《The Unknown》Chapter 7: Revelation
Hela was in bed with Falcon, not going any further than lying in each other's arms. Both had nightmares of the past and Hela's consisted of being thrown out of Asgard, hearing her father scream her name and seeing Lily and Dahlia die. The guilt for not being there would always haunt her but during the year of sorrow, Falcon was a big help and they discovered that if he stayed with her while she slept, she could sleep in peace. She was still plagued with nightmares sometimes although most had passed, and sleeping in the same bed just became a casual occurrence but both knew it wouldn't go further until marriage which they didn't know if, or when, that would happen. There were times when she would dream of her real mother, Angrboda, and dream of her trying to kill her and her siblings, but that was a figment of her imagination. She was too young to remember when her mother tried to kill her, too young to remember witnessing her father killing her mother. But, she knew what happened and she wouldn't deny checking up on her mother when she came to Niflheim and wasn't surprised to see that she wasn't there. After all, her mother was born and lived on a planet just outside of the nine realms, so Hela didn't know where her soul went. It did sometimes make the goddess of death wonder, what would she say to the woman who never treated her as a daughter, the woman who tried to kill her?
She was lying in bed peacefully when she heard a scream coming from down the hall, a scream that ripped her apart and she felt like her soul had moved from the bed before her body did, she knew the scream was Dahlia's. She was out of bed and out the door, putting on her dressing gown, before Falcon even realised what was going on. The guards were running down the halls, responding to the screams and Hela blew the doors open with her magic, hitting the walls in the process to see that her sister was tossing and turning in her bed. Having a nightmare.
She ran and jumped on the bed, lifting her sister so Hela was sat behind her and wrapped her arms around her. "Shh it's okay. I'm here," Hela said and Dahlia opened her eyes crying and began to calm down. Hela nodded to the guards and said, "leave," they bowed and followed her command immediately, whereas Falcon closed one door but stood on the other side, leaning against the door frame.
"I saw him die. I keep seeing him die over and over again," Dahlia cried.
"Cedric?" Dahlia nodded. "Dahlia, I told you Cedric is in Valhalla. He died an honourable death".
"I know...but that's not all I see," she cried, "I see him, Voldemort killing people, torturing them. I can't help them, I don't know what to do".
"Shh, sleep. I promise everything will be okay. Just sleep". Dahlia snuggled into her as Hela began to sing the same song their father sang to them. As she stroked Dahlia's hair her magic worked as best as it could, putting her into a deep sleep filled with dreams, hopefully trying to send Dahlia to their world and see if their father was there.
"What are you doing?" Falcon questioned as he saw her magic at work.
"Letting her have some rest. Who knows how long these dreams will last-" she then abruptly stopped talking and pulled away slightly from Dahlia but kept her fingertips on her forehead, directly above the lightening scar. "Oh no. Please no".
"What is it?"
"Come closer," so he did. She reached out for his hand and placed his fingertips above the scar.
"What do you want me to do?" He questioned, confused at her action.
"Focus. You are Death, you can sense someone's soul. Please do this".
He did as she asked and focused, using the magic he was gifted from Death and his eyes turned fully black as he looked within to her very soul. He noticed, however, that there was a force attached to it, leaching off of it. It took him a moment to realise what it was and he pulled his hand back as if electrocuted whilst his eyes returned to normal. "Voldemort" he spat out the name.
Hela nodded, "the bastard put a piece of his soul inside my little sister".
"This hasn't happened since..."
"Before my reign. Maybe even before Alec's, I'm not sure. Herpo the Foul they called him, he's still serving his sentence in Mareritt for splitting his soul".
"I think you might want to go to the old Kings and find out what really happened, then go see him".
"I intend to," Hela said as she looked down at her little sister peacefully sleeping while stroking her hair. "I promise I'll get it out of you. I promise".
Dahlia woke up as the covers were ripped off of her and the first thing she noticed was that the sun wasn't even coming through the curtains yet. She rubbed her sleepy eyes, candles around the room already lit, and looked at the clock. It was 5am and she questioned, "Akio? What're you doing here?" The intimidating man was already dressed in armour, hand on his sword, and made Dahlia feel like she was two feet tall.
"Training begins now, Princess. You have five minutes to get dressed".
He turned to leave as she said sleepily, "training? It's not even morning yet".
Akio stood by the door but didn't turn around as he answered, "the Queen entrusted me to your training. Your time, I'm told, is limited here and you will leave learning the basics and being vigilant at all times. You now have 4 minutes and 39 seconds".
He left the room and she immediately jumped out of the bed. She got the outfit for training that Eva told her to wear: tight black pants, almost leggings, boots, and a white buttoned short sleeve shirt. She then put her hair up into a ponytail, just in time as Akio banged on the door, demanding her to come out. As she sighed, she wondered just what her sister had gotten her into. You didn't make head commander when others were older and wiser than you for nothing. Dahlia knew she was in trouble and training was going to be hard.
