《The Unknown》Chapter 21: Hidden Truths
The storm-swept weather continued to the point where they couldn't hear what Professor Sprout was saying in her Herbology lesson when the rain hit the greenhouse. The Professor had to resort to using a spell that made it seem like she was shouting. The Care of Magical Creatures lesson was even taken inside and to everyone's relief, Quidditch practise was cancelled as no one on the team could cope being in that weather again. It was then that the trio began to tell everyone that the first Defence meeting would be at eight o'clock and where to go.
Dahlia had kept her word to Dobby and had managed to speak to Hermione when they were in the common room that afternoon. "'Mione, I'm not saying it's not thoughtless but you need to stop".
"House elves deserve rights," Hermione argued.
"I realise that, I do. But, you're making the house elves miserable and insulted-"
Hermione interrupted, "because they didn't understand what freedom is like. Once they realise that-"
"Hermione, they don't want that," Dahlia argued back, "Dobby was an exception to wanting to be freed but that was because he was being abused. The house elves here aren't. Maybe there are more like Dobby out there, yes, but here there aren't. Hermione, when's the last time you saw a house elf in here but Dobby?"
Hermione opened and closed her mouth as she couldn't think of any recently.
"Exactly. Hermione, they don't even want to come into the tower because they're afraid of you tricking them into freedom".
"No, 'Mione. I'm not telling you to give up on S.P.E.W. but stop tricking them into freedom. If they want it, then help them but from what I've heard, none of them at Hogwarts want that. This is their home as much as ours". Hermione's head went down as she hadn't thought of that. "How about talking to them and gaining their trust so they'll tell you the truth about what they want? Winky still drinks, after months of freedom, do you want the others to be like that? She's depressed".
Hermione shook her head and said, "I won't give up...but I'll do what you said. I'll talk to them, I'll stop leaving clothes out".
"Thank you," Dahlia sighed as Ron laughed having not interfered with the debate at all. Dahlia then noticed the time, seven thirty, and said, "come on, we should probably be going," before getting out the Marauder's Map to see where Filch and Professor Umbridge were so they could travel safely.
They finally reached the place Dobby spoke of, a stretch of blank wall opposite an enormous tapestry depicting Barnabas the Barmy's foolish attempt to train trolls for ballet. Dahlia said, "alright, Dobby said to walk this bit of the wall three times, concentrate hard on what we need".
They did so and thought 'we need somewhere to learn to fight...just give us a place to practise...somewhere they can't find us...' finally, a highly polished door had appeared in the wall. Ron was looking at it slightly warily as Dahlia reached out, seized the brass handle and opened the door that led into a rather spacious room.
The room was flicking with torches, like those that lit the dungeons. The walls were lined with bookcases and instead of chairs, there were large silk cushions on the floor. There was a shelf at the far end of the room that held dark detectors showing when dark wizards or enemies are around such as a Sneakoscopes and secrecy sensors. Hermione could only focus on the books and Dahlia wasn't surprised as it was Hermione, but it looked like the time Dahlia first entered the box and she saw books on her magic and the realms, Hermione looked like she wanted to read them all in seconds. The presence of books made Hermione's doubts about the Defence club all vanish.
A gentle knock on the door and Ginny, Neville, Lavender, Parvati, and Dean had arrived. They had similar expressions of being impressed as they entered the room and asked what it was but Dahlia just gestured for them to sit as she didn't fancy repeating herself. By the time eight o'clock came, every cushion was occupied and Dahlia locked the door with the key in the lock and everyone fell silent when they heard it lock.
Dahlia then stood before everyone and said, "right, this is the place we've found for practise. You all found it alright, hopefully you do in the future".
"It's fantastic," Cho said and people murmured in agreement.
"It's bizarre," said Fred telling them the time he and George hid from Filch in there but it was a broom cupboard back then.
Hermione insisted they elected a leader and a name and instantly Dahlia was elected as the leader, which was clear as she was the teacher. The name took a couple of suggestions before they decided on Dumbledore's Army or the D.A. as it was what the Ministry feared the most and it was the Ministry which were screwing up their education. The name was placed at the top of the parchment with their names on and was hung on the wall proudly: DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY.
