《The Unknown》Chapter 18: Professor Odin and Rogers
As everyone headed back to the castle after their Herbology lesson, Dahlia quickly got something to eat knowing her detention would start soon, but that wasn't before she passed Angelina Johnson, the new Quidditch Captain for Gryffindor. Apparently, she had heard about the week-long detention and wasn't impressed that Dahlia would miss Friday's Keeper trials, but she knew Professor Umbridge wouldn't change the date, so she didn't argue about it.
A few minutes before she was due at the Toad's office, she set off and got there just in time. Knocking on the door, a sugary voice said, "come in," that made Dahlia cringe.
The room was different than she had ever seen it. When Gilderoy Lockhart had been Professor, his office would have been littered with pictures and portraits of himself. When it came to Lupin, it was likely you would see some fascinating Dark Arts creatures in a cage. When it came to the imposter Moody, or should she say Barty Crouch Jr., it had been packed with instruments and artefacts for the detection of wrongdoing and concealment. Now, however, the surface had been laced in lacy covers and cloths, there were several vases filled with flowers while one wall held ornamental plates, each with a kitten with a bow on. Dahlia couldn't help but focus on them and how disturbing it was to have them in the castle, let alone the room of the DADA teacher. Professor Umbridge interrupted her thoughts and spoke, "good evening, Miss Potter".
"Evening," Dahlia said as Professor Umbridge then gestured to a chair to sit that was at a small table with a lace tablecloth next to the Professor's desk. A piece of parchment lay there, she knew it was for her.
"Now, you're going to be doing lines for me, Miss Potter. Here you go," Professor Umbridge handed Dahlia a thin black quill with a rather large sharp point, uncommon for a quill. "I want you to write 'I must not tell lies'".
"How many times?" Dahlia asked with sticky politeness she knew would irritate Professor Umbridge.
"As long as it takes for the message to sink in," she said sweetly as she sat back down at her desk, looking through essays to mark.
"I haven't got any ink".
"You won't need it," she answered with a small laugh that confused Dahlia but also intrigued her as to why.
Dahlia placed the quill onto the paper and wrote the words: I must not tell lies. An aching feeling then began to appear on her hand and turned from an ache into a pain. Dahlia gasped and quickly dropped the quill to look at her hand. The ink of the parchment was red, and on her hand, were the words she had just written. Her skin turned raw around the words, but a layer of skin had already appeared over it.
She glanced up towards Professor Umbridge and the woman was smiling sweetly, "yes?"
"Nothing," Dahlia almost sneered and looked back down and continued with her lines. Again, and again she wrote them, until the windows turned black by nightlight. She could sense Professor Umbridge looking at her, she knew that the Professor was watching for any sign of weakness, but Dahlia refused to give any. Akio taught her that once you showed weakness, it could be used against you by any enemy; she took his words to heart.
"Come here," Professor Umbridge finally said after hours. Dahlia did as she requested and walked towards the desk, her hand shaking on the way and she tried to stop it but couldn't. "Hand," Professor Umbridge said as she held out her own.
Dahlia raised hers towards the toad-like woman and Professor Umbridge gripped it, Dahlia had to repress a shudder as she rubbed her thumb over the marks. The ugly rings she wore were digging into her skin that was already red and painful
"Tut tut, I don't seem to have made much of an impression yet," she said smiling, "we'll just have to try again tomorrow evening. You may go now".
Dahlia snatched her hand back and wanted to glare at the woman but knew it would only add days onto her detention. Dahlia grabbed her bag and left the office without a word. She didn't get very far before she was looking down at her hand and bumped into someone. Both fell but while her bag fell to the floor, so did various objects such as screwdriver, a phone, and some device she wasn't familiar with but looked like a power cell.
"Sorry there, kid".
Dahlia recognised the voice and looked up to see Professor Tony Stark, aka Iron man. "It's alright," she said as she handed him his screwdriver and stood up.
As he was passed the screwdriver he saw the words on her hand and said seriously, "hey, who did this to you?"
