with the feeling of someone feeling pity for her. She opened her mouth to answer but soon closed it, knowing she took too long to answer and it would seem that whatever came out would be something that needed thought and would be a lie. Thankfully, she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over to see it was Mrs. Weasley who said, "we're here on her behalf".
Dahlia gave a small thankful smile and instantly, Tony understood that look. He had made that look several times when it came to his father not showing up for events such as his graduation. It was the look of a child who wasn't cared for as she should have been. Tony looked between them and was thankful that at least Dahlia had someone with her, that she wasn't alone. He said, "okay then. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, please come in".
They walked into the classroom as the children waited outside and sat at the desk in front of Bruce and Tony. Bruce said, "Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, nice to see you again".
They sat down, but before they began, Tony asked quietly, so the children at the door couldn't hear as he knew they would be trying to listen in to what was said, "if you don't mind me asking, what's the deal with Dahlia's guardians? I was told that after her parent's death she was in the custody of her aunt and uncle"
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley glanced to one another for a moment, considering if it was their place to tell the Professors. Mrs. Weasley took it into her own hands and only commented, "her aunt and uncle don't like magic, they disapprove of our way of life and Dahlia. They don't show any love or affection-"
"Molly," Arthur said trying to stop her but she ignored him.
"it's a disgrace how they treat her-" Arthur interrupted.
He placed a hand on Mrs. Weasleys arm, that seemed to stop her from speaking, and said, "perhaps it is best if you speak to Professor Dumbledore about this".
Molly took a moment before she nodded and the two Avengers glanced at each other for only a moment before Bruce said, "so, Ron, Fred, and George then – and Dahlia of course..."
"Let's start off with Dahlia," Tony said and glanced to Bruce who nodded in agreement. Tony continued, "great student, obviously the lessons are easy at times for her as she was brought up in the Muggle world. The technology we talk about, she has probably already seen before and knows how to use it, and she's heard of the science from primary school. Obviously, not to the extent that we're teaching it, but she has a very good grasp on certain areas that many of the students wouldn't".
Bruce added, "unlike other subjects, this one doesn't have an exam, as you are aware, as we are simply trying to allow people to have a better understanding of the world outside of the magical one. Homework is always done, handed in on time, and contains good and well-structured essays. Although she's a good student, she could participate more in class. If you ask her a question, she will answer it or give it her best shot but she's very quiet when it comes to overall discussions".
Mr. Weasley nodded and said, "she's been through a lot".
"We completely understand," Tony said and gave a small smirk, which made Mr. and Mrs. Weasley confused but then looked to one another for a moment, as if questioning what they really knew. He continued, "which is why we don't encourage her to talk. In my opinion, if she wants to stay silent in her lessons, let her do it. Some people work better in silence, just ask him," Tony gestured to Bruce. He added, "she seems to be like that with all the new Professors, so we don't take offence. Some people just take time to warm up to people and no one would blame her for being wary of people...now, lets go to Fred, then George".
Christmas was quickly approaching and Dahlia had remained in the same numb mood she had been feeling. Things with the DA were progressing nicely and Hermione had found a way to communicate together for meeting times using Galleons. Each member had a Galleon and when it grew hot, the date on the Galleon had changed to that of the meeting time.
Dahlia still felt anger towards Professor Umbridge more than ever, since she was banned from Quidditch. The Slytherins had made up a song about Ron because he wasn't the best at Quidditch and made badges that said 'Weasley is Our King'. Luckily enough, they won the match against Slytherin, but that only caused confrontation after the match. Malfoy offending both Dahlia and the Weasleys, speaking about the Weasley parents and her mother, wasn't the wisest option and she attacked him. Her knuckles bruised over from the punch to his jaw and George joined in, Fred being held back by three other players. Professor Umbridge had made it a point to show off her new authority of being able to override the Professors and banned Dahlia and George from Quidditch, she even included Fred, stating he would have joined in the fight if he was not held back. Angelina Johnson was obviously not happy and it truly made Dahlia believe that she was the female version of Oliver Wood. If Dahlia knew she, as well as the Weasley twins, would be banned and have the female version of Oliver Wood glaring at them, Dahlia would have summoned some patience and would have tried to wait until Malfoy was alone to attack.
