《The Unknown》Chapter 19: Blood and Workout
The next class, Science and Technology, had the same setting as the other class but this time there were posters along the walls that Dahlia could recognise as science, but far advanced than she was ever taught, and they even had a creepy skeleton at the front of the class. For the first few days, Tony thought it was a joke being called Professor as it made him sound old but knew he wasn't allowed to let the students call him Tony, so he had to live with it. Everyone took their seats in the same places as the other class as Tony stepped forward and said, "my name's Professor Stark, this is Professor Banner; warning, don't make him angry".
Some of the students looked hesitantly at Bruce and were even scared before Bruce commented, "you've just come from Muggle History and Realms, right?" The class nodded, "thought so. Just so you know, I don't just turn into a giant green rage monster. I do have some control".
"Yeah, green monster won't eat you alive," Tony joked before pulling a face as if he was nervous but then laughed, "joking. Anyway, today you've got a double period, so first we'll talk about blood, then go onto technology. Now, can someone tell me why the purity of your blood matters?"
Draco smirked and said loudly, "because the purity of your blood is everything. Shows your importance and shows superiority". Draco couldn't help but glance at the Muggle-borns with a smug look, which Hermione glared at him for and would happily punch him like she did in third year.
Tony hummed and said, "I'm guessing you're pureblood. Come up here". Draco stood and went to the front, "name?"
"Draco Malfoy of-"
"Yeah yeah. Malfoy, ancient and noble house, bet you're the heir, I've heard that phrase non-stop this week yada yada yada, I'm sick of it. Now, any Muggle-borns, put your hands up". a small group of students did, and he pointed one out and said, "Come up and name".
"Hermione Granger, sir," Hermione said as she stood and joined Draco at the front but stood a few feet away, on the opposite side of Tony.
Bruce stepped forward and said, "today, we're going to be showing you that there's literally no difference in your blood or in your DNA when it comes to you two. I need you to cut your finger and place a drop onto these". Bruce handed them two knives and two microscope glass slides. Both students looked hesitant before Bruce said, "Professor McGonagall spelled the knives for us, it won't hurt, and it'll heal instantly".
Both students participated and let a drop fall onto the slides, before handing them both to Bruce who gestured to them to stay there. He placed the two slides underneath two microscopes at the front, there was also a third, but they didn't know why that was there. Tony pulled a screen down from behind the table and said, "when the blood is placed under the microscope it will project an image onto the screen. Kids, I promise you, when I figure out a way to make electricity work here, I'm so donating computers and real projectors, not what you have". Those who understood what he meant by real projectors laughed as many used them when they went to Muggle school, while others never knew any different.
Two images appeared on the screen and moved as Bruce moved the blood under the microscope. He said, "there, you see them. Now for those of you who don't know, these three machines are called microscopes. They can look into cells and the more powerful ones can look even deeper. For now, though, these will do seen as you don't have electricity". Bruce turned the objective lenses and the focus lenses so they could see the cells in the blood. "These are called cells, every living thing has them. Humans, animals, even plants".
"Now," Tony said, "Draco, can you tell me which one's your blood. After all, Muggle-borns are supposed to have dirty blood, right?".
Draco couldn't stop looking between the two images and saw no difference. The blood was exactly the same. The same colour, same shape, same amount, and he couldn't help but open and close his mouth.
Tony then cut his finger and placed a slab of his own blood into the microscope and everyone knew which one was his, the new image on the far left. He asked, "what difference is there from Muggle and wizard blood then?"
Once again, Draco saw no difference, it looked the same. Draco wasn't the only one shocked. Some people in the room were smiling at the revelation that they now had evidence that there was nothing wrong with their blood, while the purebloods and Slytherins seemed shocked, not knowing what to say and took glances at each other. Tony and Bruce saw it every time they did this, the student beliefs were being questioned before their very eyes and they couldn't defend what they were taught.
"Thank you, you two. You can sit down," Bruce said and Draco and Hermione sat, one more shocked than the other. "As you can see, there's nothing different about blood. Colour, shape, amount, nothing. Some of you in here have been raised to believe that you're superior because of your blood when realistically, you are all the same in the wizarding world".
"Now, we're not saying you're the same as me," Tony continued, "because let's face it, you're not. But that goes down to the DNA, which is much deeper. To be honest, we can't see that far down with the technology that you have in the school, which is why we have this".
Bruce rolled a whiteboard to the middle which held two posters, both having DNA on them but one having Muggle, while the other had wizard. They almost looked exactly the same. Bruce said, "now, this is DNA. This is how you can find out who someone is, like a paternity test. In the Muggle world, we can use DNA to find criminals and stuff like that. We know you are taught about it when it comes to your Transfiguration classes and Herbology, but were going to explain it more. Now, this is the sugar-phosphate backbone frame. In between them are these molecules here: adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine. Now, we all have them but if you look to this chart," Bruce pointed to the wizard one, "in between the molecules you have something extra, an extra molecule".
"Let's call it the Wizard Molecule," Tony said, "now, all of you in here were born with this in your DNA, which is why you can manipulate the air and its particles-"
"Just say magic, Tony," Bruce said.