Dahlia immediately became stiff as she covered up her and said, "it doesn't matter, forget about it". She then walked around him quickly and when she got to the bottom of the corridor, she ran.
Tony, not fully understanding what just happened, looked back the way she came from and saw the DADA teacher stood at her door smiling as she let off a small laugh and disappeared. There was something off about her that Tony disliked, as was seeing a child with marked words on her hand.
Tony went back to his room, or the Avengers wing as it was. Like each of the Hogwarts houses, the Avengers were given a painting, which had a common room and five bedrooms as Dumbledore presumed they'd want to be alone but also have somewhere secure to talk. He entered the room and saw that Natasha was reading a book, while Clint was sharpening his arrows, Steve was drawing, Thor was eating, and Bruce was looking over notes for their classes.
Bruce was the first to notice Tony and said, "where've you been?"
Tony put his stuff down on the table and said, "thought being at different areas of the castle might make my technology work. Doesn't matter. Listen, I know that we're not supposed to get involved with how this school works but what do you think about child abuse?"
Those two words got everyone's attention as they all put everything down and looked to Tony. Natasha said, "excuse me?" And placed a hand over Clint's. Her and Clint especially didn't like the subject of child abuse because of his father and the Red Room.
"I've just bumped into some girl and I saw words carved into her hand, then she ran off and that teacher, the one dressed all in pink-"
"Professor Umbridge," Bruce said.
"Yeah, whatever, was stood at the door smiling and laughing".
"You don't think this is normal, do you?" Bruce asked.
Thor commented, "harming your young is frowned upon throughout all of the nine realms. They are the future and should be treated with respect".
Steve was silent for a moment before he said, "like we were told, we can't intervene. But we can't let that happen again. Observe for now and if we see it happen, intervene".
They all nodded, rather hesitantly at that, not liking the idea of children being hurt but not knowing enough about the wizarding world to know if they accepted that type of punishment or not. They wouldn't accept it if they saw it again, even if it could potentially compromise their mission.
As the days and lessons went by, Dahlia found that the detentions got worse. The cuts got deeper as they didn't have time to heal properly and she came under the realisation that it would scar. The scars became more irritated quickly and soon were red and inflamed. She still never let Professor Umbridge see her pain, knowing that it was the satisfaction the woman wanted that Dahlia would not give her. She hadn't informed her sister or her father yet of Professor Umbridge's detentions. She had told them about her but if she informed them what Professor Umbridge was doing to her, she knew her sister would appear in front of the school, Avengers be damned, and make a point to make sure Professor Umbridge never hurt her again. Dahlia just prayed that her grandparents hadn't been looking through their looking glass, remembering that they said they'd be watching over her. Quidditch had suffered as Angelina was upset that Dahlia wouldn't be there for the Quidditch trials but it was useless arguing, so Dahlia just let her rant on and on without saying a word.
Her homework, as well as her training, began to suffer as Professor Umbridge didn't give her enough time to do anything. Dahlia was using whatever breaks she had to do her homework and apart from the second night at Hogwarts, she hadn't managed to practise on her mind blocking spell or any other spells and enchantments with her Aesir magic. She had to do homework late at night, which meant she couldn't wake up early to go running so she felt even more drained than before. She began to lie when it came to her homework, she lied on her Divination dreams, rushed the sketches that were needed for Care of Magical Creatures, and was the worst at the vanquishing spell as she didn't have time to practise.
Thursday finally came with the first lessons with the Avengers. Dahlia never thought she was as nervous because the first lesson was with Professor Steve Rogers and Professor Thor Odinson, the man she never wanted to meet. Walking into the History of muggles and realms room, it was set out just like the rest of the classes with tables and chairs in rows and a blackboard at the front of the class with the Professors names written on it. There was also a projector and a screen too.