She left the room and before she said a word, he was walking down the hall, expecting her to follow him. It made her wonder if her sister was trained this way but then again, she was hundreds of years old when she first arrived in the land of the dead and so she probably had training before she arrived. They arrived near the armoury and entered through two large doors and what she saw before her made her sigh in despair. Different kinds of weapons filled the walls, and a ten-step assault course lay before her. It didn't look simple but it looked beatable with some training.
"On the line," Akio demanded and Dahlia saw a white line on the floor and stood on it. She stood up straight and had her hands behind her back as he paced in front of her and said, "the Queen has assigned me to train you to be the best you can be in the shortest time possible. In order to be the best, you must first learn two lessons...you will tell me what they are".
"Err-" she said unsure but he cut her off.
"Not now. You do not have the knowledge or training to know what these lessons are yet. But when you do, tell me. For now, you will do this course and complete it in the fastest time you can. Is that understood?"
"Yes, Akio".
"We do not have familiarity in this room," he shouted, "in this room I am your teacher and you will call me sir. It is outside this room that I am your protector and Akio. Is that understood?"
"Yes, sir," she said louder, wanting to prove herself. He pointed to the end of the assault course that was stepping stones in water. She nodded and walked towards them as he looked to the clock on the wall and said, "now".
She took a running start and stepped on the first stepping stone out of twelve, each at a different part of the water. She smiled when she noticed the stones were firm and in place and began to plan how she'd get across and which stones to step on quickly. She stepped on three more stones as she had planned her route but the fourth stone sank beneath her feet, plunging her into the water.
Her clothes, hair, her entire body was freezing cold from the water as she shivered, "you didn't tell me they did that".
"Again," Akio said stood in place like a perfect soldier.
She climbed out of the water and went back to the start line and at go, she started again. This time she fell on the second one. The cycle repeated itself 123 times before she finally got past the first stage. The second looked easy but she knew it wouldn't be. It was a rubble. A simple going over and under a wall, which repeated itself five times. She went over the first wall but it grew in size and threw her to the wall which was padded. She smacked the floor as Akio said, "again," and she was once more at the start. She once again struggled getting past the first stage and getting to the second because she couldn't even pass the first wall. She had been doing the assault course for four hours before she had had enough.
When he said, "again," she looked tired and weak, sweat and water drenching her. She walked towards him and said angrily, "how is this helping me? I thought you were supposed to train me to fight, not to do some stupid course".
"STOP SAYING AGAIN," she yelled in frustration, "I can't do this. Don't you understand that, haven't you seen me fail over and over again. Because in case you've forgotten, it's been 219 times that I've been thrown against a wall or into water. I'm not like you guys, I'm not strong or agile, I'm a mortal and my body isn't as resistant as yours".
Akio didn't respond, he only took her arm, pulling her towards the wall where he put her facing it and said, "stay there. Do not move, do not speak until I tell you to. Is that understood?"
Dahlia hesitated, not knowing the meaning but eventually said, "yes, sir".
That was where she stood when Hela appeared. Hela couldn't help but smile when she saw Akio sat sharpening his sword and her sister stood facing the wall. Akio stood immediately and bowed while Hela tilted her head in response and walked over to her sister. Hela leaned against the wall so her sister could glance her way and said, "how's it going?"
Dahlia glared at her and mumbled, "I hate this, it's stupid".
Hela laughed and said, "believe me, I thought the same thing. Of course, my course was slightly different than yours. The room changes itself to the person's ability, this can be beaten".
"How?" Dahlia pleaded, "I've failed 219 times and I've only got to the second point. He had me doing it for four hours and I've been stood against this wall for two more. I don't know what he wants to teach me. What are these lessons?"
"That is for you to find out".
"You may move," Akio shouted as he stood from his seat, "lesson's over for today".
Dahlia moved from the wall, stretching her arms and legs as they were stiff. She looked to the clock to see that it was 12pm, lunch time. Hela held out her hand and said, "come on. Let's get you back to your room and you can change, then we can get you something to eat". Dahlia nodded.
Dahlia was happy to be out of her wet clothes and eating. Eva shared her sympathies as she had heard how ruthless the training can be from the other soldiers. It did not seem like a thing she wanted to do. Dahlia did notice, however, that her sister seemed to be thinking of something else and tried to find out what it was, but she guessed the excuse her sister gave her of 'meetings in the day' was a lie. Dahlia did enjoy herself though when being shown the castle then more of the land by Eva, who became her guide and told her stories, with Akio following as a shadow of course.
Hela, on the other hand, was at the Castle of the Old Kings, visiting Alec. He greeted her with smiles and hugged her as he said, "my dear, it's good to see you. Come in, come in. Let's have some tea". He said gesturing her to come into his room that was more like an apartment.
They sat on his balcony, looking out to the mountains drinking tea when she said, "it is good to see you".
"You too, my dear, but I get the feeling you are here for more than visiting an old dead King," she looked up shocked, "I hear your sister has returned. I remember your heartbreak when you thought she had died, you'd be with her now if it wasn't important. I'm also guessing it has something to do with her, which is why she isn't with you".
