《The Unknown》Chapter 6: Death at the Dinner Table
Hela had left the council and didn't have long to change before she met with her little sister. The council was a group of 100 men, women and even the odd child who studied the cultures and lands of all the nine realms. They dedicated eternity to learning about the realms so that as times changes, as cultures evolve and die out, they would be aware of it. Each person had their select area of expertise and when Hela was in doubt or questioned her actions, she would turn to the council to offer advice and wisdom. Hela created the council as she was still just a young girl when she took the throne and needed the guidance of others when it came to issues that she was not aware of due to inexperience, but over time even with the experience in many areas, they helped and guided Hela when it seems her judgment may be clouded by other factors. Overall, the council was built on the foundation of having the best interest of Niflheim at heart and they continued to do so a thousand years on. The council were beginning to share their worries on Voldemort as he had avoided death but none knew how. They all remembered the souls that came through in the first war, even the children, and none wanted it to happen again. Hela assured them that the war wouldn't last as long as the last because she'll find him. But even that worried them as they all remembered what happened the last time.
Hela was ten minutes late to meeting her sister when she walked into the throne room and immediately said, "I am so sorry. The council meeting ran longer than expected so I only had a short time to change".
"It's fine, Hela".
Hela nodded to Eva as Eva bowed and left, knowing that she wasn't needed anymore. Hela and Dahlia linked arms and began to walk out of the throne room as Hela said, "Dahlia, I'm going to take you outside and show you around but you remember what I said about people here. Not everyone is from Midgard and some look different".
"I know. You receive souls from all nine realms because they're connected, if they didn't die what Odin calls an honourable death".
"Just so you're aware. We have Jotunheim, home of the frost giants. Vanaheim, home to the Vanir. Svarthalfheim, home to the dark elves. Nidavellir, home to the dwarves. Muspelheim, home of the fire demons. Alfheim, home of the light elves. Obviously, Midgard and I don't get any souls from Asgard, even if they die of old age, Odin has ways of making sure they go to Valhalla".
"Is there never fighting?" Dahlia enquired. "I mean with the different races".
Hela nodded with a sigh, "that's why I have soldiers on the street to keep order. It's mostly just the newer ones that died, but people like Midgardians who don't know about the nine realms get told when they first come about them. It's like an induction to the afterlife," the girls laughed. "Anyway, those who don't follow the rules get sent to the south and after some time, people just learn to live with each other like they always have. It helps that there is an appointed leader to each realm here so that when I have council meetings, the leaders are also there to bring up any issues that they have. There's a peace treaty between all the realms on this realm, well when they're dead anyway". She then said quietly, "I also have it on good authority that the members of the light and dark elves and the Jotunehim leader actually have a game night".
The girls laughed once again as Dahlia said, "so you basically have peace?"
Hela shrugged, "there's the occasional fight but that gets resolved in laughter down at a tavern. Most people stick to where the rest of their kind live and only interact during the day. We do have a few mixed segments of people living together though...this is not Valhalla; not eternal peace and all that Odin preaches but it is good".
Dahlia smiled bright and said, "you've done an amazing job, have I told you that".
"Maybe once or twice," Hela teased as they were coming up to the castle entrance. "You ready?"
Dahlia nodded and immediately, a guard was at the door and bowed, "Milady's".
"Ah, Akio. Dahlia, this is Akio, he's from Vanaheim and the head commander of my army, soldiers and guards and a member of my council. If you ever want to leave the castle, I've assigned him to protect you. He's also going to be the one helping with your training".
Dahlia nodded at the middle-aged Japanese looking man who held the sword at his waist tightly and still had a hint of blue in his skin, and said, "it's nice to meet you".
Akin bowed and said, "Princess".
"Please, call me Dahlia".
Akio looked to the Queen who said, "Dahlia, Akio is older than I am. He's been here much longer. He likes to addresses people by their title, as do many here because it shows their loyalty and respect for you".
"Oh," Dahlia said not realising that she might have actually offended someone's honour by asking them to call her by her name, "address me as you wish".