Of course, the class was larger than their others as it was usually two houses sharing a class but when it came to the new classes, all four houses would be going to the same classes at the same time. Dahlia took a deep breath and sat next to Hermione in the second row, while Ron sat next to Neville who was next to them. Of course, most of the Slytherins sat in the same row at the back, clearly not wanting to be near the Muggles, or Asgardian in Thor's case.
Steve stepped forward first and introduced himself, "I'm Professor Steve Rogers, this is Professor Thor Odinson. We're going to be teaching you Muggle history but a little bit more interesting because we're not just going to be teaching you about this world".
Many of the students began to look at each other in confusion so Thor answered, "your world is not the only one. Many of you in here may not know but I am not from this world. I am from a realm called Asgard".
"Like from mythology?" Millicent Bulstrode asked, she was born into a half-blood family but with pureblood values, not knowing much about the world outside of her own.
"That is correct. I am over 3000 years old. I once visited your world in my younger years and I met a very powerful wizard by the name of Merlin. My mother too practises sorcery but differently and she was always intrigued by Midgardian magic".
The children began to whisper amongst themselves that they were in the presence of someone that not only met Merlin but was classed as a god, the god of thunder at that. Steve said, "in case you don't know, Midgard is what people in other realms call earth. Now, we know that there are some of you...maybe many of you at that, which believe we don't belong".
"More like tainting the school," Draco mumbled and the Slytherins around him laughed.
Steve heard him, however, with his heightened senses and pointed to him, "name?"
"Draco Malfoy, heir to the great and noble house of Malfoy," Draco said proudly.
"Okay, Draco, just so you know, I'm not like other humans, I'm enhanced. Today's lesson, we'll just be telling you about the Avengers, why we are who we are to see if you think we're worthy to be here. Put your hand up, if you know about the battle of New York, and I mean facts etc.".
Only half the class put their hands up, all the Muggle-borns and half of the half-bloods, while everyone else had obviously been told about it but didn't know it in enough detail which Steve was asking for. Steve walked past them all to the projector as Thor pulled the screen down and a picture of the Avengers appeared.
"In our group we have Thor Odinson, god of thunder from the realm of Asgard".
Thor said, "I have visited your world many times but was banished here by my father 14 years ago to learn and I have lost my powers. During that time, I learned from Midgardians and even met the woman who would become my wife, Lady Jane. I became allies with Midgard and gave my word to protect it. During that time, there was an attack. My brother had sent the Destroyer to kill me".
Steve switched the image to one which was of the Destroyer and everyone could see the destruction it made around it. Fay put her hand up and asked, "why did your brother want you dead?"
"Loki wanted the throne of Asgard and believed to get that, I had to die. I fought the Destroyer and got my powers back, but I had to return to Asgard to defeat my brother. He wanted to destroy the realm Jotunheim, the realm of the frost giants, and to stop him, I had to destroy the Bifröst. It is a bridge that we use to travel between realms. My brother fell that day and we thought he died, until the battle of New York".
Dahlia couldn't help but clench her fists as Thor had missed out half the story. He never mentioned her siblings, the fact that Odin had taken her father from his world, had favoured Thor all those years, and was going to use Loki when it suited him best. It was no wonder everyone hated her father, when Thor wasn't telling the full story.
"Our next Avenger is Robert 'Bruce' Banner," Steve said and the image changed to one of Bruce in the lab. "He's a scientist in the field of biochemistry, nuclear physics, and gamma radiation. He'll explain what they are in his lesson. He attempted to create a super soldier serum for the army, it had been done before and they were trying to replicate it. In doing so, he became exposed to radiation. Radiation can change your cells, your blood, and that's what happened to him".
An image of the Hulk then appeared and most of the class gasped.
"This is him when he gets angry, we call him the Hulk. I warn everyone in the class, don't make him angry, sometimes he can lose control. For years he ran, afraid of hurting people, afraid of the government using him. When the battle of New York happened, he returned to help".
