《The Unknown》Chapter 20: Hogs Head
It was two weeks later when Dahlia finally decided that it was time to get revenge. Professor Umbridge had given detention to many people throughout that short time, so it wouldn't be suspicious and lead directly to Dahlia. During that time, Ron had become keeper for the Quidditch team, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, Sturgis Podmore, had been arrested for breaking into a top-secret room at the Ministry, and Ron had become quite upset with his brother Percy. His brother congratulated him on becoming a prefect and urged Ron to stop associating with Dahlia and commenting that one day, their family would realise the mistake they made by siding with Dumbledore and Dahlia. Percy tried to stress the importance of loyalty to the Ministry and articles in the Daily Prophet. Dahlia had also written to Sirius to see if she could find out any Order information but was also curious to find out where Hagrid was as she was worried about him. Sirius managed to contact the trio through the floo network and he managed to tell them that they needn't worry about Hagrid. Although Olympe Maxime said they got separated on the way back, Hagrid was tough.
Professor Dumbledore had been seen less and less around the castle too. He wasn't seen as much and missed meals but he was doing that at the beginning of the year. Now, it was days where he would disappear and when Dahlia saw him, it was just glances. She did try to talk to him at one point but he acted like he hadn't heard her, which she knew wasn't true. It was just secret after secret when it came to the Headmaster and Dahlia hated it. She had expressed her frustration to her sister and Hela also showed great dislike towards Dumbledore and Dahlia thought there was something else but didn't question it, knowing her sister would tell her when the time was right.
When it came to Professor Umbridge's punishment, Dahlia knew she couldn't just play a simple prank that Fred and George would. Sure, their pranks were good but not good enough for the god of mischief's daughter to use as revenge. Her father didn't just teach her magic after all.
Dahlia knew Professor Umbridge's patterns and knew the perfect way to get to someone like her would be to affect their reputation, their image. It started off slow, using her Aesir magic, so that Umbridge felt like something was fluttering around her but no one else could see it. She was constantly waving her hand through clear air. Dahlia even went as far as spelling Professor Umbridge's office to go completely black, the cats replaced with bats and it was those exact bats that flew out of the plates and attacked her. She ran around the castle, screaming attacking the air and it was hard for Dahlia to keep up as she had to have visual contact for the illusion to continue. When she saw Professors approaching, Dahlia stopped the illusion and hid.
Dahlia couldn't help but laugh when Professor Umbridge began to rant about how bats were chasing her, how a student's been in her office. Returning to her office, not a single Professor saw what she did and Professor Umbridge even felt embarrassed. For days, Dahlia would use her magic so the Professor saw bats or for a moment would hear them and it would send the woman into a fit. Everyone began to look at her as if she was going to break at any moment and that's when Dahlia knew her work was done.
She had told her father and sister that night in the dream world and her father couldn't stop laughing that his baby girl had done her first illusion prank and embarrassed Hela by telling the story of hers. Their father had to help fix Hela's as she didn't know how to stop the illusion spiders from scaring the servants in Asgard and Odin disapproved terribly, while Loki and Frigga congratulated her in private.
Hermione had begun to make suggestions that Dahlia teach the students Defence, at first it was meant as a joke during one of Hermione's rants about Professor Umbridge's lessons but then she suddenly had the look on her face that she had an idea and that was it. Dahlia denied the request instantly, knowing most of the school hated her at the moment in time, so why would they let her teach them. Besides that, all the times she fought Voldemort she considered it pure luck but Hermione didn't see it that way. She brought it up once again but this time Ron seemed to agree with her and Dahlia couldn't stop thinking about the idea, every time she looked down to her hand or was in the Toad's lesson, she thought about how much better any student could be.
Finally managing to persuade Dahlia to at least listen to reason and give the teaching a shot, Hermione had gathered a meeting between students who may be willing on the first Hogsmeade weekend. Having a meeting in the school would draw suspicion to the number of students and there could have been Slytherins, or worse, Professor Umbridge lurking around any corner. Hermione arranged the meeting at the Hog's Head pub, what she considered dodgy because of the way it looked and no one went there so they wouldn't be disturbed.