Hagrid also returned, which she was glad about, but he returned with a puffy slit eye amongst purple and black bruising. There were cuts on his hands and face and some of them were still bleeding. He told Dahlia, Ron, and Hermione of his journey into the mountains to find the giants, a dying-out race who Professor Dumbledore hoped to join them in the fight against Voldemort. To their dismay, Death Eaters were also there recruiting, and Hagrid and Olympe wouldn't have made it out alive if she didn't have magic; the mission was a failure.
The only good thing as the weeks went by were her night sessions with Akio and her sister. Three days a week, Akio would come to Midgard and continue training her. Not for six hours like he would have liked, but for four hours after she had dinner and everyone went back to their common rooms. Her sister came twice a week and most of their time was spent in Dahlia's box, reading about their magic, learning new spells, and continuing to block Dahlia's mind, which she was improving now that she had help. It was the nights that made the days' worth it, even when she was asleep and would see her father.
The dreams of Cedric were rare now, talking with her father helped her put her mind at rest as he told her more about Valhalla, he told her that because of what he did, it was highly likely that her mother was looking after him; whether Cedric wanted that or not. Her dreams of Voldemort, however, had ceased in numbers but the ones that did break through were powerful and sometimes painful.
Dahlia was dreaming about Niflheim, riding Eclipse above the palace, the shops, the homes, and on the boarder of the forest near the castle of the old Kings, when it suddenly changed. Her surroundings disappeared and turned black for a moment, Eclipse had gone and she felt her body become smooth and flexible. She was gliding along the floors in between the now shining metal bars, across dark stone-cold floors, she was flat against them. Sliding on her belly. It was dark yet she could see objects around her but they were swimming in vibrant colours. At first glance, the corridor she was in was empty but looking again, there was a man up ahead who was sat on the ground, his figure gleaming in the darkness.
The sensation of the man's scent took over her senses and she could tell he was drowsy but wanted to taste him, to bite him, but she felt the need to focus on her mission. A silver cloak fell from the man as he jumped up and she saw an outline of a wand being drawn. She had no choice but to rear high up into the air and strike...once...twice...three times, she plunged her fangs into the man. Her mouth filling with the bitter metallic taste of blood. The man yelling in pain but she couldn't stop until the man slumped against the wall, falling silent.
Pain, agony, suddenly shot at her forehead as if it was going to burst.
She opened her eyes, panting as she saw that she was covered in sweat and the bed covers were twisted. She felt as though someone had placed a fire spell on her scar it burned so much.
"Dahlia," Hermione said standing above Dahlia's bed looking frightened. The other girls stood at the end of Dahlia's bed, all with the same looks on their faces.
Dahlia sat up and clutched her head, seething in pain, she tried to move off of the bed but fell to the floor. Hermione tried to help her as Fay said, "I'll get help," and quickly ran from the room.
Dahlia was gulping back the air, she tried to speak, to tell Hermione what was wrong but she couldn't, Hermione noticed and said, "it's okay, 'Lia. Help is coming".
Dahlia shook her head and took a deep breath that everyone could hear and said, "Mr. Weasley...bitten..." she had to bite her lip to hold back a scream. She tried to block her mind, to push Voldemort out, but she was too focused on trying to tell Hermione what happened to truly focus.
"What?" Hermione gasped.
Dahlia took a few deep breaths, closed her eyes and mumbled so only she could hear, "heimta af ór minn höfuð, heimta af ór minn höfuð" (get out of my head, get out of my head) over and over.
Finally, she felt like the pain minimised and she pushed herself up against the bed, attempting to stand as Hermione was by her side helping her. Panting, she said, "'Moine, hav...have to get to Dumbledore...blood...Mr. Weasley bitten".
"'Lia, it's okay. It was just a dream, you clearly don't feel well. It's okay, Fey's gone for help".
"No," Dahlia said shaking her head and pushed Hermione away then ran out the door, staggering along the way.
"Dahlia," Hermione shouted as she ran after her best friend.
Dahlia ran out of the common room and headed towards the headmaster's tower. "Miss Potter," she heard Professor McGonagall and she looked down the moving stairs to see the head of Gryffindor in a tartan dressing gown working her way up the stairs.
Dahlia ignored her and continued to run towards the headmaster's tower. Some of the elder prefects and heads on duty tried to stop her as they saw her, Dahlia not for a moment trying to be sneaky as a man's life was at risk.
She was only a few corridors away from the headmaster's office when she turned the corner and bumped into someone, knocking her over. Looking up, she saw it was Steve standing above her. "You okay, Dahlia?" He asked.
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