It was an odd feeling of giving orders to people and Dahlia didn't understand how her sister did it on a daily basis where her instructions affected an entire realm. She couldn't imagine holding that much responsibility. She decided that everyone should start with Expelliarmus and everyone paired off and practised, Neville being the last so he was paired with Dahlia. Dahlia was right to start off with the basics as there was a lot of bad spell work being done, many people not disarming their partners but nearly causing them to jump back a few steps or wince as the spell passed over them. Dahlia told Neville to work with Hermione and Ron as she walked around the room and observed her students.
It was a varied result with Ginny doing well against Michael whereas he was doing badly or jinxing her. Ernie was flourishing his wand unnecessarily, giving his partner time to disarm him or put up shields against himself. The Creevey brothers were enthusiastic but erratic and caused some of the books to fly from the shelves. Luna was okay, she sometimes sent Justin's wand out of his hand but there were times where it seemed to affect his hair and made it stand up.
"Okay, STOP," Dahlia said then whistled so everyone could hear her. "That was good but there is definitely room for improvement".
They started once again but this time Dahlia walked around and made improvements where they were needed. Most of the time it was hand positioning and the movement of the wand itself. Walking around the room, she not only made improvements but began to get to know some of the students that she hadn't spoken to before outside of the Defence club. A student that worried her was Marietta, a friend of Cho and a fellow Ravenclaw. The girl seemed like she didn't want to be there and Cho confirmed it when she told her that Marietta's mum works in the Ministry and they've forbidden her from getting on Professor Umbridges bad side. In Dahlia's eyes, that made the girl untrustworthy and she was needed to be kept an eye on, just in case. Dahlia silently thanked Hermione for putting a spell on the name sheet, so that if Marietta did betray them, they would know.
By the end of the class, they had accidentally run over and ended up sneaking people out in three's, watching the map to make sure they got back to their common rooms safely. The Hufflepuffs to the basement corridor, the Ravenclaws to their tower on the west side of the castle, and the Gryffindors to the Fat Lady's portrait.
"That was really good, 'Lia," Hermione said as it was only the Golden Trio remaining.
"Yeah, hopefully they'll be able to cast the spell without problems next time," Dahlia said hopefully.
"Come on, we should be getting back, it's late," Hermione said as she and Ron began to walk towards the door.
"You guys go," Dahlia said as they froze, "I just need time to think. You know, for the next lesson. I just wanna hang here for a while".
"Do you want us to stay?" Ron asked.
Shaking her head, she replied, "no, no, you guys go. I won't be long".
"If you're sure," Hermione said and they left hesitantly, Dahlia locking the door behind them.
Dahlia turned back from the door and looked around the room as she began to play with her necklace. Of course, throughout the lesson she had been thinking that she could use the room to bring her sister to Hogwarts. It was secret, hidden, and not many people knew about it. It was the perfect place. 'I wish I had something that easily burns' she thought.
A large bottle of something appeared and Dahlia examined it but didn't know what it was. Smelling it, it smelled like gasoline and nail polish remover, both highly flammable so she assumed it would work. Slowly, she began to draw out her sister's symbol in the centre of the room, taking extra care when it came to the points of the star. Once she was finished, she brought out her wand and said, "Incendio". It immediately took to the chemicals it was intended and Dahlia let it burn for a few minutes before ceasing the flames to see that it was marked into the floor like she hoped. Clearing up the ash, she thought to her sister, "Hela, I've found a place you can come through".
A few moments passed before Hela replied, "where?"
"It's call the Come and Go Room. Not that many people know about it, the Professors won't find us. I've marked your symbol into the floor already".
"Dahlia, I need you to put a drop of your blood into the centre of the pentacle, that way I know exactly where I'm going".
Dahlia brought her dagger out and dropped a single drop of blood from her fingertip into the centre before standing away from the pentacle and said, "I'm done".
Barely any time passed before the dark blue portal began to appear and Dahlia let off a joyful laugh and almost jumped into the air. She saw her sister come out but before either could say anything, they ran to each other and engulfed one another in a hug. "I'm so happy to see you," Hela said into Dahlia's shoulder.