The Hog's Head bar compromised one small, dingy and very dirty room that smelled strongly of what they could only guess was goats. The windows encrusted with grime and very little daylight came through. Dahlia wasn't surprised when she remembered Hagrid telling her that you got a lot of funny folk in the pub years ago when it came to the dragon egg. There were very few people in the pub, firstly there was a man at the bar whose white head was wrapped up in a grey bandage, gulping down some fiery substance from a glass. There were two other figures that were shrouded in hoods at one of the tables near the windows, talking in strong Yorkshire accents, and finally, in a shadowy corner by the fire place, there sat a witch in a thick black veil that covered her from head to toe.
Hermione said that she had only invited a couple of people but Dahlia could hear the slight change in tone when she said it that made her believe that there were more than a couple of people coming. Her thoughts were confirmed as they began to arrive. First came Neville with Dean and Lavender, then the Patil twins, Padma and Parvati, not too far behind. Then came Cho Chang with one of her giggling friends, Marietta Edgecombe, then in her own dreamy-like way came Luna Lovegood; then Kate Bell, Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson, Colin and Dennis Creevey, Ernie Macmillan, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Anthony Goldstein, Micheal Corner, Terry Boot, Ginny, Zachariah Smith, Fred and George along with their friend Lee Jordan, and from the looks of things, the three had just come from Zonkos with their bags.
Dahlia didn't bother questioning Hermione as she knew she lied but couldn't help but glare at her for a moment as everyone sat down in a corner of the pub while Fred and George ordered Butterbeer and everyone coughed up the cash. Everyone gathered seats around while Ron, Hermione and Dahlia took three and sat in front of the group. Dahlia didn't know what to say so they let everyone get settled before Hermione stood and started, "err...hi..." the group split its attention between looking at Hermione and Dahlia. "Right, well...you...you all know why we're here. 'Lia had the idea-" Dahlia shot her a look, "I had the idea, that if people really wanted to study Defence Against the Dark Arts, then they should really study it. Not that rubbish that Umbridge is teaching because no one can all that Defence".
"Here here," Anthony Goldstein cheered.
"I thought it was time to take matters into our own hands," Hermione said. She glanced to Dahlia for a moment then turned back and said, "and by that, I mean learning how to defend ourselves properly with not just the theory behind it but the spells too-"
"You want to pass your O.W.L though too, right?" Michael Corner, an obvious Ravenclaw, asked as he watched Hermione closely.
"Of course I do," Hermione said holding her head up high, "but more than that, I want to be trained because...because...because Voldemort is back".
Everyone seemed to have similar reactions of becoming stiff, chocking on their butterbeer and even the odd squeal amongst the group. "Says who?" The Hufflepuff Zachariah asked, "where's the proof?"
"Well, Dumbledore-" Hermione started.
"Dumbledore believes her," Zacharias said gesturing to Dahlia.
Dahlia then stood and gestured for Hermione to sit as she said, "Dumbledore told the truth at the end of last year when he said that Voldemort was back, that he killed Cedric. If you don't believe him, why would you believe me. But I know this...a piece of your heart, a piece of your mind truly believes that Voldemort is back, I saw it when Dumbledore announced the truth. You all believed him but then the Ministry got involved and clouded your judgement. You're all too afraid of the truth, of what it really means for Voldemort to be back. I'm not gonna stand here and talk about what happened last year, how Cedric died in honour of his memory. I'm not even gonna try and persuade you the truth because you know the truth and I have better things to be doing than repeating what has been said when you'll eventually find out the truth yourself. If you're here for details about last year, just get up and leave. Because I'm not telling it and you're disgracing not only the memory of Cedric but yourself too".
No one left, not even Zacharias.
"Is it true you can produce a Patronus?" A Hufflepuff girl asked.
"A corporeal Patronus?"
Something stirred in Dahlias memory, the memory of the courtroom and people there and asked, "do you know Madame Bones?"
The girl smiled and said, "I'm Susan Bones, she's my auntie. She told me about your hearing, that you can produce a stag Patronus. Is it true?"
"I didn't know you could do that," Lee said, "Blimey, 'Lia".
"Did you kill a Basilisk with the sword in Dumbledore's office?" Terry asked, "that's what one of the portraits in there told me last year".
"Yeah, I did," Dahlia said uncertain as she didn't want to sound big-headed.
Everyone looked impressed and a few awestruck looks were passed around while a few people said, "wow," which made Dahlia just roll her eyes as she didn't want the added attention and didn't know which was worse, them being awestruck or thinking she was a freak.
"And in first year, she saved the philological stone-" Neville said but was interrupted.