"Of course, Princess," he said with a small bow.
They walked down the steps and into the courtyard with Akio not too far away from them. People were busy scurrying and working across the courtyard but that didn't stop them from pointing and whispering about the princess, how she had returned. They walked out of the castle gates to the town where the market was and Dahlia was greeted by a sight that seemed normal. Other than the people's attire and the odd species mixing together, it looked just like a busy day at the market with people trading and paying for food. She could see people from all over the realms, walking in the streets, talking and interacting with one another as if it was a normal day and Dahlia knew that if this happened on Midgard, many people would not agree to have people that were different than them. People like the Dursleys in the Muggle world and the Malfoys in the Wizarding world.
Hela noticed that Dahlia's focus was on the interactions of the people and commented, "I know the dead don't get hungry but they can still taste. Other than the fact they'll never age, they do what they did back in their own realm. They get bored if they don't work. I'll teach you about the currency so you can buy things. But right now, if you see anything, just tell me..."
A little girl then came up to them with a basket full of flowers and handed one to Dahlia. Dahlia smiled and said, "thank you" and couldn't help but notice the pointy ears.
"Anything for the Princess," she smiled then handed one to the Queen, "Queen Hela" she bowed.
Akio stayed back as everyone knew the sweet flower girl and knew she was no threat. Hela took the flower and said, "thank you, ".
Aebella curtsied once again then walked away. Hela said to her sister, "Aebella is from Alfheim".
"Light elf," Dahlia gasped realising why her ears looked different.
They then walked away but not too far before Hela said, "I believe you might know these people," as they stopped at a stall where a man and a woman were buying some rare pigment stones that Dahlia had seen back in Midgard in Diagon Alley.
The man and woman turned around and the man said, "milady," as he bowed and his wife curtsied.
Hela glanced between them and Dahlia and said, "Dahlia, this is Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel".
"The Philosopher's stone," Dahlia gasped.
"Yes," Nicolas said, "my wife and I want to thank you for protecting it. We couldn't imagine what would have happened if Voldemort got his hands on it".
"You believe he's still alive?"
Pernelle said, "of course, if anyone knows what it is to be alive longer than expected, it's us".
"I'm sorry you died, that you had to destroy the Stone".
Nicolas held up his hand to stop her sounding guilty and said, "it was not your doing. Pernelle and I had actually been talking about destroying the Stone before a threat came upon it. We have lived so long, the traditions that we were born into had long since died. People didn't value the time they had and the true meaning of magic like they once did. We are happy here, where they value all traditions and customers and we can even see people we thought we'd never see again".
Nicolas then reached for his wife's hand and held it as Dahlia said, "well, I'm glad you're happy".
"Thank you," Pernelle said.
"Well," Hela spoke, "we have other places to be. I'm sure you can speak another time". The three magical beings nodded to one another, promising to speak again as Dahlia and Hela linked arms once again and walked away.
It was a further ten minutes' walk until they got to their destination outside of the market. They were walking along some house; none looking the same as the Dursley and all having their own indivisible twist to them, whether that was flowers in the garden or the colour and shape of the house.
They stopped not too far away from a two-story house painted baby blue with a white picket fence. There was an older woman in the garden tending to flowers as she shouted, "Jonathan, please bring the watering can outside. These flowers could do with a few drops".
"Coming, Violet," the man shouted from indoors.
Dahlia didn't see the man, just the woman and her face looked familiar, as if she'd seen it before. The long red hair, the hint of freckles on her nose and cheeks with her brown eyes. She isn't what you would call an elderly woman but a woman in her fifties with barely any wrinkles but still the odd few. It was then that the names clicked in her head, Johnathan and Violet. She looked to Hela, asking for confirmation "my grandparents?"
Hela nodded and said, "they died before you were born but Lily went to see them with you when you were here. Go to them".
Dahlia slowly and hesitantly walked towards them, glancing back at her sister for a moment before she opened the gate. The gate slowly opened and Violet glanced up and said "hello, my dear, what can I do for-" she stopped talking as she finally got a good look at Dahlia.