"Same here," Dahlia said just as the portal disappeared.
They pulled away after a few moments and sat down on the pillows as Hela asked, "what's been going on? I know I haven't been able to come to the dream world as much or talk, I've been busy".
Dahlia shrugged and said, "we had our first Defence club meeting today. I was elected as leader-"
"Of course," Hela interrupted.
"And we named it. We're called Dumbledore army or D.A. for short seen as it's what the Ministry is afraid of".
"Oh...great," Hela said with obvious reluctance at liking the name.
"What is it?" Dahlia asked and then remembered how her sister acted on Niflheim, when it came to topics of Dumbledore. "You still don't like him. Why?"
"I don't trust him, Dahlia. If a man who's been in a war with the same man twice still hasn't defeated him, he's clearly doing something wrong. Besides, he talks constantly about the greater good yet he's unwillingly to do everything to stop Voldemort".
"What do you mean?" Dalia said narrowing her brow.
"You know I have spies all around the world, especially here. Dumbledore tells his followers not to use spells such as Crucio or the Killing Curse-"
"So that no one dies," Dahlia defended.
"But not everyone can be saved. In a thousand years of being Queen, I've realised that you can't save everyone when it comes to war. Sometimes you have to make the hard choices. Voldemort and his followers are willing to do anything, but Dumbledore wants them captured and imprisoned. Some of those followers are willing to die and take as many people with them before they're imprisoned. Dumbledore doesn't understand, so he's foolish. Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me you trust him?"
Dahlia tried, she really looked sister in the eyes but knew that she didn't trust Dumbledore. She sighed as she looked down and said, "no. I used to but he's keeping secrets from me, avoiding me".
"But then so are you," Dahlia pointed out, while Hela stiffened. "Yet I trust you. Hela, my scar has been hurting again. I've been having more dreams and I've tried to block them, but sometimes I can't. I-I've been feeling such anger recently, I don't understand". Hela moved as if she was going to stand but Dahlia grabbed her arm to stop her and said, "I know you know something. It's why you wanted me to learn how to block my mind. I never questioned why but...I think you need to tell me now".
Hela sighed as she relaxed back onto the cushion, as relaxed as she could get as she knew her sister would one day question her and she couldn't, wouldn't, refuse her the truth when so many had lied. She took Dahlia's hand and said, "I won't lie to you. I've never lied to you, I know so many have hurt you that way. But I warn you, the truth will change the way you look at this war. Know this, nothing has changed when it comes to family, okay? Papa and I are always with you, we love you".
Dahlia clenched her jaw tight in fear that it would start trembling and tried to muster up the confidence as she said, "I want to know the truth. Sister, you're the only one I can truly trust right now. I don't want to doubt you".
"You don't have to. I promise..." Hela took a moment as she glanced down to their hands and smiled before she looked up and said, "you asked me in the summer, when you were wherever the Order is, about a weapon that Voldemort didn't have last time. You asked me if I knew what it was. I didn't lie to you, I didn't know about any weapon but it turned out, it wasn't the kind of weapon we thought it was".
Frowning Dahlia asked, "what weapon is it then?"
"It's not a weapon at all, it's a prophecy. Your prophecy against Voldemort. We knew there was a prophecy, it's why you went into hiding when you were a child but we never heard it. Not even your mother heard it. All I know, is that you're destined to defeat Voldemort".
With a shake of her head, Dahlia replied quickly, "but you and dad told me that destiny isn't set in stone. Just like your prophecy of Ragnarök".
"It's-er-...er, confusing. There are some destinies that can change, that have the potential to vanish. The events in them never occurring, like Ragnarök. It isn't set in stone to happen. Then, there are others which are set in stone. They have to happen for other events to happen or other prophecies, like yours. On Niflheim, we have a woman, no one knows where she comes from, not even I, but she's one of the original souls to go to Niflheim. She's also a member of the Council but her job is to see prophecies. No matter the realm, she can see all of them. We call her the Oracle".