Hela took a moment before she slowly nodded, "I want to speak to you about a soul most commonly known as Herpo the Foul. Midgardian. Ancient Greek soul. I was wondering if you knew anything".
He immediately nodded, recognising the name, "it was during my reign that he came here. Dreadful man, dark too. It consumed his entire soul which is why I sentenced him to forever remain in Mareritt. A Midgardian wizard who was hated by his people for what he did. He created a dark spell that even to this day I do not know fully how he did it, but he wanted to never die so he split his soul and put it into objects. He only ever made one and he called it a Horcrux. A vile thing that was destroyed...why do you ask about him?"
"I need your help. I need you to give me your word that what we discuss never leaves this room, I need you never to tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. You know you're like a father to me, you looked after me when my own couldn't".
"Child, calm down," he said reaching over the table to squeeze her hand. "I give you my word".
She nodded and bit her lip before she said, "Voldemort...he...he created a Horcrux. I don't know how many or where they are but one".
"It needs to be destroyed, no man or being should do that".
"You don't understand...he put it in Dahlia".
He gasped, pulling his hand away as he said, "impossible. I've never heard of such a thing being done".
Hela nodded rapidly, "it is the truth. She has a scar on her forehead that's never faded. She got it the night that Voldemort attacked, the night that many thought he died but we all know he didn't. I touched the scar using my magic and I could feel something, her soul, but tainted. Falcon also said he could sense something leaching off of it...we know what it is, we just don't know how to get rid of it".
Alec stood from his seat and began to pace up and down the balcony before he stood in the centre, leaning back against the bricked edge and sadly said, "you cannot. Herpo was a very interesting case so I did research into what he did, you have to completely destroy the object or in this case, being, that holds the Horcrux. Destroy it so much that it can't be healed. I know there are ceremonies to remove a soul from someone's body but that is to remove any trace of a soul. Using it on your sister would mean also removing her soul".
"It can't be the only way," she stood standing and looked to the mountains against the balcony. "I can't let a piece of that monster remain within her but I can't lose my sister. Not again". She turned to face Alec and leaned against the balcony with her side, "help me. You said you'd always give me guidance when asked, I'm asking. What would you do?"
"I cannot answer that, my dear. I do not have any siblings, I do not understand truly what the connection between you and your sister is. If it were anyone else, I would tell Death to take them so the twisted soul could go to Mareritt...however, this is your sister. I know you will not let any harm befall her, least of all her soul. You must decide the path yourself".
Hela sighed in disappointment, hoping that the old man would have the answers she needed. She said, "maybe Herpo can tell me something. He has been in Mareritt for a long time, maybe his attitude has changed since you were King".
"Maybe," Alec said thoughtfully as he looked at her full of sorrow, "Hela, you are an amazing Queen. I've watched you become an amazing and beautiful woman. This land you created is something that I and the other Kings never thought would happen. You created a land of peace, a place to be proud to live in...Do not let this become your new obsession. Do not fall into an abyss because of this".
"New," she spat not meaning to sound so sarcastic. "I hardly call it new. This is connected to Voldemort and he isn't a new obsession".
"I remember the last time, your obsession with him".
"He killed-"
He cut her off, "I know, everyone knows. You thought he killed your sister and he killed the only woman who's ever treated you as a daughter. Your grief and obsession sent this world into a year of darkness. Do not let this obsession rule you once again, he will come here one day. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day he will walk through the gates of Niflheim and you will win".
"Before or after my sister dies?" She questioned. "She's mortal. She has what, 80, 100 years before she dies. I want my little sister to know what life is like without that monster posing a threat".
"And she will but she wouldn't want you driving yourself crazy like this. You will figure it out but for now, spend time with your sister...now let's move on from this topic. Have some joy. Tell me about Dahlia".
Hela couldn't help but smile as she immediately jumped into describing her in appearance and in personality before telling stories about her. She even mentioned her training that morning and how Dahlia was getting easily frustrated with Akio. Alec laughed and recalled Hela's own training and her attitude towards it and couldn't help but compare the scared young girl she was to the true hearted ruler she had become.
Hela had soon found out when she returned that her sister had made quite the impression on her subjects. Dahlia enjoyed her day roaming around, discovering what Niflheim offered, but she ended up in one of the orphanages with children in from Nidavellir, home of the dwarfs. She knew immediately that their cultures were different, which is why when she told them stories did they comment with things such as "why didn't Snow White plummet the evil queen with a hammer or run her through with a sword". Dahlia didn't act surprised and didn't hesitate in answering that it was because Snow detested violence. Dahlia enjoyed spending time with the children, she felt like she could connect with them in some way as for a long time, she believed she was an orphan and had no family to care for her. She felt the need to help them in whatever way she could.
Hela was not surprised by her kind nature and especially wasn't when she saw her sister at the palace and began to speak a hundred words per minute about the children she had met and their stories. They talked for an hour or two before Hela showed her the library not too far away from their rooms. It was her office as well as her personal library unlike the one on the other side of the castle which most people could view.
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