Steve then changed the image and on came Natasha and Clint from the battle of New York, Thor said, "the lady Natasha is a brave and fearless warrior. From being a young girl, she was trained in the art of battle and deception. Her partner, Clint, followed a similar path. Trained from a young age to never miss his mark. They both worked for an organisation and used their skills for missions until the battle". They couldn't really say much about Natasha and Clint because most of it was classified information. They couldn't talk about the circus or him being abused by his father, they couldn't talk about the Red Room or what Clint and Natasha did after they were recruited by SHIELD, that was basically most of their life.
Steve changed the image to Tony and said, "Anthony 'Tony' Stark is a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, as he describes himself".
Some people on the room laughed at his description.
"He's a genius and for many years created weapons of war, can anyone tell me the name he got?"
Hermione out her hand up and answered, "the Merchant of Death, because the weapons he made killed thousands".
"Correct. The weapons he made caused deaths around the world until one day, when he was attacked in Afghanistan, he saw that his own weapons were being used by the enemy and changed. He almost died and only survived because he has an energy source in his chest".
"Muggle technology doesn't work here though," Dean Thomas said.
"Correct, but the energy source, the arch reactor, does. It's beyond its time in technology, and Professor Stark is trying to make sure electronics work".
"You mean to tell me we could have phones here soon?" Justin asked excited, as were the other Muggle-borns, and some half-bloods, who lived in the Muggle world.
Steve couldn't help but shake his head slightly as all teenagers were the same when it came to their phones, no matter the world they lived in. Steve continued, "possibly. He decided to make peace, so he created the Iron Man suit", an image then came on with Tony in his suit. "Professor Stark will explain his suit as many of you in here won't understand half of what's in there. He tried to make peace with the wars that no magical people have and used the technology to do that. He continued to do that and more, such as creating green energy, so it doesn't damage the environment".
A picture of Steve then came on the screen, of him in World War 2. Steve didn't like talking about himself, he thought it was weird and self-centred, but he knew he had to. "Finally, me. I go by Captain America. I was originally born on July 4th, 1918 and when World War 2 came, I wanted to join. I underwent a serum, the same one Professor Banner tried to recreate, but this was the original. It made me stronger, faster, more agile, my senses heightened. I fought, but an organisation called Hydra were creating weapons that weren't of this world for the war. I fought a man on a plane called the Valkyrie and they had bombs on the planes which were going to crash into America and kill millions. I had to crash the plane and it froze over, leaving me frozen for 66 years before they found me and unfroze me. The world was hard to get used to at first but not long later, the battle of New York happened".
Numerous pictures then appeared on the screen, showing the portal, aliens, Loki, and the damage that was New York. "What're they?" Susan Bones asked nervously looking at the aliens.
"They're called the Chitaruri," Thor answered, "an enhanced species operating under a hive mind".
"This is when it was released to the world that we weren't alone," Steve said. "We know there are witches and wizards and everything in your world but there're other worlds out there. Other beings that are stronger than us, than you, and these particular beings thought it was time for us to fight".
"Loki," Thor said gesturing to the image of his brother, "opened the portal and brought the Chitaruri, wanting to take your world. The Avengers were brought together as earth's last defence to fight the battles no one could. Hundreds died, and we live with that on our conscious, but we defeated the Chitaruri. Stark flew a weapon into the portal and the Chitaruri fell, the hive mind destroyed".
"Loki was captured and returned to Asgard where he is in prison," Steve said, "months went by in repairs and the world finally accepted that we weren't alone. The Avengers remained together, and we fight when we're needed," the images then stopped as Steve returned to the front and stood next to Thor. "Any questions?"
Several hands went up into the air which was expected. Thor asked, "yes, Mr-?"
"Theodore Nott, heir of the noble and ancient house of Nott. My question is, if this was so important, if it was so big, why didn't we hear about it? It must not have been that important".
Both Steve, Thor, and the other Avengers had that all week. They could tell quickly who the students were that felt they were superior because they announced their titles, announced that they were from an ancient and noble house and sometimes, if they were the heir. They knew the children were trying to state their authority and who they thought was superior.
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