"Did she tell you mine? What is it?"
"She can't. Prophecies such as yours have already begun to take action, already taken steps to be true. I've tried to get her to tell me-"
"You're the Queen," Dahlia said not being able to handle shouting it.
"Exactly, but there are rules that even I and Falcon have to follow. Being Queen, I am privileged to everything, but your prophecy. I've been told that I'm not to find out that way but to find it another. It's the way it's been seen".
"Find out how?"
"I believe I am to find out through you". Dahlia looked confused immediately and began to shake her head, to deny she didn't know it but Hela beat her to it. "I know you do not know it, but I know where it is. The Department of Mysteries has all the prophecy globes from seers in Britain. I can get in there, but I can't take the globe. Wizards protect them, so only those the prophecy is about can receive it or else it destroys itself. I don't fancy taking the risk of it doing that, so-"
"We get in and we take it," Dahlia finished off her sister's line of thought, knowing what she was thinking.
"Why does Voldemort want it, if it says I'm destined to destroy him?"
Hela shrugged and replied, "maybe he hopes that it somehow tells him how you do it so he can use that against you, to destroy you. I don't know. All I know is that he wants it and Dumbledore has been sending people to protect it".
Dahlia took a deep breath before she sighed, thinking that her life just kept on adding obstacles towards it and wondered what would happen next, but she knew that she would soon find out. She could tell there was more, she could tell her sister had more to tell by the way Hela was biting her bottom lip and kept a tight hold of Dahlia's hand.
"What else?" Dahlia asked, "there's more, I know there is. Hela, please".
Dahlia had rarely seen emotion so rare on her sister as she had tears in her eyes, but her lips pressed tightly together as if trying to control rage and sadness at the same time. She moved as close as possible to Dahlia and wrapped an arm around her waist, as if she wanted to hold her, shield her from the world, and said, "I want you to know that I'm finding a way out of this. Finding an alternative and no matter what, I won't stop looking".
"Hela, you're scaring me. What is it?"
"I did not want to tell you like this. Not for months, years, not till I found a way out of it-"
"Tell me," Dahlia said frustrated.
Hela hesitated for a few moments before she said, "long ago, there was a man named Herpo. He was from Midgard and he was named Herpo the Foul for what he did. He created a spell so that a wizard could rip their soul apart. They could put a piece of their soul somewhere else so that if they died, they didn't truly die, they could come back".
"That's impossible".
Hela shook her head, "not impossible, just very unlikely. He did it, put a piece of his soul inside an object and called it a Horcrux. Eventually, it was destroyed and he died. You have to completely destroy the object for the Horcrux to be destroyed. Alec sentenced him to eternity in Mareritt and he's still there now..."
"Voldemort did the same thing, didn't he? You wouldn't be telling me this otherwise," Dahlia said knowing where the conversation was going.
"Yes, but he took it to the extreme. He created more than one. From what I can gather, he has seven".
"SEVEN," Dahlia shouted, before closing ear eyes and taking deep breaths to control her temper. "I'm supposed to destroy them, aren't I?" She reopened her eyes to look to her sister.
"You already destroyed one," Dahlia looked confused, "the diary in second year. From what I can gather, that was his first".
"So, I just go around destroying them and then he's vulnerable, he can be killed?"
"Yes, but...sister, he did something that even Herpo thought was improbable when I spoke to him. It is possible if the soul is split so many times for accidental Horcruxes to happen. Meaning, he could have a Horcrux out there that even he doesn't know about".
"Please don't tell me there's more than seven?" Dalia asked desperately.
"No there's only seven but he only intended to make six. He created one that he doesn't know of-"
Dahlia immediately interrupted, "do you know what it is? Can we destroy it?"
"Yes, I know what it is but...I don't want to destroy the vessel".
"What?" Dahlia asked shocked and ripped her arms away from her sister's and stood. She began to pace in front of the goddess of death with a thoughtful look on her face. She said, "why? He killed my mum, the woman you see as a mother too. He trying to kill me, why don't you-"
Hela stood in front of her sister and said, "because it's not as simple as that. It's you".
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