"Philosopher's," Hermione almost hissed.
"Yeah, from You-Know-Who," Neville finished.
"And let's not forget," Cho said, "all the events from last year in the Triwizard Tournament. Dragons, Merpeople, Acromantula and other things..."
"He's really back, isn't he?" Little third year Dennis asked, being the youngest in the group.
Dahlia could only nod and everyone began to take in Dennis' question, many already changing their opinions of what was going on and what the truth was. Of course, there were a few that still didn't believe but Dahlia would help them.
Hermione said, "so we're all in agreement that we want 'Lia to teach?"
After some agreements that the meeting wouldn't interrupt any Quidditch, which Hermione thought was ridiculous, they tried to come up with a place that would be big enough, quiet enough, and somewhere where Professor Umbridge wouldn't find them. They decided to send word when they come up with a place for the first. When it came to writing their names down, there were some who were hesitant, believing they would be discovered and would receive punishment if the Professors found out about their club but they eventually did, knowing that everyone else was taking the risk. After signing, no one would admit it but there was an odd feeling, as if they had signed a contact or made an oath to every member of the group.
Finally, Dahlia felt some joy for the rest of the weekend than she had done since she left Niflheim. Sunday, she and Ron spent much of it catching up on homework, the last bit of sunshine persisted so they decided to take their work outside and sat by the Great Lake under a tree. Hermione, who was always up to date with her homework, brought out some wool as she was once again making hats for the house elves. Knowing that they were finally doing something against Professor Umbridge and the Ministry gave all three a sense of satisfaction. When Dahlia told her sister, Hela was happy that they were doing something against the Toad Professor and gave her services to help the group, but of course that couldn't happen without revealing who Dahlia truly was which was dangerous, so they decided against it. Loki, who knew very little about what was going on, knew that Professor Umbridge was an awful Professor who wasn't teaching them right and when he found out about his daughters little Defence group, he was proud of her and told her that she reminded him of her mother. Her resilience to help people and fight for what she believes in.
When Dahlia and Ron finished catching up and Hermione made serval hats, they headed back inside to the common room but found a group of people around the notice board. A large sign was now fixed that covered all the others.
"All Student Organisations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs are henceforth disbanded.
An Organisation, Society, Team, Group, or Club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students.
Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge).
No Student Organisation, Society, Team, Group, or Club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor.
Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an Organisation, Society, Team, Group, or Club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled"
Signed Dolores Umbridge, High Inquisitor.
The three read it over and over again before looking to each other and went to the quiet corner in the common room. "She's got to know," Dahlia said.
"How?" Ron questioned.
"Anyone from the pub could have gone and told her-"
"They can't have," Hermione said.
"'Mione, not everyone is as trustworthy as you'd like to believe," Dahlia said.
"No," Hermione shook her head, "they can't have because I put a jinx on the piece of parchment we all signed. Believe me, if anyone ran off to Umbridge, we'll know".
"What'll happen?" Ron asked eagerly.
"Put it this way, it'll make Eloise Midgeons acne look like a couple of cute freckles. Come on, let's get down to the Great Hall, see if this has been put in the other common rooms".
Entering the Great Hall, they knew instantly that it appeared in the other common rooms as people were already talking about it. Of course, the majority talking about how it affected Quidditch. As they sat, they were immediately greeted by the other Gryffindor's who had joined the group and they were questioning everything. If they knew and what they were going to do. But of course, Dahlia was going to train them, a stupid rule couldn't change that and Professor Umbridge potentially knowing just made it bittersweet as she'd know but wouldn't be able to catch them.
The first lesson of the day was History of Magic and for a moment, Ron panicked that Professor Umbridge would be inspecting the lesson, like she intended to do to all lessons. The lesson itself was already hard to stay awake for and if she was there, it would be even harder to pay attention. Luckily, when they entered the room, the only Professor there was Professor Binns, floating a few inches above his chair as usual, waiting to drone on once again about the giant wars. Dahlia didn't even bother to attempt to follow what he was saying, she just doodled on her parchment, ignoring Hermione as she nudged her and whispered for her to "pay attention" repeatedly.