"Never," Tony said stubbornly and everyone was reminded what Thor said about Tony not accepting magic but believing science. "Now, over time when people have kids, these molecules might not mix well with that child or activate which creates what you call Squibs. This could happen for several reasons, illnesses and incest are the main ones, and sometimes it just might not work. These Squib children, however, still have the molecule in their bodies but it just hasn't been activated. According to what we've found out, you send your Squibs into the Muggle world?"
Everyone nodded and a Ravenclaw, Michael, said, "they're no good here. It'll just upset them seeing magic, so they can find a place where they can fit in".
Tony nodded, "so you send these Squibs into the Muggle world and they have children. Those children have children etc. and that molecule gene is passed on".
"Now, from what we can gather in just the short amount of time we've known your world," Bruce said, "it comes to our conclusion that Muggle-born children are actually descendants of Squibs. Imagine generations after the Squib entered the Muggle world, hundreds of years passed, maybe not even that. The Squib not being table to tell anyone where they truly come from, the Wizard Molecule passed down from child to child unknowingly-"
Tony cut in, "until the day comes when two people, who are descendant from wizards, who both have the hidden molecule have a baby and WHAM!," Tony said slapping his hands together to be dramatic which made everyone jump. "The molecules join and its activated, creating a Muggle-born child".
Silenced passed the room as people looked to each other than a blonde Slytherin, Daphne Greengrass, put her hand up and asked, "so Muggle-borns didn't steal our magic?"
"Of course not, that's stupid," Hermione almost shouted as she looked to the Slytherin.
"That's enough," Bruce said, "she's just looking for reassurance. No, Muggle-born children didn't steal magic, how could they, they didn't even know about it until they get their Hogwarts letters?"
"Besides," Tony said, "no offence, but apart from the stuff you can do, the Muggle world is so much better. There's what, a million wizards on the entire planet, less than that. There're seven and a half billion people on the planet. You're the minority. Besides, we're further technologically advanced, what you can do with magic, we've figured out how to do with technology, mostly".
"I doubt you can fly," Pansy commented.
"Yep," Tony said popping the yes. "I created my suit to fly for starters, but that wasn't the beginning. The first plane, a flying machine that can carry hundreds of people today, was first invented in 1903 by Muggles. Since then, we've expanded. Muggles have flown to the moon".
"That's impossible," Tracey Davis, a Slytherin, said.
"It's true," Bruce said, "Muggles created a rocket to break through the atmosphere around the planet and go into space. The first human space launch was in 1961 by the Soviet Union. It was in 1969 that Neil Armstrong, an American, and his crew landed on the moon and was the first to take steps on it. Since then, Muggles have been going in and out of space. We have space stations, which is where astronauts, the people who fly to outer space, live, eat, sleep and analyse space and our planet. We've even got technology on other planets such as the Mars rover. That's a little robot, a machine, on Mars that's analysing it and has been there for years".
The room was just in silence as everyone thought of what they had just been told. Muggle-borns and some half-bloods knew it all to be true and just loved how it was finally being said as everyone else was shocked and amazed. The thing that made them special, the thing that made them superior wasn't as important as they believed it to be.
Dahlia could see some people questioning what they knew and decided that maybe the lesson wouldn't be so bad. As long as she didn't draw attention to herself, maybe those snotty prejudiced purebloods could learn a thing or two. They left that lesson without any homework and Professor Banner made sure to tell them that it wouldn't always be like that, but even Bruce knew Tony wasn't going to give them any, so it'll have to be from him if they did get any.
At the end of the next day they finally had Sports and Self-defence. They had seen students, as the week went by, who complained that they were tired, and their bones ached due to the lesson, but many said that they couldn't wait for the next, as they actually had some fun. All of the students were told to dress in something appropriate for exercise, which meant many of the girls showed up in shorts or leggings with a form fitting top while the lads showed up in shorts or long thin pants that were easy to run in.
The class met in the courtyard, where Natasha and Clint were jogging on the spot, Natasha said, "we're jogging twice around the castle to start. I don't wanna hear any complaining and no stopping, if you do, points will be taken from your houses unless you have a legitimate reason for doing so. Let's go". Natasha ran first, and Clint gestured to the students to follow, they did, and he ran behind them to make sure no one stopped and snuck away to have the period off.
Running around the castle two times, everyone was barely jogging when they were halfway through the second time and Natasha may as well have walked as she led them. There were only a handful of students who were in shape, the only one she recognised was Dahlia. It made Natasha wonder what made these kids so out of shape. Was it all the crap they ate, or did they just rely on magic so much that they barely did anything to begin with?
When they got back to the courtyard, Natasha stood at the top of the steps and began to do jumping jacks. She shouted, "all spread out and copy me".
Clint joined her at the top as the tired and lazy kids spread out and did as she said. After jumping jacks, they did high knees, jumping squats, and lunges. Of course, it would have been a girl to complain first and Natasha rolled her eyes as she hated to stereotype girls, but when it came to the average teenager, it usually was. It was Lavender Brown this time, she said, "you can't keep on making us do this. This is torture".