A few moments of silence passed before Violet took a step forward and raised her hands to cup Dahlia's cheeks. The elder woman had tears in her eyes and said "Dahlia, my beautiful little Dahlia".
Dahlia nodded as the elder women pulled her close and held her tightly, whimpering in her shoulder. Dahlia didn't know very much about her grandparents, just little bits that Sirius and Remus had told her when they used to visit Lily when she was younger. Petunia never spoke of them because they were proud of their freak of a daughter and Dahlia only thought they looked familiar because she had found an old photograph of them in the attic; clearly when they were much younger and her mother was a child.
"Here you go, I have-" Jonathan said as he stepped out of the house and saw his wife embracing a younger girl.
It was only when they pulled apart did he realise who the younger girl was and dropped the watering can, water spilling all over the path as he stepped quickly forward to pull his only granddaughter into a hug. Jonathan was the similar age appearance to his wife, very few wrinkles but they were still there, especially around the eyes. He also had short brown hair with the familiar green eyes that Dahlia saw every time she looked in the mirror. He shared her and her mother's green eyes.
Hela then thought it was an appropriate time to come close, which meant so did Akio and said, "Mr and Mrs Evans".
"Queen Hela, thank you for bringing her here," Violet said and opened the gate for them before she hugged the Queen.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Hela? Lily was family which also makes you family," Hela pointed out.
Violet pulled away and said, "as many times as I have to tell you to call me Violet".
Dahlia pulled away from her grandfather with tears streaming and said, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what happened to mum".
Jonathan said forcefully, "Dahlia, listen to me. It's not your fault. You didn't have any control; your mother was murdered".
"Protecting me," she almost screamed as she smacked her chest, "she'd still be alive, if it wasn't for me".
"A mother's love is powerful," Violet said, "she wanted to protect you. Our Lily was stubborn, she'd never let anything happen to you".
Dahlia gulped, "but you'll never see her again. She's not in this world".
"So?" Violet shrugged, "she's in Valhalla and has family there. Dahlia, my father was a soldier in the 60s, my grandfather a soldier in World War 2, both men died protecting others and went to Valhalla. No matter what, she's not alone".
"And I see her in you," Violet cut her off, "when I look into your eyes, your mother's eyes, I see her looking back at me. She's in all of us".
A few moments of silence passed as Violet wiped away Dahlia's tears and Jonathan suggested, "how about we go inside and have some tea?"
"That sounds like a fantastic idea," Violet said and looked to Hela who nodded.
They all went inside and sat down in the living room and drank tea, except Akio who stood near the door but did accept the offer of tea. Dahlia thought it was an amusing sight to see a soldier so stiff and alert while drinking tea out of a white tea cup.
The conversations immediately started with Lily as Dahlia wanted to know more about her mother. Jonathan started, "well she was always a quiet child, quite adventurous and wanted to explore and always be learning more. She loved to read and then when she found out she was a witch, it was a whole new world for her to explore".
Violet hummed, "of course we didn't believe her at first but we were soon proven wrong".
"Hogwarts Professors," Dahlia said knowing they go to Muggle-born houses and explain why the weird things happen and that it was accidental magic.
"Actually no. A young boy who lived not too far away told her when they were nine. He was one and so was his mother," Jonathan said.
"But," Dahlia shook her head in confusion, "the Statute of Secrecy. The boy shouldn't have told her in case she wasn't".
Violet then answered, "well Severus seemed to know what he was talking about, and his mother helped explaining and confirmed it".
"Severus? Severus Snape?" Dahlia asked hoping it wasn't.
"Yes, he was your mother's best friend for a long time. Do you know him?"
Dahlia slowly shook her head and said, "that's impossible. He's my Professor".
Jonathan said, "ah. Let me guess, potions. Severus always loved that".
Hela noticed Dahlia's reaction and said, "sister, are you okay?"