What Dahlia didn't expect from that class was seeing Hedwig at the window hurt. Her wing not looking to be in the right position. Hedwig was always and would always be important to her. She was the first gift Dahlia had received when entering the wizarding world, she was her first friend and she wasn't about to let her suffer in pain. She excused herself from class, claiming she was ill as she went to find Professor Grubbly-Plank. The verdict, the Professor believed that Hedwig was attacked and it didn't take a genius to know who exactly attacked her. Thankfully, she said that she could fix her which Dahlia was relieved and didn't mind that Hedwig couldn't fly long distance for a few days, her health was more important.
Heading to Potions class, Ron's superstition of Professor Umbridge being in Professor Binns' class may have been wrong, but he wasn't wrong about her not being in anyone else's class. Walking into Potions, Professor Snape immediately said that they have company and everyone looked to the corner to see the smiling Toad who let off a small laugh.
Dahlia closed her eyes and sighed in frustration, finding this the worst day so far. It didn't help that Neville almost attacked Draco for talking about St. Mungo's Ward for people whose mind had been affected by magic. Of course, Dahlia knew it was because of his parents but wouldn't let Neville or anyone else know that she knew that. If it wasn't for her, he would have struck Draco and considering the power Professor Umbridge was gaining, he would be expelled.
Many would believe that Slytherins stick together but it didn't seem that way when it came to Professors Snape and Umbridge, the most hated teachers in the school. Maybe it was because Professor Snape didn't like Professor Umbridge like the rest of the class or maybe it was because she was a stuck-up bitch to everyone. No one knew. Snape was the youngest person to receive the title of Potions Master and Professor Umbridge had the nerve to question what the students would be learning for their age and then went on to question if the potion should be taught at all. Professor Snape had been working at Hogwarts for fourteen years, if anyone knew what age students should do potions, especially a strengthening solution, it would be him.
The lessons ticked by, Professor Umbridge was upsetting more than one teacher as everyone noticed how angry and upset Professor Trelawney was. Dahlia couldn't stand the Toad and it seemed like the longer she was there the more damage she did. While many people went to their common rooms after dinner, Dahlia got changed and headed for the gym.
Entering, she saw Natasha and Clint sparring and Steve was at the punching bags. When they heard the door open, they turned to it and Dahlia asked, "I'm allowed in here right? The new rule doesn't affect this does it?"
"Nah," Clint said, "groups, teams, clubs, this doesn't count because this is your physical health".
"Thanks," Dahlia said then headed over to grab some punching gloves and then went to the punching bags, knowing she needed to let off a little steam in her anger.
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In Babylon City the sun never shines. Blanketed in endless rain, the futuristic city is ruled by the iron grip of its vampiric overlords. Thaqib, a local trash hauler vents his frustration painting the city streets. But tonight his life is about to change. When a strange object falls into the harbour, Thaqib will come to learn of Zion – the ancient civilization that once stood in Babylon’s place. Drawn into a perilous quest, he must master Zion’s ancient cultivation techniques if he is to survive. The dark forces that rule the empire of Babylon seek total domination of the planet and will not allow anyone to threaten their plan. Along the way Thaqib will meet powerful warriors and mighty sages who will impart the wisdom he needs to cultivate the only power that can restore the light of Zion.
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Parallel worlds or other worlds. The existence of infinite existence where it only exists in science fiction like in comics, books, or cartoons. We, humans, are so fond of that fiction idea, imagining a thousand worlds where we can have different appearances, lives, and selves. For example, a murderer who's been living in the underbelly of society in the dark might be the most successful businessman in an alternate timeline or reality. The infinite possibilities we could have, that's why the idea of parallel worlds revolves around "what if", " I should've...", etc. The wishful thinking that how we could have done it better or in a word, "regret". Other than that, it's still from fiction. The concept of it only exists in our imaginary minds. But, it all changed when 20 students from an ordinary high school were caught in a mysterious phenomenon. A surge of blue light crawled across the whole room, symbols, lines, and geometric patterns emerged slowly. The light slowly grew brighter and brighter, in a blink of an eye, all of them vanished. Till to this day, the mysterious phenomenon was left to be unknown, with the existence of those 20 students. Join the journey of Sirius Steorra and Alice Schwartz as they transverse to the other world and uncover the mysteries of its world. A world that’s shrouded by mysteries and history. This is their story... ----------------------------------------------------- This is also available in Webnovel and Scribblehub. I do not own the artwork, if you are the illustrator just let me know if you want me to remove it. (Only using it temporarily) DISCLAIMERWork of fiction. All the names, places, and events are all purely based on the author's imagination. Any resemblance to an actual person or events is purely coincidental.
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