"Stop," Natasha said as everyone stopped and could only look between her and Lavender as Natasha walked to the Gryffindor. "You don't know what torture is. I bet you're a pampered little princess at home...how about this, you do one move I show you and you get to miss class. You get to miss all the classes and I mark you as here so that your attendance isn't affected".
Everyone knew it was some kind of trap, even some of the Slytherins through their tiredness smirked as they knew a trap when they saw one, and from what they had heard of the Black Widow, they knew not to underestimate her. Many of them had the guilty thought of thinking if she was a witch, she would have been a Slytherin, especially with her trying to embarrass a Gryffindor.
Lavender, being the proud Gryffindor she was, crossed her arms and said, "deal. Go on then".
Natasha took a few steps back and said, "okay, an easy one". Natasha then did a full backflip without even touching the floor and had executed and landed it perfectly. Natasha then crossed her arms like Lavender did, but Lavender no longer smiled and her arms were no longer crossed. "Thought so" Natasha said as she turned, "5 points from Gryffindor". No one felt bad for Lavender, she should have known better when she found out who the Avengers were, pureblood or not she was told about them in detail in their other classes.
"Follow me," Clint said and they all went inside the castle. They remained on the first floor to the east side of the castle till they came to two large doors, they pushed them open and it became a gym. The students only ever seeing this room empty as it used to be used for the balls they had hundreds of years ago, but that became a thing of the past.
The room was lit perfectly, soft mats were on the floor, so they couldn't get hurt anywhere and mats on the walk up to ten feet tall. The room had multiple apparatuses that most of the students hadn't seen before let alone knew what to do with. There were multiple yoga balls on a wall in one corner, bosu balance trainers, hurdles, balancing beams, clinging frames, punching bags, stepping steps, skipping ropes, heavy foam rollers, resistance bands, dumbbells of all different sizes, kettle bells, punching bags, power racks with weights, circuit trainers, ab benches, and even a rock climbing wall on one of the walls with ropes dangling from the ceiling and the mats much bigger and thicker at the bottom. In the centre of the room, however, was the boxing ring.
Everyone came in and Clint and Natasha stood on the boxing ring as Natasha said, "everything in here works in your world, nothing electrical. If you could have electricity, you'd have a lot more stuff. This was donated to the school by us and it'll be here when we leave. You're allowed to come in here when there isn't a lesson and work out, if you want to, but know this: the headmaster has placed spells on the room so whoever enters, your name is put down in a book that we have. If you do anything stupid in here or unsafe, you'll immediately be getting a month's worth of detention and a trip to the headmaster".
Clint clapped his hands together and said, "okay so first term, you're going to be getting into shape. In a few months, you'll be able to run around the castle without getting tired. Now, some of the machinery in here is dangerous, so that's why there're signs and posters everywhere explaining how to work them. Also signs on how to use the equipment and moves you can do on stuff like the yoga balls. If you wanna climb the climbing wall, inform us first so we can show you how to tie the rope".
"When do we learn how to fight?" Blaise Zabini Slytherin, asked.
"Not for a couple of months, none of you are ready. You're not nearly fit enough or agile enough to learn to fight yet. Split up, get going".
Immediately everyone split up and went to a station they thought looked good. Natasha saw two Slytherin boys were at the power rack but didn't know what to do. She walked over and said, "names?"
Natasha remembered them from the list, Vincent and Gregory. She nodded and said, "let me show you how it works. Goyle, you lie down on the bench, head facing upwards".
He did just that as Natasha put the rack on the stand and looked at Goyle for a moment, thinking about how much he could pick up. She put on the weights and said, "okay, listen carefully because if you do this wrong or drop it on yourself, you could get seriously hurt or die. Now, this is called a power rack, helps make you stronger and build up muscle in your arms. This is called a barbell, it's what you'll be holding on to. These are the weights, you put them on either side. If you think the weights are too easy, go up in numbers on the weights but start off slow. You go up too quickly, you'll hurt yourself. Now when it comes to this, you have to have someone with you at all times, just in case you drop it or it's too heavy. When you put it back, you make sure it's on these locks here so it's safe for you to move. Okay, Crabbe, come here".
Crabbe came around to the back and stood where Natasha was, she continued, "Goyle is going to lift it with his hands like this," Natasha showed him where it put his hands, "and you are going to have your hands just slightly under his in case he drops it or finds it too difficult for you to help him, okay?"
"Yeah," Crabbe said.
"Okay, Goyle, go". Goyle lifted it up and grunted at first as he brought it down and then back up, but he then began to do it quicker and easier until both boys were smiling and Goyle even let off a small laugh. "That's it, good job..." she then said quietly, "now, I've read about the two of you and some trouble you cause in your files. Let me tell you this, the Avengers hate bullying. If I find out you use any technique we teach you in here against the other kids, you'll be banned from here and the consequences will be severe, do you understand?" They nodded. "Words".
"Yes, Professor," they both said.
"Good," Natasha said, "a little advice, exercise is a good way to let off stress. You ever get angry, just come here and punch it off on the bags or something, okay?" They nodded, "good," she said and left them to help the other students.
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