Dahlia answered, "I can't believe he knows my mother, he's never once hinted at it and he's always bad mouthing James and...the man is the meanest Professor in school. He's not nice to anybody".
Violet nodded, "he always did have it pretty hard. He didn't have the greatest home life and after he and Lily were put in separate houses, Lily said after a few years it was putting a strain on their friendship but she still had hope".
Hela added, "when I met her, she told me about him. How she still considered him one of her best friends even after the fight that happened in fifth year. She actually wanted to contact him again when she found out about you, she wanted to tell him the truth. That James was inconsiderate among other things. She even wanted him to be your godfather but it was too dangerous to ask him".
Violet and Jonathan then began to go on about tales that they had together whilst at Hogwarts and the stories Lily had told them. Dahlia, however, couldn't get Snape out of her mind. How he had never told her about her mother, how she had someone close to her that could have told her stories that no other person could about her mother, secrets only he would know, childhood hiding spots that he would know. She wasn't angry with him, just curious about why he didn't tell her.
Hela and Dahlia, along with Akio, returned to the castle later that day as the sun was setting for dinner. They had invited Violet and Jonathan but they had previous arrangements with friends of theirs from Vanaheim and promised they would see each other again soon. Walking back to the castle the majority of shops and markets had already closed as people went home. It was walking back that Dahlia saw Mareriett in the distance at the back of the castle. She couldn't see much due to the magical wall barrier her sister had placed to block it from the people's view but she could see the red sky, the fire, and the dried up Rocky Mountains that seemed inhabitable to her and it made her think: how could life be so different on either side of a barrier? The people on one side had made all the right choices in life, while the people on the other made very questionable ones which they needed to atone for, but just how different could it be?
When they reached the palace, they went straight to the dining hall and the feast looked similar to what was at Hogwarts. A male servant pulled out their chairs as they sat and poured their drinks while Eva stood to the side, waiting to be told what to do. Hela sat at the head of the table, her chair taller than the rest while Dahlia sat to her right.
Hela looked to the seat to the left and around the room, noticing how empty it was, lacking someone important. Eva noticed and walked closer, whispering, "Milady, he sent a message. He said he would be here shortly but is being delayed".
Hela nodded, "thank you, Eva," as the servant stood back to her place.
Dahlia took a sip from her goblet and smiled, "who's he?"
Hela also took a sip from her goblet and answered, "you'll find out soon. Just so you know, that's your only goblet of wine that you are having. You're only 14 and papa will kill me when he finds out. Our wine is stronger than that of Midgard so you're on water or juice after that".
Dahlia smiled and rolled her eyes as she said, "fine".
As they began to put food onto their plates and start to eat, the main doors opened and a man walked in wearing black pants with black leather hunting boots, a white long sleeve shirt and a black waist coat, holding a jacket in his hand that too was black. He had short black hair that just touched his ears, deep sky-blue eyes and held the appearance of someone of the age of 17 but Dahlia knew never to take appearance for age. The only difference in him from everyone else was that he didn't have a hint of blue in his skin, it was flawless and it showed that he was alive.
He walked to the seat at Hela's left and said, "I'm so sorry, my love. There were a few children that came through the gates that needed reassuring. They didn't have anyone so I talked to them before their induction and took them to the orphanage". He picked up her hand and kissed it before the servant pulled out his chair and he sat, "thank you".
It was only then that he noticed Dahlia sitting across from him and looked between both girls as Dahlia smiled, no, teased, "my love?" To her sister.
Hela blushed slightly and said, "don't tell papa. He'll freak and go after him".
Dahlia giggled and said, "okay. But I wanna know the story".
"You must be the great Dahlia I've heard so much about. I haven't seen you since you were a baby," he said.
Dahlia looked surprised and questioned, "why does it seem like everyone here met me as a baby?"
"Because most people did," he said, taking a drink out of his goblet.
"So, tell me," Dahlia said to her sister.
Hela replied, "this is Falcon, yes we're courting and he's also...Death".
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СоСо couple гэж мэдэх үү? Ёстой хөөрхөн шүү.
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